1.) Partly Cloudy, High = 51, Low = 29
Precipitation:Rainstorm, light - amount: 3 inches, lasting: 1 hours
Movement Rate:Normal
Range of normal vision:Normal
Range of ultra- and infravision:Normal
Effect on tracking:-10%
Chance of getting lost:+Normal
Wind Speed: 7 (Wind Chill: 3 degrees colder)
2.) Cloudy, High = 48, Low = 26
Precipitation:Rainstorm, light - amount: 3 inches, lasting: 4 hours
Movement Rate:Normal
Range of normal vision:Normal
Range of ultra- and infravision:Normal
Effect on tracking:-10%
Chance of getting lost:+Normal,
continuing for 4 hours,
ending with a rainbow.
Wind Speed: 7 (Wind Chill: 3 degrees colder)
3.) Cloudy, High = 51, Low = 30
Wind Speed: 13 (Wind Chill: 14 degrees colder)
4.) Cloudy, High = 49, Low = 32
Wind Speed: 10 (Wind Chill: 14 degrees colder)
5.) Cloudy, High = 49, Low = 26
Wind Speed: 5 (Wind Chill: 3 degrees colder)
6.) Cloudy, High = 44, Low = 32
Wind Speed: 2 (Wind Chill: 2 degrees colder)
7.) Cloudy, High = 53, Low = 25
Precipitation:Rainstorm, heavy - amount: 3 inches, lasting: 1 hours
Movement Rate:F:3/4,H:normal,C:3/4
Range of normal vision:3/4
Range of ultra- and infravision:3/4
Effect on tracking:-10%/turn
Chance of getting lost:+10%
Wind Speed: 28 (Wind Chill: 32 degrees colder)
8.) Cloudy, High = 46, Low = 28
Wind Speed: 13 (Wind Chill: 14 degrees colder)
9.) Partly Cloudy, High = 47, Low = 28
Wind Speed: 14 (Wind Chill: 14 degrees colder)
10.) Clear, High = 44, Low = 30
Wind Speed: 11 (Wind Chill: 14 degrees colder)
11.) Cloudy, High = 52, Low = 32
Wind Speed: 11 (Wind Chill: 14 degrees colder)
12.) Cloudy, High = 48, Low = 32
Wind Speed: 3 (Wind Chill: 2 degrees colder)
13.) Cloudy, High = 51, Low = 30
Wind Speed: 4 (Wind Chill: 3 degrees colder)
14.) Cloudy, High = 53, Low = 28
Wind Speed: 1 (Wind Chill: 3 degrees colder)
15.) Partly Cloudy, High = 44, Low = 27
Wind Speed: 6 (Wind Chill: 3 degrees colder)
16.) Partly Cloudy, High = 47, Low = 25
Wind Speed: 4 (Wind Chill: 4 degrees colder)
17.) Partly Cloudy, High = 52, Low = 25
Wind Speed: 2 (Wind Chill: 4 degrees colder)
18.) Partly Cloudy, High = 49, Low = 32
Wind Speed: 6 (Wind Chill: 2 degrees colder)
19.) Partly Cloudy, High = 52, Low = 25
Wind Speed: 4 (Wind Chill: 4 degrees colder)
20.) Cloudy, High = 46, Low = 27
Precipitation:Hailstorm - amount: 0 inches, lasting: 3 hours
Movement Rate:All:3/4
Range of normal vision:Normal
Range of ultra- and infravision:Normal
Effect on tracking:-10%
Chance of getting lost:+10%
Wind Speed: 28 (Wind Chill: 30 degrees colder)
21.) Cloudy, High = 47, Low = 32
Wind Speed: 13 (Wind Chill: 14 degrees colder)
22.) Partly Cloudy, High = 49, Low = 26
Wind Speed: 5 (Wind Chill: 3 degrees colder)
23.) Clear, Record Highs for 1 day, High = 63, Low = 41
Wind Speed: 0
24.) Cloudy, High = 50, Low = 32
Wind Speed: 4 (Wind Chill: 2 degrees colder)
25.) Cloudy, High = 45, Low = 30
Precipitation:Thunderstorm - amount: 3 inches, lasting: 2 hours
Movement Rate:All:1/2
Range of normal vision:3/4
Range of ultra- and infravision:3/4
Effect on tracking:-10%/turn
Chance of getting lost:+10% (+30% if on horse)
Wind Speed: 40 (Wind Chill: 34 degrees colder)
26.) Cloudy, High = 52, Low = 25
Wind Speed: 12 (Wind Chill: 16 degrees colder)
27.) Cloudy, High = 53, Low = 27
Wind Speed: 10 (Wind Chill: 14 degrees colder)
28.) Cloudy, High = 50, Low = 25
Precipitation:Rainstorm, light - amount: 2 inches, lasting: 9 hours
Movement Rate:Normal
Range of normal vision:Normal
Range of ultra- and infravision:Normal
Effect on tracking:-10%
Chance of getting lost:+Normal
Wind Speed: 19 (Wind Chill: 24 degrees colder)
29.) Clear, High = 44, Low = 31
Wind Speed: 9 (Wind Chill: 2 degrees colder)
30.) Cloudy, High = 50, Low = 27
Precipitation:Rainstorm, light - amount: 2 inches, lasting: 4 hours
Movement Rate:Normal
Range of normal vision:Normal
Range of ultra- and infravision:Normal
Effect on tracking:-10%
Chance of getting lost:+Normal
Wind Speed: 20 (Wind Chill: 27 degrees colder)
1.) Cloudy, High = 58, Low = 38
Precipitation:Rainstorm, light - amount: 3 inches, lasting: 3 hours
Movement Rate:Normal
Range of normal vision:Normal
Range of ultra- and infravision:Normal
Effect on tracking:-10%
Chance of getting lost:+Normal,
continuing for 12 hours
Wind Speed: 5
2.) Partly Cloudy, High = 61, Low = 34
Wind Speed: 13 (Wind Chill: 14 degrees colder)
3.) Cloudy, High = 58, Low = 35
Precipitation:Rainstorm, light - amount: 1 inches, lasting: 3 hours
Movement Rate:Normal
Range of normal vision:Normal
Range of ultra- and infravision:Normal
Effect on tracking:-10%
Chance of getting lost:+Normal,
continuing and changing to Rainstorm, heavy - amount: 5 inches
Movement Rate:F:3/4,H:normal,C:3/4
Range of normal vision:3/4
Range of ultra- and infravision:3/4
Effect on tracking:-10%/turn
Chance of getting lost:+10% for 8 hours,
continuing for 10 hours
Wind Speed: 5 (Wind Chill: 2 degrees colder)
4.) Partly Cloudy, High = 59, Low = 35
Wind Speed: 13 (Wind Chill: 14 degrees colder)
5.) Cloudy, High = 61, Low = 40
Wind Speed: 5
6.) Partly Cloudy, High = 62, Low = 33
Precipitation:Rainstorm, light - amount: 1 inches, lasting: 5 hours
Movement Rate:Normal
Range of normal vision:Normal
Range of ultra- and infravision:Normal
Effect on tracking:-10%
Chance of getting lost:+Normal,
ending with a rainbow.
Wind Speed: 6 (Wind Chill: 2 degrees colder)
7.) Partly Cloudy, High = 59, Low = 38
Wind Speed: 2
8.) Partly Cloudy, High = 61, Low = 37
Wind Speed: 1
9.) Clear, High = 55, Low = 41
Wind Speed: 9
10.) Cloudy, High = 55, Low = 37
Wind Speed: 5
11.) Partly Cloudy, High = 56, Low = 41
Wind Speed: 10
12.) Partly Cloudy, High = 57, Low = 41
Precipitation:Rainstorm, light - amount: 2 inches, lasting: 4 hours
Movement Rate:Normal
Range of normal vision:Normal
Range of ultra- and infravision:Normal
Effect on tracking:-10%
Chance of getting lost:+Normal
Wind Speed: 2
13.) Cloudy, High = 62, Low = 38
Wind Speed: 12
14.) Cloudy, High = 61, Low = 36
Wind Speed: 12
15.) Partly Cloudy, High = 58, Low = 36
Wind Speed: 2
16.) Cloudy, High = 60, Low = 33
Precipitation:Rainstorm, heavy - amount: 5 inches, lasting: 11 hours
Movement Rate:F:3/4,H:normal,C:3/4
Range of normal vision:3/4
Range of ultra- and infravision:3/4
Effect on tracking:-10%/turn
Chance of getting lost:+10%
Wind Speed: 27 (Wind Chill: 28 degrees colder)
17.) Cloudy, High = 63, Low = 37
Precipitation:Rainstorm, light - amount: 3 inches, lasting: 6 hours
Movement Rate:Normal
Range of normal vision:Normal
Range of ultra- and infravision:Normal
Effect on tracking:-10%
Chance of getting lost:+Normal,
continuing for 12 hours
Wind Speed: 17
18.) Cloudy, Record Lows for 2 days, High = 25, Low = 7
Wind Speed: 12 (Wind Chill: 19 degrees colder)
19.) Clear, Record Lows for 1 day, High = 23, Low = 3
Wind Speed: 4 (Wind Chill: 4 degrees colder)
20.) Clear, High = 61, Low = 36
Wind Speed: 14
21.) Partly Cloudy, High = 56, Low = 36
Precipitation:Thunderstorm - amount: 3 inches, lasting: 2 hours
Movement Rate:All:1/2
Range of normal vision:3/4
Range of ultra- and infravision:3/4
Effect on tracking:-10%/turn
Chance of getting lost:+10% (+30% if on horse),
continuing for 4 hours
Wind Speed: 20
22.) Cloudy, High = 58, Low = 37
Wind Speed: 12
23.) Partly Cloudy, High = 55, Low = 32
Precipitation:Thunderstorm - amount: 5 inches, lasting: 1 hours
Movement Rate:All:1/2
Range of normal vision:3/4
Range of ultra- and infravision:3/4
Effect on tracking:-10%/turn
Chance of getting lost:+10% (+30% if on horse)
Wind Speed: 18 (Wind Chill: 19 degrees colder)
24.) Clear, High = 63, Low = 35
Wind Speed: 2 (Wind Chill: 2 degrees colder)
25.) Partly Cloudy, Record Lows for 6 days, High = 31, Low = 8
Wind Speed: 12 (Wind Chill: 19 degrees colder)
26.) Partly Cloudy, Record Lows for 5 days, High = 25, Low = 7
Wind Speed: 14 (Wind Chill: 19 degrees colder)
27.) Clear, Record Lows for 4 days, High = 30, Low = 7
Wind Speed: 2 (Wind Chill: 3 degrees colder)
28.) Partly Cloudy, Record Lows for 3 days, High = 30, Low = 4
Wind Speed: 7 (Wind Chill: 3 degrees colder)
29.) Clear, Record Lows for 2 days, High = 24, Low = 4
Wind Speed: 12 (Wind Chill: 19 degrees colder)
30.) Partly Cloudy, Record Lows for 1 day, High = 29, Low = 8
Wind Speed: 7 (Wind Chill: 3 degrees colder)
31.) Partly Cloudy, High = 57, Low = 38
Precipitation:Thunderstorm - amount: 6 inches, lasting: 2 hours
Movement Rate:All:1/2
Range of normal vision:3/4
Range of ultra- and infravision:3/4
Effect on tracking:-10%/turn
Chance of getting lost:+10% (+30% if on horse)
Wind Speed: 12
1.) Clear, High = 70, Low = 44
Precipitation:Thunderstorm - amount: 3 inches, lasting: 1 hours
Movement Rate:All:1/2
Range of normal vision:3/4
Range of ultra- and infravision:3/4
Effect on tracking:-10%/turn
Chance of getting lost:+10% (+30% if on horse)
Wind Speed: 32
2.) Cloudy, High = 70, Low = 48
Wind Speed: 10
3.) Partly Cloudy, Record Highs for 3 days, High = 113, Low = 95
Precipitation:Tropical storm - amount: 2 inches/day, lasting: 2 days
Movement Rate:F:1/4,H:1/4,C:no
Range of normal vision:1/2
Range of ultra- and infravision:1/2
Effect on tracking:Not possible
Chance of getting lost:+30%
Wind Speed: 37
4.) Clear, Record Highs for 2 days, High = 120, Low = 93
Precipitation:Tropical storm - amount: 2 inches/day, lasting: 2 days
Movement Rate:F:1/4,H:1/4,C:no
Range of normal vision:1/2
Range of ultra- and infravision:1/2
Effect on tracking:Not possible
Chance of getting lost:+30%
Wind Speed: 37
5.) Cloudy, Record Highs for 1 day, High = 115, Low = 97
Wind Speed: 11
6.) Cloudy, High = 72, Low = 49
Precipitation:Thunderstorm - amount: 5 inches, lasting: 4 hours
Movement Rate:All:1/2
Range of normal vision:3/4
Range of ultra- and infravision:3/4
Effect on tracking:-10%/turn
Chance of getting lost:+10% (+30% if on horse)
Wind Speed: 18
7.) Cloudy, High = 67, Low = 44
Wind Speed: 7
8.) Cloudy, High = 67, Low = 48
Wind Speed: 0
9.) Clear, High = 66, Low = 45
Wind Speed: 11
10.) Cloudy, High = 66, Low = 49
Wind Speed: 9
11.) Partly Cloudy, High = 69, Low = 49
Wind Speed: 1
12.) Partly Cloudy, High = 69, Low = 48
Wind Speed: 13
13.) Partly Cloudy, High = 67, Low = 49
Precipitation:Thunderstorm - amount: 8 inches, lasting: 1 hours
Movement Rate:All:1/2
Range of normal vision:3/4
Range of ultra- and infravision:3/4
Effect on tracking:-10%/turn
Chance of getting lost:+10% (+30% if on horse)
Wind Speed: 25
14.) Cloudy, High = 66, Low = 48
Wind Speed: 6
15.) Clear, High = 67, Low = 46
Wind Speed: 12
16.) Partly Cloudy, High = 65, Low = 49
Precipitation:Tropical storm - amount: 6 inches/day, lasting: 1 days
Movement Rate:F:1/4,H:1/4,C:no
Range of normal vision:1/2
Range of ultra- and infravision:1/2
Effect on tracking:Not possible
Chance of getting lost:+30%
Wind Speed: 35
17.) Cloudy, High = 70, Low = 49
Wind Speed: 7
18.) Clear, High = 65, Low = 49
Precipitation:Rainstorm, light - amount: 1 inches, lasting: 8 hours
Movement Rate:Normal
Range of normal vision:Normal
Range of ultra- and infravision:Normal
Effect on tracking:-10%
Chance of getting lost:+Normal,
continuing for 9 hours,
continuing for 2 hours
Wind Speed: 11
19.) Cloudy, High = 67, Low = 44
Wind Speed: 3
20.) Partly Cloudy, High = 68, Low = 48
Wind Speed: 13
21.) Partly Cloudy, Record Lows for 3 days, High = 45, Low = 24
Precipitation:Fog, Heavy - amount: 0 inches, lasting: 5 hours
Movement Rate:All:1/4
Range of normal vision:2'
Range of ultra- and infravision:1/2
Effect on tracking:-60%
Chance of getting lost:+50%
Wind Speed: 5 (Wind Chill: 4 degrees colder)
22.) Clear, Record Lows for 2 days, High = 41, Low = 25
Wind Speed: 9 (Wind Chill: 4 degrees colder)
23.) Clear, Record Lows for 1 day, High = 42, Low = 22
Wind Speed: 13 (Wind Chill: 16 degrees colder)
24.) Cloudy, High = 70, Low = 48
Wind Speed: 2
25.) Cloudy, High = 72, Low = 45
Wind Speed: 10
26.) Partly Cloudy, High = 69, Low = 48
Wind Speed: 2
27.) Partly Cloudy, High = 70, Low = 48
Precipitation:Drizzle - amount: 1 inch, lasting: 2 hours
Movement Rate:Normal
Range of normal vision:Normal
Range of ultra- and infravision:Normal
Effect on tracking:Normal
Chance of getting lost:Normal
Wind Speed: 3
28.) Cloudy, High = 69, Low = 47
Precipitation:Tropical storm - amount: 3 inches/day, lasting: 2 days
Movement Rate:F:1/4,H:1/4,C:no
Range of normal vision:1/2
Range of ultra- and infravision:1/2
Effect on tracking:Not possible
Chance of getting lost:+30%
Wind Speed: 44
29.) Partly Cloudy, High = 67, Low = 48
Precipitation:Tropical storm - amount: 3 inches/day, lasting: 2 days
Movement Rate:F:1/4,H:1/4,C:no
Range of normal vision:1/2
Range of ultra- and infravision:1/2
Effect on tracking:Not possible
Chance of getting lost:+30%
Wind Speed: 44
30.) Clear, High = 68, Low = 46
Wind Speed: 3