2 females (2 concubines in #12)
Viola Chaney rescued from #12-t
Total: 5/51 orcs.
Grulgozz, 2 concubines, and his remaining 2 orc warriors fled through hidden exit at 12-S, leaving Viola tied up in 12-t.
Upon entering, the party will see that the
wall 30' to the north is decorated with heads and skulls (human, bullywug, goblin, gnome) in various stages of decay. These cheerful greetings are placed in niches which checker about 100 square feet of the surface of the wall. Close inspection will show that one is orcish (see g. below). Sounds of activity can be heard from the west, but all is quiet to the east. Area g: This narrowing area is a guard post, the watcher(1 Orc (RETCHING): AC 6, HD 1, hp 1/5, #AT 1, D 1-8 scimitar, MV
(40'), Save F 1, ML 8) having a small, window
like opening from which he can observe the
entrance to the lair. A piece of gray canvas
behind gives the impression that the guard's
head is another of the ghastly trophies which
decorate the wall. If adventurers enter, he will
quickly duck down, slipping a goblin head
into the place his own was, and alert the orcs
at 7.
7. GUARD ROOM:0/4 orcs: (AC 7, HD 1, hp 5 each, #AT 1,
D 1-8, MV (40'), Save F 1, ML 8). These guards are armed
with 2-h spears. Each carries one for hurling (d6) and one to
melee with. They have d8 electrum pieces each. When
alerted, they will rush to engage intruders, raising the
alarm when they see them. There is nothing of value in
their chamber, there being only pallets and shabby
clothing hanging on pegs.
8. The watcher (g.) will alert the1/4 orc guards (ATTACKING SORROW) here (AC 6 w shield hp 5 THAC0 19 dam 1d8 scimitar or 1d6 spear; who will rush west and then south to flank
or surround intruders threatening area 7. or 9. or approaching their own quarters.
9. BANQUET AREA: There is a great fireplace on the south
wall and many tables and benches in this 30' x 50'
chamber - the table at the north end having a large
chair at its head where the orc leader usually holds
court. The place is empty of ores although there is a
small fire of charcoal burning in the fireplace.
10. COMMON ROOM: Here are quartered2/12 male orcs (2 RETREATED NORTH)
(AC 6, HD 1, hp 5 each, #AT 1, D 1d8 scimitar or d6 spear, Save F 1, ML 8) and
18 females (16 RETCHING 2 RETREAT WEST) fight as goblin AC 10 hd1-1 hp 4 D 1d6) and 9 young (7 RETCHING 1 RETREAT WEST) fight as kobold, AC 10 hd 1/2 hp 3 D 1d4). The males have 2d6 silver pieces each, the others have nothing of
worth. The few furnishings in the room are likewise of no
11. STORAGE CHAMBER: The door is locked. Amidst the
stacks and heaps of supplies here (see 3., above), there
are 3 shields, 17 spears. and 2 battle axes in excellent
condition. A small crate In the far northeast corner contains a long-forgotten crossbow and 60 bolts. There is
nothing else of value In the place.
12. ORC LEADER'S ROOM: This large creature is clad in rusty
bandmail, has a dwarven shield +1 (so AC 2/4) and carries a heavy flail. The orc chief (RETCHING)
fights/saves as a 4 hit dice monster THAC0 16, has 10/18 hit points, and with STR 18
adds + 2 to damage he causes when successfully striking an opponent with flail (thus, 1d6+3 points of damage). This is due to his strength and skill. He carries 31 gold pieces,
and wears a gold nose ring set with a large emerald (total value 700 g .p .)
The room is carpeted, has tapestries upon the walls
(note one of these covers the entrance to the small
cove to the west), and battered but still serviceable
furniture and a cot. His two mates sleep on cushions at
the foot of his resting place. The two orc females in the
place fight as males (AC 7, HD 1, hp 4 each, #AT 1, D 1-6,
Save F 1, ML 8), and each has 2d6 gold pieces on her
person. GM: These 2 orcs fled Elmo and escaped back west.
The chests and other furniture have nothing of
value. It hard pressed, the leader will wiggle behind the
tapestries on the south wall and attempt to work the
catch on the secret door to the south and escape outside to a hidden crevasse, but his very life must be in great peril before he will do so. (Adventurers can only spring this catch by rolling a 1 (on a d6) twice in a row. or having two characters do so simultaneously.)
![]() |
Entry |
Upon entering, the party will see that the
wall 30' to the north is decorated with heads and skulls (human, bullywug, goblin, gnome) in various stages of decay. These cheerful greetings are placed in niches which checker about 100 square feet of the surface of the wall. Close inspection will show that one is orcish (see g. below). Sounds of activity can be heard from the west, but all is quiet to the east. Area g: This narrowing area is a guard post, the watcher
like opening from which he can observe the
entrance to the lair. A piece of gray canvas
behind gives the impression that the guard's
head is another of the ghastly trophies which
decorate the wall. If adventurers enter, he will
quickly duck down, slipping a goblin head
into the place his own was, and alert the orcs
at 7.
melee with. They have d8 electrum pieces each. When
alerted, they will rush to engage intruders, raising the
alarm when they see them. There is nothing of value in
their chamber, there being only pallets and shabby
clothing hanging on pegs.
8. The watcher (g.) will alert the
or surround intruders threatening area 7. or 9. or approaching their own quarters.
9. BANQUET AREA: There is a great fireplace on the south
wall and many tables and benches in this 30' x 50'
chamber - the table at the north end having a large
chair at its head where the orc leader usually holds
court. The place is empty of ores although there is a
small fire of charcoal burning in the fireplace.
10. COMMON ROOM: Here are quartered
worth. The few furnishings in the room are likewise of no
11. STORAGE CHAMBER: The door is locked. Amidst the
stacks and heaps of supplies here (see 3., above), there
are 3 shields, 17 spears. and 2 battle axes in excellent
condition. A small crate In the far northeast corner contains a long-forgotten crossbow and 60 bolts. There is
nothing else of value In the place.
and wears a gold nose ring set with a large emerald (total value 700 g .p .)
![]() |
The room is carpeted, has tapestries upon the walls
(note one of these covers the entrance to the small
cove to the west), and battered but still serviceable
furniture and a cot. His two mates sleep on cushions at
the foot of his resting place. The two orc females in the
place fight as males (AC 7, HD 1, hp 4 each, #AT 1, D 1-6,
Save F 1, ML 8), and each has 2d6 gold pieces on her
person. GM: These 2 orcs fled Elmo and escaped back west.
![]() |
Viola |
value. It hard pressed, the leader will wiggle behind the
tapestries on the south wall and attempt to work the
catch on the secret door to the south and escape outside to a hidden crevasse, but his very life must be in great peril before he will do so. (Adventurers can only spring this catch by rolling a 1 (on a d6) twice in a row. or having two characters do so simultaneously.)
Area t: This alcove is used by the orc leader to store
arms and treasure.
platinum pieces (gpv & XPV 183.65).
(DM Note: Orc losses cannot be replaced, but after an
initia l attack by adventurers, the males at location 10. will
move four of their number into area 9., arm these orcs with
crossbows, and lay an ambush for intruders. If the leader is
slain, all surviving orcs from this locale will seek refuge with
the tribe at C. (see below), taking everything of value (and
even of no value) with them, and 8. will thereafter be deserted.)
Orc males: 17
Orc females: 13
Orc young: 3
Total: 33
Similar to the orcs at area 8., these monsters inhabit cave areas 14.·16. These orcs. however, do not rely upon a continual watch being kept; Instead, they have a series of nearly Invisible strings running across
the entry passage, about 11 ' from the entrance. When any of these strings is tripped, a heavy, weighted net suspended from the ceiling will drop upon intruders, and metal pieces tied to It wlll create an alarm sound.
(The trip strings will be spotted only If careful observation is asked for, each observer having a 1 in 6 chance of seeing the devices. The camouflaged net is 10' wide and 18' long, made of thick, tarred ropes, and will entrap the victim for 1-4 rounds. Meanwhile, orcs from area 1•. will be there in 1 round . . . .)
13. FORGOTTEN ROOM: Only the two orc leaders (from this
area and from B.) know of this place. They secretly meet
here on occasion to plan co-operative ventures or dis·
c uss tribal problems, for although separate tribes are
not exactly friendly, both leaders are aware of the fact
that there Is strength in numbers. A small table and two
chairs are In the middle of the room. There Is a wooden
chest to one side which holds a bow, a quiver of 20
arrows, 2 swords, and 2 daggers. Two shields are hung
on the south wall. There are only odds and ends other·
wise, except that in the southeast corner, hidden be·
neath an old bucket (which is filled with black. stag·
no nt water) are two small pouches, each hold ing 1
gem of 50 gold piece value. 10 gold pieces, and 20 sil·
ver pieces. Nesting under these small pouches are 2
giant centipedes: (AC 9, HD 1
/2, hp 2 each, #AT 1. o ill·
ness. MV (20'), Save NM, ML 7).
1•. COMMON CHAMBER: Here there are quartered 9 male
orcs with shields and swords (AC 6, HD 1, hp 3 each, llAT
1, D 1-6, MV (40'), Save F 1, ML 8) and 8 females (as goblin) and 3
young (as kobold). The males have d20 silver
pieces each, the females d4 copper pieces, the young
have nothing. The place Is a mess, and there is nothing
of value in it. The moles will go the entrance if they hear
the net falling, arriving In 1 round.
15. COMMON HALL: General meetings are held here, and
food is likewise cooked and eaten here. There are 6
males here, 2 with crossbows, (AC 7, HD 1, hp 4 each.
AT 1 or 1/2 for crossbows, Save F 1, Ml 8) and 4 females, dwelling In the western forepart.
Each hos treasure on their person equal to 14., above.
The males here will also go to the entrance if they hear
the noise of the net falling, arriving in 3 rounds.
16. LEADER'S ROOM: A guard orc is always posted just Inside the door, and he cannot be surprised. (Orc: AC 4/5 for chain mail, HD 1+1, hp 8, #AT 1. D 1-8. Save F 1, Ml 8,
carries 2d6 silver and d4 gold pieces.) He immediately
shouts an alarm if any intruders attempt to enter. Behind him are stacks of barrels and boxes and sacks - extra supplies for the tribe. (One small wine barrel. 400
coins In weight, contains a good quality wine worth 55
gold pieces.) None of the other items here have value.
and the foodstuffs is not up to human standards.
The area to the east houses the leader (AC 2/3, HD 3, hp
16, AT 1, D 1d8+1 & 1d6+2, Save F 3, ML 10). He Is a very large orc
who wears plate mall and carries a shield. He uses a
longsword, STR 16, and attacks as a 3 hit die monster THAC0 17. At his belt is a
magic hand axe + 1 THAC0 16 dam 1d6+2, which he will hurl at on opponent,
and he can do so and still attack normally in the same
round of combat. His belt is made of silver, with a gold
buckle (total value 160 gold pieces). and his sword has
a 100 gold piece gem set in its pommel•. In his purse
ore 8 gold pieces, 17 electrum pieces, and 5 silver
pieces. His mate is equal to a male orc in combat
(AC 7, HD 1, hp 5, NAT 1, 0 1-6. Save F 1, Ml 10), and she
has a bracelet of ivory which is worth 100 gold pieces.
The area is well furnished, and a small chest of drawers
contains a sock with 50 platinum pieces tied shut with a
rope of climbing. There is also a copper bowl, finely
wrought and chased with silver, on a small table near
the bed. However, it is filled with garbage and very tarnished, so it looks as if it were worth 10 silver pieces, rather than the actual 50 gold pieces. unless it is closely
(OM Note: Orc losses cannot be replaced. If this tribe Is
attacked, they will have the males at area 15. watching the
entrance, ready for a second try by the adventurers. If the
leader is slain, the survivors will seek safety in area I., If possible; otherwise, they will flee the place entirely, carrying their goods away.)
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