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Sunday, 23 August 2020

5e MM & 5e Tome of Beasts Encounter Tables

Pre-rolls Level 1-4 (d6)
(1) 1 guard (trader) with mastiff & mule.
(2) 2 Wolf Reaver dwarfs looking for a fight
(3) 4 kobolds looking to steal or kill
(4) 1 angler worm, hunting
(5) 2 bandits at camp or scouting
(6) 9 bandits, ambush or camping

25% of encounters are on the TOB Level 1-4 chart
dlOO Encounter
01 l eagle
02-03 2d4 pig orcs
04-06 ld6 bandits
07 ld4 drow
08 ld10 commoners
09 l raven
10 l poisonous snake
11- 13 2d6 bandits (west) or 2d6 tribal warriors (NE/Soravia)
14 2d8 goats
15 ld6 + 4 blood hawks
16 l d4 + 3 giant weasels
17- 18 ld3 guards (traders) with ld2 mastiffs and l mule
19-20 ld6 + 1 wolves
21-22 2d4 stirges 
23-25 An empty cave littered with bones               DANGEROUS HILLS (LEVEL 5-10) 25% TOB                                                               
26 l pseudodragon or ld3 giant owls                        01 l d4 pegasi or l d3 perytons
27 l lion or l panther (cougar)                                  02 ld6 + 2 giant goats
28-30 2d8 kobolds                                                   03 l manticore
31 l hippogriff                                                          04 ld8 +l gnolls or l d8 + l hobgoblins
32-34 2d4 goblins                                                    05 ld4 lions
35 l worg                                                                  06 ld6 + 2 worgs
36 ld3 swarms of bats or ld3 swarms of ravens       07 l d4 brown bears
37 1 giant eagle                                                       08 3d6 axe beaks
38- 40 An old dwarf sitting on a stump, whittling a piece 09 1 half-ogre with 2d6 ores
of wood                                                                    10 2dl0 winged kobolds
41 ld4 elk                                                         11- 12 l goblin boss with l d4 dire wolves and 2d6 goblins
42 ld4 winged kobolds with ld6 kobolds                13 ld6 giant elk
43 ld6 + 2 giant wolf spiders                                   14- 15 l d8 + l giant eagles
44-45 2d4 wolves                                                    16- 17 ld4 phase spiders
46 l swarm of insects                                              18-19 l gnoll pack lord with 2d4 giant hyenas
47 ld8 + l axe beaks                                                20 2d4 hippogriffs
48- 49 l brown bear or ld3 boars                            21-25 A 15-foot-tall stone statue of a dwarf warrior
50 l scout                                                                          tipped over on its side
51 l ogre                                                                 26- 27 2d4 orogs
52-53 2d4 gnolls                                                    28-29 l d4 + l griffons
54 l giant elk                                                         30-31 l d6 + 2 harpies
55 l d3 + l harpies                                                32-33 l orc Eye of Gruumsh with 2d6 + 3 ores
56 l werewolf                                                      34- 35 l d4 + 3 giant boars
57- 58 2d4 orcs                                                   36-40 A stone door set into the side of a steep hill
59 l d4 half-ogres 
60 l druid or l veteran
61-63 The corpse of an adventurer that carries an intact             41-42 l d3 green hags
explorer's pack and lies atop a longsword                                   43- 44 l d4 werewolves
64 l green hag                                                                             45-46 ld6 + 2 ogres
65- 66 ld3 dire wolves                                                   47- 48 l hobgoblin captain with 2d8 hobgoblins
67-68 A small cemetery containing 2d6 graves            49- 50 l bandit captain with 3d6 bandits
69- 70 l hobgoblin captain with 2d4 hobgoblins          51-54 l chimera
71 2d4 giant goats                                                        55-58 ld4 ettins
72 l manticore                                                              59- 62 ld6 + 2 veterans with 2d6 berserkers
73- 74 ld6 + 2 hobgoblins                                           63- 65 An abandoned wooden hut
75 1 phase spider                                                        66-69 1 galeb duhr
76- 78 A pile of droppings from a very large bird     70-73 1 bulette
79 1 gnoll fang ofYeenoghu                                       74-77 1 wyvern
80 ld3 giant boars                                                      78- 80 2d6 + 10 goats with 1 herder (tribal warrior)
81 1 gnoll pack lord with ld3 giant hyenas               81- 82 ld3 hill giants
82 1 bandit captain with 2d4 bandits                       83-84 2d4 wereboars
83 1 orc Eye of Gruumsh with ld8 + 2 orcs              85-86 ld4 revenants
84 ld3 orogs or ld4 berserkers                                87- 88 ld2 gorgons
85- 86 1 ettin or 1 wereboar                                    89- 90 ld8 + 1 gnoll fangs ofYeenoghu
87- 88 1 goblin boss with 2d6 goblins                   91-93 1d4 cyclopes
89 ld3 griffons                                                        94-96 1 young red dragon
90 l d3 perytons or l d4 pegasi                               97- 98 ld4 stone giants
91-96 ld3 trolls                                                      99 ld3 young copper dragons
97- 99 1 cyclops                                                     00 1 roc
00 1 stone giant 

Level 1-4 (d20)
1 Snake, Swamp Adder, 1
2 Bandit Lord & 3d6 Bandits
3 Boloti, 1
4 Amphitere, 1
5 Alseid, 1d3
6 Azza Gremlin, 1d4
7 Broodiken, 1
8 City Watch Captain & 2d6 Guards
10 Forest Marauder, 1d4
11 Dryad, Duskthorn, 1
12 Cavelight Moss, 1
13 Ant, Giant, 1d3
14  Carrion Beetle, 1
15 Scorpion Cultist, 1d8
16 Bouda, 1
17 Elvish Veteran Archer, 1
18 Angler Worm, 1
20 Folk of Leng, 1d4

Level 5-10 (d20)
2 Chronalmental
3 Ghost Knight
4 Bone Swarm
5 Black Knight Commander
6 Asanbosam
7 Bukavac
8 Clockwork Abomination
9 Ogre Chief, Corrupted
10 Titan, Ancient
11 Titan, Degenerate
12 Soul Eater
13 Gug
14 Gearforged Templar
15 Genie, Al-Aeshma
16 Blemmyes
17 Emerald Cult Leader
18 Ala
19 Abominable Beauty
20 Tophet

Level 11-16 (d20)
1 Star Spawn of Cthulu
2 Baba Yaga’s Horsemen
3 Son of Fenris
4 Stuhac
5 Andrenjinyi
6 Cambium
7 Dragon, Cave Adult
8 Dragon, Flame Adult
9 Fey, Snow Queen
10 Fey, River King
11 Titanoboa
12 Arbeyach’s Herald
13 Drake, Star
14 Mordant Snare
15 Slow Storm
16 Hag, Blood
17 Dragon, Mithral Adult
18 Dragon, Void Adult
19 Sphinx, Gypsosphinx
20 Dullahan

Level 17-20 (d20)
1 Arch-Devil Mammon
2 Dragon, Void Ancient
3 Boreas, Lord
4 Demon Lord Qorgeth
5 Giant, Jotun
6 Fey, Queen of Night & Magic
7 Arch-Devil Abeyach
8 Shoggoth
9 Giant, Hraesvelgr
10 Fey, Lord of the Hunt
11 Koschei
12 Fey, Queen of Witches
13 Elemental Locus
14 Dragon, Flame Ancient
15 Dragon, Wind Adult
16 Arch-Devil Totivillus
17 Urochar
18 Dragon, Mithril Ancient
19 Demon Lord Alquam
20 Dragon, Wind Ancient

Thursday, 13 August 2020

5e Old School Foes

CR PB +2
ATT:    Damage:

Orc (Pig-faced) | Scifi fantasy art, Pig face, Fantasy art


Farmer, Peasant Levy
CR 0 (10 XP) PB +2
AC 11 (Padded)  HP 8 (1d8)
ST +0 DE +0 CO +0 IN +0 WI +0 CH +0
Spear (2h) ATT:  +2  Damage: 1d8

Kobold Mook

CR 0 (10 XP) PB +2
AC  10/12 w shield HP 3 (1d6-1)
ST -3 DE +0 CO -1 IN -1 WI -2 CH -2
Dagger (1h) or kobold spear (1h): Melee Weapon Attack: +2, Hit: 2 (1d4) piercing damage. Spear does 1d6 2-handed.
Sling (2h loading): Ranged Weapon Attack: +2, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.
Sunlight Sensitivity: While in sunlight, the kobold has disadvantage on Attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Pack Tactics: The kobold has advantage on an Attack roll against a creature if at least one of the kobold's allies is within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally isn't Incapacitated.


Battle Novice 

CR 1/8 (25 XP) PB +2

HD 2d8+2 HP 11

AC 14 (chain shirt) speed 30'

ST +1 DE +1 CON +1 IN +1 WI +1 CH +1

Skills: Religion +3, Insight +3, Persuasion +3
Passive Perception 11
wpn: Halberd ATT +3 2h dam 1d10+1 reach 10'

Pig Orc
CR 1/8 (25 XP) PB +2
AC 14/16 (ringmail or scale, shield) HP 11 (2d8+2)
ST +1 DE +0 CO +1 IN -1 WI +0 CH -1
Spear, Hand Axe, Mace or Scimitar ATT: +3  Damage: 1d6+1
Halberd or Glaive (2h) ATT+3 Damage 1d10+1, reach 10'
Light Crossbow (2h) ATT +2 Damage 1d8 range 80'/320'
Aggressive: As a Bonus Action, the orc can move up to its speed toward a Hostile creature that it can see.

Goblin Minion

CR 1/8 (25 XP) PB +2
AC 12/14 (leather, shield)  HP 5 (2d6-2)
ST -1 DE +1 CO -1 IN -1 WI -1 CH -1
Skills: Stealth+5
Shortsword ATT: +3  Damage: 1d6+1 
Shortbow (2hw) ATT: +3 Damage: 1d6+1
Darts (4) ATT: +3 Damage: 1d4+1; throw range 20'/60'.
Nimble Escape: Disengage or Hide as bonus action.

CR 1/8 PB +2
AC 11, or 15 (breastplate)  HP 7 (2d8-2)
ST -2 DE +1 CO -1 IN +1 WI +0 CH +2
Skills: Deception +4 Persuasion +4 Insight +2 History +3
Dagger ATT: +3   Damage: 1d4+1

Skeleton, Decreipt
CR 1/8 (25 XP) PB +2
AC 14 (shield) HD 1d8+2 HP 6
ST +0 DE +2 CO +2 IN -2 WI -1 CH -3
Vulnerabilities Bludgeoning
Damage Immunities Poison
Condition Immunities Exhaustion, Poisoned
Senses Darkvision 60 Ft., passive Perception 9
Scimitar or Shortsword: ATT +4 Damage: 1d6+2


Hobgoblin Grunt
CR 1/4 (50 XP) PB +2
AC 15/17 (scale, shield) HP 11
ST +1 DE +1 CO +1 IN +0 WI -1 CH -1
Spear or Scimitar ATT: +3  Damage: 1d6+1 (2d6+1 with Martial Advantage)
Heavy Crossbow (2h) ATT +3 Damage 1d10+1
Martial Advantage: Once per turn the hobgoblin can deal an extra 1d6 damage to a creature it hits with a melee weapon attack if that creature is within 5' of an ally of the hobgoblin that isn't incapacitated.

Brigand or Trader, armed

CR 1/4 (50 XP) PB +2
AC 14/16 (ringmail or chain shirt, shield) HP 16
ST +2 DE +1 CO +1 IN +0 WI +0 CH +0
Longsword, Flail or Battle Axe ATT: +4  Damage: 1d8+2/2-h 1d10+2
Heavy crossbow (2h) ATT+3 Damage 1d10+1 range 100'/400'

Pig Orc Guard
CR 1/4 (50 XP) PB +2
AC 14/16 (ringmail or scale, shield) HP 13 (2d8+4)
ST +2 DE +0 CO +2 IN -1 WI +0 CH -1
Battle Axe or Longsword ATT: +4  Damage: 1d8+2
Lance (long spear) (2h) ATT+4 Damage 1d12+2, reach 10', disadvantage within 5'
Javelin (4) ATT +4 Damage 1d6+2 range 30'/120'
Aggressive: As a Bonus Action, the orc can move up to its speed toward a Hostile creature that it can see.


Battle Sister

CR 1/2 (100 XP) PB +2  HD 3d8+3 HP 16

AC 14 (chain shirt)>16 (shield of faith) speed 30'
ST +1 DE +1 CON +1 IN +1 WI +1 CH +1
Skills: Religion +3, Insight +3, Persuasion +3
Passive Perception 11
wpn: Halberd ATT +3 2h dam 1d10+1 reach 10'
The Battle Nun is a 2nd level spellcaster. Save DC 11, Attack Bonus +3
Cantrips (at will): light, sacred flame (rng 60', sv DEX, 1d8 radiant), thaumaturgy.
1st level (3 slots): shield of faith (BA, conc, +2 AC), healing word (d4+1), cure wounds (d8+1)

Dark Cleric
CR 1/2 (100 XP) PB +2  HD 3d8+3 HP 16
AC 14 (chain shirt)>16 (shield of faith) speed 30'
ST +1 DE +1 CON +1 IN +1 WI +1 CH +1
Skills: Religion +3, Insight +3, Deception +3
Passive Perception 11
wpn: staff ATT +3 2h dam 1d8+1
The Dark Cleric is a 2nd level spellcaster. Save DC 11, Attack Bonus +3
Cantrips (at will): light, sacred flame (rng 60', sv DEX, 1d8 radiant), thaumaturgy.
1st level (3 slots): shield of faith (BA, conc, +2 AC), healing word (d4+1), command (WIS DC 11)

Guard Corporal/Merchant Guard/Squire
CR 1/2 (100 XP) PB +2
AC 17/19 (banded & shield) HP 16
ST +2 (14) DE +0 (10) CO +1 (12) IN +0 (10) WI +0 (10) CH +0 (11)
Skills: Perception +2, Intimidate +2
Longsword or Battle Axe ATT +4 Damage 1d8+2, 2h 1d10+2
Halberd (2h) ATT: +4 Damage: 1d10+2, reach 10'
Great Axe (2h) ATT: +4 Damage: 1d12+2
Mace ATT +4 Damage 1d6+2 blunt - Subdual
Heavy Crossbow (2h) ATT +2 Damage 1d10 range 80'/320'
Subdual: an opponent reduced to 0 hp by a guard's mace, but not killed outright, is unconscious & stable.


Knight, Lesser
CR 1 (200 XP) mounted PB +2
AC 18/20 plate & shield HP 22 (4d8+4)
ST 14 (+2) DE 11 (+0) CO 13 (+1) IN 11 (+0) WI 11 (+0) CH 13 (+1)
Skills: Athletics +4, Intimidate +3
Longsword or Battle Axe (1h) ATT: +4 Damage: 1d8+2
Lance (1h mounted, 2h unmounted) ATT +4 Damage: 1d12+2, reach 10'/disad 5'
Greatsword (2h) ATT: +4  Damage: 2d6+2
Brave: The knight has advantage on Saving Throws against being Frightened.
Mount: Warhorse AC 11 HP 19 ATT +6/2d6+4 speed 60'


Barbarian-1, Human 
CR 1/2 (100 XP) PB +2 AC 14/16 (+2 DEX +2 CON +2 shield) HP 14
ST +3 (16) DE +2 (14) CO +2 (15) IN -1 (9) WI +1 (13) CH +0 (11)
Saves: STR +5 CON +4
Battleaxe or Longsword ATT +5 dam 1d8+5 rage 1d8+3 no rage
Great Axe ATT +5 dam 1d12+3
4 javelins ATT +5 dam 1d6+3
2 hand axes ATT +5 dam 1d6+5 rage & 1d6+2 off-hand rage)
Proficiencies: Athletics +5 Survival +3 Perception +3 Intimidate +2
SA: Bonus Action Rage 2/LR, 1/2 dmg BPS and does +2 melee dmg. Unarmoured Defence +2 AC
Money: 10gp
Barbarian-2: HP 23, Reckless Attack, Danger Sense
Barbarian-3: HP 32, Rage 3/LR, Frenzied Rage Bonus Attack, Exhaustion after Frenzy.
Barbarian-4: HP 41, STR +4 (18), axe/sword ATT +6 dam 1d8+6 rage, 4 javelins ATT +6 dam 1d6+4
max level: 4

Jyrdani of Jiyyd, Human Barbarian

Cristae'a of Leth, Wood Elf Barbarian
Wood Elf Barbarian-1 (Baresark)
CR 1/2 (100 XP) PB +2 AC 14 (+3 DEX +1 CON) HP 13*
ST +2 (15) DE +3 (16) CO +1 (12) IN -1 (8) WI +2 (14) CH +0 (10)
Saves: STR +4 CON +3

Greatsword ATT +4 dam 2d6+4 rage
2 daggers ATT +5 dam d4+3 (& d4+3 off hand BA)
Shortbow ATT +5 dam d6+3
Proficiencies: Athletics +4 Survival +4 Perception +4 Intimidate +2 Persuasion +2
SA: Rage 2/day, *1/2 dmg BPS and do +2 melee dmg. Unarmoured Defence +1 AC. Speed 35', darkvision, resistant to charm & sleep.
Money: 10gp
Elf Barbarian-2: HP 21, Reckless Attack, Danger Sense, AC 15 (studded leather)
Elf Barbarian-3: HP 29, Rage 3/LR, Frenzied Rage Bonus Attack, Exhaustion after Frenzy.
Elf Barbarian-4: HP 37, AC 16 (breastplate), STR +3 (17), greatsword ATT +5 dam 2d6+5 rage
max level: 4

Fighter-1, STR/Soldier
CR 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus: +2 
AC 16/18 chain with shield, or knight AC 17/19 (banded or half plate); Hit Points: 12
Strength: +3 (16) Dexterity: +2 (14) Constitution: +2  (15) Intelligence: -1 (9) Wisdom: +1 (13) Charisma: +0 (11)
Proficient Saves: Strength (+5), Constitution (+4)
Proficient Skills: all armour & shields, simple & martial weapons, STR Athletics +5, CHA Intimidation +2, WIS Perception +3 (PP13), WIS Survival +3; vehicles (land), gaming set - dice
Weapons: longsword ATTACK +5 damage 1d8+5; light crossbow ATTACK +4 damage 1d8+2; 
or Protection Style AC 17 (AC 16 chain, +1 protection) & great axe ATT +5 dam 1d12+3.
Other Equipment: dice set, dagger, clothes, chainmail, shield, 20 crossbow bolts, explorers' pack (backpack, bedroll, mess kit, tinderbox, 10 small torches, 10 days of rations, waterskin, 50' hemp rope). Money: 10gp
Special Abilities:Second Wind - Recover 1d10+Level hit points, once per Short Rest.
Feature: military rank (army of Damara), Fighting Style - Dueling (+2 damage with single 1-handed melee weapon) or Protection (+1 AC armoured).
Fighter-2, 'Warrior': CR 1 (200 XP) AC 16/18 (chain) or knight AC 17/19 (half plate) HP 20 SA: Second Wind d10+2, Action Surge 1/SR
Fighter-3, 'Champion': CR 1.5 (300 XP) ( AC 17/19 (banded or half plate) HP 28 SA: Second Wind d10+3, Action Surge 1/SR, Critical Hit on 19-20
Fighter-4, 'Hero': CR 2 (450 XP) AC 18/20 (plate) HP 36 STR +4 (18) Save STR +6; Longsword ATT +6 dam 1d8+6. SA: Second Wind d10+4, Action Surge 1/SR, Critical Hit on 19-20

Fighter-1,  DEX/swashbuckler
CR 1/2 (100) PB +2
AC 15/ 17 (+2 studded +3 DEX +2 shield) HP 12
ST +1 DE +3 CO +2 IN 10 +0 WI -1 CH +2
Saves: STR +3 CON +4
Rapier ATT +5 dam d8+5 (Duelist)
Shortbow ATT +5 dam d6+3
Dagger ATT +5 dam d4+5 melee, d4+3 thrown
Proficiencies: Athletics +3 Perception +1 (PP11) Deception +4 Persuasion +4
SA: Second Wind, recover d10+1 hp 1/short rest.
Money: 15gp

Monk-1, Human
CR 1/4  (50 XP) PB +2
Speed 30'
AC 15 (10 +3 DEX +2 WIS) HP 10 (1d8+2)
ST 13 (+1) DE 16 (+3) CO 14 (+2) IN 11 (+0) WI 15 (+2) CH 9 (-1)
Saves STR +3 DEX +5
Atacks:1, +1 with Bonus Action. ATT +5  Damage: 1d4+3 per attack (unarmed)
Skills: Acrobatics +5 Athletics +3 Religion +2 Stealth +5 

Monk-2, Human
CR 1/2  (100 XP) PB +2
Speed 40'
AC 15 (10 +3 DEX +2 WIS) HP 18 (2xd8+2)
ST 13 (+1) DE 16 (+3) CO 14 (+2) IN 11 (+0) WI 15 (+2) CH 9 (-1)
Saves STR +3 DEX +5
Atacks:1, +1 with Bonus Action. ATT +5  Damage: 1d4+3 per attack (unarmed)
Ki: 2/SR SA: BA - Flurry of Blows +2 attacks, BA - Patient Defense (Dodge), BA - Step of the Wind (Dash)
Skills: Acrobatics +5 Athletics +3 Religion +2 Stealth +5 

Rogue-1, DEX
PB+2 AC 14 (leather, +3 DEX) HD 2 (d8+2)  HP 10  Passive Perception 15.
ST 9 (-1) DE 16 (+3) CO 14 (+2) IN 11 (+0) WI 13 (+1) CH 15 (+2) Save DEX +5 IN +2
MA: shortsword +5/d6+2, BA off-hand dagger +5/d4. Hand crossbow 30'/120' +5/d6+2 (off hand d6). Sneak Attack +1d6.
Proficiencies: DE Sleight Of Hand +5 Stealth +5 INT Investigation +2 WIS Perception (Exp) +5 Insight (Exp) +5 CHA Deception +4 Persuasion +4 Money: 15gp.
SA: Sneak Attack, Thieves' Cant

Rogue-2, CHA 
PB+2 AC 13 (leather, DEX) HD 2 (d8+2)  HP 17/17  Passive Perception 15.
ST 9 (-1) DE 15 (+2) CO 14 (+2) IN 11 (+0) WI 13 (+1) CH 16 (+3) Save DEX +4 IN +2
MA: shortsword +4/d6+2, BA off-hand dagger +4/d4. Hand crossbow 30'/120' +4/d6+2 (off hand d6). Sneak Attack +1d6.
Proficiencies: DE Sleight Of Hand +4 Stealth +4 INT Investigation +2 WIS Perception (Exp) +5 Insight (Exp) +5 CHA Deception +5 Persuasion +5 Money: 125gp.
SA: Sneak Attack, Thieves' Cant, Cunning Action - Bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.

Rogue Level 3: HP 22, sneak attack>+2d6, Roguish Archetype:
Assassin: Prof disguise kit and poisoner's kit. Advantage on attack rolls against any creature that hasn't taken a turn in the combat yet. Any hit against a creature that is surprised is a critical hit.
Thief: Can make a Cunning Action bonus action to make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, use thieves' tools to disarm a trap or open a lock, or take the Use an Object action. Climbing costs no extra movement. Running jump distance increases by a number of feet equal to Dexterity modifier.
Rogue Level 4: HP 29, DE>+3, AC+1, to hit & damage +1.

Rogue 3 (Assassin)
PB+2 AC 15 (studded leather, +3 DEX) HD 3 (d8+2)  HP 22  
Passive Perception 15
ST 10 (+0) DE 16 (+3) CO 14 (+2) IN 10 (+0) WI 12 (+1) CH 14 (+2) Save DEX +5 IN +2
Shortsword +5/1d6+2, & BA off-hand Shortsword +5/1d6.
Hand crossbow 30'/120' +5/d6+2 (off hand BA 1d6). 
Sneak Attack +2d6.
DE Sleight Of Hand +5, Stealth (EXP) +7
INT Investigation +2
WIS Perception (Exp) +5 Insight +3
CHA Deception +4 Persuasion +4
Money: 25gp.
SA: Sneak Attack, Thieves' Cant,  Cunning Action - Bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.
Assassin: Prof disguise kit and poisoner's kit. Advantage on attack rolls against any creature that hasn't taken a turn in the combat yet. Any hit against a creature that is surprised is a critical hit.

Mage-1 PB+2 AC 11>14 MA HD 1 (d8) HP 8/8 
ST -1 DE +1 CO +0 IN +2 WI +2 CH +1 Save IN +4 WIS +4. Spell Save DC 12 Spell Attack +4.
cantrips: fire bolt, light, guidance. Memorised: Sleep, Mage Armour. 
Rituals: Comprehend Languages, Identify, Unseen Servant
Perception +2 (PP 12) Stealth +1. Prof: Arcana +4 Investigation +4 Religion +4 History +4
T: 10gp, velvet component pouch. spell slots: 2
ATT: Firebolt +4/d10, Quarterstaff +1/d8-1 2hw

Mage-2 HP 13 (2d8) Spells: Burning Hands; Ritual: Detect Magic.  spell slots: 2
Mage-3: HP 18 (3d8) Spells: Shield (R, AC 14>19); spell slots: 3
Mage-4: HP 23 IN +3 Spell Save DC 13 Spell Attack +5; Sk: Arcana +5 Investigation +5 Religion +5 History +5. cantrip: mage hand; spell slots: 4
Mage-5: HP 28 PB +3 Save IN +6 WIS +5 Spell Save DC 14 Spell Attack +6;  Sk: Arcana +6 Investigation +6 Religion +6 History +6; Spell: Invisibility; quarterstaff +2/d8-1 2hw; Firebolt +6/2d10; spell slots: 4 2
Mage-6: HP 33; potent cantrips, +3 damage with cantrips (Firebolt +6/2d10+3); Spell: Levitate, spell slots: 4 3

Priest-1 PB+2 AC 12 (leather or padded, DEX)
HD 1 (d8) HP 8/8 
ST +0 DE +1 CO +0 IN +2 WI +2 CH +1 Save IN +4 WIS +4. Spell Save DC 12 Spell Attack +4.
cantrips: Light, Spare the Dying, Sacred Flame. Memorised: Bless, Cure Wounds
Perception +2 (PP 12) Stealth +1. Prof: Arcana +4 Investigation +4 Religion +4 History +4
T: 10gp, spell slots: 2
ATT: Quarterstaff +2/d8 2hw. Sacred Flame rng 60' Dex save DC 12, 1d8 radiant.

Priest-2 HP 13 (2d8) Spells: Detect Magic.  spell slots: 2
Priest-3: HP 18 (3d8) Spells: Shield of Faith; spell slots: 3
Priest-4: HP 23 WIS +3 WIS save +5 Spell Save DC 13 Spell Attack +5; cantrip: Thaumaturgy spell slots: 4
Priest-5: HP 28 PB +3 Save IN +5 WIS +6 Spell Save DC 14 Spell Attack +6;  Sk: Arcana +6 Investigation +6 Religion +6 History +6; Spell: Lesser Restorationquarterstaff +3/d8 2hw; Sacred Flame DEX DC 14 dam 2d8spell slots: 4 2. Sk: Arcana +5 Investigation +5 Religion +5 History +5
Priest-6: HP 33; potent cantrips, +3 damage with cantrips (Sacred Flame DC 14/2d8+3); Spell: Hold Person, spell slots: 4 3


Dungeon Room Contents (d6)
1-2 Empty (Treasure 1 on d6)
3 Trap (Treasure 1-2 on d6)
4-5 Monster (Treasure 1-3 on d6)
6 Special (usually no treasure)

Trap (D12)
1 Blade
2 Creature
3 Darts
4 Explosion
5 Falling Items
6 Fog
7 Illusion
8 Light Flash
9-10 Pit
11 Poison Gas
12 Poison Needle

Tier I Treasure Hoards (CR 1-4)

NB For '25gp' items, roll 10d4 or d4x10 for actual gp value. For 50gp items roll 2d4x10.

(3) Bullywug King's Hoard: 700 sp, 112 gp, Banded agate (10 gp), 4 x Hematite (7 gp), Moss agate (14 gp), 2 x Obsidian (12 gp), Rhodochrosite (10 gp), Potion of Climbing (common, dmg 187)

(5) Whispering Caves Ettercap's Hoard: 260 cp, 400 sp, 96 gp, Azurite (15 gp), 2 x Lapis lazuli (7 gp), 2 x Obsidian (10 gp), 2 x Turquoise (9 gp)

(8) Wight's Hoard: 1000 sp, 117 gp, 2 x Banded agate (9 gp), 2 x Blue quartz (10 gp), Lapis lazuli (11 gp), Moss agate (8 gp), Obsidian (14 gp), 2 x Rhodochrosite (10 gp), Turquoise (12 gp)


(13) 800 sp, 82 gp, Gems (10 @ 50gp): - Star rose quartz, Star rose quartz, Quartz, Sardonyx, Moonstone, Citrine, Chalcedony, Sardonyx, Chalcedony, Sardonyx., Helm of Comprehending Languages, Elemental Gem - Red corundum/Fire, Potion of Resistance - Lightning

(14) 220 gp, Art (175 gp): - Small gold bracelet, Pair of engraved bone dice, Small gold bracelet, Copper chalice with silver filigree, Gold locket with a painted portrait inside, Small mirror set in a wooden frame, Silver ewer, Potion of Healing

(15) 600 sp, 107 gp, Art (100 gp): - Silver ewer, Embroidered silk handkerchief, Carved bone statuette, Gold locket with a painted portrait inside., Potion of Animal Friendship, Spell Scroll (3rd) -Speak with Dead, Spell Scroll (3rd) -Plant Growth

(16) 214 gp, Gems (7 @ 10gp): - Eye agate, Lapis lazuli, Hematite, Tiger eye, Tiger eye, Tiger eye, Moss agate.

(17) 1500 sp, 110 gp, Art (3 @ 25 gp): - Silver ewer, Pair of engraved bone dice, Cloth-of-gold vestments, Potion of Healing, Perfume of Bewitching

(18) 171 gp, Gems (9 @ 10gp): - Turquoise, Azurite, Hematite, Tiger eye, Malachite, Hematite, Tiger eye, Malachite, Blue quartz, Mithral Plate Armor, Mariner's Breast Plate Armor

(19) 1100 sp, 89 gp, Art (7 @ 25 gp): - Pair of engraved bone dice, Pair of engraved bone dice, Gold locket with a painted portrait inside, Carved bone statuette, Cloth-of-gold vestments, Gold locket with a painted portrait inside, Gold locket with a painted portrait inside., Potion of Resistance - Lightning, Cap of Water Breathing

(20) 187 gp, Gems (9 @ 50gp): - Jasper, Quartz, Quartz, Onyx, Citrine, Zircon, Sardonyx, Carnelian, Citrine, 20 longbow arrows +1, Dust of Sneezing and Choking (appears to be Dust of Disappearance, and an Identify spell reveals it to be such)

Tier I Individual Treasures (CR 0-4)
16 sp, 40 gp, 14 sp, 16 sp, 1gp & 5 sp, 5 gp & 5sp, 1 sp & 3 cp, 5gp, 10 gp; 1 sp & 9 cp.

Tier II Individual Treasures (CR 5-10)
150 gp
20 gp, 10 pp
90 gp
190 sp, 90 gp
180 sp, 40 gp
170 sp, 90 gp
210 sp, 30 gp
280 sp, 60 gp
110 ep, 80 gp
110 ep, 90 gp

Tier II Treasure Hoards (CR 5-10) - 1/5 coinage

1. 80 cp, 800 sp, 540 gp, silver-inlaid carved darkwood +0 quarterstaff (magic, Common), Bag of Spices (10 gp), Small Silver Mirror (10 gp), Feathered Talisman - Amulet of Proof against detection & location (uncommon), hollow Pewter Orb (10 gp), Dust of Sneezing and Choking appears as Dust of Disappearance (uncommon, dmg 166), 2 x Potion of Greater Healing (uncommon, dmg 187)

2. 140 cp, 400 sp, 480 gp, Amber (18 gp), Amethyst (28 gp), Chrysoberyl (16 gp), Coraline (20 gp), 2 x Garnet (24 gp), 2 x Jade (20 gp), Pearl (24 gp), 2 x Spinel (20 gp), Tourmaline (20 gp), Periapt of Wound Closure (uncommon, dmg 184)

3. 120 cp, 1400 sp, 620 gp

4. 140 cp, 2000 sp, 600 gp, Carnelian (10 gp), Chalcedony (16 gp), Citrine (10 gp), Quartz (8 gp), Sardonyx (10 gp), Zircon (4 gp), Decanter of Endless Water (uncommon, dmg 161), Oil of Etherealness (rare, dmg 183)

5. 40 cp, 800 sp, 760 gp, Silk Tabard trimmed with Ermine (80 gp), white dragon +1 scale armour (very rare), Ornate Silver Mirror set with Blue quartz (100 gp), Porcelain Scroll Case set with Jasper (40 gp), Sable robe set with Chrysoprase (400 gp), Gold Cloth sash (40 gp), Spell Scroll (Mending) (common, dmg 200), Spell Scroll (Dissonant Whispers) (common, dmg 200), Spell Scroll (Thunderwave) (common, dmg 200), 3 x Potion of Healing (common, dmg 187)

6. 600 sp, 582 gp, Bag of Incense (40 gp), Ceramic Dice (pair) (30 gp), Silver Earrings (20 gp), Brass Idol (of Mystra Goddess of Magic) (30 gp), Polished Stone Idol (of Orcus) (20 gp), Carved Wooden Bowl (10 gp), Ceramic Bowl (10 gp), Dwarf-forged Battleaxe +1, Giant Slayer  (rare)

7. 5000 sp, 1210 gp, 140 pp, Gems (15 @ 100): - Pearl, Coral, Chrysoberyl, Jade, Pearl, Jade, Coral, Jet, Amber, Coral, Garnet, Jet, Pearl, Jade, Coral., 2 x Potion of Superior Healing

8. 4000 sp, 2307 gp, 140 pp, Gems (11 @ 100): - Tourmaline, Garnet, Garnet, Amber, Tourmaline, Jet, Pearl, Jade, Jet, Jet, Amethyst., Potion of Climbing, Spell Scroll (1st) - Compelled Duel, 3 x Potion of Healing, Spell Scroll (1st) - Speak with Animals

9. 300cp, 9000 sp, 2000 gp, 140 pp, Art (8 avg 25 gp, 200gp total value): - Copper chalice with silver filigree, Small mirror set in a wooden frame, Small gold bracelet, Copper chalice with silver filigree, Carved bone statuette, Copper chalice with silver filigree, Cloth-of-gold vestments, Black velvet mask stitched with silver thread.


Ramvira Knights' Tomb
+1 footman's mace xpv 350 sale 3,000
+1 longsword xpv 400 sale 2,000 "Faith" 
+1 battle-axe xpv 400 sale 2,500
1150/5 = 230 XP each


Typical Item Resale Values
Common, One Use: 10gp-25gp
Common, Permanent: 50gp-100gp
Uncommon, One Use: 50gp-125gp
Uncommon, Permanent: 200gp-500gp
Rare, One Use: 250gp-1250gp
Rare, Permanent: 1,000gp-5,000gp
Very Rare, One Use: 1,250gp-6,250gp
Very Rare, Permanent: 5,000gp-25,000gp
Legendary, One Use: 6,250gp-31,250gp
Legendary, Permanent: 25,000gp-125,000gp

Purchasable Items (roll d20 per Investigation check: 5 once, 10 twice, 15 three times, 20 4 times, 25 5 times, 30 6 times).
Check Result Maximum Value
5                      50gp
6                      75gp
7                    100gp
8                    150gp
10                  200gp
11                  300gp
12                  400gp
13                  600gp
14                  800gp
15                1200gp
16                1600gp
17                2400gp
18                3200gp
19                5000gp
20                7500gp
21              10000gp
22              15000gp
23              20000gp
24              30000gp
25              40000gp
26              60000gp
27              80000gp
28            120000gp
29            160000gp
30            250000gp

1. Bag of Holding - 2000gp
2. Boots of Striding and Springing - 1000gp
3. Cloak of Elvenkind - 1500gp
4. Gauntlets of Ogre Power - 4000gp
5. Gloves of Swimming and Climbing - 1000gp
6. Goggles of Night - 1000gp
7. Headband of Intellect - 4000gp
8. Keoghtom’s Ointment (5 doses) - 500gp
9. Wand of Magic Detection - 1000gp
10. Wand of Magic Missiles - 4000gp
11. Various +1 weapons  1000gp-2000gp each
12. Potion of Climbing  - 50gp each
13. +1 Shield - 1000gp
14. Cloak of Billowing - 200gp
15. Potion of Growth - 250gp
16. Potion of hill giant strength - 250gp
17. Ring of mind shielding - 2000gp
18. Ring of swimming - 2000gp
19. Perfume of Bewitchment - 50gp each
20. Ring of Warmth - 2000gp

Monday, 10 August 2020

The Time Machine (D6)

The Strabismas Machine
Professor Otto Strabismus
crank—a maverick who does not believe in the ether. Instead he supports a crackpot theory called "wave particle duality," which is obvious nonsense to anyone with any vestige of scientific knowledge (the theory was totally disproven by recent experiments carried out by a pair of American scientists). Despite his eccentricity, Strabismäs is very well informed on temporal theory and technology, and has 10D knowledge of the topic. A typical comment: "They all laughed at me at Heidelberg."
NPC Type: Mad Scientist. Might: 2D+2 Wit: 4D Agility: 3D Charm: 2D+1 Skills: Dodge 5D, Repair 6D, Science 7D (10D Temporal) Complication: Crazy. Static: Dodge 15, Block 8, Parry 8, Soak 8
weapon: .38 revolver (no bullets) ATT 3D dam: 3D+2 (SA: penetration - target Soak is halved).
Hero Points: 3

Miss MATILDA VAN CLEEF (real name Alice Simms) is a friend of the rich and famous. Currently she lacks a male companion, but is always on the lookout for a suitable friend. An octogenarian millionaire would do nicely. Some would say she was a cunning gold digger with the morals of a fairly rapacious alligator. Diamonds are a girl's best friend, but money or a Patent over time travel can be useful, too...
NPC Type: Adventuress/Dame in Distress. Might: 1D+2 Wit: 3D+1
Agility: 3D Charm: 4D. Skills: Brawling 2D+2, Dodge 5D, Seduce 7D+1 Language 4D+1
Gear: Compact mirror, hair pin, lip stick. Whalebone Corset +1 soak -1 dodge & stealth.
Static: Dodge 15/14, Block 8, Parry 5, Soak 5/6 (corset)
Hero Points: 2

Miss Matilda Van Cleef

Miss Van Cleef's corset

 The Strabismäs Time Machine can be used to travel into Earth's past or future, remaining at approximately the same location, though there is some risk of Chronotic Drift to a Nexus Point. After use beyond 100 years the coils must cool & capacitors must recharge prior to next use, this typically takes 1 hour per century, to a maximum of 24 hours. Travel beyond 1000 years risks system damage, requiring 1-6 days to repair. At approximately 25,000 years fail safes activate to prevent irreparable damage.

13/1/2215: Arrive in Halls of Tizun Thane, east Greenland coast ca 25,000 BP. Emergency shutdown, estimated 5 days to repair. Professor Strabismäs was forced to use emergency over-ride to flee an attack of giant fire ants, leaving Miss Van Cleef behind. After a brief dalliance with the savage Rollo she subsequently (23/1/2215) met the ruggedly handsome - and unattached - Ernestor Borealis, Lord of Tallas. From his harem she was later gifted to the elderly King Ozzar of Ruritain, who subsequently freed her, married her, and bequeathed her his kingdom prior to his death in 2221 AR.