1 Yuan-Ti Pureblood
2 Quaggoth
3 Werewolf
4 Shadow Demon
5 Ogre, Tusked Crimson
1 Yuan-Ti Pureblood
2 Quaggoth
3 Werewolf
4 Shadow Demon
5 Ogre, Tusked Crimson
PHB Races
Standard Human
Tiefling - human whose ancestral DNA was changed by exposure to the Warp
Elf - human descendants native to blue star systems like Procyon
Dwarf - genetically engineers, high G human offshoot.
Gnome, Halfling - human offshoots
Half-Orc - mixed ancestry, human + the genetically engineered Orc warrior species.
Dragonborn - alien species native to the Draconis system.
Volo's GTM & Mordenkainen's ToF species - various alien species such as Goliath Lizardfolk & Tabaxi.
Armor Table
Name Cost (cu) Base AC Strength Stealth
Light Armor (+ full Dex Bonus)
Flight Suit 50 11 - Disadvantage
Armor Jacket 100 11 - -
Light Trooper 450 12 - Disadvantage
Infiltration Suit 1200 12 - -
Medium Armor (+2 max Dex bonus)
Reinforced Mesh 100 12 - -
Military Jacket 500 13 - -
Medium Trooper 500 14 - Disadvantage
Electroplating 7500 15 - Disadvantage
Heavy Armor (no Dex bonus)
Guardian 300 14 - Disadvantage
Heavy Trooper 750 16 Str 13 Disadvantage
Centurion 2000 17 Str 15 Disadvantage
Power Armor 15000 18 Str 16 Disadvantage
Reinforced 100 +2 - -
Portable Shield Device (PSD) 50 Special -
Weapons Table
Name Cost Damage Range Weight Properties
Simple Melee Weapons
Club 1 cu 1d4 bludgeoning - 2 lb. Light
Combat Knife 20 cu 1d4 piercing (20/60) 1 lb. Finesse, light, thrown
Handaxe 50 cu 1d6 slashing (20 60) 2 lb. Light, thrown
Metal Baton 20 cu 1d6 bludgeoning - 3 lb. —
Spear 25 cu 1d6 piercing (20/60) 3 lb. Thrown, versatile (1d8)
Staff 10 cu 1d6 bludgeoning - 4 lb. Versatile (1d8)
Power Gauntlets 20 cu 1d4 bludgeoning - 1 lb. Light
Wrist Blades 10 cu 1d4 slashing - 1 lb. Finesse, light
Simple Ranged Weapons
Pistol, light 200 cu 1d6 piercing (50/150) 1 lb. Adaptable, ammunition, light, reload (15 shots)
Rifle, short 250 cu 1d8 piercing (70/210) 3 lb. Ammunition, reload (6 shots)
Throwing Blade 2 cu 1d4 piercing (30/90) 1/4 lb. Finesse, thrown
Martial Melee Weapons
Energy Staff 150 cu 1d6 bludgeoning - 2 lb. Reach, energy burst, two handed
Forearm Blade 250 cu 1d6 slashing - 2 lb. Finesse, light
Glaive 200 cu 1d10 slashing - 6 lb. Heavy, reach, two-handed
Grandblade 500 cu 2d6 slashing - 6 lb. Heavy, two handed
Greataxe 300 cu 1d12 slashing - 7 lb. Heavy, two handed
Longblade 150 cu 1d8 slashing - 3 lb. Versatile (1d10)
Microfilament Whip 250 cu 1d6 slashing - 2 lb. Finesse, reach
Sabre 200 cu 1d8 slashing - 3 lb. Finesse
Shortblade 100 cu 1d6 piercing - 2 lb. Finesse, light
Warhammer 150 cu 1d8 bludgeoning - 3 lb. Versatile (1d10)
Martial Ranged Weapons
Bow, Compound 400 cu 1d6 piercing (100/400) 2 lb. Ammunition, two handed
Pistol, arm 500 cu 1d6 piercing (30/120) 1 lb. Ammunition (6 shots), reload
Pistol, auto 250 cu 1d6 piercing (60/300) 2 lb. High-Velocity, burst fire (2)
Pistol, heavy 400 cu 1d8 piercing (50/250) 3 lb. High-Velocity, burst fire (2), recoil (1)
Rifle, auto 300 cu 1d10 piercing (80/400) 5 lb. High-Velocity, burst fire (3), recoil (1), two handed
Rifle, heavy 500 cu 2d6 piercing (100/500) 8 lb. High-Velocity, burst fire (3), heavy, recoil (2), two
Rifle, sniper 800 cu 2d8 piercing (300/2000) 8 lb. High-Velocity, heavy, two handed, special
Shotgun 250 cu 1d8 piercing (30/90) 7 lb. Reload, two handed, special
Fragmentation 100 cu 2d4 special Special 1 lb. Explosive, thrown, special
EMP 120 -- Special 1 lb. Thrown, special
Gas 200 cu 1d6 poison Special 1 lb. Thrown, special
Phosphorus 500 cu 1d6 fire Special 1 lb. Explosive, thrown, special
Stun 300 cu -- Special 1 lb. Thrown, special
Miscellaneous Gear
Item Cost Weight Item Cost Weight
Ammunition Metal Pole (10-foot) 30 7 lb.
Arrows, steel (20) 10 1 lb. Microfilament Wire (50 feet) 250 1 lb.
Bullets (20) 20 1 lb. Microanalyzer (digital microscope) 300 3 lb.
Antitoxin (ampoule) 500 — Micro-Toolset 20 8 lb.
Backpack 20 5 lb. Mirror, hand 30 0.5 lb.
Bag, large 10 2 lb. Motion Sensor 500 5 lb.
Bag, small 5 1 lb. Pack Attachment 200 3 lb.
Binoculars 20 2 lb. Padlock (digital) 50 1 lb.
Bio-suit 2000 10 lb. Perfume (bottle) 100 —
Blanket 20 3 lb. Perfume (vial) 50 —
Bolt Cutter 40 2 lb. Personal Computer 300 4 lb.
Briefcase 25 2 lb. Plasma Torch 250 2 lb.
Caltrops (box of 20) 20 2 lb. Poison, basic (ampoule) 1000 —
Chain (10 feet) 50 10 lb. Portable Media Device 200 0.5 lb.
Chemical Bandage 30 1 lb. Propane Lighter (pocket) 1 --
Climber’s kit 250 12 lb. Ration pack (1 day) 20 2 lb.
Clothing Recording Unit 150 1 lb.
Basic 50 3 lb. Restraints (metallic) 10 0.5 lb.
Fine 150 4 lb. Restraints (reinforced) 20 6 lb.
Traveling 20 4 lb. Rope, cable (50 feet) 100 5 lb.
Crowbar 20 5 lb. Sensory Jammer 500 --
Datapad 50 1 lb. Shovel 10 1 lb.
Diving Gear 1200 1 lb. SIM Goggles 1000 0.5 lb.
Fire Extinguisher 20 10 lb. SIM Unit 500 2 lb.
First Aid Kit 50 3 lb. Sleeping Bag 10 4 lb.
Flare (pack of 6) 10 3 lb. Sealed Bag 50 2 lb.
Flashlight 10 0.5 lb. Storage Crate 50 10 lb.
Flask, small 10 1 lb. Tent (3-5 person) 40 20 lb.
Flight Uniform 40 5 lb. Themos 20 3 lb. (full)
Glow Sticks (10) 2 0.5 lb. Two-Way Communicator 200 2 lb.
Grapple Gun 500 3 lb.
Hammer 10 3 lb.
Hammer, sledge 20 10 lb.
Healing ampoule 500 0.5 lb.
Holo-projector 1000 —
Ladder (10-foot) 10 25 lb.
Longcoat 50 4 lb.
Mag-lock 300 3 lb.
Magnetic Boots 1500 8 lb.
Mag-seal case 300 2 lb.
Container Capacity
Container Capacity
Backpack 1 cubic foot/30 pounds of gear
Bag, large 2 cubic feet/40 pounds of gear
Bag, small 0.5 cubic foot/10 pounds of gear
Briefcase 0.5 cubic foot/20 pounds of gear
Sealed Bag 3 gallons liquid, 1/2 cubic foot solid
Storage Crate 12 cubic feet/300 pounds of gear
Thermos 3 pints liquid
Item Cost Weight
Artisan’s Tools
Brewer’s Supplies 200 9 lb.
Carpenter’s Tools 80 6 lb.
Chemistry Supplies 500 8 lb.
Cooking Supplies 20 8 lb.
Cybersmith’s Tools 300 8 lb.
Demolition Tools 750 10 lb.
Digital Technician’s Tools 500 5 lb.
Gunsmith’s Tools 300 6 lb.
Jeweler’s Tools 250 2 lb.
Mason’s Tools 100 8 lb.
Metalworker’s Tools 400 10 lb.
Potter’s Tools 100 3 lb.
Shipwright’s Tools 850 15 lb.
Tailoring Supplies 30 10 lb.
Disguise Kit 250 3 lb.
Forgery Kit 300 3 lb.
Gaming Set
Dice Set 5 --
Playing Card Set 2 --
Digital Game Device 50 --
Hacker’s Kit 350 2 lb.
Herbalism Kit 50 3 lb.
Infiltration Tools 250 2 lb.
Medical Kit 500 5 lb.
Musical Instrument
Drums 60 2 lb.
Flute (or any woodwind instrument)) 200 2 lb.
Guitar (or any string variation) 350 5 lb.
Bugle (or any small brass instrument) 200 2 lb.
Keyboard Synthesizer 450 3 lb.
Tuba (or any large brass instrument) 400 5 lb.
Vehicles * *
Item Cost
Beast Mounts
Large 750 60 ft. 500 lb.
Huge 2000 40 ft. 1400 lb.
Bike (Ground) 10000 450 ft. 50 lb.
Car 25000 400 ft. 250 lb.
Hoverbike 25000 500 ft. 40 lb.
Hovercar 35000 450 ft. 250 lb.
Jet Ski 5000 400 ft. 20 lb
Motorboat 50000 500 ft. 300 lb
Yacht 150000 500 ft. 900 lb
Lifestyle Expenses
Lifestyle Cost
Vagrant --
Squatter 10
Poor 20
Modest 30
Comfortable 50
Luxury 75
Food, Drink, and Lodging
Item Cost
Single 8
Double 12
Room Rentals
Poor 10
Modest 15
Comfortable 30
Luxury 50
Poor 3
Modest 5
Comfortable 8
Luxury 10
Service Rate
Surface 1 per mile
Between Cities 15
Planetary 100
Skilled 50 per day
Untrained 20 per day
Sleight of Hand