(NSFW - Page 3/topless pics)

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Alicia Scarnetti, the Lady of Hearthwood, Sorceress, 5th level spellcaster

M2 4720 AR - engaged to marry Drakhaien. Lord Mayor Grobaras grants the happy couple Hearthwood Manor, about 5 miles east of Magnimar on the coast. Rambling manor house, sandy beach, cherry orchards and a hamlet of some 250 peasants. Drak & Alicia are named Lord & Lady of Hearthwood.

Alicia Scarnetti, human
Former Cohort of Rey.
Armor Class 14 with mage armour, 11 without
Hit Points 31 (7d8)  Healing Dice: 3 (d8)
Speed 30 ft.
STR 8 (-1) DEX 12 (+1) CON 10 (+0) INT 15 (+2) WIS 9 (-1) CHA 17 (+3)
Good saves INT, WIS
Proficiency +2
Perception +1 Arcana +4
Passive Perception 11
Spellcasting. She is a 5th level spellcaster (Sorcerer spells). Her spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks).
Cantrips (4)
Dancing Lights (conc, phb 230)
Fire Bolt (120', att +5, 1d10 fire damage)
Light (20' r, +20' r dim)
Mage Hand (r 30', action to control, 1 minute, 10 lb weight)
Spells Known (4) Spell slots: 4 1st 2, 2nd
1st level
1. Magic Missile (120', 3 force darts, 1d4+1 damage each), 4 at 2nd
2. Mage Armour (touch, unarmoured target gets AC 13+DEX for 8 hrs)
3. Burning Hands (15' cone, targets make DC 13 Dex save or take 3d6 fire damage, half damage if save, ignites flammable objects), 4d6 at 2nd
2nd level
1. Detect Thoughts (phb 231 - surface thoughts/wis save dc 13 if deep probe, target knows)
3rd Level

SA: liable to wild magic surge, phb pg 104

MI: Sending Stone - 1 of pair, Sarene the pirate has the other. Summoning Stone. Necklace of Adaptation - gift from Drakhaien M1 4720 AR.

Alicia Scarnetti ran through the dark wood, thorns tearing at her thin night-shift. Behind her flames rose from the burning town into the night sky. Beside her the last of the Scarnetti maids stumbled and fell, a goblin-arrow in her back. Shrill shrieks of triumph erupted from the pursuing Goblins, close behind her. Alicia ran on, not looking back.

There ahead in the clearing was the circle of standing-stones, rune-carved and ancient. An artifact of ancient Thassilon. The place where, two weeks past Brodert Quink, the scholar-sage of Thassilon, had used the ancient Rune magic and returned strange Jana Vex to - he said - her own world and time.

Alicia reached the circle, gasping for breath. She could never make the creek before the goblins caught her - this was her only chance. Could she remember the ancient words? She had never been the most dutiful of students - but she had to try.

"Thassilus Barada Nikto Ghenrek ..."

She intoned, and then gasped as the ancient runes on the stones around her came alive with blue fire. More shrieks from the woods indicated that the goblins had seen it too.

Alicia turned back towards Sandpoint, one last time. The town was burning - and more than that - she felt the shadow of something very Old and very Evil pass over her, its gaze towards Sandpoint, and in that moment she knew without doubt that all Varisia was doomed.

The Rise of the Runelords.

Then Alicia turned, and stepped into the circle. Blue flame flashed, and she was gone.

Spell scrolls from Hall of the Laer (CL7):

Level 1: Alarm (PHB 211), Witch Bolt (PHB 289), Expeditious Retreat (PHB 238), Comprehend Languages (PHB 224), Illusory Script (PHB 252), Ray of Sickness (PHB 271), Mage Armor (PHB 256), Fog Cloud (PHB 243)
Level 2: Blindness/Deafness (PHB 219), Spider Climb (PHB 277), Scorching Ray (PHB 273), Detect Thoughts (PHB 231)
Level 3: Phantom Steed (PHB 265), Lightning Bolt (PHB 255), Protection from Energy (PHB 270), Vampiric Touch (PHB 285)
Level 4: Wall of Fire (PHB 285), Locate Creature (PHB 256), Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum (PHB 262)

Saturday, 28 March 2015

NPC Demographics

Most people have 1-5 hit dice, with 2 being typical.

1                Novice
2                Trained/Competent  Spellcaster 1
3-4             Experienced        Spellcaster 2
5-7            Veteran     Spellcaster 3-4
8-10           Elite    Spellcaster 5-7
11-14         Ultra-Elite Spellcaster 8-10
15-20          Heroic Spellcaster 11-20

Friday, 27 March 2015

Ghinoran Warrior hd 3

This stat block represents typical members of a Ghinoran nobles' warband, and similar professional warriors. They are well-equipped and highly trained.

Armor Class 17 (breastplate, shield)
Hit Points 17 (3d8 + 3)
Speed 30 ft.
Proficiency +2
STR 14 (+2) DEX 12 (+1) CON 13 (+1) INT 9 (-1) WIS 10 (+0) CHA 11 (+0)
Skills Perception +2
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages any one language (usually Common)
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Duelist: +2  damage 1hw

Ghinoran Spear (1-h reach 10' disad in 5') or Sword (reach 5'). Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft or 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.

Aya, Ghinoran Shepherdess of Selatine hd 6, with Max the Dog

Aya of Selatine, Ghinoran Shepherdess of Selatine, "the Wood Nymph"
Medium humanoid
Armor Class 14 (12 Unarmoured Grace CHA, +2 DEX)
Hit Points 25 (6d8) healing die: 3 (d8)
Speed 30 ft.
STR 8 (-1) DEX 14 (+2) CON 10 (+0) INT 10 (+0) WIS 11 (+0) CHA 14 (+2)
Proficiency +2
Good saves DEX, CON
Senses passive Perception 12

SA: Multi-attack: Can make TWO melee or missile attacks as an attack action. +1 damage die with sling or shepherdess staff.

Crooked Shepherd Staff (2hw, finesse) Attack +4 Hit: 11 (2d8+2) non-lethal bludgeoning. lethal dmg +1/2d4-2. +1 sling bullets from Hakeem.
Sling. Missile Weapon Attack 30'/120': Attack: +4 Hit: 7 (2d4+2) bludgeoning damage.
Unarmed: 0 damage

Aya's slightly less attractive friend was called Vatta. Her great Ghinoran sheep-hound is called Max.
29/11/4445: Aya gained 200gp for recovering the Statue of Mitra-Apollo, making herself & her family quite wealthy in the village. Max survived his wounds, and got a nice bone.

Aya the Shepherdess
Max the Ghinarian Sheep Dog:
Medium beast, unaligned
Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
Hit Points 21 (4d8 + 4) healing die: 2 (d8+1)
Speed 40 ft.
STR 12 (+1) DEX 15 (+2) CON 12 (+1) INT 3 (−4) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 6 (−2)
Skills Perception +3*, Stealth +4
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages — *woof!*

*Keen Hearing and Smell. Advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
Pack Tactics. Advantage on attack rolls against a
creature if at least one of the wolf’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) piercing damage.
Critical hit (19-20): 12 (4d4+2), and if the target is a small or medium creature it is knocked prone.

On Hakeem's instruction Aya was flown to Thusia 27/1/47 from Trade by Shieldbiter, on his Royal Wyvern. She has orders to seek out Ursa the Dwarf.
Image result for old english sheep dog
Max the Sheep Dog

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

5e CR, XP & Quest/Non-Combat Awards

CR    XP  Standard 1/4  DMG 'Medium' 
   0   0-10     0-2                  
1/8      25        6                  
1/4      50       12                
1/2    100       25                 
1       200       50              50           300 NOVICE (LOW)
2       450      112           100           600
3       700      175           150         1800
4     1100      275           250
5     1800      450           500     HEROIC (MEDIUM)
6     2300      575           600
7     2900      725           750
8     3900      975           900
9     5000    1250          1100
10   5900    1475          1200 MAX LEVEL FOR NONCOMBAT AWARDS
11   7200    1800          1600    PARAGON (HIGH)
12   8400    2100          2000
13  10000   2500          2200
14  11500   2875          2500
15  13000   3250          2800
16  15000   3750          3200
17  18000   4500          3900    EPIC (VERY HIGH)
18  20000   5000          4200
19  22000   5500          4900
20  25000   6250          5700

Epic CR XP Awards
21     33000 - Ancient black dragon, Lich (not in lair), Solar
22     41000 - Ancient green dragon, Lich (in lair)
23     50000 - Ancient blue dragon, Empyrean, Kraken
24     62000 - Ancient red dragon
25     75000
26     90000
27    105000
28    120000
29    135000
30    155000 - Tarrasque

XP Needed to Level & Non-Combat XP Awards (per PC)

Level Minor Standard Major Amazing XP Needed to Level / Award Cap; standard encounters per level 
1        25         50        75     100            300/600;       6
2        50       100       150     200            600/1800;    6
3        75       150       225     400          1800/3800;   12
4       125      250       375     500          3800/7500;   15.2
5       250      500       750    1100         7500/9000;   15
6       300      600       900    1400         9000/11000; 15
7       350      750     1100    1700        11000/14000; 14.666
8       450      900     1400    2100        14000/16000; 15.555
9       550    1100     1600    2400        16000/20000; 14.545
10     600    1200     1900    2800        21000/20000; 17.5

11     800    1600     2400    3600        15000/20000; 9.375
12    1000   2000     3000    4500        20000/20000; 10
13    1100   2200     3400    5100        20000/25000; 9.09
14    1250   2500     3800    5700        25000/30000; 10
15    1400   2800     4300    6400        30000/30000; 10.714
16    1600   3200     4800    7200        30000/40000; 9.375
17    2000   3900     5900    8800        40000/40000; 10.256
18    2100   4200     6300    9500        40000/50000; 9.523
19    2400   4900     7300   10900       50000/50000; 10.204
20    2800   5700     8500   12700       50000/50000
20+  3000   6000     9000   13500       50000/50000

Guideline: 1 Minor Award at Average Party Level per 1.5 hours of play (in text chat).  1 Standard Award per typical 3-hour Session. Major award where there is a major accomplishment.

XP Per Level Standard & Revised Chart
Level    Total XP (Standard / Revised)
1                0 / 0
2              300 / 1000
3              900 / 3000
4             2700 / 6000
5             6500 / 10000
6            14000 / 20000
7            23000 / 30000
8            34000 / 45000
9            48000 / 60000
10          64000 / 80000
11          85000  /100000
12        100000 / 140000
13        120000 / 180000
14        140000 / 220000
15        165000 / 270000
16        195000 / 330000
17        225000 / 390000
18        265000 / 470000
19        305000 / 550000
20        355000 / 650000

Variant XP Chart - at 20 medium encounters per level

Level / XP to Level /Total XP
1 +1000                      0
2 +2000                1000
3 +3000                3000
4 +5000                6000
5 +10000            11000
6 +12000            21000
7 +15000            33000
8 +18000            48000
9 +22000            66000
10 +24000          88000
11 +32000        112000
12 +40000        144000
13 +44000        184000
14 +50000        228000
15 +56000        278000
16  +64000       334000
17  +78000       398000
18  +84000      476000
19  +98000      560000
20  N/A           658000

Variant System 
20 XP to level. Usually 1-2 XP per Award:
Minor Award (Quest/Fight/Treasure/Discovery/Encounter) - 1 XP
Major Award (Quest/Fight/Treasure/Discovery/Encounter) - 2 XP
Typically 1 hour of in-character roleplay or exploration will give a Minor Award.
Typical 4-hour session might give 4-5 XP.

Read more: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?535851-EXP-Complaint-leads-me-to-this-idea/page2#ixzz4ctf8KJgE

Mathematical average per creature...
CR 1-4 = 5.4 gp (2d4gp)
CR 5-10 = 84.2 gp (2d6x10gp)
CR11-16 = 946.8 gp (2d8x100gp)
CR17+ = 6510 gp (2d6x1000gp)

Hoard cache values average
CR 1-4 = 196 (4d8x10gp)
CR 5-10 = 2226 (6d6x100gp)
CR 11-16 = 18900 (4d8x1000gp)
CR 17+ = 322000 (9d6x10,000gp)

Read more: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?394743-Wealth-by-Level/page2#ixzz3ZmImNKu3

5eGH Jana Vex, Lady of Selatine, Priestess of Apollo

Jana in Altani garb
Jana in Vex Villa Showers
Jana Vex, Priestess of Mitra-Apollo. Lady of Selatine from 4447-4451 BCCC.

Selatine treasury: 1414gp (Ursa refused 500).

Equipment: Altani loincloth, sandals, holy symbol of Apollo-Mitra,  shortsword.

Born 4/10/4424 BCCC. Trained as a Priestess of Apollo-Mitra at the Temple-Tomb of Belaras.
9/10/4444  Exiled from Selatine by her brother Lord Hytirus Vex  for copulation with the adventurer Lance Harcourt. Ended up in Golarion, Sandpoint, with Lance, who later abandoned her for Alicia Scarnetti before his death in Thistletop.

15/10/4708 AR After an affair with a local crime boss she left Sandpoint, when the wizard-sage Brodert Quink successfully activated the Thassilonian runes of the stone circle in the woods south of Sandpoint. Months had passed on her home plane.

10/10/4445: a year and a day from her exile she returned to Selatine, and was admitted by Lord Hytirus. She resanctified the Crypt of St Ulther to Mitra.
25/12/4445: Jana seemed much smitten with the handsome sea captain Eldam Alamsor of Rallu.
15/1/4446: News reached Ahyf that Oriax the Lecherous had taken Jana for a pony-girl as reprisal for the death of his Orcs.
M2 4446: Rescued from Oriax's chariot, Jana Vex accompanied Hakeem, Rey & Bjornalf west.
Oggie, Jana's tentacle beast sometime boyfriend, Testing Pits of Belaras
She decided to stay at the Temple-Tomb of Belaras, working in the Testing Pits, and soon became friendly with the resident Tentacle Beast, Oggie.
She worked at the Temple of Belaras until  M10 4446, when she decided to become a travelling priestess and departed the Temple.

29/10/4446 Returned to Selatine to attend to the desecrated Shrine of Apollo-Mitra.
M11 4446: Tried to recruit her former novitiate Polyachus, now lover of Cassandra Starling. a druidess girl from the world of Yggsburgh. but could not get him to leave his desert island. Visited the Citadel of Water and met Kane the Avenger. Accompanied Sandor & co into Dyson's Delve.

Late 4446: Jana was killed by the Nerathi in Dyson's Delve, but raised by Lady Meda in Thusia.
She returned to the Temple of Belaras, until the Council of Meda 22/1/4447, when she again joined with new lover Sandor Sunneson on a mission to free Selatine from the influence of Thanatos.

In M12 4446, after failing to persuade her apprentice Polyachus to return to re-establish the Shrine at Selatine, being killed adventuring in Dyson's Delve, and raised by Meda of Thusia, she returned shamefaced to the Temple, determined to do penance for her many sins. M1 she joined Sandor & co at Thusia in a quest to liberate Selatine.

After freeing Selatine from the Thanatic priest, she exiled her brother Hytirus and became Lady of Selatine, aided by her new female lover...

4451 BCCC exiled from Selatine on her brother Hytirus' return. Trains with the Sun-Soul Monks of Mitra.

4454 M1 Jana approaches Lazlo, Warrior of the Yig Temple, for aid in retaking Selatine from her brother.

07/02/4454 Talaktakan & Lazlo betray Jana to Hytirus, kill her at the Kionin egg, & use its power to resurrect her as a virginal 18 year old level 1 Cleric. Novice Jana gets a job as a bar wench at Rama's Inn.

Epicaste & Vuthrik
Aya & Max
Alces Smiths: AC 12 HD 3+3 HP 17 ATT +5 hammer dam 2d6+3 STR 16 DE 10 CO 13

Malenn of Mitra, the Golden Queen of Ahyf, Paladin

Malenn of Mitra ca late 4445 BCCC

A Golden Queen, ca 4448 BCCC - with Hendryk & Briaron
Queen Malenn the Golden Queen of Ahyf, Paladin of Mitra

Background: Born in Tharbria ca 4312; younger sister to Queen Yrsa of Hylmdale; met and loved Deod in CSIO 4333; Shifted (plane shifted) by Red Reaver mage +10 years from ca mid 4335 to ca mid 4445. Wife of Hakeem Greywolf from 16/1/4446 to his disappearance 20/8/47.
Effective age 25 in 4447.

Human, Skando-Tharb.
Class: Paladin (variant) Level: 9
Armor Class 20 (Nerathi full plate & shield) or 18 (+2 DEX +2 shield +4 CHA Unarmoured Grace)
Hit Points 76
HD: 9 x (d10+2) HP: Levelx8 + 4
Speed 30 ft.
Proficiency +4
STR 8 (-1) DEX 14 (+2) CON 14 (+2) INT 12 (+1) WIS 14 (+2) CHA 18 (+4)
Good saves WIS, CHA.
Senses passive Perception 16

Divine Sense: 4/day she can focus - as an Action - & detect supernatural celestial, fiend or undead within 60', but not mortal alignment. Can detect consecrated or desecrated ground.

Brave. Malenn has advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
Unarmoured Grace. Malenn adds her CHA bonus to AC when unarmoured.
Duelist fighting style. +2 damage with single one-handed weapon.

Multiattack. Malenn can make two melee attacks.
Blessing of Mitra 6/LR: Recharges after Long Rest - requires prayer to the rising sun to recharge. Action, affects up to 3 willing allied creatures within 30'.   In the next 10 rounds whenever the Blessed allies make an attack roll or a saving throw they add +2 to the roll. A creature can benefit from only one Bless die at a time. Requires Concentration - this effect ends if Malenn is incapacitated. 
Malenn in the bedroom
Alternately she can use the same energy to Divine Smite on a hit for +2d8 radiant damage, +3d8 vs undead or fiend.
Lay on Hands: She can touch someone and restore up to 45 hp per LR (or spend 5 hp to cure disease/poison). Recharges after long rest.

Weapons (2 attacks/action)
Amazon Sword (a gift from Queen Laurana) ATT +6 dam 1d8+4 (+2d8/3d8 radiant smite)
Unarmed ATT +3 dam 0 (+2d8 smite!)

Equipment: Queen's gown, silver chain bikini, silvered plate armour, sandals, steel-rimmed round shield, scabbard and weapon belt. Backpack. Treasure: qv

16/1/4446: Malenn is pregnant! :)
17/1/4446: Malenn is married to Hakeem! :)
Baby (Hassan) by Hakeem mid M10 '46
4/8/47 Malenn is pregnant again!!
2nd child by Hakeem born start of M5 '48 - named Meda after Lady Meda of Thusia.

Queen Yrsa of Hlymdale

Malenn's older (by an hour) twin sister Queen Yrsa of Hlymdale was rescued by Moffett Manglemaimer in 4433 BCCC. She met a heroic death battling the Red Reavers & their Black Sun allies some years back (as of 4448). She left a child, a young prince still in hiding, who it is prophesied to one day free the Grimalon plains from Tyranny...

Malenn & Sandor at Ahyf, ca 25/8/4447 BCCC

Spellcasting. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your paladin spells. You use your Charisma whenever
a spell refers to your spellcasting ability.

To cast a spell, you must expend a slot
of the spell’s level or higher. You regain
all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.

Spell save DC: 15
Spell attack modifier: +7

Spells Prepared:
1st level (4 slots): bless, compelled duel,
heroism, protection from evil and good,
searing smite, sanctuary

2nd level (3 slots): blinding smite, find
steed, lesser restoration, zone of truth

Divine Sense (5; Recharges after a
Long Rest). As an action, you can open
your awareness to sense strong evil and
powerful good. Until the end of your
next turn, you know the location of any
celestial, fiend, or undead within 60
feet of you that is not behind total cover.
You know the type of any being whose
presence you sense, but not its identity.
Within the same radius, you also detect
the presence of any place or object that
has been consecrated or desecrated, as
with the hallow spell.
You can use this feature a
number of times equal to 1 + your
Charisma modifier.

Divine Smite. When you hit a creature
with a melee weapon attack, you can
expend one paladin spell slot to deal an
extra 2d8 radiant damage to the target
(3d8 radiant damage if it is an undead
or a fiend).

Lay on Hands. You have a pool of healing
power, with which you can restore up to
40 hit points. This pool replenishes after
you finish a long rest.
As an action, you can touch a creature
and draw power from the pool to restore
a number of hit points to that creature,

Paladin Features
Aura of Devotion. You and friendly
creatures within 10 feet of you can’t be
charmed while you are conscious.

Aura of Protection. Whenever you or
a friendly creature within 10 feet of you
must make a saving throw, the creature
gains a +4 bonus to the saving throw. You
must be conscious to grant this bonus.
up to the maximum amount remaining
in your pool.

Alternatively, you can expend 5 hit
points from your pool of healing to cure
the target of one disease or neutralize
one poison affecting it. You can cure
multiple diseases and neutralize multiple
poisons with a single use of Lay on
Hands, expending hit points separately
for each one.
This feature has no effect on undead
and constructs.

Channel Divinity (Recharges after a
Short or Long Rest). You can use one of
the following options.

Sacred Weapon. As an action, you can
imbue one weapon that you are holding
with positive energy. For 1 minute, you
add a +4 bonus to attack rolls made with
that weapon. The weapon also emits
bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim
light 10 feet beyond that. If the weapon is
not already magical, it becomes magical
for the duration.
You can end this effect on your turn
as part of any other action. If you are no
longer holding or carrying this weapon,
or if you fall unconscious, this effect ends.

Turn the Unholy. As an action, you
present your holy symbol and speak a
prayer censuring fiends and undead.
Each fiend or undead that can see or hear
you within 30 feet of you must make a DC
15 Wisdom saving throw. If the creature
fails its saving throw, it is turned for 1
minute or until it takes damage.
A turned creature must spend its turns
trying to move as far away from you as it
can, and it can’t willingly move to a space
within 30 feet of you. It also can’t take
reactions. For its action, it can use only
the Dash action or try to escape from
an effect that prevents it from moving. If
there’s nowhere to move, the creature can
use the Dodge action.

Yrsa of Hlymdale, twin of Malenn