Altanian Human Female
ST 6 DE 13 CO 17 IN 7 WI 4 CH 16
AC 11 HP 10 (2d8+6)

Background: Buedra was born 16/6/4427; she and her father Piegeron the Potter come originally from Carchimish town. When she was little, bandits took Carchimish from King Koloth (in 4432, 15 years ago as of 44447), and the brigand lord Marnt enslaved her mother (also Buedra) and gave her to his men; she soon died. Piegeron feared his young daughter would be taken by the brigands too, so in 4433 he fled the town with his only child and settled in Thusia, where he makes a decent living making red stoneware, while Buedra serves big jugs of dark ale at the Sun & Stars.
In M1 4447 Buedra & Davos were kidnapped by brigands, but rescued by Sandor & the dwarf Ursa, with whom she is much enamoured.
Shaele the Barmaid, Sun & Stars Inn, Thusia
Half-Elf Female
ST 7 DE 12 CO 8 IN 12 WI 9 CH 15
AC 11 HP 6 (2d8-2)
SA: advtg vs Charm, can't be Sleeped, low light vision

Background: Shaele does not remember her mother, a human lady of Ahyf, possibly impregnated by a wandering Elven adventurer. Kicked out by her family, she with her baby headed for sanctuary in Thusia, which in 4424 had just become ruled by the Viridian Amazon Sorceress, Lady Meda. Weakened by blood loss, she never made it. A night time Ghul hunting party found her body on the road, the babe in her arms. They left the baby with their Brightbones kin in Thusia. Shaele was raised by the Brightbones, naturally working at the Inn and graduating from scullion to barmaid. She regards Davos as a father figure.
Shaele is pleasant and coy but quite reserved, and rarely gets too close to patrons. She is fascinated by magic, and dreams of becoming a Bard like Lady Meda.
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