Blonde twin daughters of Oswald Striker, Yggsburgh's Chief Banker. From a pampered and privileged upbringing. Used to the security, comfort, and social whirl of Yggsburgh, they are rather naive and unworldly.
AC 10
Hit Points 7 (2d8-2) Healing Dice 1 (d8)
Speed 30'
ST 6 (-2) DE 11 (+0) CO 9 (-1) IN 12 (+1) WI 9 (-1) CH 15 (+2)
Proficiency Bonus +2
Unarmed, 0 damage.
Cirella of Rallu
AC 10
Hit Points 5 (d8) Healing Dice 1 (d8)
Speed 30'
ST 6 (-2) DE 11 (+0) CO 10 (+0) IN 11 (+0) WI 11 (+0) CH 16 (+3)
Proficiency Bonus +2
Unarmed, 0 damage.
8/12/4445, Aldo Redeye to Rey:
"I'll sell you Cirella for 100 gold plus a three year lease on your three girls (Aole, Ivy & Annabel)- if you leave within three years I get Cirella back again, or you pay another 300 in lieu. Deal?"

hd 3.
Female human Priestess of Crisos.
AC 12
Hit Points 21 (hd 3d8+6) Healing Dice: 1 (d8+2)
Speed 30 feet
ST 9 (-1) IN 14 (+2) WI 16 (+3) CO 15 (+2) DE 14 (+2) CH 16 (+3)
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Unarmed, 0 damage.
Cure Wounds 4/day (1d8+3)
Turn Undead - requires Holy Symbol (Cross) of Crisos.
Level 2 Cleric Rituals
Turn Undead: 1/short rest
Action: present holy symbol. Roll a single d20+5 to Turn, opposed by Undead's passive WIS Save. Roll must match Undead's passive WIS save (DC=14+WIS save bonus), eg skeleton DC 13 zombie DC 14.
If succeed, all Undead within 30' are turned, fleeing for 1 minute (PHB 59).
Equipment: copper body jewelry.
Once a Nerian princess, priestess, crusader, and student at the College of Yggsburgh, the slave girl Aole was bathing with Candice Wright and the Striker twins M4 YY 99 in Miss Wright's Yggsburgh bathing pool, when she was brought through a portal to the Wilderlands by Oriax the Horned Wizard, and captured by his Orcs. After a short time at the tower of Oriax in his harem, all four were sent north to Selatine by wagon, and three sold to Lord Reynard on the road; Candice was bought by the Skandik Bjornalf Brighteyes.
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