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Lucy, Airshark Inn tavern wench |
Former Cohort (slave) of Rey. Former tavern wench at Airshark Inn
Armor Class 11
Hit Points 13 (3d8) Healing Dice: 1 (d8)
Speed 30 ft.
STR 7 (-2) DEX 12 (+1) CON 10 (+0) INT 17 (+3) WIS 11 (+0) CHA 16 (+3)
Proficiency +2
Good saves INT, CHA

Science (Physics) +7 (spec)
Former Oriax Girl Outworld slave, a former young scientist at the Centre for High Energy Research, Cambridge, England, in the Earth year 2009, mid 4445 BCCC. Acquired by Lord Reynard from Oriax the Horned Wizard on 29/11/4445 (age 21). She had been a pony girl for Oriax's chariot, until escaping in the woods south of Thracia, only to be captured by the shepherdesses Aya & Vatta.
Lucy Prentice: outworld slave, acquired by Lord Reynard from Oriax the Horned Wizard on 29/11/4445. Declared herself free in Thusia M2 4446. Ran off with Orph the Bard, who eventually sold her as a coin girl in Ahyf.
Another notable resident of Thusia was the former Oriax Girl Lucy Prentice - a highly intelligent 'Philosopher' (Scientist) of CHER, Cambridge, Earth 2009. Where most of Rey's acquisitions fell eagerly into his arms, Lucy had proven rather reluctant, eventually giving in... on reaching Thusia 12/2/46, Lucy declared her intention to stay in Thusia as a free woman. She was assisting Lady Meda in her researches, and learning about Mycr."
5/5/46 Word in Thusia has it that Tania the Amazon & Lucy Prentice are now 'close personal friends'... also with Orph!
M6-10 4446: Lucy went off with Orph to Ahyf town. When he tired of her, he sold her as a coin girl to Gorok Halfogre. She worked at the Airshark Inn as a tavern wench.
M4 47 Lucy was bought by Joseph, Oriax's apprentice, and sent to the Isles of Purple-Haunted Putrescence. Rescued by Steelclaw & co in the sacking of Oriax's Tower (4449?), in M8 4452 (age 27) she is again a tavern girl, at the Horny Goat Inn, St Ulther's Lighthouse.
The other Lucy Prentice.
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