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Jarl Sjorald Ivarson, Lesser Jarl; Governor of Zothay. |
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Skandik Warriors raid an Altanian camp. |
Skandik Warrior
Medium humanoid
Armor Class: 16 (13 chain shirt, +1 DEX, +2 shield) or AC 14 no shield
Hit Points: 22 (4d8+4)
Speed: 30 ft.
Strength 14 (+2), Dexterity 12 (+1), Constitution 13 (+1), Intelligence 10 (+0), Wisdom 9 (-1), Charisma 11 (+0)
Skills: Intimidation +2, Athletics +4 (swim +6), Perception +1
Passive perception: 11
Challenge Rating: 1/2 (100 XP)
• Battleaxe or Longsword: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8+2 slashing damage. d10+2 2-handed.
• Skandik Warbow (STR): Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 120 ft./360 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8+2 piercing damage.
These are not the Thrall levy farmers (use Tribesman stats), but tough pirates and raiders, highly skilled warriors, though not the elite Huscarls of the Jarls and Kings. Some Warriors wear Scale armour: AC 17 with shield, AC 15 no shield.
Skandik Huscarl
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Armor Class: 18 (chainmail, shield); or AC 16 no shield
Hit Points: 33 (5d8+10)
Speed: 30 ft.
Strength 16 (+3), Dexterity 12 (+1), Constitution 14 (+2), Intelligence 10 (+0), Wisdom 10 (+0), Charisma 12 (+1)
Skills: Athletics +5 (swim +7), Intimidation +3, Perception +2
Passive perception: 12
Challenge Rating: 2 (450 XP)
SA: Weapon master: +2 dmg 1hw or +d6 dmg greatsword or +4 damage with greataxe.
Multi-Attack: The Skandik Huscarl makes two melee weapon attacks.
• Battleaxe or Longsword: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8+5 slashing damage. 1d10+5 2hw
Great Axe or Greatsword: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d12+7 or 3d6+3 slashing damage.
These are the elite warriors of the Jarls and the leaders of lesser men, second only to the King's Personal Guard. They are highly aggressive and deadly warriors.
Skandik Kingsguard, Minor Champion, or Lesser Jarl
Medium humanoid
Armor Class: 19 (banded mail, shield); or AC 17 no shield
Hit Points: 59 (9d8+18)
Speed: 30 ft.
Strength 18 (+4), Dexterity 12 (+1), Constitution 15 (+2), Intelligence 10 (+0), Wisdom 12 (+1), Charisma 12 (+1)
Skills: Athletics +6 (swim +8), Intimidation +3, Perception +3
Passive perception: 13
Challenge Rating: 4
SA: Weapon master: +2 dmg 1hw or +d6 dmg greatsword or +4 damage greataxe. Action Surge: extra action 1/SR. Second Wind: bonus action recover d10+6 hp 1/SR
Multi-Attack: The Skandik Kingsguard makes two melee weapon attacks.
• Battleaxe or Longsword: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8+6 slashing damage.
Great Axe or Greatsword: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d12+8 or 3d6+4 slashing damage.
These warriors are normally only found in numbers at the banner of a King. In particular Alkazed of Ossary commands a strong host of Kingsguard. Some Champions and Jarls have been known to wield enchanted weapons, eg +1 Longsword Att +7 dam 1d8+7. A few possess Alryan Plate armour; AC 20 with shield, 18 no shield.
Skandik Warlord, Major Jarl or Major Champion
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Olaf the Viking, Major Champion |
Hit Points: 135 (18d8+54)
Speed: 30 ft.
Strength 18 (+4), Dexterity 12 (+1), Constitution 16 (+3), Intelligence 10 (+0), Wisdom 12 (+1), Charisma 14 (+2)
Skills: Athletics +7 (swim +9), Intimidation +5, Perception +4
Passive perception: 14
Challenge Rating: 7 PB +3
SA: Weapon master: +2 dmg 1hw or +d6 dmg greatsword or +4 damage greataxe. Armour Master: +1 AC in heavy armour. Action Surge: extra action 1/SR. Second Wind: bonus action recover d10+12 hp 1/SR
Multi-Attack: The Skandik Warlord makes three melee weapon attacks.
• +1 Battleaxe or +1 Longsword: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8+7 slashing damage.
+1 Great Axe or +1 Greatsword: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d12+9 or 3d6+5 slashing damage.
These are the leaders of Skandik hosts, the champions of great Jarls, and the commanders of Kingsguard - men second only to the Heroes and to King Alkazed himself. Almost all wield enchanted weapons graven with Skandik war runes of Wotan (Odin) and Donnar (Thor).
Skandik Major Hero
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Jarl Raknar Vardelbrokk, Major Hero & Kingsgard of King Alkazed |
Armor Class: 22 (+1 plate armour, shield, +1 AC armour master); or AC 20 no shield; around 25% have a +1 shield)
Hit Points: 203 (27d8+81)
Speed: 30 ft.
Strength 20 (+5), Dexterity 12 (+1), Constitution 16 (+3), Intelligence 10 (+0), Wisdom 12 (+1), Charisma 16 (+3)
Skills: Athletics +9 (swim +11), Intimidation +7, Perception +5
Passive perception: 15
Challenge Rating: 10 PB +4
SA: Weapon master: +2 dmg 1hw or +d6 dmg greatsword or +4 damage greataxe. Armour Master: +1 AC in heavy armour. Action Surge: extra action 2/SR. Second Wind: bonus action recover d10+18 hp 1/SR
Indomitable - reroll a failed save 3 times per Long Rest.
Multi-Attack: The Skandik Hero makes three melee weapon attacks.• +2 Battleaxe or +2 Longsword: Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8+9 slashing damage.
+2 Great Axe Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d12+11 slashing damage
+2 Greatsword: Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3d6+7 slashing damage
These are unique, semi-legendary heroes and mighty kings. There are rarely more than 2-3 per generation.
Skandik Odin-Priest
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Odin-Priest |
Hit Points 27 (5d8 +5)
Speed 30 ft.
STR +1 DEX +0 CON +1 INT +1 WIS +3 CHA +2
Skills Medicine +7, Persuasion +4, Religion +3
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Skandik & Common
Challenge 2 (450 XP) PB +2
Divine Eminence. As a bonus action, the priest can expend a spell slot to cause his spear attacks to magically deal an extra 10 (3d6) radiant damage to a target on a hit. This benefit lasts until the end of the turn. If the priest expends a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the extra damage increases by 1d6 for each level above 1st.
Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6+1 piercing damage; +3d6 radiant with Divine Eminence.
Spell Focus: The Odin-Priest's spell focus is his spear.
Spellcasting. The priest is a 5th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). The priest has the following cleric spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy
1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, guiding bolt, healing word
2nd level (3 slots): lesser restoration, spiritual weapon (spear)
3rd level (2 slots): dispel magic, spirit guardians (valkyies)
Skandik Odin-Acolyte
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Huscarl & Kingsguard |
Hit Points 22 (4d8 +4)
Speed 30 ft.
Challenge 1 (200 XP) PB +2
STR +1 DEX +0 CON +1 INT +1 WIS +2 CHA +2
Skills Medicine +6, Persuasion +4, Religion +3
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Skandik & Common
Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6+1 piercing damage
Spell Focus: The Odin-Acolyte's spell focus is his spear.
Spellcasting. the Acolyte is an 1st-level cleric. His spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 12, to hit with spell attacks +4)
Cantrips (at will): light, Sacred Flame (DEX/d8 radiant, rng 60'), thaumaturgy
1st level (2 slots): cure wounds (d8+2), guiding bolt (ATT+4, 4d6 radiant & next att advtg, rng 120'), healing word (bonus action d4+2, rng 60')
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Alkazed Ulfursson; the Black Dragon, the Eldritch One, the Kinslayer; King of Ossary & Adherent of the Black Sun. |
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Cirella of Rallu, slave concubine to King Alkazed |
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Megaera Lorvas, Red Priestess of the Black Sun, lover of Alkazed |
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"The Black Sun Rises In The Eternal Cycle of Return" - Megaera Lorvas |
King Alkazed Ulfurrson, the Terrible, the Mighty, the Black Dragon, the Eldritch One. Called Foehammer, the Kinslayer. King of Ossary & Adherent of the Black Sun
Medium humanoid
Fighter - Eldritch Knight, Level 20
Armor Class 25 > 27 Hasted > 32 Shield (AC 20 for Alryan Plate amour +2, +4 for Sentinel Shield +2, +1 for Ring of Protection), advantage on targeted magic saves and '20' reflects due to Ring of Spell Turning. +5 AC with Shield spell (Reaction), +2 with Haste concentration
Hit Points 224 (hp = Levelx11+4)
Hit dice: 20 (d10 +4)
Proficiency +6
Init: +1 & advantage from Sentinel Shield
Speed 30 ft. > 60' with Haste
STR 20 (+5) DEX 12 (+1) CON 20 (+5) INT 14 (+2) WIS 10 (+0) CHA 16 (+3)
Saves STR +11 (+12) CON +11 (+12), all saves +1 with ring of protection. DEX save advtg Hasted.
Senses Passive Perception 21 (Sentinel Shield)
Languages Skandik, Common
Challenge 20
The Sentinel Shield +2 - emblazoned with the Eye of Wotan, shield gives wielder Advantage on Initiative & Perception checks; NB no attunement needed.
3 Potions of extra healing 4d4+4
6 vials anti-toxin (advantage vs poison)
Potions of fire, cold, lightning & thunder resistance (1 each)
Alryan Plate amour +2, taken from a great admiral of the City State/CSIO
Ring of Protection (attuned)
Ring of Spell Turning (attuned)
"Manbane"; +3 Longsword, +2d8 damage vs Humans & Human-Blooded (including Dragonborn, Tieflings, Half-Elves & Half-Orcs, but not Elves Dwarves Gnomes or Halflings) (attuned)
+1 Warbow, STR 20
SA: Duelist, +2 damage with 1-handed weapon. Action Surge - extra action, 2/SR. Second Wind bonus action to recover d10+20 hp, 1/SR. Indomitable - reroll a failed save 3 per Long Rest.
Multiattack. Alkazed makes 4 attacks as an attack action.
+3 Longsword "Manbane" ATT +14 dam: 3d8+10 (crit 6d8+10). 4 attacks, +1 attack if Hasted, +4 attacks with action surge
+1 Warbow ATT +12 dam 1d8+6, 4 attacks, +1 attack if Hasted
Spellcasting: Save DC 16, spell attack +8
Weapon Bond to Manbane & Warbow - summon as bonus action.
Improved War Magic - can make 1 weapon attack as bonus action with cantrip or spell casting
Eldritch Strike - hit gives victim disad vs spell saves
Arcane Charge - teleport 30' when using Action Surge (before or after)
Cantrips: 3 Spells Known: 13, 9 abjuration or invocation Spell Slots: 4 - 3 - 3 - 1
Cantrips: Fire bolt; True Strike, Message
Level 1 (4): Shield abj +5 AC on Reaction, Faerie Fire
Level 2 (3) :Blur (old classic, enemy has attack disadvantage against the King alone, cast on himself there is no save against it, concentration); Mirror Image (depends on if Mirror Image and Blurr can work together with having disadvantages even against the illusion images. NOT a concentration so likely they do work together)
Level 3 (3): Fireball 8d6 evoc, Fly trans, conc Haste trans, conc; Tidal Wave (DEX save, 'crowd control' against a large number of enemy solders before the King)
Level 4 (1): Fire Shield evoc (res to fire or cold, melee attacker takes 2d8 fire or cold per hit, no conc)
Spells researched by Alkazed & his Sages:
- Thunderclap (if encircled, hits multiple foes, CON save)
- Sword Burst (similar as above, better flavor for warrior, DEX save)
- Message (could be very useful for a commander during a loud/chaotic combat for giving specific orders to subjects/officers)
- True Strike (Advantage on one attack next turn, might be ideal to strike with a spell that requires an attack roll and the King wants to make certain it hits)
Level 1:
- Identify (A king might want to know what is the most worth/magical/ loot, and is a ritual)
- Command (very regal, Vader-ish)
- Find Familiar [Doesn't even need to be in current spell list! If he picked a familiar earlier he could by now already have replaced the spell!]
- Expeditious Retreat (If an aggressive fighter the King might use this not to run away, but to charge from one enemy to another)
- Tasha's Hideous Laughter (WIS save, falls prone/incapacitated)
- Tenser's Floating Disk (to transport loot or captives, also a ritual to limit spell slot use)
Level 2:
- Blindness/Deafness (while a CON save, if failed the enemy is basically geting permanent disadvantage for a whole battle, likely used against mage-types)
- Blurr (old classic, enemy has attack disadvantage against the King alone, cast on himself there is no save against it, concentration)
- Cloud of Daggers (has no save against it)
- Hold Person (WIS save, attempt for capture?)
- Mirror Image (depends on if Mirror Image and Blurr can work together with having disadvantages even against the illusion images. NOT a concentration so likely they do work together)
Level 3:
- Gaseous Form (retreat/evacuate through holes/cracks where Alkazed couldn't be followed)
- Bestow Curse (WIS save, utility/combat use, stronger cast as level 4)
- Tidal Wave (DEX save, 'crowd control' against a large number of enemy solders before the King)
Notes: 6'8" and powerfully built, but the true terror of the Black Dragon of Ossary lies in the dark sorceries he has mastered. They are said to make him invincible in combat; for he has duelled and killed hundreds. Now, under the guidance of his Red Pristesss Megaera Lorvas, he has mastered the final mysteries of the Black Sun, and is ready to set the Wilderlands of Barbarian Altanis ablaze...
4829 OSSARY Conventional; AL CE; TL 7; 15,000 gp limit; Assets 6,000,000 gp; Population 12,800 (Able bodied 3,200); human 99% [mostly Skandik, some Tharbrian, a few Altanian], Resources: Market.
Authority Figure:
King Alkazed Ulfursson, male Skandik CE Ftr20 Eldritch Knight
Important Characters:
Togard the Stout, male Skandik LG Clr15, somnolent high priest of Odin, followers are angered at
him for letting Alkazed go unchecked
Loknar the Unblessed, male Skandik CE Clr11, high priest of Loki and advisor to Alkazed
Megaera Lorvas, Clr 10, Red Priestess of the Black Sun and lover-advisor to Alkazed
Originally named Ossyr Lee, the city was renamed when it was captured in the early 33rd(?) century BCCC by raiding Skandiks. Ossary is the greatest city of Skandiks in the Wilderlands. It is the heart of the Kingdom of Ossary and is ruled by the cruel King Alkazed. The city is divided among several dozen clans that compete and fight against each other. This makes the streets that run between clanholds very dangerous to those not traveling in large groups. Ossary is also the central market where merchants and raiders meet to trade plundered goods and slaves. Each of the clans is expected to furnish men and longships to the King. The Overlord and the King of Ossary have a long history of conflicts with a half-dozen major battles in the last thousand years (3400-4400 BCCC).
The Skandik reavers usually win the sea battles; the CSIO Vasthosts do somewhat better on land, but have not attempted a full invasion of Ossaran territory since the disaster at Sea Rune where Thor himself appeared to smite the Overlord's Vasthost.
The Skandik reavers usually win the sea battles; the CSIO Vasthosts do somewhat better on land, but have not attempted a full invasion of Ossaran territory since the disaster at Sea Rune where Thor himself appeared to smite the Overlord's Vasthost.
(3611) ZOTHAY (Town): Conventional; AL N/LG; TL 5; 800 gp limit; Assets 55,500gp; Population 4000+ (Able bodied 1000+); Mixed (human 90% [50% Mixed/Alryan, 20% Gishmesh, 25% Tharbrian, 10% Skandik, 10% Altanian, 5% Ghinoran], half-elf 2%, elf 4%, dwarf 2%, halfling 1%, other 1%)
Resources: Market.Authority Figure: Governor -Sjorald Ivarson, male Skandik Warrior of Ossary, was
Important Characters: Perena, female Tharbrian Priestess (Clr 5, Athena); Sanjis Tharsa, female Gishmesh dancing girl, owner of the Three Plates Resthouse; Revin Olthar, male Tharbrian slave trader); Thunis of Thalanzar, male Gishmesh priest of Selanii.
When the Skandiks arrived at Ossary over 1,000 years ago, Zothay was a small fishing village. After the town of Kauran fell, the entire coastline southward felt the repeated raids of the Skandiks. Emboldened by the goddess Athena, Zothay
was the lone village to resist. It built a small alliance along the coast to Horaja and began to successfully resist the Skandiks. An alliance was made with the Overlord of the City State, and the village became a small city as the goods from the Sea of Five Winds flowed up the Old South Road to the City State.
However, 100 years ago, the King of Ossary enlisted the aid of the Redrock Orcs to attack Zothay and its alliance. In the general confusion, the King of Ossary attacked Zothay and sacked the town. He had the citizens tear down the sea-walls, installed a Skandik governor, and forced the town to pay tribute.
When the Skandiks arrived at Ossary over 1,000 years ago, Zothay was a small fishing village. After the town of Kauran fell, the entire coastline southward felt the repeated raids of the Skandiks. Emboldened by the goddess Athena, Zothay
was the lone village to resist. It built a small alliance along the coast to Horaja and began to successfully resist the Skandiks. An alliance was made with the Overlord of the City State, and the village became a small city as the goods from the Sea of Five Winds flowed up the Old South Road to the City State.
However, 100 years ago, the King of Ossary enlisted the aid of the Redrock Orcs to attack Zothay and its alliance. In the general confusion, the King of Ossary attacked Zothay and sacked the town. He had the citizens tear down the sea-walls, installed a Skandik governor, and forced the town to pay tribute.
Megaera Lorvas (offline sheet)
ca M1-8 4446 BCCC Lord Namelin of Hara was being advised by Megaera Lorvas, a Neo-Nerathi Red Priestess of the Black Sun and younger sister to the infamous Necromancer Tal Lorvas, Knight Concordant of Nerath Restored, who raised Cormarrin's 300 from their graves to take Bisgen in 4434 BCCC.
Namelin betrayed her when he turned on Neo-Nerath, and handed her over to Hakeem at Thusia.
M10 4446 BCCC Thuruar pacted with Charon & banished Megaera to the River Styx. She ws confident that she would Return.
Maegaera was just 16 years old in 4434 BCCC when Varek Tigerclaw's Altanian horde overran the human Nerathi militia south of Bisgen, slaughtering her father, her two older brothers, and her other male relatives. When the last line of Cormarrin's Risen Three Hundred finally drove back the Altanian Host from before the gates of Bisgen, the retreating Barbarians burned the defenceless Lorvas farm, raped Megaera, raped and murdered her mother and her two little sisters. Somehow, Megaera survived.
She does not forgive, nor forget.
M10 4446: dispatched to the River Styx by Thuruar - "I will return"...
M6 4447: The returned and empowered Megaera Lorvas has gained a position as Vizier (and possibly lover?) to the Skandik King Alkazed of Ossary, and is said to be instructing him in the teachings of the Black Sun. It's rumoured she had a hand in the upheavals at Zothay. There is said to be some friction between her and Loknar the Unblessed, but Megaera has worked to win over this 'power behind the throne'.
M7 4447: Megaera blows her cover to recover the body of Nightshadow at Stone Tooth.
Cirella of Rallu: a nubile former serving wench at Redeye Inn until purchased by Rey 8/12/4445. Once a high-born lady of Rallu's House Whitehawk, after the death of her father Octavius she was sold into slavery by her wicked stepmother and three ugly step-sisters. Dreams of a prince charming who will rescue her. Rey did a passable imitation. The sale of Beverly to Kogor 2/12/4445 left Cirella as the only slave wench at the Inn, leaving her quite literally run off her feet, and she was glad to be acquired by the charming Lord Reynard.
After being abandoned by Rey at the Temple-Tomb of Belaras, Cirella was eventually sold in the slave market at Ahyf and was shipped north by Orson the Northron. Shipped north, at Ossary market she caught the eye of King Alkazed, who took her for his concubine. Her knowledge of the Ghinarian lands is most interesting...
Dragon Ships of the Skandiks
(via Wikipedia, edited)
The Karvi (or karve) is the smallest vessel that is considered a longship. typically 13 rowing benches, 26 rowers. A ship with 6 to 16 benches would be classified as a Karvi. "General purpose" ships, mainly used for fishing and trade, but occasionally commissioned for military use. While most longships hold a length to width ratio of 7:1, the Karvi ships are closer to 4.5:1.
The snekkja (or snekke), meaning "thin and projecting", typically the smallest longship used in warfare and classified as a ship with at least 20 rowing benches. A typical snekkja might have a length of 17 m (56 feet), a width of 2.5 m (8.2 feet), and a draught of only 0.5 m (1.6 feet). It would carry a crew of around 41-51 men (40-50 oarsmen and one cox).
Snekkjas are one of the most common types of Skandik ship. Snekkjas are so light that they had no need of ports—they can simply be beached, and potentially even carried across a portage.
Typical Crew (50): 40 Skandik Raiders, 8 Huscarls, 1 Champion, 1 Odin-Acolyte
Typical Crew (50): 40 Skandik Raiders, 8 Huscarls, 1 Champion, 1 Odin-Acolyte
Skeid (skeiĆ°), meaning 'that which cuts through water,' ships are larger warships, consisting of more than 30 rowing benches (over 61 crew). Ships of this classification are some of the largest longships. Typically carry a crew of some 70–80 and measures just less than 30 m (98 feet) in length. Larger examples are up to ca 37 m (121 feet).
Typical Crew (74): 60 Skandik Raiders, 12 Huscarls, 1-2 Champions, 1 Odin-Acolyte
Jarl's Skeid (80): 74 Huscarls, 3-4 Champions, 0-1 Warlord, 1 Odin-Priest & 1 Odin-Acolyte
Typical Crew (74): 60 Skandik Raiders, 12 Huscarls, 1-2 Champions, 1 Odin-Acolyte
Jarl's Skeid (80): 74 Huscarls, 3-4 Champions, 0-1 Warlord, 1 Odin-Priest & 1 Odin-Acolyte
Drakkar , the true Dragon Ships, are the great war galleys, elegant and ornately decorated, and used by those who go raiding and plundering. Famous for the carvings of menacing beasts, such as dragons and snakes, carried on the prow of the ship. These enchanted carvings protect the ship and crew from enemy magic (as per Globe of Invulnerability), and ward off the many terrible sea monsters of the Winedark Sea (kraken, dragon, roc et al). They also frighten enemies and townspeople. They can typically carry up to around 120-160 Skandik elite warriors, with double-crewed oars, and a cruising speed of 20 knots. The very largest examples, such as King Alkazed's ship Jormungandr, can hold up to 200 men.
Invulnerability protection shielding the Drakkar is usually cast with Level 6 slot & thus to spells of Level 1-5; Jormungandr is rumoured to be cast with Level 8 slot and so warded against spells of level 1-7.
Some say the God Emperor of Viridistan has a ship with Level 9 Invulnerability (protects to level 8), whereas the Invincible Overlord's flagship is warded by Ralibarn the Wise merely to Level 7 (protects to level 6).
Typical Drakkar Crew: 120 Huscarls, 12 Champions, 2 Odin-Priests & 4 Odin-Acolytes, 1 Warlord. May have a High Priest in addition.
Jormungandr Crew: 160 Huscarls, 24 Champions (Kingsguard), 6 Odin-Priests, 3 Warlords, King Alkazed, 1-3 High Priests (eg Megaera Lorvas, Togard the Stout, Loknar the Unblessed)
Invulnerability may be Dispelled normally with a sufficiently high level casting:
Dispel Magic at Level 1-5 is warded, and so ineffective vs standard Invulnerability cast at level 6.
Dispel Magic at Level 6+ dispels a standard Level 6 Invulnerability.
Vs Jormungandr:
Dispel Magic at Level 1-7 is warded, and so ineffective vs Invulnerability cast at level 8.
Dispel Magic at Level 8+ dispels a Level 8 Invulnerability.
Restoring ritual Invulnerability to a Drakkar takes 1 priest 7 days, 7 priests 1 day, or any combination thereof, and the expenditure of a spell slot at the required level. The highest level priest & the ship itself determine the maximum Invulnerability level, eg it takes a level 15 caster to restore level 8 Invulnerability warding vs 1-7, and a level 11 caster to restore level 6 Invulnerability warding vs 1-5.
Skandik magic traditionally focuses on wards and protections, such as the iron & lead rune collars that strip captive casters of all magical powers. Some Skandik warlords take pride in their harems of captive priestesses and enchantresses - this occasionally goes horribly wrong...
M8 4447: Ogigian with its famous Neptune statue, home to Priest Polyachus of Mitra and his wife the Druidess Cassandra Starling, is believed to have recently fallen under Skandik control.
26/8/4447: Skandik longship (50-80 crew) sighted by the Haran ship Seastrider (carrying Prisha Acharya, Kosvar the Ranger, & Nightshadow) off Selatine; it chases them into port. From its angle of approach, it is thought likely to have come from the Isle of Greenlight or Ogigian - Greenlight's cannibal infestation, and Ogigian's pleasant sandy northern cove at the foor of the Statue of Neptune make the latter more likely.
Invulnerability protection shielding the Drakkar is usually cast with Level 6 slot & thus to spells of Level 1-5; Jormungandr is rumoured to be cast with Level 8 slot and so warded against spells of level 1-7.
Some say the God Emperor of Viridistan has a ship with Level 9 Invulnerability (protects to level 8), whereas the Invincible Overlord's flagship is warded by Ralibarn the Wise merely to Level 7 (protects to level 6).
Typical Drakkar Crew: 120 Huscarls, 12 Champions, 2 Odin-Priests & 4 Odin-Acolytes, 1 Warlord. May have a High Priest in addition.
Jormungandr Crew: 160 Huscarls, 24 Champions (Kingsguard), 6 Odin-Priests, 3 Warlords, King Alkazed, 1-3 High Priests (eg Megaera Lorvas, Togard the Stout, Loknar the Unblessed)
Invulnerability may be Dispelled normally with a sufficiently high level casting:
Dispel Magic at Level 1-5 is warded, and so ineffective vs standard Invulnerability cast at level 6.
Dispel Magic at Level 6+ dispels a standard Level 6 Invulnerability.
Vs Jormungandr:
Dispel Magic at Level 1-7 is warded, and so ineffective vs Invulnerability cast at level 8.
Dispel Magic at Level 8+ dispels a Level 8 Invulnerability.
Restoring ritual Invulnerability to a Drakkar takes 1 priest 7 days, 7 priests 1 day, or any combination thereof, and the expenditure of a spell slot at the required level. The highest level priest & the ship itself determine the maximum Invulnerability level, eg it takes a level 15 caster to restore level 8 Invulnerability warding vs 1-7, and a level 11 caster to restore level 6 Invulnerability warding vs 1-5.
Skandik magic traditionally focuses on wards and protections, such as the iron & lead rune collars that strip captive casters of all magical powers. Some Skandik warlords take pride in their harems of captive priestesses and enchantresses - this occasionally goes horribly wrong...
M8 4447: Ogigian with its famous Neptune statue, home to Priest Polyachus of Mitra and his wife the Druidess Cassandra Starling, is believed to have recently fallen under Skandik control.
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Cassandra Starling of Ogigian |
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Maria of Lygol |
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