11th-level Human Paladin ; Lawful Good
Strength 18/30
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 15
Dexterity 15
Constitution 17
Charisma 18
Armor Class: -2
Movement Rate: 120'
Hit Points: 91
base hp 13 + 8x9=72 + 3x2=6
Base THAC0: 10 (#AT 3/2)
Holy Sword Crusader; long sword +5 Holy Avenger (x2 spec +3/+3) #ATT 2 THAC0 1 dam 1d8+11/1d12+11
50% MR in 5' radius, dispel magic at 17th level in a 5' radius, +10 dmg (d8+16/d12+16) vs. CE opponents. If a Type III or more powerful demon is slain with
Crusader, sword gains following special powers: heal 1/day, strength 1/
day to fight evil opponents, charm person on contact 1/day (make attack
roll for 0 damage to use this power).
On an attack roll of a natural (unmodified) 20, will disintegrate a
demon up to Type VI (no save). Ego and Intelligence both 17. Telepathic with owner.
Commune with minor goddess St. Lalibela 1/week. Sword will howl in
anguish if wielder runs from a demon. On second instance of cowardice
in the face of a demon., sword instantly teleports away, never to
OTHER MAGICAL ITEMS: Plate Mail +2, Shield +1, Silver Horn of Valhalla
LANGUAGES: Common, LG, Elf, Dwarf, Halfling
WARHORSE: Glendan, intelligent heavy warhorse AC 5, HD 5+5, hp 25, #AT 3, Dmg 1d8/1d8/1d3, MV 240'
Sir Gareth has devoted his life to the service of Lawful Good. As a knight of the Order of the Golden Cup, he had a glorious adventuring career. In spite of tithing 50% of his treasure, he became a wealthy man and settled on a large estate. A Brigade Commander in the Vaasan War, he won his battles even though his side lost the war. His home in the north destroyed, his soldiers and followers dead or dispersed, and his wealth lost, he came to Bloodstone Pass, where he fell in love with and married Lady Christine, daughter of Baron Tranth of Bloodstone. At the wedding, Baron Tranth abdicated relinquishing his title to his new son in-law. The conventional wisdom is that Baron Dragonsbane will be the king of the new realm of Bloodstone, now Vaasa is finally defeated.
Sir Riordan Parnell, Companion of Bloodstone.
Poses as 'Rior the Minstrel' when incognito
Male Half-Elf
6th level Fighter/9th-level Thief/10th level Bard
Neutral Good
Strength 15
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 15
Dexterity 16 (+1/-2)
Constitution 12
Charisma 16
Armor Class: 5 (leather AC 8; -2 DEX -1 ring)
Movement Rate: 120'
Base THAC0: 15 as Ftr-6
Hit Points: 75

Half-Elf special abilities;
Fighter abilities at 6th level, including 4 attacks/round vs 1 hd & Lvl 0 foes.
Thief abilities at 9th-level, including PP 75%, OL 62%, F/RT 55%, MS
62%, HS 54%, HN 25%, CW 96%, RL 40%.
PROFICIENCIES: Weapon: Long Sword (Double Specialization, +3 hit/dmg, 3/2 attacks/round), dagger, short sword, dart, spear.
Equipment: Leather armour AC 8; harp
ring of protection +1, potion of oil of ethereality (one dose).
long sword +1 (RH) #ATT 3/2, or #ATT 4 vs 1 hd THAC0 9, or 10 2wf dam 1d8+4/1d12+4
dagger +2 (LH) #ATT +1 THAC0 14 (thrown 11) 2wf dam 1d4+2/1d3+2
LANGUAGES: Common, NG, Elf,
Gnome, Halfling, Goblin, Hobgoblin,
Orcish, Gnoll, Kobold, Thieves
Cant, Ogrish, Hill Giant, Drow Elf,
Demon, Centaur, Druid, Harpy,
Treantish, Dwarf
Handsome, youthful, and with a ready smile, Riordan Parnell is a bard
as willing to steal a kiss or a song as he is the Duke's jewels. Riordan normally travels with his cousin Celedon, sometimes stealing (but only from evil rich men), sometimes aiding the poor and oppressed, but always adventuring and seeking danger.
Riordan has been rich several times . . . and flat broke just as often. He is 74 years old, but looks 28. He is 5'8" tall and weighs 130 lbs. He was knighted by the Baron of Bloodstone and sometimes serves as a Brigade Commander in the Army.
Sir Celedon Kierney, Companion of Bloodstone
Half-Elf Magic-User 8 (maxed) /Thief 11 (U)
Chaotic Good
Strength 11
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 12
Dexterity 18
Constitution 12
Charisma 16
Armor Class: 3 (leather AC 8 -1 ring -4 DEX)
Movement Rate: 120'
Base THAC0: 16 as Thief-10
Hit Points: 38
Base hp 5, +2 hp per MU level 2-8 = +14, +2 hp per Thief level 2-10 = +18, +1 hp/Thief level 11+
MAGIC-USER SPELLS: 4 1st level, 3
2d level, 3 3d level, 2 4th-level
SPECIAL ABILITIES: All magic-user,
half-elf, and thief special
abilities. Thief Skills: PP
100%, OL 72%, F/RT 70%, MS
109%, HS 114%, HN 55%, CW
99.7%, RL 80%.
Backstab for x4 damage dice.
sword, short sword, short bow, dagger,
sap, lasso, staff.
SPELL BOOK: Cantrips: tie, untie,
distract, hide, palm, yawn, bee,
bluelight, unlock, whistle, firefinger,
1st level: dancing lights, feather
fall, friends, grease, jump, mount,
magic missile, read magic, spider
2d level: audible glamer, bind,
darkness 15' radius, deeppockets,
fools gold, knock, mirror image, rope
trick, Tasha's uncontrollable hideous
3d level: clairaudience, dispel magic, feign death, fly, item, phantasmal
4th level: confusion, dimension door, fire charm, Leomund's secure shelter, magic mirror, polymorph self, wizard eye
EQUIPMENT: leather armour AC 8
MAGICAL ITEMS: Long sword +1 #ATT 1 THAC0 15 dam 1d8+1/1d12+1, backstab 4d8+1/4d12+1
ring of protection +1, potions of oil of fire breath (1 dose), mirror of mental prowess (in Bloodstone)
LANGUAGES: Common, NG, Elf,
Gnome, Halfling, Goblin, Hobgoblin,
Orcish, Gnoll, Thieves Cant
Young and good-looking, Celedon is a master thief and magician of great skill. He uses his skills for adventure and romance, and often pulls a caper just for the sheer pleasure of it. He normally steals only from evildoers, and might give away all he has if touched by the right story. Celedon is 65 years old, but appears 27. He is 5' 9" tall and weighs 140 lbs. He normally travels with his cousin, Riordan
Parnell. Celedon was knighted by the Baron of Bloodstone and serves as Chief Scout of the Army of Bloodstone.
Afrafa of the Yellow Rose, Mistress of the South Wind: human female Monk-6
ST 15 DE 17 (+2/-3) CO 11 IN 10 WI 16 CH 17 AC 6 hp 23 THAC0 18 speed 200'

Open Hand #ATT 3/2 dam 2d4, & can stun for d6 rounds if hit by 5+ over AC. Target AC = % chance to kill a stunned foe, eg AC 10 = 10% chance.
Add 1/2 level to weapon damage.
Open hand combat stun/kill
Save as Thief-6. Save vs Petrification to avoid damage from non-magical missiles. No damage if make save vs saveable attacks eg fireball, dragon breath.
Surprised 24%
Thief Skills as per Thief-6
Can fall 30' without damage if within 4' of a wall.
A. speak with animals as Druid
B. mask mind, ESP only 26% successful
C. Immune to Disease, Haste & Slow
D. Self Catalepsy for up to 2 hours
Notes: Only 25 years old and already Mistress of the South Wind, dark-eyed Afrafa is famous as the highest ever ranking female Monk among the Brothers of the Yellow Rose, who Rode the Remorhaz when only 15 years old! Afrafa spends much time away from the Monastery, wandering the foothills of the Galena & Earthspur mountains in Arcata like her idol, Grand Master Kane. She is preparing to challenge for Mistress of the East Wind. Afrafa in the FR Wiki
At the start of M3 1359 DR, the Monk Afrafa escorted the adventuring band, who had delivered the mysterious mute girl child to the Monastery of the Yellow Rose, back down through the mountains to Sudrav, on the way stunning a fierce Yeti that had attacked the party. The adventurers were then able to slay the beast. She then departed Sudrav to patrol the Earthwood for any signs of evil.
XP 70,000/98,001