Specialist Wizards
A wizard who concentrates his effort in a single school of
magic is called a specialist. There are specialists in each type
of magic, although some are extremely rare. Not all specialists
are well-suited to adventuring—the diviner’s spells are limited
and not generally useful in dangerous situations. On the other
hand, player characters might want to consult an NPC diviner
before starting an adventure.
Specialist wizards have advantages and disadvantages
when compared to mages. Their chance to know spells of
their school of magic is greatly increased, but the intensive
study results in a smaller chance to know spells outside their
school. The number of spells they can cast increases, but they
lose the ability to cast spells of the school in opposition to
their specialty (opposite it in the diagram). Their ability to
research and create new spells within their specialty is
increased, but the initial selection of spells in their school may
be quite limited. All in all, players must consider the advantages and disadvantages carefully.
Not all wizards can become specialists. The player character
must meet certain requirements to become a specialist. Most
specialist wizards must be single-classed; multi-classed characters cannot become specialists, except for gnomes, who seem to have more of a natural bent for the school of illusion than
characters of any other race. Dual-class humans cannot choose to become specialists. The dedication to the particular school of magic requires all the attention and concentration of the character. He does not have time for other class-related pursuits.
In addition, each school has different restrictions on race, ability scores, and schools of magic allowed. These restrictions are given below. Note that lesser divination (divination level 1-4) is not available as a specialty. The spells of this group, vital to the functioning of a wizard, are available to all wizards.
Wizard Specialist Requirements
Min. Ability School Race Min. Score Opposition School(s)
Abjurer Abjuration H 15 Wis vs Alteration & Illusion
Conjurer Conj./Summ. H, 1
⁄2E 15 Con vs Gr. Divin. & Invoc./Evoc.
Diviner Gr. Divin. H, 1
⁄2E, E 16 Wis vs Conj./Summ.
Enchanter Ench./Charm H, 1
⁄2E, E 16 Cha vs Invoc./Evoc. & Necromancy
Invoker Invoc./Evoc. H 16 Con vs Ench./Charm & Conj./Summ.
Necromancer Necromancy H 16 Wis vs Illusion & Ench./Charm
Transmuter Alteration H, 1
⁄2E 15 Dex vs Abjuration & Necromancy
Race lists those races that, either through a natural tendency or a quirk of fate, are allowed to specialize in that art.
Minimum Ability Score lists the ability minimums needed to study intensively in that school. All schools require at least the minimum Intelligence demanded of a mage and an additional prime requisite, as listed.
Opposition School(s) always includes the school directly opposite the character’s school of study in the diagram. In addition, the schools to either side of this one may also be disallowed due to the nature of the character’s school. For example, an invoker cannot learn enchantment/charm or conjuration/summoning spells and cannot use magical items that duplicate spells from these schools.
Specialist Advantages
Being a specialist does have significant advantages to balance the trade-offs the character must
make. These are listed here:
1. One additional spell/day per spell level, provided the additional spell is taken
in the specialist’s school.
2. Because specialists have an enhanced understanding of spells within their school, they
receive a +1 bonus when making saving throws against spells of their School.
3. Specialists receive a +15% bonus when learning spells from their school, although they also have a penalty of –15% when learning spells from
other schools. The bonus or penalty is
applied to the percentile dice roll the player
must make when the character tries to learn
a new spell.
Common Bonus Spells By Spell Level
1 1st - Protection from Evil
5 3rd - Dispel Magic
6 4th - Minor Globe of Invulnerability
1 1st - Feather Fall
2 1st - Comprehend Languages
3 2nd - Continual Light
4 2nd - Darkness 15' Radius
5 3rd - Blink
6 4th - Dimension Door
1 1st - Find Familiar
2 1st - Unseen Servant
5 3rd - Monster Summoning I
6 4th - Monster Summoning II
1 - Detect Magic
2 - Identify
3 - ESP
4 - Locate Object
5 - Clairuadience
6 - Confusion
1 1st - Friends
2 1st - Charm Person
3 2nd - Forget
4 2nd - Ray of Enfeeblement
5 3rd - Suggestion
6 4th - Fire Charm
1 1st - Magic Missile
2 1st - Shield
3 2nd - Web
4 2nd - Stinking Cloud
5 3rd - Lightning Bolt
6 4th - Fire Shield
5 - Feign Death
Acid Splash
Conjuration cantrip
Casting Time: 1 segment
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You hurl a bubble of acid. Choose one creature within range, or choose two creatures within range that are within 5 feet of each other. A target must succeed on a Spell saving throw or take 1d3 acid damage.
Chill Touch
Necromancy cantrip
Casting Time: 1 segment
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round
You create a ghostly, skeletal hand in the space of a creature within range. The creature must save vs Death Magic or take 1d4 hp negative energy damage, and it can't regain hit points until the start of the next round. Until then, the hand clings to the target.
Fire Bolt
Evocation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 segment
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You hurl a mote of fire at a creature or object within range. The target must save vs Spell or take 1d6 fire damage. A flammable object hit by this spell ignites if it isn't being worn or carried.
Poison Spray
Conjuration cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You extend your hand toward a creature you can see within range and project a puff of noxious gas from your palm. The creature must succeed on a saving throw versus Poison or take 1d8 poison damage.
Ray of Frost
Evocation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
A frigid beam of blue-white light streaks toward a creature within range. The target must save vs Spell or take 1d4 cold damage, and its speed is reduced by 30' until the start of the next round.
(NSFW - Page 3/topless pics)
Wednesday, 17 June 2020
Tuesday, 16 June 2020
Goblin Town - Carak Nur
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Ostrikka daughter of Vigguz, Half-Orc Fighter-Assassin |
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Hagra the Skull-Splitter, Half-Orc Fighter |
Ruler: Vigguz, Lord of Goblin Town, Cleric 4-Assassin 6, reveres Loviatar.
Others: Hagra the Skull-Splitter, Half-Orc Fighter 6. Boltar Two-Axe, Half-Orc Fighter 5. Ostrikka, Half-Orc Fighter 4-Assassin 5. Miles Freeman, Human Magic-User 7.
More than a mere fortress, the repurposed dwarf-hold of Carak Nur on the southern slope of North Peak is now known as Goblin Town. She is in truth a fortified fortress-city, and a major trade centre for both the humanoid races and unscrupulous human merchants and slavers, for the Orcs' appetite for nubile human females is said to be insatiable. Despite the name, Orcs are almost as common as Goblins here, but the true rulers of Goblin-Town are the Man-Orcs, and the place is a major attraction for Half Orcs scorned across Damara and beyond.
During the Damaran wars Goblin Town prospered greatly, but with the rise of Gareth Dragonsbane the activities of slavers and raiders have had to be curtailed, and raiders are forbidden from operating directly out of the city. There are rumours that Goblin Town's subterranean chambers holds a planar portal giving access to other worlds, and that the human Mage Miles Freeman has mastered its use. This may explain the strange trinkets and treasures sometimes found in the region. Some say that Freeman himself is not native to Faerun.
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Vigguz, Cleric-Assassin, Boss of Goblin Town |
Beneath Goblin Town's lower halls, a little-travelled tunnel leads down to the Underdark region of Deepearth known as the Cathedral Caverns. Vigguz occasionally employs the small band of renegade male Drow dwelling there, trading human slave girls, Damaran gold, wine, and even foodstuffs for their services. The drow liaison Voz T'urden (don't joke about his House name within earshot) can often be found at Goblin Town, enjoying the pleasures of Vigguz' hall.
Ostrikka Daughter of Vigguz, Half-Orc Fighter-4/Assassin 5
Al. N. STR 14 (18/00) INT 11 WIS 10 CON 14 DEX 16 (+1, -2) CHA 12 AC 5 (studded 7 & -2 DEX) HP 25 (8+3x3=9+2x4=8)
Base THAC0 17, melee 14, thrown 13.
Equipment: studded leather, travelling pack
Two hand axes (x2 spec +3/+3) #ATT 3/2 +1 THAC0 (2wf -1/-3) 11/11 or 12/12/14 dam: 1d6+9/1d4+9
2 throwing daggers FR 2 THAC0 13 dam 1d4+6/1d3+6
MI: Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Scroll of Phantasmal Force
T: 150gp.
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Lady Barbara D'Ashe of Gurzun's Hall, slave of Ostrikka |
Vigguz, Lord of Goblin Town, Cleric 4-Assassin 6, reveres Loviatar.
STR 12 INT 13 WIS 14 CON 12 DEX 11 CHA 8 (10)
AC 7 (studded) HP 23 (HP 7+2/level). Base THAC0 18
SA: Backstab x3, Assassination
Cleric Spells: 5 1st, 2 2nd
(2) Hold Person x2
(1) Command x2, Cure Light Wounds x3
MI: potion of fire resistance, potion of speed
Wpn: Dagger +1 THAC0 17 dam 1d4+1/1d3+1
Hagra the Skull-Splitter, Half-Orc Fighter 6.
STR 18/58 (+2, +3) INT 9 WIS 14 CON 16 (+2) DEX 9 CHA 9 (11)
AC 2/3 (plate & shield) HP 52 (12+8/level). Base THAC0 15
MI: potion of climbing, potion of flying, scroll - protection from magic
Wpn: +2 battle-axe (x2 Spec +3,+3) #ATT 3/2 THAC0 8 dam 1d8+8/1d8+8
Boltar Two-Axe, Half-Orc Fighter 5.
STR 18/74 (+2,+3) INT 9 WIS 11 CON 15 (+1) DEX 13 CHA 9 (11)
AC 4 (banded) HP 39 (11+7/level) Base THAC0 16
RH: +1 hand axe (x2 spec +3,+3, -2 2WF) #ATT 3/2 THAC0 12 dam 1d6+7/1d4+7
LH: hand axe (x2 spec +3,+3, -4 TWF ) #ATT +1 THAC0 15 dam 1d6+6/1d4+6
Miles Freeman of Earth, Human Magic-User 7.
STR 12 INT 14 WIS 8 CON 16 (+2) DEX 13 CHA 13
AC 7 HP 36 (6+5/level)
MI: Aluster's Ring - Ring of Protection +3 AC & Saves, also the key to controlling "Aluster's Mirror of Calling" (CMI)
4 spell scrolls: Shield, Darkness 15' radius, Ray of Enfeeblement, Phantasmal Force
Weapon: darts FR 3 THAC0 19 dam 1d3/1d2, dagger THAC0 19 dam 1d4/1d3
Spells: 4 3 2 1
(4) Wizard Eye
(3) Clairaudience, Phantasmal Force
(2) Ray of Enfeeblement, Darkness 15' radius, Continual Light
(1) Enlarge, Shield, Burning Hands, Detect Magic (Read Magic)
Voz T'Urden - Drow male Fighter-4 MR 58% & +2 Saves. Mv 120', Infravision 120', surprised 1 in 8. light vulnerable. SA 1/day: dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness
STR 11 INT 15 WIS 12 CON 11 DEX 17 (+2,-3) CHA 14
AC 1 (+1 mesh AC 4, DEX) HP: 28 (10+6/level, max 9th). Base THAC0 17.
missile wpn: +1 longbow (spec +1/+2) FR 5/2 THAC0 13 dam 1d6+3/1d6+3.
melee wpn: 2 +1 shortswords (x2 spec +3/+3) # ATT 3/2+1>5/2 THAC0 13 dam 1d6+4/1d8+4
MI: Drow cloak & boots, 75% MS, 75% HiS
Goblin Town Military Forces (505 +25 Worgs)
167 Orc & Half-Orc Warriors hd 1 hp 1d8 hp 5 AC 6/7 (studded & shield) THAC0 19 dam 1d8 (scimitar or axe) or 1d4/1d4 (light crossbow, FR 1)
35 Orc & Half-Orc Veterans hd 2 hp 11 AC 4 (banded) THAC0 18 STR +1 dam 1d10+1 (2-handed sword or halberd) 25% ride donkeys.
23 Orc & Half-Orc Personal Guard hd 3 hp 15 AC 4 (banded) THAC0 17 STR +1 dam dam 1d10+1 (2-handed sword or halberd). 25% ride donkeys.
235 Goblin Warriors hd 1-1 hp 1d8-1 hp 4 AC 6/7 (studded & shield) THAC0 20 dam 1d6 (spear, shortsword), 25% have shortbows FR 2 dam 1d6/1d6
20 Goblin Veterans (as Orcs)
25 Goblin Worgriders hd 1+1 hp 8 AC 5/6 (scale & shield) THAC0 18 dam 1d8 (scimitar) or shortbow FR 2 dam 1d6/1d6. Worgrider Hunting Patrols number 2d4+1.
25 Worgs hd 4+4 hp 22 AC 6 THAC0 15 bite dam 2d4 Mv 180'.
Goblin Worgrider patrols guard the eastern approaches up to about ten miles distant.
From about 3-4 miles east of Goblin Town are several miles of rough heath, where human slave shepherdesses tend to flocks of sheep and goats, under the lazy eyes of their female Orc guards. With the Orcs' poor day vision, escapes are not unheard of, but very few escapees evade the tracker Worgs.
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Boltar Two-Axe, Half-Orc Fighter |
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Goblin Town Tavern |
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Goblin Town Tavern |
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Voz T'urden, Drow Renegade |
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Goblin Town Orc Pureblood |
Saturday, 13 June 2020
Damaran Underdark - The Lands of Deepearth
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Matriarch Ral'shinda of Shaun'Var; with courtesans, Illithid Emissary, & undead Fire Giants. |
Much worse...
The drow tell the legend of how the Great Mother was betrayed by the Traitor Lover. So Lolth cast Corellon out from the Bosom of the Earth, where he and all his children would be cursed forever by the burning flames of the sun, bleached until their flesh was pale as bone.
Upper Deepearth |
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Lower Deepearth |
Faerun Underdark |
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Drow |
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Isileth, Drow Huntress Commander |
5e Stats:
Drow CR 1/4 AC 15 HP 13 https://www.aidedd.org/dnd/monstres.php?vo=drow
Drow Elite Warrior CR 5 AC 18 HP 71 https://jsigvard.com/dnd/monster.php?m=Drow%20Elite%20Warrior
Drow Mage Wiz-10 CR 7 AC 12/15 HP 45 https://www.aidedd.org/dnd/monstres.php?vo=drow-mage
Drow Priestess of Lolth Clr-10 CR 8 AC 15 HP 71
Drow Huntress: Fighter-2 drow-female MR 54% & +2 Saves. Mv 150', Infravision 120', surprised 1 in 8. light vulnerable. SA 1/day: dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, clairvoyance, detect lie, suggestion, dispel magic.
STR 12 INT 15 WIS 13 CON 10 DEX 17 (+2,-3) CHA 15. XP: 2000+
AC 1 (+1 mesh AC 4, DEX) HP: 16 (10+6/level, max 9th). Base THAC0 19.
missile wpn: +1 longbow (spec +1/+2) FR 5/2 THAC0 15 dam 1d6+3/1d6+3.
melee wpn: 2 +1 shortswords (spec +1/+2) # ATT 3/2+1>5/2 THAC0 17 dam 1d6+3/1d8+3
MI: Drow cloak & boots, 75% MS, 75% HiS, 1 potion of healing.
The Huntress Corps under Commander Isileth (Fighter-7) protect Shaun'Var from external threats, and organise surface expeditions to raid for loot and slaves.
Senior Huntress: Fighter-4 drow-female MR 58% & +2 Saves. Mv 150', Infravision 120', surprised 1 in 8. light vulnerable. SA 1/day: dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, clairvoyance, detect lie, suggestion, dispel magic, detect magic, know alignment, levitate
Drow Mage-Thief: MU-2/Thief-3 drow female MR 56% & +2 Saves. Mv 150', Infravision 120', surprised 1 in 8. light vulnerable. SA 1/day: dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, clairvoyance, detect lie, suggestion, dispel magic.
STR 10 INT 17 WIS 11 DEX 18 (+3,-4) CON 10 CHA 14. XP: 5000+
AC 2 (Bracers AC 6, DEX) HP 11 (5+2/lvl). Base THAC0 21
Spell (1): Sleep, Charm Person
The Huntress Corps under Commander Isileth (Fighter-7) protect Shaun'Var from external threats, and organise surface expeditions to raid for loot and slaves.
Senior Huntress: Fighter-4 drow-female MR 58% & +2 Saves. Mv 150', Infravision 120', surprised 1 in 8. light vulnerable. SA 1/day: dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, clairvoyance, detect lie, suggestion, dispel magic, detect magic, know alignment, levitate
STR 13 INT 15 WIS 14 CON 10 DEX 17 (+2,-3) CHA 15 XP: 8000+
AC 0 (+2 mesh AC 3, DEX) HP: 28 (10+6/level, max 9th). Base THAC0 17.
missile wpn: +2 longbow (spec +1/+2) FR 5/2 THAC0 12 dam 1d6+4/1d6+4.
melee wpn: 2 +1 shortswords (x2 spec +3/+3) # ATT 3/2+1>5/2 THAC0 13 dam 1d6+4/1d8+4
MI: Drow cloak & boots, 75% MS, 75% HiS, 2 potions of healing.
STR 10 INT 17 WIS 11 DEX 18 (+3,-4) CON 10 CHA 14. XP: 5000+
AC 2 (Bracers AC 6, DEX) HP 11 (5+2/lvl). Base THAC0 21
Spell (1): Sleep, Charm Person
melee wpn: +1 shortsword & +1 dagger # ATT 1+1 THAC0 20 dam 1d6+1/1d8+1 & 1d4+1/1d3+1 (Backstab: +4 to hit, x2 damage)
missile weapon: hand crossbow & 6 darts FR 1 THAC0 18 dam 1d3 & poison: save at -4 or Sleep for 2 Turns.
missile weapon: hand crossbow & 6 darts FR 1 THAC0 18 dam 1d3 & poison: save at -4 or Sleep for 2 Turns.
MI: Drow cloak & boots, 75% MS, 75% HiS
The Mage-Thieves are often employed as spies and emissaries due to their ability to control the minds of the weak-willed, such as humans.
The Mage-Thieves are often employed as spies and emissaries due to their ability to control the minds of the weak-willed, such as humans.
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Leiress, Shaun'Var Huntress |
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The Wind Rift |
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Waters of Shaun'Var |
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Lolth Priestess & Guards |
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Shaun'Var |
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Drow Vampire |
Thursday, 4 June 2020
5e D&D Space Opera Conversion
"To explore strange new worlds..."
Attributes: 15 14 13 12 10 8 or Point Buy
Feats allowed.
Multiclassing allowed
Energy Weapons (DEX)
Phaser Pistol**: 5d6 (17) radiant, 2 lb, range 100'/300', reload (50 shots)
Phaser Rifle**: 7d6 (24) radiant, 7 lb, range 300'/900', reload (100 shots), two-handed
**Can Continuous Fire: All creatures in a 10'x10' area are targeted with one attack roll. Uses 10 shots.
Phasers Set for Stun: Target reduced to 0 hp by a Stun shot is knocked unconscious rather than killed, and is stable. A target NOT knocked unconscious recovers the lost hp at the start of their next turn.
Reflec Plate (Battledress): 18 AC, Heavy, 1500 credits, stealth disadvantage, STR 15+ or -5' speed, 65 lb
Reflec Half-Plate: 15 AC, Medium, 750 credits, stealth disadvantage, 40 lb
Reflec Breastplate: 14 AC, Medium, 400 credits, 20 lb, concealable.
Reinforced Clothing: 12 AC, Light, 45 credits, 13 lb, concealed.
Padded Outfit: 11 AC, 5 credits, Light, credits, stealth disadvantage, 8 lb.
Archaic armours do not protect against phasers and other weapons.
Additional Tool Skills
Computers (INT)
Pilot's Station (DEX)
Engineer's Tools (WIS)
Weapon Proficiencies
Peronal Firearms (DEX) - Simple
Gunnery (INT) - Martial
Standard Races
Human or Variant Human
Rare Races - normally maximum 1 each per team
Eldren (High Elf)
Standard Classes & starting armour
Fighter - Champion - any
Fighter - Battle Master - any
Fighter - Cavalier (NB 'mount' includes starfighters & other personal vehicles!) - any
Fighter - Samurai - any
Rogue - Assassin - reinforced clothing
Rogue - Thief - reinforced clothing
Rogue - Inquisitive - reinforced clothing
Rogue - Mastermind - reinforced clothing
Rogue - Scout - reinforced clothing
Rogue - Swashbuckler - reinforced clothing
Uncommon Classes - normally maximum 1 each per party
Barbarian - Berserker - any light or medium
Monk (Any) - none
Rare Classes - normally maximum 1 per party
Barbarian - Any - any light or medium
Any spellcasting class - check with GM
Starship Officer Backgrounds
Training Benefit: Officers add +10 to their Level 1 starting hit points.
Officers receive the following Background proficiencies & cash.
All officers may begin with one trinket.
Ship Captain or First Officer: Deception, Persuasion, Intimidate. 250 credits.
Science Officer: Computers, Nature, History. 150 credits
Chief Medical Officer: Medicine, Nature, History. 200 credits
Chief Engineer: Engineer's Tools, Computers, Investigation. 150 credits
Communications Officer: History, Persuasion, Sense Motive. 100 credits
Chief Pilot (Helmsman): Pilot's Station, Computers, Persuasion. 100 credits
Chief of Security: Perception, Insight, Intimidate. 100 credits
Corporate Liaison: Deception, Persuasion, Insight. 250 credits
Attributes: 15 14 13 12 10 8 or Point Buy
Feats allowed.
Multiclassing allowed
Energy Weapons (DEX)
Phaser Pistol**: 5d6 (17) radiant, 2 lb, range 100'/300', reload (50 shots)
Phaser Rifle**: 7d6 (24) radiant, 7 lb, range 300'/900', reload (100 shots), two-handed
**Can Continuous Fire: All creatures in a 10'x10' area are targeted with one attack roll. Uses 10 shots.
Phasers Set for Stun: Target reduced to 0 hp by a Stun shot is knocked unconscious rather than killed, and is stable. A target NOT knocked unconscious recovers the lost hp at the start of their next turn.
Reflec Plate (Battledress): 18 AC, Heavy, 1500 credits, stealth disadvantage, STR 15+ or -5' speed, 65 lb
Reflec Half-Plate: 15 AC, Medium, 750 credits, stealth disadvantage, 40 lb
Reflec Breastplate: 14 AC, Medium, 400 credits, 20 lb, concealable.
Reinforced Clothing: 12 AC, Light, 45 credits, 13 lb, concealed.
Padded Outfit: 11 AC, 5 credits, Light, credits, stealth disadvantage, 8 lb.
Archaic armours do not protect against phasers and other weapons.
Additional Tool Skills
Computers (INT)
Pilot's Station (DEX)
Engineer's Tools (WIS)
Weapon Proficiencies
Peronal Firearms (DEX) - Simple
Gunnery (INT) - Martial
Standard Races
Human or Variant Human
Rare Races - normally maximum 1 each per team
Eldren (High Elf)
Standard Classes & starting armour
Fighter - Champion - any
Fighter - Battle Master - any
Fighter - Cavalier (NB 'mount' includes starfighters & other personal vehicles!) - any
Fighter - Samurai - any
Rogue - Assassin - reinforced clothing
Rogue - Thief - reinforced clothing
Rogue - Inquisitive - reinforced clothing
Rogue - Mastermind - reinforced clothing
Rogue - Scout - reinforced clothing
Rogue - Swashbuckler - reinforced clothing
Uncommon Classes - normally maximum 1 each per party
Barbarian - Berserker - any light or medium
Monk (Any) - none
Rare Classes - normally maximum 1 per party
Barbarian - Any - any light or medium
Any spellcasting class - check with GM
Starship Officer Backgrounds
Training Benefit: Officers add +10 to their Level 1 starting hit points.
Officers receive the following Background proficiencies & cash.
All officers may begin with one trinket.
Ship Captain or First Officer: Deception, Persuasion, Intimidate. 250 credits.
Science Officer: Computers, Nature, History. 150 credits
Chief Medical Officer: Medicine, Nature, History. 200 credits
Chief Engineer: Engineer's Tools, Computers, Investigation. 150 credits
Communications Officer: History, Persuasion, Sense Motive. 100 credits
Chief Pilot (Helmsman): Pilot's Station, Computers, Persuasion. 100 credits
Chief of Security: Perception, Insight, Intimidate. 100 credits
Corporate Liaison: Deception, Persuasion, Insight. 250 credits
Starships & Spacemen to Starfinder Beginner Box conversion
Starfinder PCs:
Roll best 3 of 4d6 in order for stats, replace one roll with a 15. Alternately assign 15 14 13 12 10 8 in any order.
Phaser Weapons
Phaser Pistol: 5d6 damage
Phaser Rifle: 7d6 damage, enhanced range
These are restricted to military and licenced corporate use; they are illegal in civilian hands.
Starship Officer Templates (one each per ship)
Officers add their full CON score to their Level 1 starting hit points.
Template skill rank bonuses over-ride the normal limit of 1 rank/level.
Ship Captain or First Officer: +2 Ranks Bluff, +2 Ranks Diplomacy, +2 Ranks Intimidate
Science Officer: +4 Ranks Computers, +2 Ranks Physical Science
Chief Medical Officer: +4 Ranks Medicine, +2 Ranks Life Science
Chief Engineer: +4 Ranks Engineering, +2 Ranks Computers
Communications Officer: +4 Ranks Culture, +2 Ranks Diplomacy, +2 Ranks Sense Motive
Gunnery Officer: +2 Attack Bonus with Starship Gunnery (only)
Chief Pilot (Helmsman): +4 Ranks Piloting
Chief of Security: +2 Ranks Perception, +2 Ranks Sense Motive, +2 Ranks Intimidate
Corporate Liaison: +2 Ranks Bluff, +2 Ranks Diplomacy, +2 Ranks Sense Motive
Computers (Int) +6
Culture (Int) +6
Diplomacy (Cha) +9
Intimidate (Cha) +7
Perception (Wis) +4
Piloting (Dex) +4
Profession - Corporate (Cha) +7
Sense Motive (Wis) +6
Sleight of Hand (Dex) +4
Stealth (Dex) +4

Roll best 3 of 4d6 in order for stats, replace one roll with a 15. Alternately assign 15 14 13 12 10 8 in any order.
Phaser Weapons
Phaser Pistol: 5d6 damage
Phaser Rifle: 7d6 damage, enhanced range
These are restricted to military and licenced corporate use; they are illegal in civilian hands.
Starship Officer Templates (one each per ship)
Officers add their full CON score to their Level 1 starting hit points.
Template skill rank bonuses over-ride the normal limit of 1 rank/level.
Ship Captain or First Officer: +2 Ranks Bluff, +2 Ranks Diplomacy, +2 Ranks Intimidate
Science Officer: +4 Ranks Computers, +2 Ranks Physical Science
Chief Medical Officer: +4 Ranks Medicine, +2 Ranks Life Science
Chief Engineer: +4 Ranks Engineering, +2 Ranks Computers
Communications Officer: +4 Ranks Culture, +2 Ranks Diplomacy, +2 Ranks Sense Motive
Gunnery Officer: +2 Attack Bonus with Starship Gunnery (only)
Chief Pilot (Helmsman): +4 Ranks Piloting
Chief of Security: +2 Ranks Perception, +2 Ranks Sense Motive, +2 Ranks Intimidate
Corporate Liaison: +2 Ranks Bluff, +2 Ranks Diplomacy, +2 Ranks Sense Motive
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G. Courana |
1st Level Envoy, Corporate Liaison
Race: Human Sex: Female Age: 36
Attributes: STR 8 (-1) DEX 10 (+0) CON 9 (-1) INT 15 (+2) WIS 11 (+0) CHA 17 (+3)
HP: 19 (4 human 6 envoy 9 CON)
AC: 12 (reinforced suit)
HP: 19 (4 human 6 envoy 9 CON)
AC: 12 (reinforced suit)
BAB: +0
XP: 900
Wealth: 517 credits.
Weapon(s): Unarmed, or phaser pistol ATT +0 dam 5d6
Gear: Breathmask, datapad.
Feats: Diversion, Fast Talk
Skills: 11 (8 Envoy +2 Int +1 Human). Corporate Liaison (+2 Ranks Bluff, +2 Ranks Diplomacy, +2 Ranks Sense Motive)
Bluff (Cha) +9XP: 900
Wealth: 517 credits.
Weapon(s): Unarmed, or phaser pistol ATT +0 dam 5d6
Gear: Breathmask, datapad.
Feats: Diversion, Fast Talk
Skills: 11 (8 Envoy +2 Int +1 Human). Corporate Liaison (+2 Ranks Bluff, +2 Ranks Diplomacy, +2 Ranks Sense Motive)
Computers (Int) +6
Culture (Int) +6
Diplomacy (Cha) +9
Intimidate (Cha) +7
Perception (Wis) +4
Piloting (Dex) +4
Profession - Corporate (Cha) +7
Sense Motive (Wis) +6
Sleight of Hand (Dex) +4
Stealth (Dex) +4
Paternal Grand daughter of former USMC General Gerold D Courana, an early supporter of Admiral Adlar's Star Crusade. Born on Omega Consor, later college on Chronax, where her father is still a Judge. Courana's Miletos home office is on Merava, an agricultural, ranching & light industrial world, under Vice President Rodrigo Gutierrez.

Ability Score Modifiers +2 to any 1 ability
Hit Points 4 HP
Size & Type Humans are Medium Humanoids with the human subtype.
Average Height or Length 5-7 ft.; Average Weight 100-300 lbs.
Age of Maturity 18 years; Maximum Age 80+2d20 years
Bonus Feat Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Skilled Humans gain an additional skill rank at 1st level and each level thereafter.
Hit Points per Level: 6 HP
You make your way in the universe with a charming smile, quick wit, and keen sense of self-preservation, and excel at getting others to do what you want. You might be a trickster, hustler, or con artist, or you might serve as an actor, ambassador, or businessperson, paving the way for negotiation through kind words or the occasional dirty trick. You are often the group’s strategist, using your quick wit and tactical acumen to push your friends to greater heights. You may also be skilled in diplomacy, serving as the face for a starship crew, talking your way into restricted systems or gaining audiences with local politicians or warlords.
Envoy Key Ability Score
Your Charisma helps you succeed in many social situations and makes a number of your improvisations more effective, so Charisma is your key ability score. A high Dexterity score can make you a better ranged combatant, while a high Intelligence score improves all of your skills.
Envoy Class Skills
Skill Ranks per Level: 8 + Intelligence modifier
Acrobatics (Dex), Athletics (Str), Bluff (Cha), Computers (Int), Culture (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Engineering (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Medicine (Int), Perception (Wis), Piloting (Dex), Profession (Cha, Int, or Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex)
Envoy Proficiencies
Armor Proficiency: Light Armor
Weapon Proficiency: Basic Melee Weapons, Grenades, and Small Arms
Envoy Class Table
Table: Envoy Class
Level /Base Attack Bonus / Save Bonuses/ Class Features
BAB Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Envoy improvisation, expertise (1d6), skill expertise
2nd +1 +0 +3 +3 Envoy improvisation
3rd +2 +1 +3 +3 Expertise talent, weapon specialization
4th +3 +1 +4 +4 Envoy improvisation
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