Earthspur Mountains |
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The Monastery of the Yellow Rose |
Faerun Adventures on Roll 20 (link to join)
Lore Mistress' Faerun Adventures (original 2017 page); Lore Mistress' Annex (2020)
OSRIC (1e AD&D retro-clone)
Campaign House Rules
Gurzun's Manor
Hommlet Area NPCs
Cantrips & Orisons
Equipment Costs
The Lands of Deepearth - Underdark beneath Damara
Specialist Wizards
Deceased characters
Grand History of Damara & Impiltur
Toril world map
Seasonal Dawn & Dusk
21/3: 6am/6pm
5/5: 5am/7pm
21/6: 4am/8pm
5/8: 5am/7pm
21/9: 6am/6pm
21/12: 8am/4pm
Gundred h-f Fighter-1 hp 10 (Chris)
Rondus of Lathander h-m Cleric-1 hp 10 (Geoff)
Sir Einar, Lord of Ramvira h-m MU-4 hp 13 (Bob)
NPCs - Narcissa's Inn
Jane Poole h-f Ftr-2 hp 16
Raknar of Vaasa h-m Ftr-3 hp 25
Narcissa the Demonette 1/4 de-f hd 6+6/F7/T7 hp 27
Jilla Kallent, Lathander priestess of Ramvira Manor h-f Clr-1 hp 10
NPCs - At the Tower
Fulnok of Ferd h-m Thf-4 hp 22
Shukura of Nephtys h-f Clr-3 hp 18
Tower Maid Ameiko h-f Lvl 0 hp 3 (noncom)
Norrin h-m Ftr-5 hp 39 (Geoff)
Sir Jack of the Golden Thorn h-m Ranger-1 hp 16 (chris107)
Dara Huntinghawk e-f Ranger-2 hp 21 (Roxy)
Kade h-m Druid-4 hp 23 (Roxy)
Viola Chaney h-f Druid-1 hp 8 - student of Kade (NPC)
Elmo of Hommlet h-m Rgr-4 hp 46 (NPC)
2. Einar (Bob PC) Magic-User 4 h-m AC 2 (DEX, bracers AC 4) Mv 120' HD 3 hp 13/13 hp 4+3/level; staff THAC0 21 dam 1d6/1d6 Spells: 3+1 2+1 (1) Sleep x 2, Charm Person, Burning Hands (2) Stinking Cloud x 2, Levitate. cast: cantrips Level+16 per day. Scrolls: Fireball (6d6), Protection from Magic x2 XP 14,254 (+10%); needs 22,000 MU5.
Fulnok of Ferd, "the Gambler" Thief 4 h-m AC 4 (leather, DEX) Mv 120' HD 4+4 hp 22/22 hp 7+5/level; scroll of protection from magic, Pick of Ineffable Escape +50% to Open Locks. Base THAC0 21. wpn prof: shortsword, dagger
RH wpn: Ivory hilt silver dagger +1 Dagger/+2 vs Small named 'Biter' (name on hilt) THAC0 20/19 dam 1d4+1 (+2)/1d3+1 vs L
LH wpn: +1 dagger THAC0 21 2wf dam 1d4+1/1d3+1 vs LBackstab x2 damage.
XP 7,147 (+10%); needs 10,000 Thf-5
Shukura of Rauthil, Priestess of Nephtys, goddess of wealth & luck, protector of the dead Cleric 3 h-f AC 4 (banded) Mv 90' or AC 10; HD 2 hp 18/18 hp 8+5/level; wpn: Ankh Staff-Sling THAC0 20 dam 1d6/1d6 melee, 2d4/2d4+1 sling bullet (10) FR 1/2, minimum range 30', range increment 30' (so -2 at 30', -4 at 60', -6 at 90'-119'). Spells: 5-2 (1) cure light wounds x4, command. (2) hold person x2. Spells cast:
orisons: 18 (level+15) per day inc cmw, cast: 18. XP 4,680; needs 6,000 Clr4
+ Ameiko, Shou human female slave girl Lvl 0 AC 10 hp 3
Narcissa the half-Demonette, Powers of Ftr-7/Thf-7/spell powers at MU 12 1/4de-f AC 2 Mv 120' HD 6+6 hp 27/27. Base THAC0 14. Weapon: Longsword (x2 spec +3/+3) #ATT: 2 THAC0: 11 damage: 1d8+3/1d12+3. SA include Burning Hands for 12 damage 6/day.
Elmo the Ranger: Ranger-4 h-m Al. CG AC -1/2 Mv 120' HD 5+15 HP 46/46 hp 22+8/lvl. ST 18/43 (+1, +3) IN 15 WI 16 (+2) DE 16 (+1/-2) CO 17 (+3) CH 11. MV 120'. base THAC0 17. Gear: +1 chainmail +2 dwarven medium shield, +1 battleaxe (x2 spec) THAC0: 12 dam 1d8+7 (+11 vs giant class) #ATT: 3/2. strength longbow THAC0 16 dam 1d6+3 FR 2. +2 dagger THAC0 14 dam 1d4+5/1d3+5 #ATT: 1. Treasure: 6 100gp gems 10 pp 81 gp 200 sp. vial of holy water, emerald ring v 700gp. XP 14,430; needs 20,000 for Rgr-5
A fortified riverside manor set in pleasant woodland, surrounded by peasant farms.
Total population ca 100.
Sir John Ramvira, a doughty Fighter, fell at the Ford of Goliad, fighting for King Virdin. Sir John died without issue, and his widow Lady Rebecca Ramvira (MU 5), a former law-scribe of Heliogabolus, was left as the new Lady of the Manor. With the manor struggling and Orcs sighted in the woods (Rebecca's apprentice Jenny of Whitelady Farm (MU 1) saw an Orc, Mogguth, spying on her while she was bathing at the Pond, luckily she 'charmed' the brute! - he later escaped during 6/5 attack on orc caves); Lady Rebecca thought to recruit powerful warriors to her cause. UPDATE 7/5/1359 DR: Lady Rebecca has been kidnapped by the evil warrior Zert, apparently taken east into Grimstead Barony.
The Manor
The manor mostly comprises small farms and woodsman crofts around the central tower, with two water mills on the river for grain and lumber. Lumber is floated as rafts downriver to Ravensburg. There is some question whether the Manor lies in Arcata or Carmathan; Sir John paid fealty to the Duke of Arcata and his widow continues this practice, but Carmathan traditionally claims the territory.
Population (1359 DR): 100
Base Growth: +5%, +1.5% for the Lady's CHA bonus = +6.5%
Resources: lumber mill 400 gp/year, grain mill 575 gp/year, bee hives 25gp/year. Total Income/yr (1359 DR) 1000 gp (accounts finalised 1/1).
Expenses 74% (740gp/year): Alms 5%, Maintenance 5%, Salt Tax 20%, Staff 20% (200gp/year), Personal Upkeep 24% (20gp/month, 240gp/year)
Annual Surplus 26%, (260gp)
Manor Men at Arms -4 footmen
1. Corporal -Old Thomas, grey beard. The head of the guard and also the manor cook along with his wife Fat Bessie Thomas is an inveterate worrier. He also has a crossbow.
2.Young Tims blank-faced, Old Thomas' nephew; Tims acts as general manservant and server. Tim is regarded as nice but dim.
3. LustyJohann, moustache. He doubles as the manor stablehand. Johann has an eye for the ladies. He can use a shortbow, and often goes hunting in the woods. He is assisted by a 12 year old unpaid stableboy, his baby brother Martin.
4.Mossbeard the Grizzled (hill dwarf) Mossbeard, a weatherbeaten dwarf with crinkled brown features, known for the green moss tinge to his beard, has been at Ramvira Manor as long as any human can remember, and is widely respected. He also serves as the manor smith and tinker.
Other Servants: Rebecca is also served by a recently hired maidservant (the old one left suddenly for St Cecilia's), Maggie Hamlock (active female) - Maggie assists with the serving, cleaning etc. So far she has stayed out of Johann's clutches!
Total Staff Cost: 16gp/month, 192/year, +8 gp sundries = 200gp/year
Manor Total Population: ca 100, generates 1000gp/year revenue.
Males in Prime Condition: 10
Male & Females in Good Condition: 20
Annual Growth: +5%
Ramvira Manor NPCs
Dauphin the Tavernkeeper, veteran soldier (Ftr 3)
Wench Lindy of Ravensburg
Wench Saria, a former Theskan slave girl
Hannes the Shrine Curate, fat and jovial (Clr 1)
Jilla Kallent, Shrine Acolyte, likes carousing at the tavern (Clr 1)
Petrus m, Davic m & Lauren f, Shrine teenage assistant-novitiates, local farmers' children.
Jenny of Whitelady Farm, Lady Rebecca's apprentice mage, friends with Acolyte Jilla. (MU 1)
Tavernkeeper Dauphin (Ftr 3): A former sergeant of the Duke of Camarthan's personal guard, Dauphin is a veteran of both the Ford of Goliad and the Bloodstone Wars - he has the distinction of having survived a blow from Gareth Dragonsbane himself! Still, the wound shattered his right hip, and left him unfit for further military service. He took his money, acquired a couple of indentured festhall girls, inc Saria, Lindy & the indentured merchant's daughter Kim Goodkind (later sold to the Roadhouse), and in M10 1358 DR he opened a small tavern/festhall across the border at Ramvira Manor. More recently in M4 1359 DR he purchased the Shou slave Ameiko from Trader Tronak.
He has plans that one day his festhall will rival Gurzun's Hall, or even the Roadhouse Inn - he has a long way to go. Dauphin still has a military manner about him, and does not suffer fools gladly. He treats his wenches sternly - discipline is military, and corporal punishment not unknown - but is a generally fair man, and rewards good service well. He is friendly and somewhat flirtatious with the shapely shrine acolyte Jilla Kallent, who enjoys carousing at the tavern of an evening.
Dauphin was murdered by the Crimson Monk Turuko, 4am on 7/5/1359 DR along with many others.
Dauphin's Inn Room Fees, per night
Single Room 5sp
Double Room 4sp per bed, 8sp total
Grand Room 2gp
Bedroll in Common Bar 2 cp
If the festhall wenches don't have clientele for the night they typically sleep on the two bath house benches, the bath house is always pleasantly warm, or behind the bar at a pinch.
Use of the bath-house is 2sp; towels washcloth & bath oils are provided.
Old Thomas and Young Tims bed down in the Inn common room, while Mossbeard looks set to nurse his ale all night.
Saria retires to #9 with Lusty Johann
Room #10 is taken (& sounds of merriment issue from within) - CurateHannes & a Wench
Norrin will take room #11
Shukura in #12.
Dara & Kade are given the key to the double room #14, Viola will sleep on a bedroll there.
Hamlock Farm
Owned and run by Tovin Hamlock (HD 1 THAC0 20 STR 16 HP 8), his wife Gerta died two years ago. Tovin's three sons went off to war with Sir John Ramvira, and never came home - the youngest, Gregory fell with Sir John at the Ford of Goliad in 1357 DR. His mother died soon after, they say of a broken heart. Farmer Tovin has two daughters, Maggie who serves as a maid at Ramvira Manor, and Delanie who is supposed to tend the farm's cows, but prefers to spend her time sneaking off to Bathers' Pond. In consequence Tovin is rather grouchy, and looking for a husband for Delanie - since the war there are few unmarried young men left at Ramvira Manor.
Delanie has recently become friendly with the half-demonette Narcissa.
You follow the woodland trail east about four hundred yards to a blue pool in a sheltered dell, the pool about 150' across. Faint whisps of steam rise from the waters, and foamy wavelets lap at a sandy shore. The sun shines bright overhead, though a moment ago it was raining. It almost seems like a tiny fragment of the Sea of Stars, transplanted hundreds of miles north to chilly Damara. An enchanted place - a fey place.
One almost expects to see a nymph or nereid rise from the waters, but the lone bather about 30' out looks fully human - a gorgeous blonde girl, very shapely indeed - presumably Tovin Hamlock's daughter - she hasn't yet spotted your approach. Her blue & white dress lies neat-folded on the shore.
Kaern's Claim
This is a well defended silver mine and fortified hamlet, the stout spiked stockade surmounted by many orc, gnoll and goblin heads & skulls. Kaern (Ftr-4 AC 3 (plate) hp 36 ST 18/58 CON 16, spec. great axe #ATT 3/2 THAC0 14 dam d10+5/2d6+5) is a big, aggressive - if generally cheerful - fellow; nevertheless he trades with Goblin Town merchants frequently enough, trading rich silver for slave girls, weapons, and other luxuries rarely brought by human traders. Some of Kaern's men are half-orcs themselves.
Kaern regularly ships silver down the Stone Stream by barge via Ramvira & Fulscarp Manors to the market at Ravensburg, and is said to be very wealthy. He tends to accompany the silver barges himself, clad in plate steel, his great axe in hand. Few dare contest his passage.
Kaern's deputy Otis of Hommlet (age 45, Ftr-3) is the brother of Elmo the Ranger and a skilled adventurer-miner in his own right. Otis minds the fort when Kaern is away. Otis also oversees the running of the Claim Festhall, extracting silver back from the roistering miners.
This renowned Inn on the King's Road is perhaps the most famous Festhall in all Damara. Its proprietor, Patrick, was once Patrick of the Yellow Rose, a Master of Dragons (Monk-6). Always something of a loose trebuchet, he left the Order under a cloud following a clash with Master Kane, but he retains all the fighting skills of a Monk. His girls are said to be the comeliest, and the elf-girl Tiria the finest dancer in Carmathan, if not all Damara.
They say he has killed every man he ever fought.
Blackraven is a large fortified hamlet & manor of some 400 souls, ruled bySir Thomas Blackraven, a powerful knight (Ftr-4). The son of Sir Malby Blackraven who fell at Goliad, Sir Thomas is unmarried; a lustful and ambitious fellow, he is determined to tame the Lady Rebecca of Ramvira Tower, and bring Ramvira Manor into his demesne - and the Duchy of Camarthan. He is known to be supported in this ambition by his immediate liege, the Baron of Grimstead.
Sir Edmund Blackraven (MU-2) is Sir Thomas' younger brother, and less-than-competent Magist to Solkar the Baron Grimstead.
Zuzanna Blackraven (Thief-4) is Sir Thomas' sister, though it's rumoured she is in truth a bastard, born to a kitchen wench stupped by Sir Malby. A known Thief, she often acts as her half (?) brother's emissary and agent.
A nunnery for the matron saint of 'Fallen Women Redeemed', many middle and upper class Damarans send their wayward daughters here to experience hard discipline and learn virtue. The most talented Sisters become Clerics of St Cecilia, receiving miraculous power through the blessing of Ilmater.
Most Sisters are level 0 Sisters Penitent or Cleric-1 Acolytes, but Sister Superior Mara Aloitius is a powerful Cleric (Clr-5).
Leader: Prior Mordrin (dual class Ftr-4/Clr-5).
This Priory is the home of the Moravin Friars, a male religious order dedicated to St Sollars the Twice-Martyred. Once a fierce warrior knight of Camarthan, their aging leader Prior Mordrin retired before the Vaasan Wars to a religious vocation, eventually rising to head the Order.
Leader: Sir Rodney Carlin (Ftr-3)
Missing Daughter:Lady Dagny Carlin - a noble Knight Paladin of Arcata (Pal-5), Paladin of the Golden Cups, she was known for her great beauty and skill, famously arch-enemy of the notorious Goblin Shaman Skorg, who was said to lust after her. Largely itinerant, she had been known to adventure alongside the experienced Moravin Friar Osbert (Clr-4). Dagny was also served by her four Maid Armigers - novice Paladins-in-training (Lvl 0, AC 3/4, hp 2d4+1). Dagny was the eldest daughter of Sir Rodney Carlin, the Lord of Egilmont Manor, now aging, but still a bluff and vigorous old knight.The Carlins have no love for their immediate liege, the Baron Grimstead, nor for the new Duke of Camarthan. Dagny had a serious rift with her sister Samantha, Baron Skolnar's new bride, and did not attend the wedding ceremony at Castle Grimstead.
The corpulent and grasping Baron Solkar Grimstead (Ftr 3) is known as a cruel and vicious ruler, like many such who survived the purges of Zhengyi's assassins, inheriting from his murdered brother, Baron Jonas Grimstead. He professes loyalty to the Duke of Carmathan, but rules his personal demesne as a private kingdom. He is rumoured to have some sinister dealing with the Hag, Aretha.
Solkar is recently (M2 1359 DR) married to the Lady Samantha (nee Carlin) of Egilmont, the younger sister of Lady Dagny Carlin. Samantha is beautiful, but regarded as something of a black sheep of the noble Carlin family. They have no offspring as yet.
Grimstead Village:
A village of several hundred lies beneath the castle walls. There is a traveller's Inn, the Slaughtered Lamb.
It is owned and run by the tattooed dwarf Dilgar and his human wife Monika.
"Aye. At the crossroads past the bridge, take the north track, not the road west to Raven Gorge, or east to Ravensburg. That way you'll reach Gurzun's Manor tonight."
Araunil frowns:
"Gurzun's Manor? I have not heard of this place."
"Aye, well it was the D'Ashe Manor, until a few months back. Now it's a Festhall, with the finest lasses between here and Rawlinswood!"
He gives Norrin & Kade a wink. Araunil doesn't look too happy to hear this.
"A Festhall? But..."
"Festhall, Trading Post, Inn... farmers, trappers, miners, merchants, bards, even adventurers, they come from all abouts. You might well find company there for heading up to Valls. Trust me, Priestess - it's Gurzun's you want!"
White River Bridge north of the Earthwood, to Gurzun's Hall
The day draws on as you ride; light woodland gives way to more open, rolling terrain with patches of forest among heathland and moor, track skirting the occasional bog. At times the path is obscure, snow still lies here and there, but with two Rangers and a Druid in the group there is little chance of losing their way or blundering into a bog.
A cold wind is blowing down from the snowy mountains looming to the west as you ride through the lands of southern Carmathan. Signs of habitation begin to appear here and there - fortified farmsteads or hunters' lodges; the occasional small mine. A few clusters of buildings that might just be called a hamlet or thorpe. At one point Araunil stops to ask directions from a dwarven trapper returning home with a brace of rabbits. Mid afternoon you crest a rise and to the west can see up the Raven Gorge, a glacial rift in the Earthspur Mountains, to the distant white gleam of the White Worm Glacier.
Dusk has fallen when you leave woodland for open moor and see ahead the warm lights of a large fortified manor house, a quarter mile off. An outer stone wall surrounds manor house, stable, barn and smithy.

Gurzun's Manor
pop. 1200+ humanoids, ca 200 humans & demi-humans, mostly slaves.
Ruler: Vigguz, Lord of Goblin Town, Cleric 4-Assassin 6, reveres Loviatar.
Others: Hagra the Skull-Splitter, Half-Orc Fighter 6. Boltar Two-Axe, Half-Orc Fighter 5.Ostrikka, Half-Orc Fighter 4-Assassin 5. Miles Freeman, Human Magic-User 7.
More than a mere fortress, the repurposed dwarf-hold of Carak Nur on the southern slope of North Peak is now known as Goblin Town. She is in truth a fortified fortress-city, and a major trade centre for both the humanoid races and unscrupulous human merchants and slavers, for the Orcs' appetite for nubile human females is said to be insatiable. Despite the name, Orcs are almost as common as Goblins and Goblin-Orcs here, but the true rulers of Goblin-Town are the Man-Orcs, and the place is a major attraction for Half Orcs scorned across Damara and beyond.
XP 7,147 (+10%); needs 10,000 Thf-5
Shukura of Rauthil, Priestess of Nephtys, goddess of wealth & luck, protector of the dead Cleric 3 h-f AC 4 (banded) Mv 90' or AC 10; HD 2 hp 18/18 hp 8+5/level; wpn: Ankh Staff-Sling THAC0 20 dam 1d6/1d6 melee, 2d4/2d4+1 sling bullet (10) FR 1/2, minimum range 30', range increment 30' (so -2 at 30', -4 at 60', -6 at 90'-119'). Spells: 5-2 (1) cure light wounds x4, command. (2) hold person x2. Spells cast:
orisons: 18 (level+15) per day inc cmw, cast: 18. XP 4,680; needs 6,000 Clr4
+ Ameiko, Shou human female slave girl Lvl 0 AC 10 hp 3
Narcissa the half-Demonette, Powers of Ftr-7/Thf-7/spell powers at MU 12 1/4de-f AC 2 Mv 120' HD 6+6 hp 27/27. Base THAC0 14. Weapon: Longsword (x2 spec +3/+3) #ATT: 2 THAC0: 11 damage: 1d8+3/1d12+3. SA include Burning Hands for 12 damage 6/day.
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Ranger Elmo |
Elmo is clearly a highly experienced Ranger; he turns out in gleaming mail armour, a dwarf-crafted shield, longbow, carrying a gleaming battle axe, and with a deadly-looking dirk at his belt.
Elmo grins at the surprised looks.
"Ah? Yeah, my gear's all magic - 'cept for the bow. Found the shield years ago in the ruins of an old dwarf hold, up in the mountains - the Fallen Halls, they call it. Nasty things up there. Ogres, and worse."
Rumours: Elmo knows about the Orc Tunnel in the Fallen Halls (Khundrakar) that leads into the caves of the Glitterhame (area 21), avoiding the Ogre clan that holds the Mountain Door. He & his party used it to enter the Glitterhame and the lower halls many years ago, where he found his enchanted dwarven shield - the former owner had no further use for it. The party wizard, Idanus, insisted on staying when the others left, to continue his researches. "He was always a bit mad, that one."
PC Sheets
Norrin, Son of Thorrin (Geoff PC)
Class: Fighter
Level: 4
Race: Male Human (Illuskan)
Languages: Common, Fusilest (native tongue of the Moonshae Northmen), Chondathan (common trade language throughout Faerun), Illuskan (Moonshae dialect, spoken by the Ffolk and Northmen), Orcish
NB: Bad scar from Ostrikka's axe blow.
Base THAC0 17
Alignment: Chaotic Good
AC: 0/2 (+1 platemail, +1 medium shield)
Hit Points: 32 +7/lvl
STR 17 (+1, +1) DEX 14 CON 15 (+1) INT 10 (2) WIS 13 CHA 9 (4)
Age: 20
wpn: +1 longsword (Nar Hero Sword) x2 spec (+3,+3) ATT #3/2, or #4 vs 1 hd; THAC0 12 dam 1d8+5/1d12+5
MI: Potion of Giant Strength (Fire - +2d6 melee damage, BB/LG 80%).
potions take effect 1d4+1 segments after consumption, and last for 1d4 turns. This principle is superseded where the specific potion description indicates otherwise. Potions can normally be consumed in half doses, so that half the potion is consumed and operates for half the duration.
Einar (Bob PC) M-U (Transmuter) Level 4 AC 1 (Bracers of Defence AC 4, -1 for +1 Cloak, -2 for DEX) HP 13 4+3/lvl spell slots: 2 1. INT (16)+LVL Cantrips/Day. Spells/Day: 1st: 3+1 2nd: 2+1
Spells in Book: (1) Charm Person, Magic Missile, Floating Disk, Sleep, Read Magic, Burning Hands (2) ESP, Mirror Image, Strength, Stinking Cloud, Levitate, Continual Light
Learn Spell: Alteration 80%, Other 50%. Cannot learn Abjuration, Necromancy.
Failed to learn: Push, Invisibility
MI: Scroll - Push, Fly. Bracers of Defence AC 4 > AC 2. Red Silk Cloak trimmed with Ermine is a Cloak of Protection +1
"As Einar takes the bracers, they shift and flow in his hands, from stout Illuskan armguards to fine silver filigreed brass inset with arcane sigils. As Einar puts them on he feels a faint tingle. His finely attuned arcane senses feel the force field enfolding him..."
Specialist Advantages
1. One additional spell/day per spell level, provided the additional spell is taken
in the specialist’s school.
2. Because specialists have an enhanced understanding of spells within their school, they
receive a +1 bonus when making saving throws against spells of their School.
3. Specialists receive a +15% bonus when learning spells from their school, although they also have a penalty of –15% when learning spells from other schools. The bonus or penalty is applied to the percentile dice roll the player must make when the character tries to learn a new spell.
Her name is Malla. As Fulnok says, she is a Festhall wench at Gurzun's Hall. A Devlin, a true-born grandchild of Helmont XII, 19th Duke of Carmathan, though she does not know her name. Her mother Irdana Devlin eloped with a rogue, and died in penury in Valls. - Afrafa of the Yellow Rose
Gurzun's Hall to Hommlet
The road leads across rolling heathland and moor, the great peaks of the Earthspurs towering like a line of giants hard-by to the west. Towards noon the land becomes less wild, light forest and scattered hamlets. The farms still show fortification, but are more frequent and less like small forts than in the wild lands south of Gurzun's Hall.
At lunch time in the first hour past midday you reach the hamlet of Hommlet, a good sized little village on the road to Valls, dominated by a substantial manor house on a hill just to the east, clearly still under construction. Prompted by the urgings of Rexx's stomach you stop in for lunch at the coaching inn there, the renowned Inn of the Welcome Wench, opposite a tannery and blacksmith. The village hall is adjacent just to the north. Further north on the road, beyond a ford crossing a small stream, the local Church of St Sollars stands prominent atop a rise, overlooking the town.
Clean but slightly rundown buildings indicate that this farm is not too prosperous. However,
the stock around looks quite healthy and plump. An elderly couple Old Yarney (age 68, grizzled & white bearded, but still active) & Mrs Yarney (age 67) are master and mistress, while Timmy, an active lad of 12 or so, a servant, does chores. Their older son Elmo (age 48) is an experienced Ranger. Their other son, Otis (age 45 Ftr-3) is an adventuring miner, and usually away, working for Kaern at Kaern's Claim. Yarney is a retired warrior (Ftr-4, ST15, IN 12, WI 16, (+2) DE 12, CO 16 (+2), Ch 11 HP 36) He has a suit of scale mail and shield AC 5, long sword (x2 spec #ATT 3/2 THAC0 14 dam 1d8+3/1d12+3) and light crossbow (spec, THAC0 16 #ATT 3/2 dam 1d4+2) in a chest in the front room. Old Yarney is captain of the village militia, but rarely mentions it.
#7 Inn of the Welcome Wench
You approach a large walled building with square wooden sign showing a buxom and smiling girl holding a flagon of beer. Leaving your horses with the stablehands you enter the inn.
A popular merchant's stop a day's walk or wagon ride, or half day by good horse, south of Valls town, and a similar day or half day north Gurzun's Hall, the Inn of the Welcome Wench is a place renowned for its good food and excellent drink. Passing merchants and many other sorts of wayfarers make a point of stopping here, and the place is bustling with mid-day patrons dining on choice venison, mutton, poached salmon, stuffed trout, roasted goose, steamed pork sausages, steak and kidney pie and other delights. A sturdy fellow at the bar with the look of a retired warrior oversees the hall - Ostler Gundigoot, founder and proprietor of the Welcome Wench.
You take one of the few empty tables amidst the throng, and after a couple minutes wait a fair wench not wholly dissimilar in looks to the portrait - perhaps less smiley, but equally buxom - arrives.
"Good noon, sirs. I'm Natalya, Natalya Foxwood. May I take your order?"
Welcome Wench Inn Characters
Ostler Gundigoot, Inn proprietor and retired Fighter.
Natalya Foxwood serving wench, cousin of Chelarre. The Foxwoods own the Foxwood Brewery, #18 on map.
Stableboy, Groom, Ostler's wife and two young daughters, two potboy apprentices. Several bar wenches including Kerri Miller, a friend of Natalya. Fulnok's Festhall wenches Dani Mulcahey & Lucretia Parador currently work here despite Mrs Ezrae Gundigoot's disapproval.
Chelarre Foxwood the apothecary & Gail Goldworthy, Chelarre's maid/apprentice. Chelarre lives at Foxwood Cottage beside Foxwood Brewery, #18 on map.
BARREL HANGING FROM CHAINS: The house is the home of the stout local braumeister Berin Foxwood (age 45), his plump wife Margery (age 44), youngest child (age 12) son Jonas, and his only daughter Natalya (age 22), who works as a barmaid at the Inn of the Welcome Wench. Berin once had two elder sons, Michael and Peter, but they died in the wars, fighting for King Virdin. Berin's niece the shapely apothecary Chelarre Foxwood (26) (rescued from the Moathouse M3 1359) also lives here, with her maid/apprentice Gail. Both Chelarre's parents died when she was young, and her uncle Berin raised her almost as his own daughter.
The Foxwoods are known to favour the Old Faith of the Druids. A large dog, Mooty, runs free In the house at night. The brew house has an aging cellar, several vats are on the main floor, the side sheds hold ingredients, and above dwell three apprentice brewers. They brew the various ales and beers under the direction of the braumeister, and they can drink almost anyone except the master or his son under the table.
Elmo grins at the surprised looks.
"Ah? Yeah, my gear's all magic - 'cept for the bow. Found the shield years ago in the ruins of an old dwarf hold, up in the mountains - the Fallen Halls, they call it. Nasty things up there. Ogres, and worse."
Rumours: Elmo knows about the Orc Tunnel in the Fallen Halls (Khundrakar) that leads into the caves of the Glitterhame (area 21), avoiding the Ogre clan that holds the Mountain Door. He & his party used it to enter the Glitterhame and the lower halls many years ago, where he found his enchanted dwarven shield - the former owner had no further use for it. The party wizard, Idanus, insisted on staying when the others left, to continue his researches. "He was always a bit mad, that one."
Jilla Kallent, Priestess of Lathander Morninglord & Innkeeper at Ramvira Manor:
Clr-2 AC 4/5 HP 17 STR 11 INT 12 WIS 14 CON 16 DEX 13 CHA 13 Al. LG (N) E: chainmail hauberk, medium shield, mace THAC0 20 dam 1d6+1/1d6
Spells: cure light wounds x4.
Spells: cure light wounds x4.
Lady Barbara D'Ashe, former Lady of D'Ashe Manor. h-f Thf 2 ( aristocrat) AC 10 hp 7. Sold to Ostrikka of Goblin Town 7/5/1359, rescued by Norrin & co). STR 6 INT 13 WIS 8 CON 11 DEX 11 CHA 17.
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Lady Barbara, former Lady of D'Ashe Manor, companion of Norrin |
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Norrin |
Class: Fighter
Level: 4
Race: Male Human (Illuskan)
Languages: Common, Fusilest (native tongue of the Moonshae Northmen), Chondathan (common trade language throughout Faerun), Illuskan (Moonshae dialect, spoken by the Ffolk and Northmen), Orcish
NB: Bad scar from Ostrikka's axe blow.
Base THAC0 17
Alignment: Chaotic Good
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Nar Hero Sword |
Hit Points: 32 +7/lvl
STR 17 (+1, +1) DEX 14 CON 15 (+1) INT 10 (2) WIS 13 CHA 9 (4)
Age: 20
wpn: +1 longsword (Nar Hero Sword) x2 spec (+3,+3) ATT #3/2, or #4 vs 1 hd; THAC0 12 dam 1d8+5/1d12+5
MI: Potion of Giant Strength (Fire - +2d6 melee damage, BB/LG 80%).
potions take effect 1d4+1 segments after consumption, and last for 1d4 turns. This principle is superseded where the specific potion description indicates otherwise. Potions can normally be consumed in half doses, so that half the potion is consumed and operates for half the duration.
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Original Einar.
Spells in Book: (1) Charm Person, Magic Missile, Floating Disk, Sleep, Read Magic, Burning Hands (2) ESP, Mirror Image, Strength, Stinking Cloud, Levitate, Continual Light
Learn Spell: Alteration 80%, Other 50%. Cannot learn Abjuration, Necromancy.
Failed to learn: Push, Invisibility
MI: Scroll - Push, Fly. Bracers of Defence AC 4 > AC 2. Red Silk Cloak trimmed with Ermine is a Cloak of Protection +1
"As Einar takes the bracers, they shift and flow in his hands, from stout Illuskan armguards to fine silver filigreed brass inset with arcane sigils. As Einar puts them on he feels a faint tingle. His finely attuned arcane senses feel the force field enfolding him..."
Specialist Advantages
1. One additional spell/day per spell level, provided the additional spell is taken
in the specialist’s school.
2. Because specialists have an enhanced understanding of spells within their school, they
receive a +1 bonus when making saving throws against spells of their School.
3. Specialists receive a +15% bonus when learning spells from their school, although they also have a penalty of –15% when learning spells from other schools. The bonus or penalty is applied to the percentile dice roll the player must make when the character tries to learn a new spell.

Narcissa, Demonette Daughter of Rheligaun the Horned, the Nentyarch of Dun-Tharos. Innkeeper at Ramvira Manor.A grand-daughter of Fraz'Urb'luu. For defying her father and attempting to flee Dun-Tharos, in 332 DR Narcissa was placed in temporal stasis, waking in 1359.
AC 2 (base 5, -3 DEX) HP 27 MR 30% Al. CNSTR 12 INT 13 WIS 10 DEX 17 (+2,-3) CON 15 (+1) CHA 17Infravision 120'Iron or Magic weapon to hitHer kiss (or similar intercourse) can drain 1d8 hp & heal her 1d4 hp per round - charmed victims are unaware of the life drain.Thief d% abilities as Level 7 Thief.LEVEL 1 each 3/day (6/day with gem of wizardry)Burning Hands (12 fire damage in 3' range, no save, as 1st level MU spell)Change Self (level 1 Illusionist spell, lasts 2d6 rounds + 2 rounds/level, changes outward form (not clothing or gear) to a human, demi-human or humanoid shape within 1' height & 50 lbs weight, so she can eg appear as a human female with no horns. She can assume the appearance of a specific person, but not their clothing or gear.Charm Person (as the 1st level magic user spell)LEVEL 2 each 3/dayESP (as the 2nd level magic user spell)LEVEL 3 each 3/day Suggestion (as the 3rd level magic user spell)Magic Item: Ruby of Wizardry, huge ruby set on corset, gleams with internal fire, doubles 1st level MU spellsWeapon: Longsword (x2 spec +3/+3) #ATT: 2 THAC0: 11 damage: 1d8+3/1d12+3
HD 6d8+6 Fight as Ftr 7, Base THAC0 14
Climb Walls 91% Find Traps 54% Hear Noise 28% Hide in Shadows 55% Move Quietly 55% Open Locks 64% Pick Pockets 59% Read Languages 30%
Spell Abilities at 12th level of magic use:
At Will: Tongues, Candle (produces a candle flame on palm)
Fly (demonic wings appear on her back - as the 3rd level magic user spell)
Treasure: 80 sp and a vial of holy water, baby blue shepherdess dress, demonette outfit.

Shukura of Rauthil
Shukura of Nephtys, goddess of luck and wealth, guardian of the dead. human female, Mulhorandi (from city of Rauthil)
Cleric-3 AC 4 (banded mail) HP: 18 +5/lvl.
STR 8 DEX 14 CON 11 INT 12 WIS 15 (+1) CHA 14
wpn: Ankh Staff-Sling THAC0 20 dam 1d6/1d6 melee, 2d4/2d4+1 sling bullet (10) FR 1/2, minimum range 30', range increment 30' (so -2 at 30', -4 at 60', -6 at 90'-119').
Spells: lvl 1: 5 lvl 2: 2
SA: Turn-Undead
Wealth: 403 gp, vial of holy water
With a slight shock, Kam recognises her - the Priestess Shukura, who was banished from the Temple of Nephtys, Goddess of Luck and Guardian of the Dead, in Rauthil city, less than a year ago. The official story is she was caught embezzling funds intended for the paupers' burials, but Kam's brother is a temple guard there, and passed on a rumour that her true crime was to resist the amorous advances of Ethnestus Horvus, the obese Precept (appointed ruler) of Rauthil, a Priest of Horus-Re (Clr-2).
Ameiko, Shou ex-slave
Maid Ameiko, Shukura's maid. Ramvira Manor cook, former slave of Tavernkeeper Dauphin. Human Shou female. Level 0 (active female) AC 10 hd 1d4 HP 3 ST 7 IN 11 WI 9 CO 9 DE 10 CH 15 (com. 18)

Narcissa, Demonette Daughter of Rheligaun the Horned, the Nentyarch of Dun-Tharos. Innkeeper at Ramvira Manor.
AC 2 (base 5, -3 DEX) HP 27 MR 30% Al. CNSTR 12 INT 13 WIS 10 DEX 17 (+2,-3) CON 15 (+1) CHA 17Infravision 120'Iron or Magic weapon to hitHer kiss (or similar intercourse) can drain 1d8 hp & heal her 1d4 hp per round - charmed victims are unaware of the life drain.Thief d% abilities as Level 7 Thief.LEVEL 1 each 3/day (6/day with gem of wizardry)Burning Hands (12 fire damage in 3' range, no save, as 1st level MU spell)Change Self (level 1 Illusionist spell, lasts 2d6 rounds + 2 rounds/level, changes outward form (not clothing or gear) to a human, demi-human or humanoid shape within 1' height & 50 lbs weight, so she can eg appear as a human female with no horns. She can assume the appearance of a specific person, but not their clothing or gear.Charm Person (as the 1st level magic user spell)LEVEL 2 each 3/dayESP (as the 2nd level magic user spell)LEVEL 3 each 3/day Suggestion (as the 3rd level magic user spell)Magic Item: Ruby of Wizardry, huge ruby set on corset, gleams with internal fire, doubles 1st level MU spellsWeapon: Longsword (x2 spec +3/+3) #ATT: 2 THAC0: 11 damage: 1d8+3/1d12+3
HD 6d8+6 Fight as Ftr 7, Base THAC0 14
Climb Walls 91% Find Traps 54% Hear Noise 28% Hide in Shadows 55% Move Quietly 55% Open Locks 64% Pick Pockets 59% Read Languages 30%
Spell Abilities at 12th level of magic use:
At Will: Tongues, Candle (produces a candle flame on palm)
Fly (demonic wings appear on her back - as the 3rd level magic user spell)
Treasure: 80 sp and a vial of holy water, baby blue shepherdess dress, demonette outfit.
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Shukura of Rauthil |
Cleric-3 AC 4 (banded mail) HP: 18 +5/lvl.
STR 8 DEX 14 CON 11 INT 12 WIS 15 (+1) CHA 14
wpn: Ankh Staff-Sling THAC0 20 dam 1d6/1d6 melee, 2d4/2d4+1 sling bullet (10) FR 1/2, minimum range 30', range increment 30' (so -2 at 30', -4 at 60', -6 at 90'-119').
Spells: lvl 1: 5 lvl 2: 2
SA: Turn-Undead
Wealth: 403 gp, vial of holy water
With a slight shock, Kam recognises her - the Priestess Shukura, who was banished from the Temple of Nephtys, Goddess of Luck and Guardian of the Dead, in Rauthil city, less than a year ago. The official story is she was caught embezzling funds intended for the paupers' burials, but Kam's brother is a temple guard there, and passed on a rumour that her true crime was to resist the amorous advances of Ethnestus Horvus, the obese Precept (appointed ruler) of Rauthil, a Priest of Horus-Re (Clr-2).
Ameiko, Shou ex-slave
Maid Ameiko, Shukura's maid. Ramvira Manor cook, former slave of Tavernkeeper Dauphin. Human Shou female. Level 0 (active female) AC 10 hd 1d4 HP 3 ST 7 IN 11 WI 9 CO 9 DE 10 CH 15 (com. 18)
Fulnok 'the Gambler', of Ferd human male, Damaran (from Barony of Ostel) . Thief-4 AC 4 (leather, DEX) HP: 22 (7+5x3)
ST 8 IN 14 WI 10 DE 18 (+3 -4) CO 15 (+1) CH 13
E: leather armour, scroll of protection from magic, Pick of Ineffable Escape* +50% OL, short sword, RH wpn: shortsword THAC0 21 dam 1d6/1d8
LH wpn: concealed +1 dagger THAC0 20 (thrown 17) or THAC0 21 2wf dam 1d4+1/1d3+1
Wealth: 37 10gp gems total value 370gp, 38.3 gp, vial of holy water.
loaded knucklebones win 75%, win cards 60%
Fulnok currently is entertaining the would-be Festhall girls Danni Mulcahey & Lucretia Parador. Ostler Gundigoot is willing to give them work at the Inn of the Welcome Wench.
*Shukura reaches in to Narcissa's right inner thigh, down the stocking-top, and draws forth an ivory lockpick, inscribed with tiny Nar runes. She hands it to Fulnok.

Fulnok of Ferd
E: leather armour, scroll of protection from magic, Pick of Ineffable Escape* +50% OL, short sword, RH wpn: shortsword THAC0 21 dam 1d6/1d8
LH wpn: concealed +1 dagger THAC0 20 (thrown 17) or THAC0 21 2wf dam 1d4+1/1d3+1
Wealth: 37 10gp gems total value 370gp, 38.3 gp, vial of holy water.
loaded knucklebones win 75%, win cards 60%
Fulnok currently is entertaining the would-be Festhall girls Danni Mulcahey & Lucretia Parador. Ostler Gundigoot is willing to give them work at the Inn of the Welcome Wench.
*Shukura reaches in to Narcissa's right inner thigh, down the stocking-top, and draws forth an ivory lockpick, inscribed with tiny Nar runes. She hands it to Fulnok.
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Fulnok of Ferd |

ex Festhall Girls Lucy & Malla
Duchess Malla Devlin h-f Lvl 0 hp 4 (NPC, noncom)Lucy Pendarr, Lady in Waiting h-f Lvl 0 hp 4 (NPC, noncom)Afrafa h-f Mnk-7 hp 26 (NPC)
Cassina h-f Mnk-1 hp 8 (NPC)
Trystan, the Bard of Leth 1/2e-m Ftr-1/MU-1/Thf-1 hp 9 (NPC)
Malla Devlin of Ravensburg - 23rd Ducal Ruler of Camarthan. Lvl 0 AC 10 hd 1d4 hp 4 ST 6 IN 12 WI 11 CO 13 DE 9 CH 14 Al. LG. Age 23. A poor single child born in Ravensburg in 25/12/1335 DR. Malla's mother Irdana Jorgensen (actually Irdana Devlin, estranged daughter of Helmont XII) moved from Ravensburg to Valls when she was 1, and died of consumptive fever when Malla was 4. Brought up an orphan by harsh nuns, the Sisters of St Sollars, at the Abbey in Valls, she ran away from the nunnery at age 16 in 1351 DR, finding work as a maidservant to a Valls merchant family, the DuChamps. After being abused by her master Ronald's new wife Livia DuChamps (and by Livia's son Igor DuChamp) she ran away again with her friend and fellow maid Lucy Pendarr, both coming to Gurzun's soon after it opened in late 1358 DR to work as a festhall wench.
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ex Festhall Girls Lucy & Malla |
Duchess Malla Devlin h-f Lvl 0 hp 4 (NPC, noncom)
Lucy Pendarr, Lady in Waiting h-f Lvl 0 hp 4 (NPC, noncom)
Afrafa h-f Mnk-7 hp 26 (NPC)
Cassina h-f Mnk-1 hp 8 (NPC)
Trystan, the Bard of Leth 1/2e-m Ftr-1/MU-1/Thf-1 hp 9 (NPC)
Cassina h-f Mnk-1 hp 8 (NPC)
Trystan, the Bard of Leth 1/2e-m Ftr-1/MU-1/Thf-1 hp 9 (NPC)
Her name is Malla. As Fulnok says, she is a Festhall wench at Gurzun's Hall. A Devlin, a true-born grandchild of Helmont XII, 19th Duke of Carmathan, though she does not know her name. Her mother Irdana Devlin eloped with a rogue, and died in penury in Valls. - Afrafa of the Yellow Rose
Lucy Pendarr AC 10 hp 4
Mistress Afrafa human female Monk-7 AC 5 hp 26/26 (8+3/level) Mv 200' DE 17 (+2/-3) WI 16 (+2) CH 17 speed 200'. Weapon: Two +1 Daggers #ATT 1+1 THAC0 15 & 17, both do damage 1d4+4.5/1d3+4.5. If thrown then #FR 2 THAC0 13 x2. Open Hand THAC0 16 #ATT 3/2 dam 2d4, & can stun for d6 rounds if hit by 5+ over AC. Target AC = % chance to kill a stunned foe, eg AC 10 = 10% chance. Heal d4+1 hp once/day. XP 100,487. Need 200,000 for Level 8.
Mistress Afrafa of the Yellow Rose, Master of the Wind: human female Monk-7 (see below for Monk class) AC 5 hp 26 (8+3/level) THAC0 16 speed 200' ST 15 DE 17 (+2/-3) CO 11 IN 10 WI 16 CH 17 speed 200'. Weapon: Two +1 Daggers #ATT 1+1 THAC0 15 & 17, both do damage 1d4+4.5/1d3+4.5. If thrown then #FR 2 THAC0 13 x2 Open Hand #ATT 3/2
SA: Add 1/2 level to weapon damage. Open hand combat stun/kill.
Attack as Cleric-7. Save as Thief-7. Save vs Petrification to avoid damage from non-magical missiles. No damage if make save vs saveable attacks eg fireball, dragon breath.
Surprised 22%
Thief Skills as per Thief-7
Can fall 30' without damage if within 4' of a wall.
A. speak with animals as Druid
B. mask mind, ESP only 24% successful
C. Immune to Disease, Haste & Slow
D. Self Catalepsy for up to 2 hours
E. Self Heal 2-5 hp 1/day
Notes: Only 25 years old in 1359 DR and already Mistress of the South Wind, dark-eyed Afrafa is famous as the highest ever ranking female Monk among the Brothers of the Yellow Rose, who Rode the Remorhaz, and thus became a Master of Dragons, when only 15 years old! Afrafa spends much time away from the Monastery, wandering the foothills of the Galena & Earthspur mountains in Arcata like her idol, Grand Master Kane. Afrafa in the FR Wiki
At the start of M3 1359 DR, the then Master of Dragons Afrafa escorted the adventuring band, who had delivered the mysterious mute girl child to the Monastery of the Yellow Rose, back down through the mountains to Sudrav, on the way stunning a fierce Yeti that had attacked the party. The adventurers were then able to slay the beast. She then departed Sudrav to patrol the Earthwood for any signs of evil. Later she joined Master Temmenische in Ravensburg investigating the provenance of Duke Helmont Devlin, and uncovered proof he was an impostor.
XP 99,000, needs 200,000 for Level 8
Novice Cassina Monk-1 h-f AC 9 HP 8/8 (STR 15 WIS 15 DEX 15) THAC0 20 wpn: Jo Stick dam 1d6/1d4+0.5 Open Hand dam 1d3 & Unarmed Stun for 1d6 rounds on unarmed to-hit rolls made by 5 or more; chance to kill on stun as percentage = (target AC)%. SA: Knock aside missiles with saving throw vs. petrification. Lvl1-8: avoid all damage w/s. Mv 150'. Cassina of the Yellow Rose. XP 2,214, needs 2,251 level 2.dam 2d4, & can stun for d6 rounds if hit by 5+ over AC. Target AC = % chance to kill a stunned foe, eg AC 10 = 10% chance.
Trystan, 'the Bard of Leth'
Half-Elf male Ftr-1/MU-1/Thf-1 AC 5/6 HP 9/9 Speed 120'. age: 46 Al. NG
Hit points on level-up: Ftr +3/MU+2/Thf+2
Maximum levels Ftr: 6/MU: 6/Thf: U
STRENGTH 15, INTELLIGENCE 16 (Know Spell 65%), WISDOM 17 (sv +3 vs mind magic)
DEXTERITY 16 (+1/-2), CONSTITUTION 16 (+2), CHARISMA 14 . Base THAC0 20
Longsword (x2 Spec +3 +3) THAC0 17 #ATT 3/2 damage 1d8+3/1d12+3
Shortbow THAC0 19 #FR 2 damage 1d6/1d6
Half-Elf abilities: 30% resistance to sleep and charm spells, Secret doors: When searching, a half-elf character can detect secret doors on a 2 in 6 and concealed doors on a 3 in 6. When passing within 10ft of a concealed door, a half-elf will notice it on a 1 in 6. Languages: Common, elven, gnoll, gnome, goblin, halfling, hobgoblin, orcish. Infravision: 60 ft
Weapon Proficiencies - Fighter: Longsword (x2 spec), Shortbow. MU: Dagger Thief: Club, Dart
Magic-User Spells: Read Magic, Charm Person, Floating Disk, Jump. Cantrips: 17/day including Fire Bolt.
Fire Bolt: Evocation cantrip. Casting Time: 1 segment Range: 120 feet Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous. You hurl a mote of fire at a creature or object within range. The target must save vs Spell or take 1d6 fire damage. A flammable object hit by this spell ignites if it isn't being worn or carried.
Thief Abilities (require no or leather armour): Climb Walls - Pick Pockets - Open Locks - Find/Remove Traps - Move Silently - Hide in Shadows - Hear Noise - Backstab x2 damage
Born under the green eaves of the Rawlinswood to a loving elven princess-mage and human warrior-knight, Trystan grew up well versed the martial, arcane, and musical arts. He spent time studying with the Druids of the Grove, before deciding that his path lay out in the wider world...
Upper class in the Rawlinswood forest, his grandmother the elf-queen Rylintara, but always a bit of an outsider. Studied under Jaroo Ashstaff, the Druid of the Grove, and recently met the Dara & Kade when they visited the Grove.
Gold: 71gp
Gear: Longsword, Leather armour, medium shield, dagger, shortbow, quiver & 12 arrows, backpack, 4 small sacks, THIEF'S TOOLS, 12 iron spikes, 50' rope, waterskin, normal rations.
Riding horse (rouncey), saddle & stirrups/tack. Lute, mandolin.
XP: 0/0/0 Needs: Ftr-2 1900/MU-2 2400/ Thf-2 1250
Sir Diliadoc 'Dili' Longfoot Halfling male Ftr-1/Thf-2
AC 5/6 HP 14/14 Mv 90'
HP level 1 11, +5 per Fighter Level, +3 per Thief level.
ST 14 IN 12 WI 8 CO 17 DE 16 (+1/-2) CHA 10 Leather armour, wooden small shield (AC5/6), shortbow + 96 arrows (specialised), shortsword (prof), 2 daggers (belt, left boot), Thieves tools, rope, grapnel, backpack, belt pouch, 3 oil flasks, tinder box, 10 iron spikes, quiver (20 arrows capacity), wineskin, 2 weeks iron rations. wpn: Shortsword (prof) THAC0 20 dam 1-6/1-8 (backstab multiplier X2, +4 to hit) #ATT 1; Shortbow (spec+1 +2) THAC0 15 (20 -1 spec -3 halfling -1 DEX) dam 1-6+2/1-6+2 FR 5/2
CW - % PP - % OLD - % FART - % MS - % HS - % HN -% RL - %.
SA: • +1 bonus per 3.5 points of Con (>+4) to saves against magic (both aimed magic items and spells) and poison. • +3 bonus to attacks with a bow or sling. Infravision 60'.
Surprise: 4 in 6 chance to surprise when travelling in nonmetal armour and alone, or more than 90 ft in advance of others, or with a party entirely consisting of elves and/or halflings. If a door must be opened (or some similar task), the chance of surprise drops to 2 in 6.
MI: Potion of Flying. XP Ftr 1,156/Thf 1,256 (+10%); needs 1,900 Ftr-2 and 2,500 Thief-3. Max levels Ftr: 4 Thf: U
Fighter Saving Throw Table
A Aimed Magic Items (e.g., rod, staff, wand)
B Breath Weapons
C Death, Paralysis, Poison
D Petrifaction, Polymorph
E Spells
Level-A-B--C--D--E Monster HD
-----0 18 20 16 17 19 0.5
--1-2 16 17 14 15 17 1-1 to 2
--3-4 15 16 13 14 16 2+-4
--5-6 13 13 11 12 14 4+-6
--7-8 12 12 10 11 13 6+-8
-9-10 10 -9 -8 --9 11 8+-10
11-12 -9 -8 -7 --8 10 10+-12
13-14 -7 -5 -5 --6 -8 12+-14
15-16 -6 -4 -4 --5 -7 14+-16
17-18 -5 -4 -3 --4 -6 16+-18
----19 -4 -3 -2 --3 -5 18+
Fighters of level 19-24, and monsters of over 18 HD, use the final line.
Attack as Cleric-7. Save as Thief-7. Save vs Petrification to avoid damage from non-magical missiles. No damage if make save vs saveable attacks eg fireball, dragon breath.
Surprised 22%
Thief Skills as per Thief-7
Can fall 30' without damage if within 4' of a wall.
B. mask mind, ESP only 24% successful
C. Immune to Disease, Haste & Slow
D. Self Catalepsy for up to 2 hours
E. Self Heal 2-5 hp 1/day
Notes: Only 25 years old in 1359 DR and already Mistress of the South Wind, dark-eyed Afrafa is famous as the highest ever ranking female Monk among the Brothers of the Yellow Rose, who Rode the Remorhaz, and thus became a Master of Dragons, when only 15 years old! Afrafa spends much time away from the Monastery, wandering the foothills of the Galena & Earthspur mountains in Arcata like her idol, Grand Master Kane. Afrafa in the FR Wiki
At the start of M3 1359 DR, the then Master of Dragons Afrafa escorted the adventuring band, who had delivered the mysterious mute girl child to the Monastery of the Yellow Rose, back down through the mountains to Sudrav, on the way stunning a fierce Yeti that had attacked the party. The adventurers were then able to slay the beast. She then departed Sudrav to patrol the Earthwood for any signs of evil. Later she joined Master Temmenische in Ravensburg investigating the provenance of Duke Helmont Devlin, and uncovered proof he was an impostor.
At the start of M3 1359 DR, the then Master of Dragons Afrafa escorted the adventuring band, who had delivered the mysterious mute girl child to the Monastery of the Yellow Rose, back down through the mountains to Sudrav, on the way stunning a fierce Yeti that had attacked the party. The adventurers were then able to slay the beast. She then departed Sudrav to patrol the Earthwood for any signs of evil. Later she joined Master Temmenische in Ravensburg investigating the provenance of Duke Helmont Devlin, and uncovered proof he was an impostor.
XP 99,000, needs 200,000 for Level 8

Half-Elf male Ftr-1/MU-1/Thf-1 AC 5/6 HP 9/9 Speed 120'. age: 46 Al. NG
Hit points on level-up: Ftr +3/MU+2/Thf+2
Maximum levels Ftr: 6/MU: 6/Thf: U
STRENGTH 15, INTELLIGENCE 16 (Know Spell 65%), WISDOM 17 (sv +3 vs mind magic)
DEXTERITY 16 (+1/-2), CONSTITUTION 16 (+2), CHARISMA 14 . Base THAC0 20
Longsword (x2 Spec +3 +3) THAC0 17 #ATT 3/2 damage 1d8+3/1d12+3
Shortbow THAC0 19 #FR 2 damage 1d6/1d6
Half-Elf abilities: 30% resistance to sleep and charm spells, Secret doors: When searching, a half-elf character can detect secret doors on a 2 in 6 and concealed doors on a 3 in 6. When passing within 10ft of a concealed door, a half-elf will notice it on a 1 in 6. Languages: Common, elven, gnoll, gnome, goblin, halfling, hobgoblin, orcish. Infravision: 60 ft
Weapon Proficiencies - Fighter: Longsword (x2 spec), Shortbow. MU: Dagger Thief: Club, Dart
Magic-User Spells: Read Magic, Charm Person, Floating Disk, Jump. Cantrips: 17/day including Fire Bolt.
Fire Bolt: Evocation cantrip. Casting Time: 1 segment Range: 120 feet Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous. You hurl a mote of fire at a creature or object within range. The target must save vs Spell or take 1d6 fire damage. A flammable object hit by this spell ignites if it isn't being worn or carried.
Thief Abilities (require no or leather armour): Climb Walls - Pick Pockets - Open Locks - Find/Remove Traps - Move Silently - Hide in Shadows - Hear Noise - Backstab x2 damage
Born under the green eaves of the Rawlinswood to a loving elven princess-mage and human warrior-knight, Trystan grew up well versed the martial, arcane, and musical arts. He spent time studying with the Druids of the Grove, before deciding that his path lay out in the wider world...
Upper class in the Rawlinswood forest, his grandmother the elf-queen Rylintara, but always a bit of an outsider. Studied under Jaroo Ashstaff, the Druid of the Grove, and recently met the Dara & Kade when they visited the Grove.
Gold: 71gp
Gear: Longsword, Leather armour, medium shield, dagger, shortbow, quiver & 12 arrows, backpack, 4 small sacks, THIEF'S TOOLS, 12 iron spikes, 50' rope, waterskin, normal rations.
Riding horse (rouncey), saddle & stirrups/tack. Lute, mandolin.
XP: 0/0/0 Needs: Ftr-2 1900/MU-2 2400/ Thf-2 1250
Sir Diliadoc 'Dili' Longfoot Halfling male Ftr-1/Thf-2
AC 5/6 HP 14/14 Mv 90'
HP level 1 11, +5 per Fighter Level, +3 per Thief level.
ST 14 IN 12 WI 8 CO 17 DE 16 (+1/-2) CHA 10 Leather armour, wooden small shield (AC5/6), shortbow + 96 arrows (specialised), shortsword (prof), 2 daggers (belt, left boot), Thieves tools, rope, grapnel, backpack, belt pouch, 3 oil flasks, tinder box, 10 iron spikes, quiver (20 arrows capacity), wineskin, 2 weeks iron rations. wpn: Shortsword (prof) THAC0 20 dam 1-6/1-8 (backstab multiplier X2, +4 to hit) #ATT 1; Shortbow (spec+1 +2) THAC0 15 (20 -1 spec -3 halfling -1 DEX) dam 1-6+2/1-6+2 FR 5/2
CW - % PP - % OLD - % FART - % MS - % HS - % HN -% RL - %.
SA: • +1 bonus per 3.5 points of Con (>+4) to saves against magic (both aimed magic items and spells) and poison. • +3 bonus to attacks with a bow or sling. Infravision 60'.
Surprise: 4 in 6 chance to surprise when travelling in nonmetal armour and alone, or more than 90 ft in advance of others, or with a party entirely consisting of elves and/or halflings. If a door must be opened (or some similar task), the chance of surprise drops to 2 in 6.
MI: Potion of Flying. XP Ftr 1,156/Thf 1,256 (+10%); needs 1,900 Ftr-2 and 2,500 Thief-3. Max levels Ftr: 4 Thf: U
AC 5/6 HP 14/14 Mv 90'
HP level 1 11, +5 per Fighter Level, +3 per Thief level.
ST 14 IN 12 WI 8 CO 17 DE 16 (+1/-2) CHA 10 Leather armour, wooden small shield (AC5/6), shortbow + 96 arrows (specialised), shortsword (prof), 2 daggers (belt, left boot), Thieves tools, rope, grapnel, backpack, belt pouch, 3 oil flasks, tinder box, 10 iron spikes, quiver (20 arrows capacity), wineskin, 2 weeks iron rations. wpn: Shortsword (prof) THAC0 20 dam 1-6/1-8 (backstab multiplier X2, +4 to hit) #ATT 1; Shortbow (spec+1 +2) THAC0 15 (20 -1 spec -3 halfling -1 DEX) dam 1-6+2/1-6+2 FR 5/2
CW - % PP - % OLD - % FART - % MS - % HS - % HN -% RL - %.
SA: • +1 bonus per 3.5 points of Con (>+4) to saves against magic (both aimed magic items and spells) and poison. • +3 bonus to attacks with a bow or sling. Infravision 60'.
Surprise: 4 in 6 chance to surprise when travelling in nonmetal armour and alone, or more than 90 ft in advance of others, or with a party entirely consisting of elves and/or halflings. If a door must be opened (or some similar task), the chance of surprise drops to 2 in 6.
MI: Potion of Flying. XP Ftr 1,156/Thf 1,256 (+10%); needs 1,900 Ftr-2 and 2,500 Thief-3. Max levels Ftr: 4 Thf: U
Fighter Saving Throw Table
A Aimed Magic Items (e.g., rod, staff, wand)
B Breath Weapons
C Death, Paralysis, Poison
D Petrifaction, Polymorph
E Spells
Level-A-B--C--D--E Monster HD
-----0 18 20 16 17 19 0.5
--1-2 16 17 14 15 17 1-1 to 2
--3-4 15 16 13 14 16 2+-4
--5-6 13 13 11 12 14 4+-6
--7-8 12 12 10 11 13 6+-8
-9-10 10 -9 -8 --9 11 8+-10
11-12 -9 -8 -7 --8 10 10+-12
13-14 -7 -5 -5 --6 -8 12+-14
15-16 -6 -4 -4 --5 -7 14+-16
17-18 -5 -4 -3 --4 -6 16+-18
----19 -4 -3 -2 --3 -5 18+
Fighters of level 19-24, and monsters of over 18 HD, use the final line.
It is rumoured that deep below the sunlit lands of Men, there lies another world. The world of the Dark Elves or Drow, demon worshippers in thrall to their demon goddess Lolth.
It is rumoured that deep below the sunlit lands of Men, there lies another world. The world of the Dark Elves or Drow, demon worshippers in thrall to their demon goddess Lolth.
Movers & Shakers of the Bloodstone Lands
NPC Ruler Demographics (d20)
Level 1 - 1-2
Level 2 - 3-4
Level 3 - 5-10
Level 4 - 11-14
Level 5 - 15-16
Level 6 - 17
Level 7 - 18
Level 8 - 19
Level 9+ - 20
Rulers are around 20% sedentary aristocrat (d4 hd, including an occasional Sage), 45% Fighter, 15% Cleric, 10% Thief, 5% Magic-User, 5% Other Class (Illusionist, Ranger, Paladin, Monk, etc).
Captains, Castellans & Stewards (d6)
These are normally experienced Fighters. The same table may be used for Magists (MU) and Court Chaplains (Cleric).
Level 4: 1
Level 5: 2-3
Level 6: 4
Level 7: 5
Level 8: 6
NPC Ruler Demographics (d20)
Level 1 - 1-2
Level 2 - 3-4
Level 3 - 5-10
Level 4 - 11-14
Level 5 - 15-16
Level 6 - 17
Level 7 - 18
Level 8 - 19
Level 9+ - 20
Rulers are around 20% sedentary aristocrat (d4 hd, including an occasional Sage), 45% Fighter, 15% Cleric, 10% Thief, 5% Magic-User, 5% Other Class (Illusionist, Ranger, Paladin, Monk, etc).
Captains, Castellans & Stewards (d6)
These are normally experienced Fighters. The same table may be used for Magists (MU) and Court Chaplains (Cleric).
Level 4: 1
Level 5: 2-3
Level 6: 4
Level 7: 5
Level 8: 6

Dimian I Banacath, King of Damara, Prince-Baron of Morov
Ruler: Dimian I Ree Banacath, King of Damara, Prince-Baron of Morov (Thf-8). From 18/4/1359 DR; coronation 21/6/1359.
pop. 734,000 (estimated, 1359 DR) + Duchy of Vaasa (unincorporated, ca 250,000 including humanoids) = 984,000
Modern civilisation in Damara dates back only to the 11th century DR. However ancient ruins are occasionally unearthed believed to date back more than two thousand years, to the time of Ancient Narfell, from the founding of Dun-Tharos by Thargaun in -970 DR through to its destruction in -150 DR by Raumathar, the ancestor of Rashemen and Thay. These demon-haunted relics of a past best forgotten are avoided by all sensible folk.
In the early 11th century DR the climate warmed, and southern colonists moving up from kingless Impiltur wrested what is now Damara from the western Nar barbarians. Following a great victory over the Nar, Damara's capital Heliogabalus was founded by Feldrin Bloodfeathers, the first King of Damara, in 1075 DR. For almost 300 years she had a long line of native monarchs, until the death of King Virdin I Banacath in M6 1357 DR at the Ford of Goliad was followed by the brief accession of the Thayan Lich Zhengyi, the Witch-King of Vaasa. With Zhengyi's destruction in late 1358 DR, the ancient line was restored with the accession of King Dimian I Ree Banacath in M4 1359 DR.
Damara thrives on foreign trade, particularly through caravans to Ilmwatch in Impiltur and to the settlements on the Moonsea, through the gap between Rawlinswood and the Earthspur Mountains known as Merchants' Run. Shipments of bloodstone are made throughout Traders Bay, and in Sarshel. In more peaceful times trade is also made through the Bloodstone Pass in the Galena Mountains, through sparsely populated Vaasa, and through Garumn's Climb and the Ride to Zhentil Keep and the Moonsea.
Realms of Damara
Excludes minor baronies within the Duchies, eg Grimstead in Camarthan.
Damara's national colours are black & red (sable & crimson), descending from the coat of arms of Heldrin Bloodfeathers, first King of Damara.
Ruling House: Hogarth
Family Crest: Diving Dagger and
Mountains Three
Province Sigil: Pick & Hammer
William is rumoured virtual captive of the Ducal Guard under Commander Mykros (Ftr-5). Vizier Severus Slytherin (MU-4). Bishop Gilpin (Clr-6) at the Cathedral of St Sollars in Valls. Knight Lieutenant Palador deVir (Ftr-4). Princess Renee Hogarth (Ftr-1). Renee's companion Lady Susan Valls (Ftr-1). Renee's Chaplain Aedina (Clr-2)
Population: 150,000
Capital: Valls (6,300)
Towns: Ostrav (2000), Tomrav (1450), Sudrav (1600)

Severus Slytherin, the Vizier of Arcata
Arcata includes the mineral-rich northern Earthspur mountains, and such famed resorts as Gurzun's Festhall and the Inn of the Welcome Wench at Hommlet. Despite her wealth, much of the territory is not very tactically defensible from Valls, and the local manors and townships must often look to their own defences.
Perhaps Arcata is most famous for the Monastery of the Yellow Rose high in the northern Earthspur mountains overlooking the White Worm Glacier. More than a thousand years ago, when the White Worm was still part of the Great Glacier, extending south across all of Vaasa and the Galenas Mountains to the shores of the Moonsea, the Monks of St Sollars crossed the ice to found their remote monastery devoted to the Twice-Martyred.

Byrlgaun Yanner, Dwarf Merchant of Valls
Barony of Bloodstone & the Duchy of Vaasa
Ruler: Duke Gareth Dragonsbane (Pal-11), Steward Tranth of Bloodstone (Ftr-7), Lady Christine Dragonsbane (Drd-7).
Sigil: Cup Or on field Ver with tears Scarlet
Population: 12,000 + (Bloodstone Barony); est. 250,000 (Duchy of Vaasa) - ca 140,000 human & demi-human, ca 110,000 humanoid (Orc, Goblin Hobgoblin, Bugbear, Gnoll etc).
Capital: Bloodstone Town (7,500)
Bloodstone is Duke Gareth Dragonsbane's capital, and his personal demesne. He is charged by King Dimian I Banacath with bringing the wild taiga forests, boglands and tundra of Vaasa under Damaran Law.
The Wild Men of Vaasa are believed to descend directly from the Nars of Old Narfell, by way of migration from Damara, then West Narfell, during the "Retreat of the Ice" in the 6th-11th centuries DR. Unlike their eastern kin, most Vaasan Nar have not abandoned their old allegiance to the Demon Lords of the Great Abyss, including Orcus, Lolth, Kostchtchie, Fraz-Urb'luu, Yeenoghu, Zuggtmoy, and Graz'zt. The sinister Warlock Knights of Vaasa are all powerful Demonists, each with a patron Demon Prince or Lord - Kostchtchie is particularly popular among those tribes bordering the Great Glacier, while southern Demonists tend to favour Graz'zt or Fraz'Urb'luu. Even their tribal Shamans (max level 7) combine Clerical & Demonic magics.
Vaasans do of course acknowledge more benevolent deities also, such as the Great Mother (Chauntea) and her daughter Sune, Goddess of Love, who is wed to Tempus, Lord of Battle. Fair-fortuned Tymora, Auril the Frostmaiden and Loviatar, Goddess of Pain, are also popular goddesses. Loviatar's husband Bane is revered by the chiefs of the less Chaotic Vaasan tribes, and some Banite clerics from Zhentil Keep proselytise here, with mixed results.

South Vaasan Noble
Many southern Vaasan nobles dwell in timber long houses, ride small tough horses into battle, carry lances, and garb in iron mail or banded coat-of-plates. The bulk of their warriors, though, are the Bearsarks (Berserkers), the Hunters (shortbow archers), and other tribal light infantry. Vaasan culture often makes little distinction between Human, Humanoid, and even Ogre or Giant clans - all are Vaasan, equally fierce, cruel and proud.
The taiga, bog and tundra of Vaasa is too poor for much agriculture; when not raiding or marching to war the Vaasans typically herd goats, reindeer, and shaggy long-horned cattle. Barley is grown in sheltered spots in the southern woods. Vaasan animals and crops are usually tended by miserable thralls (slaves). But many Vaasan clans, especially in the tundra bordering the Great Glacier, retain the nomadic ways of their ancestors, following the semi-wild reindeer herds across the barren wastes.

Jane Ducaris, a noble of Goliad, with bracers.
Duchy of Brandiar
Ruler: None/Steward Dormythyrr (Ftr-5)
Sigil: Destrier Argent on field Ver
Population: 80,000 (pre-war 160,000+)
Capital: Goliad (4,900)
Brandiar includes the new Cathedral of St Dionysus the Sozzled at Goliad, under the famed Friar-Patriarch Dugald, a Hero of Bloodstone.
Once a powerful realm known for its heavy cavalry formations, the birthplace and home to Gareth Dragonsbane, Brandiar has been much devastated by the recent wars. The old noble line of Brandiar was entirely extinguished during the 1347-57 DR Vaasan War. It is rumoured that Duke Dragonsbane of Bloodstone & Vaasa and Duke Olwen of Soravia both favour the appointment of their friend Friar-Patriarch Dugald (Clr-11) as the new Duke of Brandiar.
The Friars of St Dionysus are not forbidden the pleasures of the flesh. In recent months (1359 DR) it's rumoured that Friar Dugald has been courting Jane Ducaris (hd 3d4 hp 5), a noble lady of Goliad town, with a view to marriage. While unrelated to the old Dukes of Brandiar, the Ducaris lineage is impeccable - Jane Ducaris is a distant cousin of Duke Gareth Dragonsbane himself!

Region Map M6 1359 DR
Ruler: Duke Helmont Devlin (impostor, fled); Malla Devlin (True Heir)
Her name is Malla. As Fulnok says, she is a Festhall wench at Gurzun's Hall. A Devlin, a true-born grandchild of Helmont XII, 19th Duke of Carmathan, though she does not know her name. Her mother Irdana Devlin eloped with a rogue, and died in penury in Valls. - Afrafa of the Yellow Rose
Devlin Crest: Bloodied Scythe
Provincial Sigil: Wheat Sheaf gold on Field green
Population: 200,000
Capital: Ravensburg (12,500) sigil: Raven scarlet on Field black.
Ducal Income ca 15,000 gp/month (at 20% of 6 sp/person).
Often called the Breadbasket of Damara, Carmathan is poor in mineral wealth but rich in arable lands, especially towards the east of the Duchy. It is rumoured that the Monks of the Yellow Rose have recently made a shocking discovery as to the identity of the true Heir to Carmathan...
Political Divisions of Carmathan.
1. The Raven Shire - Territory in the personal hold of the Duke of Carmathan, directly administered from Ravensburg by the Steward of Ravensburg, currently Sir Arthur Dahnim (Ftr-4)
2. South Moors - wild, unincorporated territory presently inhabited only by a few hardy farmsteaders and prospectors, some dwarven.
3. Grimstead Barony under corpulent Baron Solkar , which itself holds the Priory of the Moravin Friars under Prior Mordrin. Settlements:
i. Castle Grimstead pop. 443 - Baron Solkar Ftr-3
ii. Moravin Priory pop. 294 - Prior Mordrin Ftr-4/Clr-5
iii. Blackraven Manor pop. 295 - Sir Thomas Blackraven Ftr-4
iv. Fulscarp Manor pop. 239 - Lady Aryn Blackthorn Lvl 0
v. Egilmont Manor pop. 324 - Sir Rodney Carlin Ftr-3
vi. Southmoor Manor pop. 268 - Sir Leofrey Gallant Ftr-4
Total 1,863 in manors.
4. In far northern Carmathan lies the Barony of Beaumaris. Though Castle Beaumaris itself never fell to Zhengyi, none of the Beaumaris menfolk survived Goliad and the Night of Long Knives. Today the Baroness Beaumaris is Lady Liria Beaumaris (Clr-1), a young and rather naive Cleric of the Yellow Rose fresh from the Seminary (Church School) in Heliogabalus. The Beaumaris of Carmathan are cousins to House Belmaris of Polten.
5. Bucolic Greenfields Barony under Lord Simon of Calloway (Ftr-4), a veteran warrior knight and survivor of the Battle of Goliad. Sinister Castle Ostel is a looming presence on the Greenfields border with Ostel.
6. The wealthy halfling farming Shire of Halfling Downs, under Sheriff Samwise Tallfellow (Ftr-2).
7. The Carmath Shire north of the King's Road around Castle Carmath, under the Sheriff Sir Robert Fitzlion (Ftr-6). A skilled warrior and survivor of Goliad, Robert is said to be competent but arrogant, with little regard for his nominal overlord the Duke in Ravensburg. Since Goliad in 1357 and the murder of his liege Duke Helmont XIII & almost the entire Devlin family, Robert runs the Shire almost as an independent fiefdom.
8. Between Grimstead and the King's Road lies Chaney Shire, a largely wild region near the Arcatan border notable for Chaney Manor and the four mile expanse of Froggy Lake. Chaney Shire is home to St Cecilia's Abbey under the half-elven Sister Superior Mara Aloitius (Clr-5). Chaney Manor is the only village in the Shire. Ruled by dour Sir Randal Chaney (Ftr-2); he acknowledges as superiors only the Duke in Ravensburg and the King in Heliogabalus. Chaney Tower on Froggy Lake was built by the Chaneys in an effort to claim Baronial status, but was sacked by Bullywugs years ago, and today is an abandoned shell. Sir Randal's three sons by Lady Lanis fell in the Vaasan War, as did Lanis herself (in 1354), his only daughter Viola Chaney is said to be very beautiful, but was sad in heart, for Randal kept her under close watch and has forbidden her to wed. In 1359 DR Viola fled the manor following a beating, she had been caught kissing a boy from the village.
9. North of Halfling Downs lies the Barony of Trollmarsh under Baron Uther Torgrim (Ftr-3), 11th Baron Trollmarsh.

Sir Randal Chaney of Chaney Shire Ftr-2

Sir Arthur Dahnim Ftr-4, Steward of Ravensburg & Ducal Vizier

Simon of Calloway, the Baron Greenfields, Ftr-4

Solkar, the Baron Grimstead Ftr-3

Samwise Tallfellow, Sheriff of Halfling Downs Ftr-2

Sir Robert Fitzlion, Sheriff of Carmath Shire Ftr-6
Liria the Baroness Beaumaris, Cleric of St Sollars Clr-1
Malla Devlin the True Heir, festhall wench of Gurzun's Hall

The Vernithrax Battle Standard
The Crownland
Ruler: Sir Lucan Vernithrax, Steward for King Dimian I Banacath
Province Crest: Stones and Scales (the standard of House Banacath & the Kingdom of Damara)
Population: 25,000
Unincorporated but strategically important territory between Morov, Brandiar and Ostel, this territory is traditionally the personal demesne of whichever monarch sits on the Damaran throne. In M4 1359 DR King Dimian I appointed Sir Lucan Vernithrax (Ftr-4), a senior knight of Morov, as Steward to govern the Crownland and repair its defences. The Vernithrax are a famous old Morovian family. Two centuries ago their progenitor Sir Halstan Vernithrax took the name when he slew a mighty green dragon in the Rawlinswood.
Barony of Morov
Ruling House: Banacath
Family Crest: Stones and Scales (the standard of the Kingdom of Damara)
Ruler: King Dimian I Ree of House Banacath, King of Damara, 27th Prince-Baron of Morov, Mayor of Heliogabalus, Presider of the Market, Overlord of the King's Road
Province Sigil: Feather scarlet on field gold
Population: 88,000+
Capital: Heliogabalus (25,000)
The seat of royal power in Damara, founded by Heldrin Bloodfeathers almost 300 years ago. Heliogabalus is a true citadel, the royal castle rock towering over the city below. Even Zhengyi the Witch King feared to assault Heliogabalus. The city's only real defensive weakness is the open docks looking onto the lakeside. The Barony of Morov expanded greatly when King Dimian granted himself the former Soravian territories between Morov and the Galenas at the same time as naming Olwen Forest-Friend Duke of Soravia in his first proclamations, M4 1359 DR. North Morov even extends to claim formerly independent mining holds in the northern Galenas.
Ruler: Baroness Sylvia of House Praka
Sigil: Ship Or on field Azure
Population: 106,000
Capital: Praka (16,000)
Ostel is a rich lakeshore Barony with an important strategic location. Castle Ostel is a strong fortress on the Praka-Carmathan border. The beautiful but sinister sorceress ruler of Ostel, the Baroness Sylvia, resides there, when not at the royal court in Heliogabalus, or her palace in Praka city. Castle Ostel is a good place to conduct her more questionable affairs, with little fear of prying eyes from Spysong and the like. Sylvia is accounted perhaps the third most mighty Magic-User in all Damara, after Emelyn the Gray, and Knellict of the Assassins. She is widely considered to have great influence over King Dimian, having been instrumental in placing him upon the Damaran throne despite widespread preference for Gareth Dragonsbane among the smallfolk.

Hernic, Knight Commander of Ostel Ftr-8
Among Sylvia's greatest knights is her Champion, the feared Knight Commander Sir Hernic of Zarich (half elf Ftr-8), said to have slain a hundred foes during the Vaasan Wars - not all of them Vaasan.
Sylvia Praka, Baroness Ostel
Barony of Polten
Ruler: Donlevy the Young of House BelMaris (Ftr-4)
Symbol: Tears Scarlet on field Or
Population: 174,000
Capital: Trailsend (12,000)
Closer to a Duchy than a traditional Barony, Polten bestrides the Merchants' Run to Impiltur, and is the oldest and possibly richest territory in all Damara. Damara normally maintains neutral to friendly relations with Impiltur, but the wild Nar - and worse things - dwelling in the Rawlinswood provide challenge enough for any Polten Baron.
Duchy of Soravia (created by Zhengyi)

Nar Shield-Maid of Soravia
Ruler: Duke Olwen Forest-Friend of the Heroes of Bloodstone, 'the Great Bear' (Rgr-11).
Symbol: Bear Bruin on field Argent
Population: 44,000+
Capital: Kinbrace (4,500)
Taiga pine forest gives way to cold plains and (in the far north) frozen tundra, on Damara's northern frontier. Soravia's population includes Damaran settlers alongside many nomadic Nar tribes. Olwen Forest Friend is working to bring all together in his new realm. However the Soravian forest still holds fragments of Zhengyi's defeated army, including Orcs and worse.
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Dimian I Banacath, King of Damara, Prince-Baron of Morov |
pop. 734,000 (estimated, 1359 DR) + Duchy of Vaasa (unincorporated, ca 250,000 including humanoids) = 984,000
Modern civilisation in Damara dates back only to the 11th century DR. However ancient ruins are occasionally unearthed believed to date back more than two thousand years, to the time of Ancient Narfell, from the founding of Dun-Tharos by Thargaun in -970 DR through to its destruction in -150 DR by Raumathar, the ancestor of Rashemen and Thay. These demon-haunted relics of a past best forgotten are avoided by all sensible folk.
In the early 11th century DR the climate warmed, and southern colonists moving up from kingless Impiltur wrested what is now Damara from the western Nar barbarians. Following a great victory over the Nar, Damara's capital Heliogabalus was founded by Feldrin Bloodfeathers, the first King of Damara, in 1075 DR. For almost 300 years she had a long line of native monarchs, until the death of King Virdin I Banacath in M6 1357 DR at the Ford of Goliad was followed by the brief accession of the Thayan Lich Zhengyi, the Witch-King of Vaasa. With Zhengyi's destruction in late 1358 DR, the ancient line was restored with the accession of King Dimian I Ree Banacath in M4 1359 DR.
Damara thrives on foreign trade, particularly through caravans to Ilmwatch in Impiltur and to the settlements on the Moonsea, through the gap between Rawlinswood and the Earthspur Mountains known as Merchants' Run. Shipments of bloodstone are made throughout Traders Bay, and in Sarshel. In more peaceful times trade is also made through the Bloodstone Pass in the Galena Mountains, through sparsely populated Vaasa, and through Garumn's Climb and the Ride to Zhentil Keep and the Moonsea.
Realms of Damara
Excludes minor baronies within the Duchies, eg Grimstead in Camarthan.
Damara's national colours are black & red (sable & crimson), descending from the coat of arms of Heldrin Bloodfeathers, first King of Damara.
Excludes minor baronies within the Duchies, eg Grimstead in Camarthan.
Damara's national colours are black & red (sable & crimson), descending from the coat of arms of Heldrin Bloodfeathers, first King of Damara.
Ruling House: Hogarth
Family Crest: Diving Dagger and
Mountains Three
Family Crest: Diving Dagger and
Mountains Three
Province Sigil: Pick & Hammer
William is rumoured virtual captive of the Ducal Guard under Commander Mykros (Ftr-5). Vizier Severus Slytherin (MU-4). Bishop Gilpin (Clr-6) at the Cathedral of St Sollars in Valls. Knight Lieutenant Palador deVir (Ftr-4). Princess Renee Hogarth (Ftr-1). Renee's companion Lady Susan Valls (Ftr-1). Renee's Chaplain Aedina (Clr-2)
Population: 150,000
Capital: Valls (6,300)
Towns: Ostrav (2000), Tomrav (1450), Sudrav (1600)
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Severus Slytherin, the Vizier of Arcata |
Perhaps Arcata is most famous for the Monastery of the Yellow Rose high in the northern Earthspur mountains overlooking the White Worm Glacier. More than a thousand years ago, when the White Worm was still part of the Great Glacier, extending south across all of Vaasa and the Galenas Mountains to the shores of the Moonsea, the Monks of St Sollars crossed the ice to found their remote monastery devoted to the Twice-Martyred.
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Byrlgaun Yanner, Dwarf Merchant of Valls |
Barony of Bloodstone & the Duchy of Vaasa
Ruler: Duke Gareth Dragonsbane (Pal-11), Steward Tranth of Bloodstone (Ftr-7), Lady Christine Dragonsbane (Drd-7).
Sigil: Cup Or on field Ver with tears Scarlet
Population: 12,000 + (Bloodstone Barony); est. 250,000 (Duchy of Vaasa) - ca 140,000 human & demi-human, ca 110,000 humanoid (Orc, Goblin Hobgoblin, Bugbear, Gnoll etc).
Population: 12,000 + (Bloodstone Barony); est. 250,000 (Duchy of Vaasa) - ca 140,000 human & demi-human, ca 110,000 humanoid (Orc, Goblin Hobgoblin, Bugbear, Gnoll etc).
Capital: Bloodstone Town (7,500)
Bloodstone is Duke Gareth Dragonsbane's capital, and his personal demesne. He is charged by King Dimian I Banacath with bringing the wild taiga forests, boglands and tundra of Vaasa under Damaran Law.
The Wild Men of Vaasa are believed to descend directly from the Nars of Old Narfell, by way of migration from Damara, then West Narfell, during the "Retreat of the Ice" in the 6th-11th centuries DR. Unlike their eastern kin, most Vaasan Nar have not abandoned their old allegiance to the Demon Lords of the Great Abyss, including Orcus, Lolth, Kostchtchie, Fraz-Urb'luu, Yeenoghu, Zuggtmoy, and Graz'zt. The sinister Warlock Knights of Vaasa are all powerful Demonists, each with a patron Demon Prince or Lord - Kostchtchie is particularly popular among those tribes bordering the Great Glacier, while southern Demonists tend to favour Graz'zt or Fraz'Urb'luu. Even their tribal Shamans (max level 7) combine Clerical & Demonic magics. Vaasans do of course acknowledge more benevolent deities also, such as the Great Mother (Chauntea) and her daughter Sune, Goddess of Love, who is wed to Tempus, Lord of Battle. Fair-fortuned Tymora, Auril the Frostmaiden and Loviatar, Goddess of Pain, are also popular goddesses. Loviatar's husband Bane is revered by the chiefs of the less Chaotic Vaasan tribes, and some Banite clerics from Zhentil Keep proselytise here, with mixed results.
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South Vaasan Noble |
The taiga, bog and tundra of Vaasa is too poor for much agriculture; when not raiding or marching to war the Vaasans typically herd goats, reindeer, and shaggy long-horned cattle. Barley is grown in sheltered spots in the southern woods. Vaasan animals and crops are usually tended by miserable thralls (slaves). But many Vaasan clans, especially in the tundra bordering the Great Glacier, retain the nomadic ways of their ancestors, following the semi-wild reindeer herds across the barren wastes.
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Jane Ducaris, a noble of Goliad, with bracers. |
Ruler: None/Steward Dormythyrr (Ftr-5)
Sigil: Destrier Argent on field Ver
Population: 80,000 (pre-war 160,000+)
Capital: Goliad (4,900)
Brandiar includes the new Cathedral of St Dionysus the Sozzled at Goliad, under the famed Friar-Patriarch Dugald, a Hero of Bloodstone.
Once a powerful realm known for its heavy cavalry formations, the birthplace and home to Gareth Dragonsbane, Brandiar has been much devastated by the recent wars. The old noble line of Brandiar was entirely extinguished during the 1347-57 DR Vaasan War. It is rumoured that Duke Dragonsbane of Bloodstone & Vaasa and Duke Olwen of Soravia both favour the appointment of their friend Friar-Patriarch Dugald (Clr-11) as the new Duke of Brandiar.
The Friars of St Dionysus are not forbidden the pleasures of the flesh. In recent months (1359 DR) it's rumoured that Friar Dugald has been courting Jane Ducaris (hd 3d4 hp 5), a noble lady of Goliad town, with a view to marriage. While unrelated to the old Dukes of Brandiar, the Ducaris lineage is impeccable - Jane Ducaris is a distant cousin of Duke Gareth Dragonsbane himself!
Brandiar includes the new Cathedral of St Dionysus the Sozzled at Goliad, under the famed Friar-Patriarch Dugald, a Hero of Bloodstone.
Once a powerful realm known for its heavy cavalry formations, the birthplace and home to Gareth Dragonsbane, Brandiar has been much devastated by the recent wars. The old noble line of Brandiar was entirely extinguished during the 1347-57 DR Vaasan War. It is rumoured that Duke Dragonsbane of Bloodstone & Vaasa and Duke Olwen of Soravia both favour the appointment of their friend Friar-Patriarch Dugald (Clr-11) as the new Duke of Brandiar.
The Friars of St Dionysus are not forbidden the pleasures of the flesh. In recent months (1359 DR) it's rumoured that Friar Dugald has been courting Jane Ducaris (hd 3d4 hp 5), a noble lady of Goliad town, with a view to marriage. While unrelated to the old Dukes of Brandiar, the Ducaris lineage is impeccable - Jane Ducaris is a distant cousin of Duke Gareth Dragonsbane himself!
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Region Map M6 1359 DR |
Ruler: Duke Helmont Devlin (impostor, fled); Malla Devlin (True Heir)
Her name is Malla. As Fulnok says, she is a Festhall wench at Gurzun's Hall. A Devlin, a true-born grandchild of Helmont XII, 19th Duke of Carmathan, though she does not know her name. Her mother Irdana Devlin eloped with a rogue, and died in penury in Valls. - Afrafa of the Yellow Rose
Devlin Crest: Bloodied Scythe
Provincial Sigil: Wheat Sheaf gold on Field green
Provincial Sigil: Wheat Sheaf gold on Field green
Population: 200,000
Capital: Ravensburg (12,500) sigil: Raven scarlet on Field black.
Ducal Income ca 15,000 gp/month (at 20% of 6 sp/person).
Often called the Breadbasket of Damara, Carmathan is poor in mineral wealth but rich in arable lands, especially towards the east of the Duchy. It is rumoured that the Monks of the Yellow Rose have recently made a shocking discovery as to the identity of the true Heir to Carmathan...
Political Divisions of Carmathan.
1. The Raven Shire - Territory in the personal hold of the Duke of Carmathan, directly administered from Ravensburg by the Steward of Ravensburg, currently Sir Arthur Dahnim (Ftr-4)
2. South Moors - wild, unincorporated territory presently inhabited only by a few hardy farmsteaders and prospectors, some dwarven.
3. Grimstead Barony under corpulent Baron Solkar , which itself holds the Priory of the Moravin Friars under Prior Mordrin. Settlements:
i. Castle Grimstead pop. 443 - Baron Solkar Ftr-3
ii. Moravin Priory pop. 294 - Prior Mordrin Ftr-4/Clr-5
iii. Blackraven Manor pop. 295 - Sir Thomas Blackraven Ftr-4
iv. Fulscarp Manor pop. 239 - Lady Aryn Blackthorn Lvl 0
v. Egilmont Manor pop. 324 - Sir Rodney Carlin Ftr-3
vi. Southmoor Manor pop. 268 - Sir Leofrey Gallant Ftr-4
Total 1,863 in manors.
4. In far northern Carmathan lies the Barony of Beaumaris. Though Castle Beaumaris itself never fell to Zhengyi, none of the Beaumaris menfolk survived Goliad and the Night of Long Knives. Today the Baroness Beaumaris is Lady Liria Beaumaris (Clr-1), a young and rather naive Cleric of the Yellow Rose fresh from the Seminary (Church School) in Heliogabalus. The Beaumaris of Carmathan are cousins to House Belmaris of Polten.
5. Bucolic Greenfields Barony under Lord Simon of Calloway (Ftr-4), a veteran warrior knight and survivor of the Battle of Goliad. Sinister Castle Ostel is a looming presence on the Greenfields border with Ostel.
Ducal Income ca 15,000 gp/month (at 20% of 6 sp/person).
Often called the Breadbasket of Damara, Carmathan is poor in mineral wealth but rich in arable lands, especially towards the east of the Duchy. It is rumoured that the Monks of the Yellow Rose have recently made a shocking discovery as to the identity of the true Heir to Carmathan...
Political Divisions of Carmathan.
1. The Raven Shire - Territory in the personal hold of the Duke of Carmathan, directly administered from Ravensburg by the Steward of Ravensburg, currently Sir Arthur Dahnim (Ftr-4)
2. South Moors - wild, unincorporated territory presently inhabited only by a few hardy farmsteaders and prospectors, some dwarven.
3. Grimstead Barony under corpulent Baron Solkar , which itself holds the Priory of the Moravin Friars under Prior Mordrin. Settlements:
i. Castle Grimstead pop. 443 - Baron Solkar Ftr-3
ii. Moravin Priory pop. 294 - Prior Mordrin Ftr-4/Clr-5
iii. Blackraven Manor pop. 295 - Sir Thomas Blackraven Ftr-4
iv. Fulscarp Manor pop. 239 - Lady Aryn Blackthorn Lvl 0
v. Egilmont Manor pop. 324 - Sir Rodney Carlin Ftr-3
vi. Southmoor Manor pop. 268 - Sir Leofrey Gallant Ftr-4
Total 1,863 in manors.
4. In far northern Carmathan lies the Barony of Beaumaris. Though Castle Beaumaris itself never fell to Zhengyi, none of the Beaumaris menfolk survived Goliad and the Night of Long Knives. Today the Baroness Beaumaris is Lady Liria Beaumaris (Clr-1), a young and rather naive Cleric of the Yellow Rose fresh from the Seminary (Church School) in Heliogabalus. The Beaumaris of Carmathan are cousins to House Belmaris of Polten.
5. Bucolic Greenfields Barony under Lord Simon of Calloway (Ftr-4), a veteran warrior knight and survivor of the Battle of Goliad. Sinister Castle Ostel is a looming presence on the Greenfields border with Ostel.
6. The wealthy halfling farming Shire of Halfling Downs, under Sheriff Samwise Tallfellow (Ftr-2).
7. The Carmath Shire north of the King's Road around Castle Carmath, under the Sheriff Sir Robert Fitzlion (Ftr-6). A skilled warrior and survivor of Goliad, Robert is said to be competent but arrogant, with little regard for his nominal overlord the Duke in Ravensburg. Since Goliad in 1357 and the murder of his liege Duke Helmont XIII & almost the entire Devlin family, Robert runs the Shire almost as an independent fiefdom.
8. Between Grimstead and the King's Road lies Chaney Shire, a largely wild region near the Arcatan border notable for Chaney Manor and the four mile expanse of Froggy Lake. Chaney Shire is home to St Cecilia's Abbey under the half-elven Sister Superior Mara Aloitius (Clr-5). Chaney Manor is the only village in the Shire. Ruled by dour Sir Randal Chaney (Ftr-2); he acknowledges as superiors only the Duke in Ravensburg and the King in Heliogabalus. Chaney Tower on Froggy Lake was built by the Chaneys in an effort to claim Baronial status, but was sacked by Bullywugs years ago, and today is an abandoned shell. Sir Randal's three sons by Lady Lanis fell in the Vaasan War, as did Lanis herself (in 1354), his only daughter Viola Chaney is said to be very beautiful, but was sad in heart, for Randal kept her under close watch and has forbidden her to wed. In 1359 DR Viola fled the manor following a beating, she had been caught kissing a boy from the village.
9. North of Halfling Downs lies the Barony of Trollmarsh under Baron Uther Torgrim (Ftr-3), 11th Baron Trollmarsh.
The Crownland
Ruler: Sir Lucan Vernithrax, Steward for King Dimian I Banacath
Province Crest: Stones and Scales (the standard of House Banacath & the Kingdom of Damara)
Population: 25,000
Unincorporated but strategically important territory between Morov, Brandiar and Ostel, this territory is traditionally the personal demesne of whichever monarch sits on the Damaran throne. In M4 1359 DR King Dimian I appointed Sir Lucan Vernithrax (Ftr-4), a senior knight of Morov, as Steward to govern the Crownland and repair its defences. The Vernithrax are a famous old Morovian family. Two centuries ago their progenitor Sir Halstan Vernithrax took the name when he slew a mighty green dragon in the Rawlinswood.
9. North of Halfling Downs lies the Barony of Trollmarsh under Baron Uther Torgrim (Ftr-3), 11th Baron Trollmarsh.
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Sir Randal Chaney of Chaney Shire Ftr-2 |
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Sir Arthur Dahnim Ftr-4, Steward of Ravensburg & Ducal Vizier |
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Simon of Calloway, the Baron Greenfields, Ftr-4 |
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Solkar, the Baron Grimstead Ftr-3 |
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Samwise Tallfellow, Sheriff of Halfling Downs Ftr-2 |
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Sir Robert Fitzlion, Sheriff of Carmath Shire Ftr-6 |
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Liria the Baroness Beaumaris, Cleric of St Sollars Clr-1 |
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Malla Devlin the True Heir, festhall wench of Gurzun's Hall |
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The Vernithrax Battle Standard |
Ruler: Sir Lucan Vernithrax, Steward for King Dimian I Banacath
Province Crest: Stones and Scales (the standard of House Banacath & the Kingdom of Damara)
Population: 25,000
Unincorporated but strategically important territory between Morov, Brandiar and Ostel, this territory is traditionally the personal demesne of whichever monarch sits on the Damaran throne. In M4 1359 DR King Dimian I appointed Sir Lucan Vernithrax (Ftr-4), a senior knight of Morov, as Steward to govern the Crownland and repair its defences. The Vernithrax are a famous old Morovian family. Two centuries ago their progenitor Sir Halstan Vernithrax took the name when he slew a mighty green dragon in the Rawlinswood.
Barony of Morov
Ruling House: Banacath
Family Crest: Stones and Scales (the standard of the Kingdom of Damara)
Ruler: King Dimian I Ree of House Banacath, King of Damara, 27th Prince-Baron of Morov, Mayor of Heliogabalus, Presider of the Market, Overlord of the King's Road
Family Crest: Stones and Scales (the standard of the Kingdom of Damara)
Ruler: King Dimian I Ree of House Banacath, King of Damara, 27th Prince-Baron of Morov, Mayor of Heliogabalus, Presider of the Market, Overlord of the King's Road
Province Sigil: Feather scarlet on field gold
Population: 88,000+
Capital: Heliogabalus (25,000)
The seat of royal power in Damara, founded by Heldrin Bloodfeathers almost 300 years ago. Heliogabalus is a true citadel, the royal castle rock towering over the city below. Even Zhengyi the Witch King feared to assault Heliogabalus. The city's only real defensive weakness is the open docks looking onto the lakeside. The Barony of Morov expanded greatly when King Dimian granted himself the former Soravian territories between Morov and the Galenas at the same time as naming Olwen Forest-Friend Duke of Soravia in his first proclamations, M4 1359 DR. North Morov even extends to claim formerly independent mining holds in the northern Galenas.
The seat of royal power in Damara, founded by Heldrin Bloodfeathers almost 300 years ago. Heliogabalus is a true citadel, the royal castle rock towering over the city below. Even Zhengyi the Witch King feared to assault Heliogabalus. The city's only real defensive weakness is the open docks looking onto the lakeside. The Barony of Morov expanded greatly when King Dimian granted himself the former Soravian territories between Morov and the Galenas at the same time as naming Olwen Forest-Friend Duke of Soravia in his first proclamations, M4 1359 DR. North Morov even extends to claim formerly independent mining holds in the northern Galenas.
Ruler: Baroness Sylvia of House Praka
Sigil: Ship Or on field Azure
Population: 106,000
Capital: Praka (16,000)
Ostel is a rich lakeshore Barony with an important strategic location. Castle Ostel is a strong fortress on the Praka-Carmathan border. The beautiful but sinister sorceress ruler of Ostel, the Baroness Sylvia, resides there, when not at the royal court in Heliogabalus, or her palace in Praka city. Castle Ostel is a good place to conduct her more questionable affairs, with little fear of prying eyes from Spysong and the like. Sylvia is accounted perhaps the third most mighty Magic-User in all Damara, after Emelyn the Gray, and Knellict of the Assassins. She is widely considered to have great influence over King Dimian, having been instrumental in placing him upon the Damaran throne despite widespread preference for Gareth Dragonsbane among the smallfolk.
Among Sylvia's greatest knights is her Champion, the feared Knight Commander Sir Hernic of Zarich (half elf Ftr-8), said to have slain a hundred foes during the Vaasan Wars - not all of them Vaasan.
Barony of Polten
Ostel is a rich lakeshore Barony with an important strategic location. Castle Ostel is a strong fortress on the Praka-Carmathan border. The beautiful but sinister sorceress ruler of Ostel, the Baroness Sylvia, resides there, when not at the royal court in Heliogabalus, or her palace in Praka city. Castle Ostel is a good place to conduct her more questionable affairs, with little fear of prying eyes from Spysong and the like. Sylvia is accounted perhaps the third most mighty Magic-User in all Damara, after Emelyn the Gray, and Knellict of the Assassins. She is widely considered to have great influence over King Dimian, having been instrumental in placing him upon the Damaran throne despite widespread preference for Gareth Dragonsbane among the smallfolk.
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Hernic, Knight Commander of Ostel Ftr-8 |
Sylvia Praka, Baroness Ostel
Barony of Polten
Ruler: Donlevy the Young of House BelMaris (Ftr-4)
Symbol: Tears Scarlet on field Or
Symbol: Tears Scarlet on field Or
Population: 174,000
Capital: Trailsend (12,000)
Closer to a Duchy than a traditional Barony, Polten bestrides the Merchants' Run to Impiltur, and is the oldest and possibly richest territory in all Damara. Damara normally maintains neutral to friendly relations with Impiltur, but the wild Nar - and worse things - dwelling in the Rawlinswood provide challenge enough for any Polten Baron.
Closer to a Duchy than a traditional Barony, Polten bestrides the Merchants' Run to Impiltur, and is the oldest and possibly richest territory in all Damara. Damara normally maintains neutral to friendly relations with Impiltur, but the wild Nar - and worse things - dwelling in the Rawlinswood provide challenge enough for any Polten Baron.
Duchy of Soravia (created by Zhengyi)
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Nar Shield-Maid of Soravia |
Symbol: Bear Bruin on field Argent
Population: 44,000+
Capital: Kinbrace (4,500)
Taiga pine forest gives way to cold plains and (in the far north) frozen tundra, on Damara's northern frontier. Soravia's population includes Damaran settlers alongside many nomadic Nar tribes. Olwen Forest Friend is working to bring all together in his new realm. However the Soravian forest still holds fragments of Zhengyi's defeated army, including Orcs and worse.
Taiga pine forest gives way to cold plains and (in the far north) frozen tundra, on Damara's northern frontier. Soravia's population includes Damaran settlers alongside many nomadic Nar tribes. Olwen Forest Friend is working to bring all together in his new realm. However the Soravian forest still holds fragments of Zhengyi's defeated army, including Orcs and worse.
IMPILTUR & Damara recent history
1320 DR 26/5: Birth of Princess Sambryl of Impiltur in the Royal Keep at Lyrabar.
1336 DR 21/6: King Rilimbrar marries his 16 year old daughter Princess Sambryl to her second cousin Imphras, naming him Crown Prince Imphras, to be Imphras IV. Rilimbrar establishes the Lords of Imphras II as a governing council.
1338 DR Both King Rilimbrar & the Crown Prince (briefly King) Imphras IV die in the "Flames of Filur" disaster. Sambryl becomes Queen-Regent. Her child, the infant Prince Soarimbrar, is crowned King of Impiltur.
1347 DR: Zhengyi of Vaasa attacks Damara. Impiltur's Council the Lords of Imphras II are divided on whether to respond. The country remains neutral, but some of the Lords are thought to secretly aid Damara.
1351 DR: 14 year old King Soarimbrar and his retinue are slain by unknown Assassins (some suspect Zhengyi of Vaasa, or even the Nentyarch) outside Lyrabar. His infant nephew is crowned Imphras V, the now 30-year-old Queen Sambryl remaining as Queen-Regent. She vows to maintain Impiltur's neutrality.
1357 DR: The Vaasan-Damaran war ends with Vaasa's victory at the Ford of Goliad, with the death of King Virdin at the hands of Felix the Traitor, and the subsequent Night of Long Knives as Zhengyi's Assassins decapitate the remaining Damaran leadership.
1358 DR: The Bloodstone Wars. Zhengyi is overthrown by the hero Gareth Dragonsbane, Baron of Bloodstone and later Duke of Vaasa. 21/12 The White Tree is planted in Bloodstone Pass.
1359 DR 18/4: Dimian I Ree Banacath proclaimed King of Damara, with coronation 21/6. 26/5: In Impiltur the Queen-Regent Sambryl celebrates her 39th birthday.
1320 DR 26/5: Birth of Princess Sambryl of Impiltur in the Royal Keep at Lyrabar.
1336 DR 21/6: King Rilimbrar marries his 16 year old daughter Princess Sambryl to her second cousin Imphras, naming him Crown Prince Imphras, to be Imphras IV. Rilimbrar establishes the Lords of Imphras II as a governing council.
1338 DR Both King Rilimbrar & the Crown Prince (briefly King) Imphras IV die in the "Flames of Filur" disaster. Sambryl becomes Queen-Regent. Her child, the infant Prince Soarimbrar, is crowned King of Impiltur.
1347 DR: Zhengyi of Vaasa attacks Damara. Impiltur's Council the Lords of Imphras II are divided on whether to respond. The country remains neutral, but some of the Lords are thought to secretly aid Damara.
1351 DR: 14 year old King Soarimbrar and his retinue are slain by unknown Assassins (some suspect Zhengyi of Vaasa, or even the Nentyarch) outside Lyrabar. His infant nephew is crowned Imphras V, the now 30-year-old Queen Sambryl remaining as Queen-Regent. She vows to maintain Impiltur's neutrality.
1357 DR: The Vaasan-Damaran war ends with Vaasa's victory at the Ford of Goliad, with the death of King Virdin at the hands of Felix the Traitor, and the subsequent Night of Long Knives as Zhengyi's Assassins decapitate the remaining Damaran leadership.
1358 DR: The Bloodstone Wars. Zhengyi is overthrown by the hero Gareth Dragonsbane, Baron of Bloodstone and later Duke of Vaasa. 21/12 The White Tree is planted in Bloodstone Pass.
1359 DR 18/4: Dimian I Ree Banacath proclaimed King of Damara, with coronation 21/6. 26/5: In Impiltur the Queen-Regent Sambryl celebrates her 39th birthday.
Few other NPCs in the Bloodstone Lands are above 6th level - there are a few at 7th or 8th level, but probably none of 9th level or higher at this time.
Cleric & Druid
Friar Dugald of St Dionysus, Bishop of Goliad, Hero of Bloodstone, Clr-12 (5e Clr-15)
Banak of the Citadel of Assassins, High Priest of Loviatar, Clr-10
The High Druid of Leth, Drd-10
Christine Dragonsbane, the Lady of Bloodstone, Drd-7
Jaroo Ashstaff, the Druid of the Grove, Drd-7
Bishop Gilpin, Bishop of Valls, Clr-6
Abbess Mara Aloitius, Sister Superior of St Cecilia, Half-Elf Clr-5 (maxed)
Prior Mordrin of Moravin Friary, Ftr-4/Clr-5

The High Druid of Leth, Drd-10

Jaroo Ashstaff, the Druid of the Grove, Drd-7

Christine Dragonsbane, the Lady of Bloodstone, Drd-7
Magic-User & Illusionist
Emelyn the Gray, Hero of Bloodstone, leader of the Twilight Riders. MU (Inv. ?) 12 (5e Wiz-15)
Knellict of the Citadel of Assassins, MU-11
Celedon Kierney, Hero of Bloodstone, Half-Elf. MU-8/Thf-11 (5e Bard 15)
Rylintara, Queen of the Elves of Leth MU-9 (maxed)
Sylvia of Praka, Baroness of Ostel. MU-8
Myrddin Viligoth, the Twilight Rider. MU-7
Lady Rebecca of Ramvira Manor, M-U (Trans.) 5
Gabrielle of Bloodstone, Apprentice to Emelyn the Gray, M-U 5
Queen Sambryl, the Queen-Regent of Impiltur, MU 4
Bistro Battenrooj, gnome adventurer of Impiltur, Ftr-4/Ill-4

Sambryl, Queen-Regent of Impiltur, MU-4

Rylintara. Elf Queen of Leth, MU-9

Gabrielle of Bloodstone, Apprentice to Emelyn the Gray
Kane, Hero of Bloodstone, Grandmaster Emiritus of the Yellow Rose. Monk-10 (5e Monk-15)
Cantoule, the Grand Master of Flowers, Monk-9
Temmenische, the Master of Spring, Monk-8
Afrafa, Master of the Wind, Monk-7
Patrick of the Roadhouse Inn, Master of Dragons, Monk-6

Thief & Assassin
Tarkos Ree, Heliogabolus Guildmaster of Thieves. Thief-12
Cat 'One-Eye', "The Slave of Banak", Tiefling Assassin-11
Riordan Parnell, Hero of Bloodstone. Half-Elf Ftr-8/Thief-9 (5e Rogue (Arcane Trickster) 15)
Dimian I Ree Banacath, King of Damara, Prince-Baron of Morov, Thief-8
Horse of Narfell, Ftr-4/Thief-6
Bahooha Shortsleeves, halfling adventurer of Impiltur, Ftr-3/Thf-4
Adorabe, Nar veteran tribal leader, Ftr-15
Timoshenko, Lord of the Citadel of Assassins, Ftr-10
Hedweck of White Worm Tribe, Vaasa, Ftr-9
Hernic of Zarach, Knight Commander of Ostel, half-elf Ftr-8 (maxed)
Garumbelly Hillsafar, Dwarf Clan Chief of Hillsafar (Vaasa), Ftr-7 (maxed)
Tranth, Lord-Steward of Bloodstone, Ftr-7
Jyrdani of Jiyyd, Nar Warrior Maid, Ftr-6
Sir Robert Fitzlion, Sheriff of Carmath Shire, Ftr-6
Dormythr, the Steward of Brandiar, Ftr-5
Hobart Bracegirdle, commander of the Kneebreakers, Halfling Ftr-5
Mykros, Commander of the Arcatan Ducal Guard, Ftr-5
Cristae'a of Leth, Elf Baresark, Ftr-5 (maxed)

Cristae'a, Leth Wood Elf Baresark

Timoshenko, Lord of the Assassins, Ftr-10

Dormythyr, Steward of Brandiar, Ftr-5
Gareth Dragonsbane, Duke of Vaasa, Baron of Bloodstone, Hero of Bloodstone, Pal-11 (5e Pal-17)
Olwen Forest Friend, Duke of Soravia, Hero of Bloodstone. Rgr-11 (5e Rgr-15)
Marco Wildfeet, Ranger of Soravia. Rgr-8
Mariabronne the Rover, Vaasan Gate. Rgr-6
Elmo of Hommlet, Rgr-4

Mariabronne the Rover

Hardby, the Sage of Praka
Quillan the Wise, Sage of Bloodstone Village. hd 8d4, F/S as MU.
Hardby the Drunkard, Sage of Praka. hd 8d4, F/S as MU.

Paladin of the Golden Cup

Avery of Al-Amo, the Deva of St Sollars

Witch of Rashemen

Red Wizardess of Thay

Demonette of Dun-Tharos

Ravensburg Bounty Hunter

Knight of Impiltur

High Elf

Advanced Gabrielle
Few other NPCs in the Bloodstone Lands are above 6th level - there are a few at 7th or 8th level, but probably none of 9th level or higher at this time.
Few other NPCs in the Bloodstone Lands are above 6th level - there are a few at 7th or 8th level, but probably none of 9th level or higher at this time.
Banak of the Citadel of Assassins, High Priest of Loviatar, Clr-10
The High Druid of Leth, Drd-10
Christine Dragonsbane, the Lady of Bloodstone, Drd-7
Jaroo Ashstaff, the Druid of the Grove, Drd-7
Bishop Gilpin, Bishop of Valls, Clr-6
Abbess Mara Aloitius, Sister Superior of St Cecilia, Half-Elf Clr-5 (maxed)
Prior Mordrin of Moravin Friary, Ftr-4/Clr-5
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The High Druid of Leth, Drd-10 |
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Jaroo Ashstaff, the Druid of the Grove, Drd-7 |
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Christine Dragonsbane, the Lady of Bloodstone, Drd-7 |
Magic-User & Illusionist
Emelyn the Gray, Hero of Bloodstone, leader of the Twilight Riders. MU (Inv. ?) 12 (5e Wiz-15)Knellict of the Citadel of Assassins, MU-11
Celedon Kierney, Hero of Bloodstone, Half-Elf. MU-8/Thf-11 (5e Bard 15)
Rylintara, Queen of the Elves of Leth MU-9 (maxed)
Sylvia of Praka, Baroness of Ostel. MU-8
Myrddin Viligoth, the Twilight Rider. MU-7
Lady Rebecca of Ramvira Manor, M-U (Trans.) 5
Gabrielle of Bloodstone, Apprentice to Emelyn the Gray, M-U 5
Queen Sambryl, the Queen-Regent of Impiltur, MU 4
Bistro Battenrooj, gnome adventurer of Impiltur, Ftr-4/Ill-4
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Sambryl, Queen-Regent of Impiltur, MU-4 |
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Rylintara. Elf Queen of Leth, MU-9 |
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Gabrielle of Bloodstone, Apprentice to Emelyn the Gray |
Kane, Hero of Bloodstone, Grandmaster Emiritus of the Yellow Rose. Monk-10 (5e Monk-15)
Cantoule, the Grand Master of Flowers, Monk-9
Temmenische, the Master of Spring, Monk-8
Afrafa, Master of the Wind, Monk-7
Patrick of the Roadhouse Inn, Master of Dragons, Monk-6
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Cantoule |
Thief & Assassin
Tarkos Ree, Heliogabolus Guildmaster of Thieves. Thief-12
Cat 'One-Eye', "The Slave of Banak", Tiefling Assassin-11
Riordan Parnell, Hero of Bloodstone. Half-Elf Ftr-8/Thief-9 (5e Rogue (Arcane Trickster) 15)
Dimian I Ree Banacath, King of Damara, Prince-Baron of Morov, Thief-8
Horse of Narfell, Ftr-4/Thief-6
Bahooha Shortsleeves, halfling adventurer of Impiltur, Ftr-3/Thf-4
Adorabe, Nar veteran tribal leader, Ftr-15
Timoshenko, Lord of the Citadel of Assassins, Ftr-10Hedweck of White Worm Tribe, Vaasa, Ftr-9
Hernic of Zarach, Knight Commander of Ostel, half-elf Ftr-8 (maxed)
Garumbelly Hillsafar, Dwarf Clan Chief of Hillsafar (Vaasa), Ftr-7 (maxed)
Tranth, Lord-Steward of Bloodstone, Ftr-7
Jyrdani of Jiyyd, Nar Warrior Maid, Ftr-6
Sir Robert Fitzlion, Sheriff of Carmath Shire, Ftr-6
Dormythr, the Steward of Brandiar, Ftr-5
Hobart Bracegirdle, commander of the Kneebreakers, Halfling Ftr-5Mykros, Commander of the Arcatan Ducal Guard, Ftr-5
Cristae'a of Leth, Elf Baresark, Ftr-5 (maxed)
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Cristae'a, Leth Wood Elf Baresark |
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Timoshenko, Lord of the Assassins, Ftr-10 |
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Dormythyr, Steward of Brandiar, Ftr-5 |
Gareth Dragonsbane, Duke of Vaasa, Baron of Bloodstone, Hero of Bloodstone, Pal-11 (5e Pal-17)
Olwen Forest Friend, Duke of Soravia, Hero of Bloodstone. Rgr-11 (5e Rgr-15)
Marco Wildfeet, Ranger of Soravia. Rgr-8
Mariabronne the Rover, Vaasan Gate. Rgr-6
Elmo of Hommlet, Rgr-4
Elmo of Hommlet, Rgr-4
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Mariabronne the Rover |
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Hardby, the Sage of Praka |
Quillan the Wise, Sage of Bloodstone Village. hd 8d4, F/S as MU.
Hardby the Drunkard, Sage of Praka. hd 8d4, F/S as MU.
Hardby the Drunkard, Sage of Praka. hd 8d4, F/S as MU.
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Paladin of the Golden Cup |
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Avery of Al-Amo, the Deva of St Sollars |
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Witch of Rashemen |
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Red Wizardess of Thay |
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Demonette of Dun-Tharos |
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Ravensburg Bounty Hunter |
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Knight of Impiltur |
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High Elf |
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Advanced Gabrielle |
Hommlet Potential Trainers
Burne (MU 4) the Most Worshipful Mage of Hommlet, and his companion the Thane Rufus (Ftr 4). Also Rufus' troop commanders Cpt Olan (Ftr 3) and Lt Lars (Ftr 2).
Elmo the Ranger (Rgr 4)
Rannos Davl the Trader (Thf 5)
Canon Terjon of the Church of St Sollars (Clr 3)
Regional Potential Trainers
Other potential higher level trainers in the region incude Abbess Mara of St Cecilia's Abbey (Cleric 5), Lady Rebecca of Ramvira Tower (Magic-User 5), and Gurzun of Gurzun's Hall (Fighter 5/Thief 6).
Elmo the Ranger (Rgr 4)
Rannos Davl the Trader (Thf 5)
Canon Terjon of the Church of St Sollars (Clr 3)
Regional Potential Trainers
Other potential higher level trainers in the region incude Abbess Mara of St Cecilia's Abbey (Cleric 5), Lady Rebecca of Ramvira Tower (Magic-User 5), and Gurzun of Gurzun's Hall (Fighter 5/Thief 6).
The road leads across rolling heathland and moor, the great peaks of the Earthspurs towering like a line of giants hard-by to the west. Towards noon the land becomes less wild, light forest and scattered hamlets. The farms still show fortification, but are more frequent and less like small forts than in the wild lands south of Gurzun's Hall.
At lunch time in the first hour past midday you reach the hamlet of Hommlet, a good sized little village on the road to Valls, dominated by a substantial manor house on a hill just to the east, clearly still under construction. Prompted by the urgings of Rexx's stomach you stop in for lunch at the coaching inn there, the renowned Inn of the Welcome Wench, opposite a tannery and blacksmith. The village hall is adjacent just to the north. Further north on the road, beyond a ford crossing a small stream, the local Church of St Sollars stands prominent atop a rise, overlooking the town.
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Tronak the Trader, Gurzun's-Valls route |
Clean but slightly rundown buildings indicate that this farm is not too prosperous. However,
the stock around looks quite healthy and plump. An elderly couple Old Yarney (age 68, grizzled & white bearded, but still active) & Mrs Yarney (age 67) are master and mistress, while Timmy, an active lad of 12 or so, a servant, does chores. Their older son Elmo (age 48) is an experienced Ranger. Their other son, Otis (age 45 Ftr-3) is an adventuring miner, and usually away, working for Kaern at Kaern's Claim. Yarney is a retired warrior (Ftr-4, ST15, IN 12, WI 16, (+2) DE 12, CO 16 (+2), Ch 11 HP 36) He has a suit of scale mail and shield AC 5, long sword (x2 spec #ATT 3/2 THAC0 14 dam 1d8+3/1d12+3) and light crossbow (spec, THAC0 16 #ATT 3/2 dam 1d4+2) in a chest in the front room. Old Yarney is captain of the village militia, but rarely mentions it.
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Natalya Foxwood of the Welcome Wench |
A popular merchant's stop a day's walk or wagon ride, or half day by good horse, south of Valls town, and a similar day or half day north Gurzun's Hall, the Inn of the Welcome Wench is a place renowned for its good food and excellent drink. Passing merchants and many other sorts of wayfarers make a point of stopping here, and the place is bustling with mid-day patrons dining on choice venison, mutton, poached salmon, stuffed trout, roasted goose, steamed pork sausages, steak and kidney pie and other delights. A sturdy fellow at the bar with the look of a retired warrior oversees the hall - Ostler Gundigoot, founder and proprietor of the Welcome Wench.
You take one of the few empty tables amidst the throng, and after a couple minutes wait a fair wench not wholly dissimilar in looks to the portrait - perhaps less smiley, but equally buxom - arrives.
"Good noon, sirs. I'm Natalya, Natalya Foxwood. May I take your order?"
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Mr Ostler Gundigoot, Inn Proprietor |

Natalya Foxwood serving wench, cousin of Chelarre. The Foxwoods own the Foxwood Brewery, #18 on map.
Stableboy, Groom, Ostler's wife and two young daughters, two potboy apprentices. Several bar wenches including Kerri Miller, a friend of Natalya. Fulnok's Festhall wenches Dani Mulcahey & Lucretia Parador currently work here despite Mrs Ezrae Gundigoot's disapproval.
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Mrs Ezrae Gundigoot, the Innkeeper's Wife |
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Kerri Miller, Welcome Wench serving girl |
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Dani Mulcahey of Hoboken |
Lucretia Parador of Valls
DANI MULCAHEY, former lawspeaker of Hoboken.
"Fulnok's girl". Lvl 0 (-1) Sedentary human female; AC 10 hp 3 ST 6 IN 14 WI 9 CO 9 DE 9 CH 15. E: glasses & red cravatte; red bodice & short white skirt.A wizard in Valls, Okonios, attempted to summon a spirit of carnality for his pleasure... instead he got a very surprised young paralegal from Hoboken, New Jersey. When he realised she wasn't going to return to the Nether Regions he cast her out on the street, where fortunately she soon fell in with Lucretia Parador, a highborn wench down on her luck, having been cast out by her father Lucian Parador for bringing shame on the family - she'd been having romantic assignations with a groomsman. After a chilly week or two on the cold streets of Valls, and turning a couple tricks, the two wenches were persuaded by Tronak the Trader to seek better fortune at Gurzun's Festhall. Kidnapped by Lareth's brigands and taken to the Moathouse, they were subsequently rescued by the heroic Fulnok of Ferd, who took them to his bosom and persuaded Ostler Gundigoot to take them on as servers at the Welcome Wench.
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Chelarre Foxwood the apothecary & Gail Goldworthy, Chelarre's maid/apprentice. Chelarre lives at Foxwood Cottage beside Foxwood Brewery, #18 on map.
BARREL HANGING FROM CHAINS: The house is the home of the stout local braumeister Berin Foxwood (age 45), his plump wife Margery (age 44), youngest child (age 12) son Jonas, and his only daughter Natalya (age 22), who works as a barmaid at the Inn of the Welcome Wench. Berin once had two elder sons, Michael and Peter, but they died in the wars, fighting for King Virdin. Berin's niece the shapely apothecary Chelarre Foxwood (26) (rescued from the Moathouse M3 1359) also lives here, with her maid/apprentice Gail. Both Chelarre's parents died when she was young, and her uncle Berin raised her almost as his own daughter.
The Foxwoods are known to favour the Old Faith of the Druids. A large dog, Mooty, runs free In the house at night. The brew house has an aging cellar, several vats are on the main floor, the side sheds hold ingredients, and above dwell three apprentice brewers. They brew the various ales and beers under the direction of the braumeister, and they can drink almost anyone except the master or his son under the table.
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Chelarre Foxwood, rescued apothecary |
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Gail Goldworthy, rescued Foxwood maid/apprentice |
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Mage Burne (Left) & Thane Rufus (Right) outside Hommlet Tower |
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The Ruined Moathouse, three miles north east of Hommlet. |
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The Moathouse |
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Restored Moathouse |
From 12/5/1359 Ramvira is ruled by Sir Einar (PC) as vassal to Malla I Devlin, the Duchess of Camarthan. Former Lady Rebecca Ramvira is held captive by her 'husband', Sir Thomas Blackraven.Total population ca 100.
Sir John Ramvira, a doughty Fighter, fell at the Ford of Goliad, fighting for King Virdin. Sir John died without issue, and his widow Lady Rebecca Ramvira (MU 5), a former law-scribe of Heliogabolus, was left as the new Lady of the Manor. With the manor struggling and Orcs sighted in the woods (Rebecca's apprentice Jenny of Whitelady Farm (MU 1) saw an Orc, Mogguth, spying on her while she was bathing at the Pond, luckily she 'charmed' the brute! - he later escaped during 6/5 attack on orc caves); Lady Rebecca thought to recruit powerful warriors to her cause. UPDATE 7/5/1359 DR: Lady Rebecca has been kidnapped by the evil warrior Zert, apparently taken east into Grimstead Barony.
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Ramvira Tower |
The Manor
The manor mostly comprises small farms and woodsman crofts around the central tower, with two water mills on the river for grain and lumber. Lumber is floated as rafts downriver to Ravensburg. There is some question whether the Manor lies in Arcata or Carmathan; Sir John paid fealty to the Duke of Arcata and his widow continues this practice, but Carmathan traditionally claims the territory.
Population (1359 DR): 100
Base Growth: +5%, +1.5% for the Lady's CHA bonus = +6.5%
Resources: lumber mill 400 gp/year, grain mill 575 gp/year, bee hives 25gp/year. Total Income/yr (1359 DR) 1000 gp (accounts finalised 1/1).
Expenses 74% (740gp/year): Alms 5%, Maintenance 5%, Salt Tax 20%, Staff 20% (200gp/year), Personal Upkeep 24% (20gp/month, 240gp/year)
Annual Surplus 26%, (260gp)
Manor Men at Arms -
1. Corporal -
3. Lusty
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Maggie, ex-maid at Ramvira Tower |
Total Staff Cost: 16gp/month, 192/year, +8 gp sundries = 200gp/year
Manor Total Population: ca 100, generates 1000gp/year revenue.
Males in Prime Condition: 10
Male & Females in Good Condition: 20
Annual Growth: +5%
Ramvira Manor NPCs
Jilla Kallent, Shrine Acolyte, likes carousing at the tavern (Clr 1)
Petrus m, Davic m & Lauren f, Shrine teenage assistant-novitiates, local farmers' children.
Jenny of Whitelady Farm, Lady Rebecca's apprentice mage, friends with Acolyte Jilla. (MU 1)
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Samson Whitelady |
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He has plans that one day his festhall will rival Gurzun's Hall, or even the Roadhouse Inn - he has a long way to go. Dauphin still has a military manner about him, and does not suffer fools gladly. He treats his wenches sternly - discipline is military, and corporal punishment not unknown - but is a generally fair man, and rewards good service well. He is friendly and somewhat flirtatious with the shapely shrine acolyte Jilla Kallent, who enjoys carousing at the tavern of an evening.
Dauphin was murdered by the Crimson Monk Turuko, 4am on 7/5/1359 DR along with many others.
Single Room 5sp
Double Room 4sp per bed, 8sp total
Grand Room 2gp
Bedroll in Common Bar 2 cp
If the festhall wenches don't have clientele for the night they typically sleep on the two bath house benches, the bath house is always pleasantly warm, or behind the bar at a pinch.
Use of the bath-house is 2sp; towels washcloth & bath oils are provided.
Room #10 is taken (& sounds of merriment issue from within) - Curate
Norrin will take room #11
Shukura in #12.
Dara & Kade are given the key to the double room #14, Viola will sleep on a bedroll there.
Hamlock Farm
Owned and run by Tovin Hamlock (HD 1 THAC0 20 STR 16 HP 8), his wife Gerta died two years ago. Tovin's three sons went off to war with Sir John Ramvira, and never came home - the youngest, Gregory fell with Sir John at the Ford of Goliad in 1357 DR. His mother died soon after, they say of a broken heart. Farmer Tovin has two daughters, Maggie who serves as a maid at Ramvira Manor, and Delanie who is supposed to tend the farm's cows, but prefers to spend her time sneaking off to Bathers' Pond. In consequence Tovin is rather grouchy, and looking for a husband for Delanie - since the war there are few unmarried young men left at Ramvira Manor.
Delanie has recently become friendly with the half-demonette Narcissa.
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Jilla Kallent, Acolyte of Lathander, Clr-1 |
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Tovin Hamlock, Damaran Farmer |
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Delanie Hamlock, Ramvira farm girl. |
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Maggie Hamlock, ex-Tower maid |
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Jenny Whitelady |
You follow the woodland trail east about four hundred yards to a blue pool in a sheltered dell, the pool about 150' across. Faint whisps of steam rise from the waters, and foamy wavelets lap at a sandy shore. The sun shines bright overhead, though a moment ago it was raining. It almost seems like a tiny fragment of the Sea of Stars, transplanted hundreds of miles north to chilly Damara. An enchanted place - a fey place.
One almost expects to see a nymph or nereid rise from the waters, but the lone bather about 30' out looks fully human - a gorgeous blonde girl, very shapely indeed - presumably Tovin Hamlock's daughter - she hasn't yet spotted your approach. Her blue & white dress lies neat-folded on the shore.
Kaern's Claim
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Atesia, Kaern's Claim festhall girl |
Kaern regularly ships silver down the Stone Stream by barge via Ramvira & Fulscarp Manors to the market at Ravensburg, and is said to be very wealthy. He tends to accompany the silver barges himself, clad in plate steel, his great axe in hand. Few dare contest his passage.
Kaern's deputy Otis of Hommlet (age 45, Ftr-3) is the brother of Elmo the Ranger and a skilled adventurer-miner in his own right. Otis minds the fort when Kaern is away. Otis also oversees the running of the Claim Festhall, extracting silver back from the roistering miners.
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Kaern of Kaern's Claim, dispatching undead ex-miners |
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Kim, Kaern's festhall girl |
Monastery of the Crimson Monks (ruin) (Chaney Shire)
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Crimson Monk of Loviatar |
That's a Crimson Monk of Loviatar. We thought them extinct these past fifty years, since the Monks of the Yellow Rose defeated them and sacked their dark Monastery. It seems they have returned. - Jilla Kallent
Decades ago the Crimson Monks of Loviatar warred against the Monks of the Yellow Rose dedicated to Ilmater and St Sollars. The Crimson Monks were decisively defeated when the Yellow Rose under Master Cantoule finally assaulted the Crimson Monastery, killed their Grand Master, and slew or scattered the Monks. For decades the Monastery has been an abandoned ruin, infested with Bullywugs, and slowly sinking into Froggy Marsh. However it is rumoured that the magically sealed chambers beneath the Monastery still hold dark secrets - and much treasure. Recently, mysterious crimson-robed figures have been seen in the area once more...
The Roadhouse Inn, King's Road (Carmath Shire)
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Patrick of the Roadhouse Inn |
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Wench Ellen |
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Tiria, elf dancing girl of the Roadhouse Inn |
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Blackraven is a large fortified hamlet & manor of some 400 souls, ruled by
Sir Edmund Blackraven (MU-2) is Sir Thomas' younger brother, and less-than-competent Magist to Solkar the Baron Grimstead.
Zuzanna Blackraven (Thief-4) is Sir Thomas' sister, though it's rumoured she is in truth a bastard, born to a kitchen wench stupped by Sir Malby. A known Thief, she often acts as her half (?) brother's emissary and agent.
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Zuzanna Blackraven, Thf-4 |
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Sir Edmund Blackraven, MU-2 |
Most Sisters are level 0 Sisters Penitent or Cleric-1 Acolytes, but Sister Superior Mara Aloitius is a powerful Cleric (Clr-5).
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Abbess Mara Aloitius, the Sister Superior, Half Elf Clr 5 (max level) |
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Sister Cecily |
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Sister Judith |
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Abrogail, former Priestess of Lolth, Sister Penitent |
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Penitent Rebecca |
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Sister Wendy, Discipline Mistress |
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Prior Mordrin of the Moravin Friars |
This Priory is the home of the Moravin Friars, a male religious order dedicated to St Sollars the Twice-Martyred. Once a fierce warrior knight of Camarthan, their aging leader Prior Mordrin retired before the Vaasan Wars to a religious vocation, eventually rising to head the Order.
Egilmont Manor
Leader: Sir Rodney Carlin (Ftr-3)
Missing Daughter:
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Sir Rodney Carlin (Ftr-3), master of Egilmont Manor |
Castle Grimstead
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Samantha of Egilmont, the Lady Grimstead |
Solkar is recently (M2 1359 DR) married to the Lady Samantha (nee Carlin) of Egilmont, the younger sister of Lady Dagny Carlin. Samantha is beautiful, but regarded as something of a black sheep of the noble Carlin family. They have no offspring as yet.
Grimstead Village:
A village of several hundred lies beneath the castle walls. There is a traveller's Inn, the Slaughtered Lamb.
It is owned and run by the tattooed dwarf Dilgar and his human wife Monika.
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Dilgar, Dwarf Landlord of the Slaughtered Lamb |
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Monika |
Fulscarp Manor
This wealthy manor is ruled by strong-willed Lady Aryn Blackthorn. She is a widow with three adult sons; her eldest son Sir Jorah Blackthorn is himself a capable Ranger. There is occasional conflict with the grasping Baron Solkar of Grimstead. The jagged tower of the hag Aretha is visible on a ridgeline east of the manor; the villagers prefer to ignore it, but it's said that sometimes a villager in dire need will visit Aretha to seek a boon - for a price. Some even say that once, years ago, Lady Aryn did so herself.![]() |
Lady Aryn Blackthorn |
Sir Jorah Blackthorn |
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Aretha, the Hag of the Jagged Tower. |
Kramskoi:"Aye. At the crossroads past the bridge, take the north track, not the road west to Raven Gorge, or east to Ravensburg. That way you'll reach Gurzun's Manor tonight."
Araunil frowns:
"Gurzun's Manor? I have not heard of this place."
"Aye, well it was the D'Ashe Manor, until a few months back. Now it's a Festhall, with the finest lasses between here and Rawlinswood!"
He gives Norrin & Kade a wink. Araunil doesn't look too happy to hear this.
"A Festhall? But..."
"Festhall, Trading Post, Inn... farmers, trappers, miners, merchants, bards, even adventurers, they come from all abouts. You might well find company there for heading up to Valls. Trust me, Priestess - it's Gurzun's you want!"
White River Bridge north of the Earthwood, to Gurzun's Hall
The day draws on as you ride; light woodland gives way to more open, rolling terrain with patches of forest among heathland and moor, track skirting the occasional bog. At times the path is obscure, snow still lies here and there, but with two Rangers and a Druid in the group there is little chance of losing their way or blundering into a bog.
A cold wind is blowing down from the snowy mountains looming to the west as you ride through the lands of southern Carmathan. Signs of habitation begin to appear here and there - fortified farmsteads or hunters' lodges; the occasional small mine. A few clusters of buildings that might just be called a hamlet or thorpe. At one point Araunil stops to ask directions from a dwarven trapper returning home with a brace of rabbits. Mid afternoon you crest a rise and to the west can see up the Raven Gorge, a glacial rift in the Earthspur Mountains, to the distant white gleam of the White Worm Glacier.
Dusk has fallen when you leave woodland for open moor and see ahead the warm lights of a large fortified manor house, a quarter mile off. An outer stone wall surrounds manor house, stable, barn and smithy.
Araunil Halfelven:
"That must be what Kramskoi called Gurzun's Festhall - what was the D'Ashe Manor. Lord D'Ashe died with King Virdin at the Ford of Goliad two years ago... I suppose his wife must have sold the estate. The name Gurzun does seem somewhat familiar - a mercenary captain of the Duke of Arcata, I think. He would have been with Arcatan army Baron Dragonsbane defeated at Bloodstone Pass. I expect he lost employment after that debacle..."

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Malla & Lucy, former wenches |
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Gurzun Half-Orc, former mercenary commander |
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Will the Weasel, Festhall manager |
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Lucy Pendarr of Gurzun's Hall |
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Festhall Serving Wench |
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Beverly |
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Cindli |
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Alokoth of Gurzun's Hall |
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Malla, out of costume |
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Hagra the Skull-Splitter, Half-Orc Fighter |
Ruler: Vigguz, Lord of Goblin Town, Cleric 4-Assassin 6, reveres Loviatar.
Others: Hagra the Skull-Splitter, Half-Orc Fighter 6. Boltar Two-Axe, Half-Orc Fighter 5.
More than a mere fortress, the repurposed dwarf-hold of Carak Nur on the southern slope of North Peak is now known as Goblin Town. She is in truth a fortified fortress-city, and a major trade centre for both the humanoid races and unscrupulous human merchants and slavers, for the Orcs' appetite for nubile human females is said to be insatiable. Despite the name, Orcs are almost as common as Goblins and Goblin-Orcs here, but the true rulers of Goblin-Town are the Man-Orcs, and the place is a major attraction for Half Orcs scorned across Damara and beyond.
Carak Nur fell about 400 years ago, before the Kingdom of Damara was founded - at the time the land was inhabited by Nar barbarians, goblinoids, and some Impilturan invaders at Raven Rock, now Ravensburg. Survivors under Durgeddin the Black went to Khundrakar (now the Fallen Halls) to carry on the fight.
During the Damaran wars Goblin Town prospered greatly, but with the rise of Gareth Dragonsbane the activities of slavers and raiders have had to be curtailed, and raiders are forbidden from operating directly out of the city. There are rumours that Goblin Town's subterranean chambers holds a planar portal giving access to other worlds, and that the human Mage Miles Freeman has mastered its use. This may explain the strange trinkets and treasures sometimes found in the region. Some say that Freeman himself is not native to Faerun.
Goblin Town has been ruled for many years by the cunning and cautious Half-Orc Vigguz, a Cleric of Loviatar. But he is aging now, and several of his many children have begun jostling to succeed him. While his daughter Hagra the Skull-Splitter is widely regarded as the greatest warrior in Goblin Town, his hot-headed son Boltar is a master of the twin hand axes, and has the advantage of his sex. A wild card is his daughter Ostrikka, a Fighter-Assassin who has for years preferred to adventure in the lands of civilised Men. She is rumoured to favour her half-sister Hagra as Vigguz's successor. Ostrikka killed by Afrafa 7/5/1359 DR.
Beneath Goblin Town's lower halls, a little-travelled tunnel leads down to the Underdark region of Deepearth known as the Cathedral Caverns. Vigguz occasionally employs the small band of renegade male Drow dwelling there, trading human slave girls, Damaran gold, wine, and even foodstuffs for their services. The drow liaison Voz T'urden (don't joke about his House name within earshot) can often be found at Goblin Town, enjoying the pleasures of Vigguz' hall.
During the Damaran wars Goblin Town prospered greatly, but with the rise of Gareth Dragonsbane the activities of slavers and raiders have had to be curtailed, and raiders are forbidden from operating directly out of the city. There are rumours that Goblin Town's subterranean chambers holds a planar portal giving access to other worlds, and that the human Mage Miles Freeman has mastered its use. This may explain the strange trinkets and treasures sometimes found in the region. Some say that Freeman himself is not native to Faerun.
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Vigguz, Cleric-Assassin, Boss of Goblin Town |
Beneath Goblin Town's lower halls, a little-travelled tunnel leads down to the Underdark region of Deepearth known as the Cathedral Caverns. Vigguz occasionally employs the small band of renegade male Drow dwelling there, trading human slave girls, Damaran gold, wine, and even foodstuffs for their services. The drow liaison Voz T'urden (don't joke about his House name within earshot) can often be found at Goblin Town, enjoying the pleasures of Vigguz' hall.
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Goblin Town Tavern |
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Jana Thadeus, ex nun of St Sollars |
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Goblin Town Tavern, human slaves and Goblin-Orcs |
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Boltar Two-Axe, Half-Orc Fighter |
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Mogguth the Orc |
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Grulguz, Orc Leader (RIP) |
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Voz T'urden, Drow Renegade |