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Leth Human Druidess |
-299 DR [Year of Heartsblood]
Yannos "the Slayer" becomes Nentyarch of Narfell with the death of Heldakar. »
-270 DR [Year of the Winter Wolf]
Garthelaun "the Goreclaw" becomes Nentyarch of Narfell with the death of Yannos. »
-259 DR [Year of the Pyre]
Ilithkar is born in Narfell. He is the half-fiend son of Orcus. His mother is sacrificed to the demon lord at his birth. »
-245 DR [Year of Entombed Blades]
Rheligaun "the Horned" is born in Narfell. He is the Demoniac (half-demon) son of the demon lord Fraz'Urb-luu and the cousin of the Nentyarch Ilithkar. »
-235 DR [Year of Laughing Crystal]
Ilithkar becomes the Nentyarch of Narfell with the death of Garthelaun. »
-181 DR [Year of Rivers Rising]
Rheligaun "the Horned" becomes the Last Nentyarch of Narfell after overthrowing his cousin, Ilithkar. »
-171 DR Rheligaun's Demonette daughter Narcissa is born in Dun-Tharos to Lystra, a captured princess of Raumathar.
The Great Conflagration
-160 DR to -150 DR
-160 DR: Demon Lord Eltab first summoned at the Citadel of Conjurers.
Narfell and Raumathar begin their final war - a decade long cataclysm that involves the summoning of demon lords (including Kostchchie) by Narfell, and ultimately Kossuth by the Raumviri. At its conclusion, both Narfell and Raumathar lie in smoking ruin.
-153 Year of the Starry Shroud. Dun-Orthass is completed in the early days of this year and the demon lord Eltab is summoned there by Rheligaun, along with a host of demonic servitors.
-150 Year of Recompense. End of the Great Conflagration with the destruction of both Narfell and Raumathar.
-150 DR to +50 DR: The Wandering of Rheligaun.
Old Beginnings
-135 Year of Old Beginnings. Impil Mirandor, a refugee from the former lands of Jhaamdath (Chondath), establishes a settlement known as Impil’s Tor atop an abandoned delve of the dwarves of Felimar, at the site of present-day Lyrabar.
-133 Year of Silent Screams. Impil rescues the Nar clan chief Mauthok from a rampaging vrock whilst out hunting, forging the first ties of friendship between the native Nar clansmen and the Chondathan
-121 Year of Ample Rewards. Impil dies of natural causes and is succeeded as ruler of Impil’s Tor by his son Ornrath. The Nar clan chief Mauthok and his three brothers attend the funeral and reaffirm their ties with the Mirandors.
-118 Year of Elven Delights. The now thriving settlement of Impil’s Tor is re-named Lyrabar by Ornrath Mirandor, harking back to its dwarven roots and encouraging tentative trade ties with the
xenophobic dwarves of the surrounding mountains.
-93 Year of Forgotten Smiles. The Nar warrior Nurith establishes the holding of Arnafel (Modern: Hlammach).
-88 Year of Hostile Hails. Ornrath dies from shaking fever and is succeeded by his son Inrath as ruler of Lyrabar. The Nar clan leaders of the surrounding region travel to Lyrabar and pay their respects.
-86 Year of Goodfields. Nar folk begin to settle permanently in numbers in and around Lyrabar, leaving their clans and pledging fealty to Inrath.
-75 Year of Leather Shields. The two Nar clan leaders Herglaun Orbil and Carndoon Durlarven come to Lyrabar and swear oaths of fealty to Inrath and his house.

-74 Year of Splendour. Inrath Mirandor establishes the Kingdom of Impiltur and crowns himself king, beginning the Mirandor dynasty of Impiltur.
-72 Year of Enchanted Hearts. The settlement of Chessagol (Modern: Tsurlagol) is founded.-65 Year of Monstrous Appetites. Fisherfolk found the settlement of Elnar (Modern: Dilpur) and name it for their leader.
-53 Year of Happy Children. King Inrath becomes the first human to walk the halls of Halrunedar, as he establishes a trade agreement with Ironlord Dorn mac Emmath. Human traders come to call the
dwarven city Earthfast, which in time lends its name to the mountain chain where the
dwarven city is located.
-47 Year of the Angry Centaur. King Inrath is slain in battle against marauding hill giants and is succeeded by his son who is crowned King Inrath
-22 Year of Broached Gates. King Inrath II recruits the Stonesword mercenary company led by Garyann Obarskyr out of Dathtar (Modern: Telpir) and conquers Arnafel, re-naming it Hlammach to
commemorate the deeds of one of his warriors who saves his life in battle.
-18 Year of Honor’s Price. King Inrath II is slain in a border clash with raiders from Chessagol. He is succeeded by his eldest son who is crowned King Varanth
-9 Year of Fell Traitors. King Varanth leads an army west and takes the settlement of Chessagol after a siege.
-3 Year of Ruins. King Varanth is captured and ritually sacrificed to the demon prince Orcus by Nar
clansmen on the northern fringes of the realm, bordering the Earthfast Mountains. He is
succeeded by his eldest son who is crowned King Tamarth.
-2 Year of Gruesome Streams. King Tamarth leads a campaign against the rebellious northern hold of Arglaun, burning its settlements and putting all of its population to the sword.
-1 Year of Shattered Relics. King Tamarth executes Lord Felran of House Briarmoon, a noble family known to have embraced Nar ways and culture, accusing him of treason. The noble families of
Briarmoon, Darthrane and Gilgauntlet openly revolt against the Crown.
0 Year of the Rising Flame. The rebel nobles are defeated at the Battle of Cardan’s Ravine and King Tamarth executes all surviving males on the battlefield and then sells their women and children
into slavery.
1 Year of Sunrise. Emendarna Gilgauntlet, last surviving scion of her house, assassinates King Tamarth and then escapes west and disappears into the Grey Forest. Tamarth’s brother Loaraven
succeeds him as king of Impiltur.
2 Year of the Smiling Hag. A virulent disease that causes his body to erupt with boils and pustules strikes down King Loaraven, causing him terrible disfigurement and great pain. Blaming a “Nar
Curse” he continues Tamarth’s abuses against the Nar population of the kingdom.
3 Year of the Faded Flower. King Loaraven dies due to the lingering effects of plague and his youngest brother Belrath usurps the vacant throne. Civil war breaks out when his older brother and the kingdom’s rightful ruler Fendarn returns from fighting off an orc incursion from Vastar.
8 Year of Spellspheres. Fendarn defeats and personally slays his brother Belrath at the Battle of Three Bridges and is crowned king of Impiltur.
10 Year of Dreams. King Fendarn unifies his fractured realm by elevating the Nar clans of Phaelith,
Durlarven and Orbil to the nobility. As the three oldest and wealthiest families of Nar
stock in the kingdom, they act swiftly to defuse racial tensions between the Nar and the
14 Year of the Unknown Beloved. Queen Marlbara dies as a result of illness. By year’s end King Fendarn has married Tirnil, sister of the head of the newly ennobled House Phaelith.
26 DR Founding of Cormyr. Its first king is Faerlthann Obarskyr, son of Ondeth Obarskyr and Suzara Obarskyr.
31 Year of the Garrulous Gargoyle. King Fendarn survives a bout of heartstop and whilst incapacitated appoints his brother-in-law Lord Loranth Phaelith as King’s Sceptre (regent). Lord Phaelith comes to be known to all as “the Thronelord”.
36 Year of Consuming Ice. King Fendarn suffers yet another bout of heartstop and again appoints Lord Loranth to the office of King’s Sceptre, despite the protestations of his eldest son Delrath, who
considers himself ready to rule.
43 Year of Frostbrands. King Fendarn dies of heartstop and is succeeded by Delrath. The newly crowned king seeks to “retire” his uncle Lord Phaelith to his estates and within a tenday is assassinated along with his consort Queen Narasha while riding through Lyrabar. His twin brother
Delrorn succeeds him.
47 Year of the Crystal Orb. After refusing to marry his son Crown Prince Telrorn to Lord Phaelith’s granddaughter, King Delrorn and his heir are assassinated en-route to the king’s summer estate on the eastern fringes of the Grey Forest. Their deaths are attributed to “bandits” and the
king’s stepbrother Torlorn, the blood-nephew of “the Thronelord”, is crowned king.
50 DR Nentyarch Rheligaun returns to Dun-Tharos to find it a ruin overgrown by the forest.
55 Year of the Caustic Blood. King Torlorn travels to Cormyr to attend the coronation of King Imlon. He appoints his younger brother Morlorn as King’s Sceptre in his absence much to the chagrin of his
uncle Lord Phaelith. By year’s end the two are in conflict as their respective agents and
supporters secretly agitate for the removal of the other.
56 Year of the Laughing Nightmare. Lord Phaelith openly revolts against the Crown asserting that a teenage boy named Inrath is the son of Delrath and rightful ruler of Impiltur. Disaffected nobles and
outlying areas rally to the boy “king” and the kingdom once more plunges into civil war.
58 Year of the Dazzling Dolphins. Led by Prince Morlorn and the Obarskyr mercenary company, the forces of King Torlorn defeat the army of “the Thronelord” at the Battle of Greenvale. Lord Phaelith
and the purported “King Inrath” are slain in battle and their bodies paraded through the
streets of Lyrabar to confirm their deaths.
68 Year of the Echoing Chasm. King Torlorn dies as a result of a jousting accident. His son and sole heir Varanth is crowned king.
72 Year of the Climber’s Rest. Prince Morlorn, uncle to the reigning King Varanth II poisons his nephew and seizes the throne with the aid of the Obarskyr mercenary family. Queen Ilithra and the heir to the throne Crown Prince Baranth, take refuge in the Grey Forest.
75 Year of Clinging Death. Several clans of moon elves from Rilithar in the Sword Coast North arrive in the Grey Forest via a portal and establish the realm of Vedrymmell. They ally with the fugitive
Crown Prince Baranth who in turn recognises their sovereignty over the woodlands
enshrined in the Silver Arrow Pact.
77 Year of the Quivering Mountains. With the aid of the moon elves of Vedrymmell, Crown Prince Baranth defeats the treasonous Morlorn, “the Usurper King”, at the Battle of Ilithra’s Smile and is crowned king of Impiltur. The Obarskyrs are exiled from the realm.
85 Year of the Orb Obsidious. With the aid of the elves of Vedrymmell, the first comprehensive magical wards around the Citadel of Conjurers are established.
90 Year of the Moor Birds. Elnar agrees to become part of the realm of Impiltur due to a culmination of circumstances, including several poor growing and fishing seasons and an upsurge in
pirate activity.
116 Year of the Mortal Promise. The Bonescourge Plague strikes the realm causing the death of Crown Prince Inrath’s wife Princess Farah Croam of Westgate, and the crippling of his eldest son and namesake.
124 Year of the Biting Frost. King Baranth dies of windchill fever and is succeeded by his eldest son who is crowned King Inrath III.
131 Year of the Cockatrice’s Stare. King Inrath III marries the much younger Lady Malarna Cairnstorm, who is crowned queen.
157 Year of the Resounding Call. King Inrath III dies of natural causes and is succeeded by his eldest son who is crowned King Inrath IV.
158 Year of the Imploring Widow. Encouraged by his conniving mother, the king’s stepbrother Prince Doraven instigates a palace revolt that leads to King Inrath IV fleeing Lyrabar with a handful of loyal retainers including his nephew Ellarath.
159 Year of the Lost Profit. The ill-fated King Inrath IV is slain by assassins loyal to Doraven, who crowns himself king of Impiltur. The sorely wounded Prince Ellarath flees into the Grey Forest where
he is harboured by the elves of Vedrymmell and falls in love with the half-elf Kylarna,
marrying her later in the year.
162 Year of the Great Dwarven Gate. Aided by King Irbruin of Cormyr, Prince Pendarn, second-son of Inrath III and father of Ellarath, lands in Impiltur with an armed host and with the aid of the elves of Vedrymmell defeats Doraven at the Battle of Traitors’ Heads, claiming the throne for
178 Year of the Jealous Spouse. Ellarath, known as “the Faerie King” is crowned king of Impiltur on the death of his father. In the wake of his coronation, he and Queen Kylarna visit the court of
Vedrymmell and are slain by the moon elf noble Relavar Mornthael, an obsessed
admirer of the queen. The clan archmage Taredd transforms Relavar into a human by
use of the Akh`Faen`Tel`Quess High Magic ritual and places a geas on him compelling
him to assume Ellarath’s guise and rule as king of Impiltur for a time, so as to redress
the shame brought upon their house. The death of Queen Kylarna is explained away as a
tragic accident.
196 Year of Yearning Elves. Taredd releases Relavar Mornthael from his punishment, and the discovery of a suitably aged dead clone of King Ellarath in the royal chambers sees the crowning of his eldest son Baranth as king of Impiltur.
198 Year of the Almond Eyes. King Baranth II is found dead in his royal chambers, apparently of natural causes, but with many suspecting treachery. His conniving brother Imindarth succeeds him but unexpectedly dies of drunken asphyxia on his coronation night and is in turn succeeded
by his younger brother Tharaun.
235 Year of Drawn Knives. After a failed assassination attempt, King Tharaun quells a short-lived revolt in Chessagol as it once again seeks to assert its independence.
269 Year of the Wild Roses. Death of King Tharaun to natural causes after the longest reign of any Impilturian monarch. His son Darthorn succeeds him.
271 Year of the Port Stormed. King Darthorn succumbs to the Blacknail Plague and is succeeded by his son Toaven as king of Impiltur.
273 Year of the Delighted Dwarves. King Toaven brokers trade ties between fledgling Myth Drannor and the dwarves of Earthfast, greatly enriching his kingdom in doing so.
311 Year of the Lupine Embrace. King Toaven dies of natural causes and is succeeded by his son Tarth.
360 DR Rheligan departs Dun-Tharos on his quest for Lichdom
412 DR Druids of Leth defeat the Skull-Nar, occupy Dun-Tharos, and install their High Druid as Nentyarch of Dun-Tharos.
725 DR Rheligaun the Horned returns as a powerful Drune Lich, summoning the Scaled Horde and defeating the Druids of Leth.
726 Year of Dowager Lady: Impiltur is overrun by the Scaled Horde, an army of demons, from the western fringes of the Rawlinswood and Forest of Lethyr. King Forvar II of Impiltur is slain in the fighting, bringing an end to the Durlarven dynasty of Old Impiltur.
729 Year of Twisted Horn: Triad Crusade - An army dedicated to Tyr, Torm, and Ilmater led by the paladin Sarshel Elethlim travels by sea to ravaged Impiltur and brings the Scaled Horde to battle.
731 Year of Visions: paladin army of Sarshel Elethlim defeats the last demon army, led by the balor Ndulu, at the Citadel of Conjurers, bringing the Fiend Wars and the Triad Crusade to an end.
732 Year of Proud Father: Sarshel is crowned king of Impiltur and establishes the Elethlim dynasty.
786 Year of Moaning Gorge: three Paladin Princes of Impiltur defeat the returned balor Ndulu and an army of fiends at the Citadel of Conjurers, at the cost of the lives of Crown Prince Essys and Prince Araln. Nord, the youngest of the three, is named Crown Prince and heir to the throne.
788 Year of True Believer: Nord is crowned king of Impiltur and begins a campaign to ferret out and hunt down all fiends and fiend-worshipers throughout the kingdom. This campaign lasts for the better part of two decades and is known as the "Harrowing of Nord."
850 Year of Empty Throne: King Beldred of Impiltur leads "the Scouring," a year-long campaign into the western parts of the Rawlinswood that slays and drives forth pockets of demons that survived the Fiend Wars, the Battle of Moaning Gorge, and the Harrowing of his grandfather.
893 Year of Raised Sword: An army of Nar horsemen led by the chieftain Galush attacks north-eastern Impiltur but is defeated at the battle of Twelvepikes on the banks of the Soleine River by an army led by Duke Lantigar Deepstar.
924 Year of Cracked Turtle: Plague causes the death of King Peverel of Old Impiltur and his two male heirs. His sole remaining issue, the Princess Aliia, is deemed too young to rule by the senior nobles at court and a new king is sought by way of royal marriage.
926 Year of Fearless Peasant: FALL OF IMPILTUR. Princess Aliia of Old Impiltur dies at sea while en-route to wed her betrothed, Prince Rhiigard of Cormyr, bringing the Elethlim dynasty to an end. Impiltur fractures into a seething cauldron of rival city-states as powerful nobles attempt to gain the vacant throne. Beginning of the Kingless Years.
1038 Year of Spreading Spring retreat of the Great Glacier leaves the lands of Narfell, Vaasa, and Damara fully free of ice. With Damara now suitable for settled agriculture, large scale migration from the Impilturan city-states begins northwards.
1075 DR FOUNDING OF DAMARA. Heldrin Bloodfeathers defeats the Damaran Nar and founds the Kingdom of Damara, with his seat of power at Heliogabalus.
1095 Year of Dawndance war-captain Imphras Heltharn of Lyrabar unites the city-states of the Easting Reach and leads them to victory over a hobgoblin horde from the Giantspire Mountains.
1097 Year of Gleaming Crown: REFOUNDING OF IMPILTUR. Imphras the Great is crowned king of Refounded Impiltur and establishes the Heltharn Dynasty. End of the Kingless Years.
1110 Year of Bloody Fields: Thay marches on Phent, but the combined forces of Impiltur and Thesk, led by King Lmphras the Great, defeat the Red Wizards' army.
1127 Year of Luminar Procession: King Imbrar of Impiltur leads an army into the Giantspire Mountains to eradicate the hobgoblin menace. His warriors are murdered and the succubus Soneillon corrupts the king into a death knight. Imbrar's sister llmara is crowned queen.
1167 Year of Parchment: Heretical Queen Ilmara of Impiltur marries Rilaun of Sarshel, a young warrior half her age.
1169 Year of Earth Shaking: Imphras II is declared king of Impiltur at birth in accordance with the law, and his father Prince-Consort Rilaun takes up arms to seize the throne. He is defeated, and Ilmara rules as Queen-Regent until Imphras II attains sixteen years of age.
1185 Year of Immoral Imp: Queen-Regent Ilmara relinquishes the rule of Impiltur to her son, King Imphras II.
1204 Year of Private Tear:s King Imphras II begins to exhibit the first signs of madness.
1208 Year of Gamine Crown: Prince Talryn of Lyrabar, heir to the throne of Impiltur, attempts to have his ill father declared unfit to rule and have himself crowned king. His conniving younger brother Lashilmbrar and other unscrupulous nobles at court succeed in forcing Talryn to flee into exile and thwart his efforts. He takes refuge with the pirates of the Inner Sea.
1212 Year of Ocean's Wrath: Talryn returns to Impiltur upon hearing of the death of his father, Imphras II. The news of king's death is a ruse engineered by Prince Lashilmbrar, who succeeds Talryn as Crown Prince when his brother is executed for treason.
1225 Year of Winged Worm: death of Imphras II sees Lashilmbrar crowned king of Impiltur.
1253 Year of Beckoning Death: Impiltur suffers the effects of the devastating Great Plague of the Inner Sea.
1294 Year of Deep Moon: A bandit raid on the king's summer residence sees the death of King
1295 Year of Ormserpent: Prince Thaum of Telflamm raises a mercenary army and sails across the Easting Reach, sacking Sarshel and then marching inland to seize Filur and the throne of Impiltur. Prince-Regent Kuskur and young King Rilimbrar are forced to flee to Aglarond for sanctuary after their army is defeated west of Dilpur at the Battle of Five Heads.
1296 Year of Black Hound: Queen Ilione of Aglarond intercedes on King Rilimbrar's behalf and sends the Simbul, her heir and apprentice, to slay Thaum with magic. Rilimbrar is restored to the throne despite attempts by treacherous nobles to have Thaum's son Imphras (the future Crown Prince Imphras IV) crowned king in Rilimbrar's stead. Imphras is placed under house arrest for life in Filur.
1336 Year of Highmantle: With no direct male heirs of his own, King Rilimbrar (1280-1338) has his daughter Sambryl wed her much older second cousin Imphras (1277-1338). Rilimbrar establishes the Lords of Imphras II, a governing council to control the realm on his death, until such time as his line has died out. In this way he seeks to have the throne pass to the line of his now-dead uncle Velimbrar, fourth son of King Imphras II.
1338 Year of the Wanderer: King Rilimbrar of Ilmpiltur dies in the Fires of Filur. His son and heir Imphras (briefly Imphras IV) also perishes at Filur shortly after becoming King, making his wife Sambryl Queen-Regent of the realm. Rilimbrar's infant cousin Soarimbrar (1335-51), eldest living descendant of Velimbrar, is crowned king, but cannot rule until his sixteenth year.
1347: Vaasa under Zhengyi invades Damara. Beginning of the Vaasa-Damara War.
1351 Year of the Crown: 15 year old King Soarimbrar, about to come of age, advocates intervention in the Vaasa-Damara war, but he and his entire retinue are slain at the hands of unknown assassins (possibly Zhengyite) while riding through farmlands outside Lyrabar. He is succeeded by his four year old nephew King Imphras V, son of his sister Ilmara (Ilmara also has a younger son, Imbrar). Sambryl will remain as Queen-Regent until 1363 DR. She maintains Impilturan neutrality.
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