Fighter-8, amazon female, age 25 in 4333
STR 15>16 (-/+1) INT 8 WIS 10 CON 14>15 (+1) DEX 15 (+0/-1) CHA 10
Hit Points: 41 (rolled on 8d10)
Magic Item: Two-handed Sword +4, Defender. Attack at +4 (THAC0 10) for d10+5/3d6+5. #Attacks: 3/2 (8 vs level 0)
Armour Class: 2 (amazon plate harness, -1 bonus for DEX) > -2 Defending.
comp. Longbow ATT +0 THAC0 14 dam 1d6+1 FR 2 arrows: 24
Money pouch with ca 200gp. Langwellan Tower Pass Medallion, Leather thigh boots.
Appearance: 6'3" tall, broad-shouldered and muscular V-shaped physique, with steely grey gaze, short-cropped platinum blonde hair in a widow's peak, long strong legs, globular breasts barely restrained by the leather and steel of her steel plate amazon harness - armour which looks not too different from the dominatrix outfits one might purchase on the Plaza of Profuse Pleasures... They say Langwellan the Blue designs the Amazon Guard armour himself.
Amazon Sergeant Saren has recently returned from her latest tour of duty patrolling the Undercity sewers against assorted threats, and after escorting the mysterious norse wizardess Iris Van Kennis to the Western Plains, is due a month's leave. This serious soldier is looking to let her hair down a little bit...
XP: +3500
Standing at the gate is a very tall, muscular Amazon with short-
cropped blonde hair and suntanned complexion, her scanty chain halter
top struggling to contain an impressive bust. She also wears a chain
loincloth and thigh high black leather boots, making a striking
impression overall. A heavy greatsword is slung in a baldric over
her shoulders, with a dagger at her belt.
She nods to Iris as the group hurries up.
"Iris Van Kennis? I'm Sergeant Saren. I'm to escort you straight to
> >>"Iris Van Kennis? I'm Sergeant Saren. I'm to escort you straight to
> Langwellan."<<
> "Thank you Sargeant." Iris says with a nod and smile.
Sgt Saren nods and smiles slightly back at Iris. Iris gets the
impression that the tall amazon isn't used to smiling very often.
> She throws a meaningful look to Arnora and Garth, hoping they
understand she wishes them to come along.<
Iris checks with the Sergeant, who looks over Iris' retinue.
"We will pass by an antechamber, where you may leave your slaves.
Any companions you wish to let into your most private confidences may
accompany you to see the Archmage."
Sgt Saren leads Iris & co round the edge of the drill yard, and through
a high entrance into Langwellan's Tower, thronging with Amazons,
priests, servants, bureaucrats, slaves and many others. Leaving the
six Tharbrian slave girls in an antechamber, Saren leads the others up
flights of stairs and through twisting passages. At one point she
stops before a pair of massive humanoid 9'6" granite statues, speaks
words in an unknown language, and shows the statues a medallion. The
statues remain unmoving, presumably if she *hadn't* done that,
Shortly thereafter Saren reaches a mahogany door flanked by two elite
Amazon guards in horesehair-plumed helms and gleaming amazon
breastplates (like regular breastplate but still managing to reveal
plenty of skin). She knocks.
Saren opens the door and ushers the party in to a spacious, mahogany-
lined office with a rich wine-red carpet. A man in azure robes with a
neatly trimmed brown beard sits behind a heavy mahogany desk. He looks
up from a mass of papers, and speaks:
"Ah, Iris and company. Come in, come in. Do sit down."
He gestures to seats in front of the desk.
> Iris flashes her most charming smile and sits in the chair closest
to him, extending her hand. "Thank you sir, for seeing us on so
short a notice. Your tower is most impressive from what I've seen."<
Langwellan smiles slightly and leans forward to briefly shake Iris'
hand. He sits back and waits while the last of Iris' companions sit
"Congratulations on reaching me, and thus on completing the first
part of your quest. As you know, I hold Olaf Raven-Eye's staff,
which in order to inherit Olaf's position as Wizard of Croy you must
fairly buy from me through monies earned, at a price to be set by
myself, in whatever adventures you choose to undertake. Your
performance in such will be monitored by an agent of mine, for which
end I have selected Sgt Saren here. Saren may function as your
bodyguard, but should otherwise avoid combat. Should she, or at
least her head, fail to return, your mission will have failed. Now,
what questions do you have for me?"
> "I have several, but I'm not sure where to start," she said with a
self deprecating laugh. "Obviously, I need to know how much you want
for the staff, but I'd also like to know more about it. My uncle
only said it was a staff of power and I needed to retrieve it and
bring it home."
Langwellan nods to Sgt Saren, who retrieves an ornate wooden staff
from a side cabinet (it's identical to the one in Iris' portrait pic).
"This is Olaf Raven-Eye's Staff of Power, an ancient artifact, one of
a pair. The other is long lost in the southern seas. The staff's
powers are mighty and various, and do not currently concern you. The
market value of such a staff is some seventy-two thousand gold
pieces. However, depending upon your performance, I am authorised to
trade it to you at a discount."
He smiles.
"I will also be willing to trade this staff for its brother, should
you recover the lost staff. However I expect you will need
considerable wealth and experience before you can hope to mount a
successful expedition for the brother-staff. If you wish, I shall
offer appropriate advice at that time."
> "I was also wondering, if you thought it might be easier to make
the money if I joined a guild, and if so, can you tell me how to do
that? Do I need a sponser? Would you sponser me?"<
Langwellan shrugs.
"That is up to you, and I have little advice to offer. However I am
willing to provide instruction where necessary."
GM: Iris can learn new spells from Langwellan, one each time she
levels-up, as per the rules.
> "Seran is to travel with us, and report back to you, and I presume
my uncle. She can act as my bodyguard - but is not to otherwise do
battle." Iris repeated, more to herself than to him, trying to get
the facts straight in her head. <
"The good Sergeant reports only to me. In the fullness of time I
shall make a final assessment, which I shall of course pass on to
your uncle. Seran may defend you, and herself, but her primary role
is to act as an impartial observer of events."
> She smiled at Lewellen, "Is she familiar with the countryside?
Will she offer reliable advice if I ask?"<
Langwellan smiles.
"An interesting question. Seran is, I believe, reasonably familiar
with the domains of the Overlord, and may advise you to the best of
her ability. Of course, she is no Sage."
He glances to Seran, who smiles slightly.
"However, Seran was born to the service of the Amazon Guard, and I
believe her knowledge of the world beyond the Overlord's domain is
somewhat limited."
> "Are there conditions to the jobs I can take, I mean - limits?" she
asked, then interrupted her own train of thought, wringing her hands
and feeling silly. "Probably not, I guess that's the point huh, to
see where my conscience delivers me?"<
Langwellan nods.
"That is exactly correct."
> Iris realized what a raving lunatic she must sound like and blushed
to the roots of her pale blond hair. "I'm so sorry, please forgive
my rapid fire rudeness. My mind is desperately trying to process
what you've told me, and make sure I don't overlook something
Langwellan smiles.
"I find your queries astute and eminently sensible. Now, is there
anything else?"
> >>The
> market value of such a staff is some seventy-two thousand gold
> pieces. However, depending upon your performance, I am authorised to
> trade it to you at a discount."
> <<
> "Hmm, adn how will I know when I qualify for such a discount? And
how much of discount?"
"There is currently no discount. Any such would be entirely at my
He starts to look slightly annoyed at this line of questioning.
> "Thank you, that is very kind, and I would of course, be extremely
honored to study under one as powerful as you.
Langwellan nods.
> OOC: What are the benefits to joining a guild, would that be a
place to find income opportunities, or is that a waste of her time?
OOC: There are no Wizard Guilds in the CSIO, or in the Wilderlands, as
far as you know. There are Conclaves of like-minded wizards, they are
generally reclusive and need to be sought out. There's a Mercenaries
Guild in the CSIO though.
> >>Langwellan smiles.
> "I find your queries astute and eminently sensible. Now, is there
> anything else?"
> <<
> "Thank you," she said, relieved at his graciousness. "I'm sure as
soon as i leave, I will think of a dozen more questions, but right
now, I can't think of any, apart from wondering if you have any advice
for me now."<
"Hmm. Well. Keep you nose clean. And..."
He glances at Greenie.
"Steer clear of the Thieves' Guild. They have incurred the Overlord's
Not wishing to take up any more if his time, and satisfied that he really had nothing more to tell her, Iris held her hand back out to hima gain, "Thankyou Sir, for your time, advice and help. "I hope to see you again soon, for directions to that brother sword." she told him, having already deduced that the only feasable way to complete her missionin time to see her uncle alive again, would be to gather what expereince and money she could for a long treck, and then set out after the brother staff.
She could adventure her entire life and not have 75,000.00 Gold pieces to show for it.
"I'lll try not to keep your sargeant too many years out on the trail."
Langwellan smiles.
"Oh, I'm sure it will be an enriching experience for the Sergeant, too
- better than hunting Guild Thieves in the sewers, eh Saren?"
The short-haired Amazon sergeant nods sombrely.
"Indeed, Archmage."
Langwellan grins:
"And less... aromatic, also."
He sobers.
"Very well. Saren, escort Lady Iris and her retinue from the Keep.
Iris, I look forward to seeing you again soon, and to receiving a
favourable report from the Sergeant."
Arnora FairhairMar 10, 2007
"We appreciate your time," Arnora dipped her head in friendly parting,
mulling over the conversation, and pondering the idea of guilds. The
idea of being bound to any group, did not sit well with the young
shield maiden, since she wanted nothing that might potentially come
between her allegiance to Wotan, King, and Country. However, she might
consider checking in to it at least. For now, after politely taking
her leave of Langwellan, she went to stand next to Garth.
Sgt Saren escorts Iris and co from Langwellan's chamber, back through
the great tower (picking up the Tharbrian girls), and around the edge
of the courtyard, where the Amazon platoon is still drilling in the
afternoon warmth. Outside the gate Saren stops, and turns to Iris.
"Where to now, milady?"
SimonMar 10, 2007
OOC: Picked up the enormous boxed set from the Post Office today, that
details the entire world hex-by-hex! Pretty amazing.
"please, it's just Iris." she said, "It seems we will be keeping each other's company for some time to come. Let's not stand on ceremony." she said with a smile. "May I call you Saren?"
Iris took a deep breath of air, once they were outside teh tower, and tried to get her bearings. "Well, We have a journey ahead of us tomorrow. I'd like to leave early for the trip, so we should get whatever we might need, and then spend a pleasant evening in the relative safety of the Inn before we set out tomorrow." She turns to her friends, "Is that ok with all of you, or does someone have more business to attend to in the city before we leave?"
OOC to my fellow adventurers: I'm thinking that it would be wise to try and do something here in the city to give us leveling up experience without presenting too much risk, or spending all of our monies, but I honestly can't think what it might be, so unless one of you come up with a brillient idea - I guess we're off to deliver slaves.
And Greenie, if you go and join your guild, Iris shouldn't know anything about it please!
Greenie nodded. "Well, I have some personal business to see to today, some of which I'm afraid is rather...confidential. But, in the meantime, if anyone wants to go shopping, or just seeing the city, I can still guide you about for a while. But..I should let you know, " he said, looking at Iris, "That there are quite a of worldly this city."
"That's ok Greenie, you go ahead and attend to your business. I'm sure Saren can help us findour way safely around the shops and back to the Inn. We'll see you there later."
Greenie nodded. "Alright. I'm sure she can. Anyone else want a guide?" He was planning to go 'register' with the Thieve's Guild, and to get a few new clothes, perhaps make arrangements for lodging better than the cellar of the Green Branch. But...then..if they were all going out of town, perhaps he should hold off on that last one. He thought he could postpone his own business if someone wanted a guide a while longer.
Martin will ask Kata to accompany him to do some shopping. He has no need for anything thing but would like to have a look at the cities armory shops perhaps even an upper crust establishment that may posses enchanted weapons. a trip to entertain his fantasies of money and success.
Katalyna (new):
Katalyna shyly agrees, even though she silently worries about who she may run into. Still, she admired Martin's fighter fit form, she was certain that her new "friend" would protect her.
Her clear blue eyes seeming brighter shades of cerulean in the
afternoon light, Arnora looked mildly out over the thriving city. "I do
not know what our resources might allow," She said, "But I think it
might be a good idea if I also carried a heavy crossbow and plenty of
bolts, when we depart. What has been decided regarding the possibility
of arming the Tharbrians with slings? I think that would be a good idea
if it can be afforded, so long as the girls can conceal them
appropriately. What do you think Garth?"
Garth considers his companions word's.
"I dont think we should arm them. They are mere peasant girls. I've
heard of a shire full of small folk who are deadly crack shots with
stones and slings, but I dont think that these girls could hit the
side of a longhouse at 5 paces. I agree we need to up-arm our group
but I dont think that would work."
Garth considers the girls from his own village. Whilst several of
them could fight well, and indeed most had become accustomed to a
certain level of roughness, most of them spent their time helping on
farms, or looking after their kin. It was going to be a long and
tough journey, taking these girls home.
Garth will accompnay the bulk of the party on their purveying
expedition. He's not enough money to get any form of armour for
himself, and his weapons are sufficient for his own purposes. If he
does happen to see such an item, he will buy a small token for Jana,
perhaps a small crystal or non-precious stone, on a leather thong.
OOC: Garth is near enough to level, and I think our best bet is to
make a start on getting the girls back to their villages. Perhaps
some small band of thieves will attempt an action against the group,
and we will all be leaving the city a little tougher and more well
off, though I suspect we DONT want to make enemies of the thieves
Sgt Saren:
> "Where to now, milady?"
> "please, it's just Iris." she said, "It seems we will be keeping
each other's company for some time to come. Let's not stand on
ceremony." she said with a smile. "May I call you Saren?"
The big Amazon looks down at Iris and nods, a little hesitantly.
"Yes... Iris."
> Iris took a deep breath of air, once they were outside teh tower,
and tried to get her bearings. "Well, We have a journey ahead of us
tomorrow. I'd like to leave early for the trip, so we should get
whatever we might need, and then spend a pleasant evening in the
relative safety of the Inn before we set out tomorrow." She turns to
her friends, "Is that ok with all of you, or does someone have more
business to attend to in the city before we leave?"
> OOC to my fellow adventurers: I'm thinking that it would be wise to
try and do something here in the city to give us leveling up
experience without presenting too much risk, or spending all of our
monies, but I honestly can't think what it might be, so unless one of
you come up with a brillient idea - I guess we're off to deliver slaves.
GM: If you achieve some basic goals such as successfully equipping and
locating/joining a merchant caravan, Arnora & Garth should have enough
XP to level up. Others are further off. Greenie can't hit 3rd
without training.
Saren nods.
"There's... I think there's a general supply store at the corner of
Dead-Broke and Slash, not too far from here."
Not wishing to take up any more if his time, and satisfied that he really had nothing more to tell her, Iris held her hand back out to hima gain, "Thankyou Sir, for your time, advice and help. "I hope to see you again soon, for directions to that brother sword." she told him, having already deduced that the only feasable way to complete her missionin time to see her uncle alive again, would be to gather what expereince and money she could for a long treck, and then set out after the brother staff.
She could adventure her entire life and not have 75,000.00 Gold pieces to show for it.
"I'lll try not to keep your sargeant too many years out on the trail."
Langwellan smiles.
"Oh, I'm sure it will be an enriching experience for the Sergeant, too
- better than hunting Guild Thieves in the sewers, eh Saren?"
The short-haired Amazon sergeant nods sombrely.
"Indeed, Archmage."
Langwellan grins:
"And less... aromatic, also."
He sobers.
"Very well. Saren, escort Lady Iris and her retinue from the Keep.
Iris, I look forward to seeing you again soon, and to receiving a
favourable report from the Sergeant."
Arnora FairhairMar 10, 2007
"We appreciate your time," Arnora dipped her head in friendly parting,
mulling over the conversation, and pondering the idea of guilds. The
idea of being bound to any group, did not sit well with the young
shield maiden, since she wanted nothing that might potentially come
between her allegiance to Wotan, King, and Country. However, she might
consider checking in to it at least. For now, after politely taking
her leave of Langwellan, she went to stand next to Garth.
Sgt Saren escorts Iris and co from Langwellan's chamber, back through
the great tower (picking up the Tharbrian girls), and around the edge
of the courtyard, where the Amazon platoon is still drilling in the
afternoon warmth. Outside the gate Saren stops, and turns to Iris.
"Where to now, milady?"
SimonMar 10, 2007
OOC: Picked up the enormous boxed set from the Post Office today, that
details the entire world hex-by-hex! Pretty amazing.
"please, it's just Iris." she said, "It seems we will be keeping each other's company for some time to come. Let's not stand on ceremony." she said with a smile. "May I call you Saren?"
Iris took a deep breath of air, once they were outside teh tower, and tried to get her bearings. "Well, We have a journey ahead of us tomorrow. I'd like to leave early for the trip, so we should get whatever we might need, and then spend a pleasant evening in the relative safety of the Inn before we set out tomorrow." She turns to her friends, "Is that ok with all of you, or does someone have more business to attend to in the city before we leave?"
OOC to my fellow adventurers: I'm thinking that it would be wise to try and do something here in the city to give us leveling up experience without presenting too much risk, or spending all of our monies, but I honestly can't think what it might be, so unless one of you come up with a brillient idea - I guess we're off to deliver slaves.
And Greenie, if you go and join your guild, Iris shouldn't know anything about it please!
Greenie nodded. "Well, I have some personal business to see to today, some of which I'm afraid is rather...confidential. But, in the meantime, if anyone wants to go shopping, or just seeing the city, I can still guide you about for a while. But..I should let you know, " he said, looking at Iris, "That there are quite a of worldly this city."
"That's ok Greenie, you go ahead and attend to your business. I'm sure Saren can help us findour way safely around the shops and back to the Inn. We'll see you there later."
Greenie nodded. "Alright. I'm sure she can. Anyone else want a guide?" He was planning to go 'register' with the Thieve's Guild, and to get a few new clothes, perhaps make arrangements for lodging better than the cellar of the Green Branch. But...then..if they were all going out of town, perhaps he should hold off on that last one. He thought he could postpone his own business if someone wanted a guide a while longer.
Martin (new)
Katalyna (new):
Katalyna shyly agrees, even though she silently worries about who she may run into. Still, she admired Martin's fighter fit form, she was certain that her new "friend" would protect her.
Her clear blue eyes seeming brighter shades of cerulean in the
afternoon light, Arnora looked mildly out over the thriving city. "I do
not know what our resources might allow," She said, "But I think it
might be a good idea if I also carried a heavy crossbow and plenty of
bolts, when we depart. What has been decided regarding the possibility
of arming the Tharbrians with slings? I think that would be a good idea
if it can be afforded, so long as the girls can conceal them
appropriately. What do you think Garth?"
Garth considers his companions word's.
"I dont think we should arm them. They are mere peasant girls. I've
heard of a shire full of small folk who are deadly crack shots with
stones and slings, but I dont think that these girls could hit the
side of a longhouse at 5 paces. I agree we need to up-arm our group
but I dont think that would work."
Garth considers the girls from his own village. Whilst several of
them could fight well, and indeed most had become accustomed to a
certain level of roughness, most of them spent their time helping on
farms, or looking after their kin. It was going to be a long and
tough journey, taking these girls home.
Garth will accompnay the bulk of the party on their purveying
expedition. He's not enough money to get any form of armour for
himself, and his weapons are sufficient for his own purposes. If he
does happen to see such an item, he will buy a small token for Jana,
perhaps a small crystal or non-precious stone, on a leather thong.
OOC: Garth is near enough to level, and I think our best bet is to
make a start on getting the girls back to their villages. Perhaps
some small band of thieves will attempt an action against the group,
and we will all be leaving the city a little tougher and more well
off, though I suspect we DONT want to make enemies of the thieves
Sgt Saren:
> "Where to now, milady?"
> "please, it's just Iris." she said, "It seems we will be keeping
each other's company for some time to come. Let's not stand on
ceremony." she said with a smile. "May I call you Saren?"
The big Amazon looks down at Iris and nods, a little hesitantly.
"Yes... Iris."
> Iris took a deep breath of air, once they were outside teh tower,
and tried to get her bearings. "Well, We have a journey ahead of us
tomorrow. I'd like to leave early for the trip, so we should get
whatever we might need, and then spend a pleasant evening in the
relative safety of the Inn before we set out tomorrow." She turns to
her friends, "Is that ok with all of you, or does someone have more
business to attend to in the city before we leave?"
> OOC to my fellow adventurers: I'm thinking that it would be wise to
try and do something here in the city to give us leveling up
experience without presenting too much risk, or spending all of our
monies, but I honestly can't think what it might be, so unless one of
you come up with a brillient idea - I guess we're off to deliver slaves.
GM: If you achieve some basic goals such as successfully equipping and
locating/joining a merchant caravan, Arnora & Garth should have enough
XP to level up. Others are further off. Greenie can't hit 3rd
without training.
SimonMar 11, 2007
GM: Let me know if you wish to split up at this point, presumably
rendezvous later (Green Branch?).
Katalyna knows the main streets and can help Martin Coski find an
armourers. Roxy as I believe you have the players' guide to
Wilderlands you can use that, and/or the city map in the Files area:
You're currently outside the gate to #360 (Wizards' Keep) in the
bottom left corner. Shaikoth's Armorers (#174) is directly to your
left, conveniently enough, with a blacksmith/stable to its right
(#173). Across the street is a municipal armory.
Saren likewise is familiar with the basic layout of the city, though
lacks Greenie's familiarity with the nooks and crannies (other than of
the sewer system - the Amazons do 6 month tours of duty in the sewer
patrols) and she can lead Iris around, and anyone else sticking with
Iris (Arnora?). She's not hugely familiar with the CSIO's palaces of
entertainment, though!
Garth has little idea where anything is, though he could probably find
his way to Slave Market Plaza where he got hired.
MerandaMar 11, 2007
Iris will take Garth, Arnora Saren, and the slaves with her <and anyone else who wishes to tag along> "Well Saren, I will need to obtain parchment and ink for my quill," I can't afford to keep ripping pagesout ofher spellbook for notes., she thinks to herself. "I also need to locate an armorer for Anornora's cross bow, if we can afford it, and I need to replace one of my daggers, which I loaned to Jana."
Before the group split up, she considerd for a moment. "We should have at least one rope and grapling hook among us. Does anyone here have those items? and Perhaps some chaulk, that often comes in handy."
Saren indicates the armourer's just left of the gate, #174.
"That place furnishes most of the Amazon Guard's gear. I'd say it was
satisfactory. There's another one I know off Muggy street, near the
Gods' Gate. Parchment and ink... Um, I could go back and get some from
the Keep record-keeper."
"That wouldbe wonderful!" Iris exclaimed, "Thank you. Please do." she said handing the young woman a silver piece and a few coppers. "Please, I'll wait right her for you, then we can go see about Arnora's cross bow."
"Arming the girls may very easily provoke attack upon them" Arnora
agreed with Garth. "No slings then. Let us hope they are better at
hiding than fighting."
"When Saren returns, we will visit a general mercantile in case there
is anything that catches your eye. We will check the armory and find
out if we have enough resources to purchase crossbow and bolts, and
then see about joining a caravan. I would prefer to leave just prior
to dawn, when the healing power Wotan grants is renewed, and we have
the safety of travel during full sunlight hours."
The shield maiden turned to face the mid-afternoon sun, and shielded
her eyes with her palm faced outward, judging time.
> "That wouldbe wonderful!" Iris exclaimed, "Thank you. Please do."
she said handing the young woman a silver piece and a few
coppers. "Please, I'll wait right her for you, then we can go see
about Arnora's cross bow."<
Sgt Saren looks a little doubtfully at the coins, but pockets them.
She returns fifteen minutes later carrying a substantial stack of good
quality scroll parchment, quills and ink bottles.
Saren looks down at Iris.
"I persuaded the record-keeper of the importance of the mission."
She looks rather pleased with herself.
"Oh my heavens!" Iris says with a huge smile on her face. "We'll aren't you a miracle worker!" she quickly snatches her backpack off and stores teh precious parchment and ink in it. "Seriously, thank you, thats much mor ethan I anticpated. I never thought to bring parchment iwth me when I left home, but I've already had quite a need." It was clear that Iris was very pleased.
Saren smiles proudly and puffs out her chest beyond its already ample
girth, clearly enjoying the praise.
"Well, to the armory then Arnora?" she asked her Valkyrie friend. Turning back to Saren she adds, "Then to ageneral store before we retire for the evening."
"There's... I think there's a general supply store at the corner of
Dead-Broke and Slash, not too far from here."
> Greenie grins. "Yes, I happen to have all those things, Iris, I
just don't always carry the hook and rope around with me. So, no other
takers for the more intimate tour? If not, I'm off to take care of some
things." He reaches into his belt pouch and brings out a little chunk
of chalk. "See?"
Carol steps forward, blushing slightly.
"I'd like to go with you, Greenie."
Jana looks disapproving.
"It would be safer to stay with Garth and the rest of us, Carol."
Carol flashes Jana an angry look.
"You're not my owner! I can go where I want."
Iris looks sharply at the girl. "Carol, you will come with me, with all my slaves." she says her voice is not raised but the tome leaves no room for argument, it would not do to have one she supposedly owned wandering the streets wearing her mark, nor voicinbg such autonomous choices.
Carol looks down at the ground, blushing furiously.
"I... I'm sorry."
Greenie smiles apologetically at Carol. "Sorry about that, but she's right. Some of what I need to do I need to do alone, I'm afraid." He gave her a wink, and headed out to see to a few purchases, and then to the Thieve's Guild. (He's getting a decent cloak, some new clothes, and a few traveling supplies)
> "Well, to the armory then Arnora?" she asked her Valkyrie friend.
Turning back to Saren she adds, "Then to ageneral store before we
retire for the evening."
"We also need to locate and join a merchant caravan," She
smiled, "There's safety in numbers, and the goods are likely to be well
guarded. Most likely we would be welcome, for these same reasons.
There are roughly four hours until sunset. Let us hurry and find that
armory first, then locate a caravan, and finally a merchant. Saren, I
will follow you."
Arnora paused only a moment, to congratulate her friend Iris on the
completion of the first part of her task, "Well done! Your Uncle would
be proud. May this new quest be completed with all good speed, and
The shield maiden fell in with Saren, heading for the Armory.
> OOC oops, i posted simultaneously over the top lol, switch to general
> supply if that's on the way to the armory.. ;)
GM: No, the armory is right in front of you by the Keep gate (#174 on
city map)! :)
Saren opens the door to the armoury, and she enters with Arnora, Iris
and anyone else who wishes. The doorway leads into a store-front
arrayed with all sorts of common weapons and armour, from Byrny chain
coats to maces to crossbows, light and heavy. Hammers ring out from
the nearby workshop. A heavy-set man in leather apron comes forward to
greet the customers.
"Good day to you. I am Godwin, assistant to master armourer Shaikoth.
Now, what would you be looking for?"
Falling in to position as Martin wisely arranged, Arnora followed
Saren into the armory. "Good day to you Godwin! Looks like very nice
workmanship," Arnora casually surveyed the craftsmanship of one of
the longswords. "I might be interested in a heavy crossbow, if the
price is right."
Godwin looks over the young blonde shield-maiden, clearly impressed by
what he sees.
"Well now, as you know, Shaikoth provides armaments to the Amazon Guard
and other elite warriors of the Overlord, we don't just sell to any old
riff-raff. But I'm sure for a fine young woman such as yourself, we
can cut a good price. Now these..."
He takes down a heavy wooden crossbow from its rack.
"Winch-loaded, trigger action, will take an iron quarrel, certified
three hundred pounds draw weight. Will drop an orc at two hundred
yards, no bother. It's the heaviest weapons system we can legally sell
to non-military personnel... Standard retail is just seventy gold."
Lifting the impressive weapon, the shield maiden tests it's weight
and feel in her hands, studying the mechanism and test-sighting it,
before returning the crossbow to Godwin.
"I doubt I have seen a finer one of this class," Arnora returned it
to him, albeit reluctantly. "And the longbows there, is that Yew
wood? How much are those running?"
Godwin nods.
"Indeed. Very observant of you. Cut from the finest Dearthwood yew,
very rare. For you, just seventy-five gold."
OOC: You may have to wait until you get your rich reward from
rescuing the Tharbrian girls to go on a consumerist spending free. :)
"I imagine those would pick off Orcs around corners," The young shield
maiden's eyes twinkled. Her glance passed over each item in the
armory, and she asked a few more benign questions about workmanship
before giving a final parting smile near the door, "Thank you Godwin, I
just might be back for the crossbow."
Stepping outside again, she relayed any relevant information to the
others, and returned Martin's gold.
Iris smiled at Arnora and touched her freind's hand. "Someday my friend, I will have riches enought o buy you the best of enchanted weaponry and armor. It will be the least I can do to repay you for your company, protection and advice on this journey of mine, which seems it may take years of our lives."
"Where to now? A general store, or back to the inn?" she asked her companions. "who knows Arnora, perhaps you will find some returning adventurer at the Inn who will sell you some weapons for the price of a dance and kiss from a Valkyrie."
"Your friendship, Iris, is worth more to me than any item or coin."
Arnora smiled and squeezed her hand gently. The shield maiden met eyes,
a faint smile upon her lips, "You well know this Skjaldmeyjar guards
her kisses too closely for weapons barter," Arnora kissed Iris' dainty
hand in friendship, before releasing her.
"Yes, if everyone is finished here, let us follow Saren to the general
store, and we will also need to find a merchant caravan," Arnora
reminded softly, then turned to Saren, "We might ask the merchant at
the general store if there are any caravans headed out at dawn
tomorrow. Failing that, we might inquire at one of the gates?"
Greenie heads off to make his purchases (GM: you can take gold off PC
sheet & add gear as desired, for standard prices). The Thieves' Guild
fortress-mansion is very close by, just off the Old South Road
opposite the Temple of the Gargoyle (marked as 138 on map). Nervously
knocking on the door, Greenie is met by two Thieves and swiftly taken
before Fassith the Tight-Lipped, a senior Guildsman.
Fassith to Greenie:
"We been aware of you some time Greenie. Good you come now - before
it too late. You'll go in tonight's induction. Be back here at ten
to midnight."
> Greenie:
> He gulps nervously, "A..aye, sir, I f..figured that sir, it's why I
came now, thank you, sir.." He began to leave, then turned back, "Oh,
um...anything special I should bring, equipment-wise, sir?"
Fassith grins wickedly.
Saren leads the party down Old South Road towards the corner with
Dead-Broke St to left and Slash St ahead.
Suddenly they hear a piercing female shriek, and see ahead a huge
ogre, must be nine foot tall, heading straight towards them from Slash
St with a dark-haired, nubile young naked wench held over its left
shoulder! Pedestrians scatter away from the ogre's somewhat erratic
path, for it's clearly heavily inebriated.
"It's Gothmag!" somebody mutters, before ducking into a doorway.
> Quickly, without even giving it much thought, Iris incants prende
ceci scheibekopf hahnsauger and shoots a magic missile at the large
Ogre, then hurls herself out of the way, in case it doesn't stop him
completely, and mutters
> vous sucez vous ane , to invoke her shield.
OOC: Why do Iris' spells involve swearing in European? >:)
IC: The glowing dart shoots from Iris' hands and strikes the ogre's
chest. It blinks, then begins to look angry...
Martin (new)
Rushing forward, “Milady, Ogres are free in this city to own slaves and become intoxicated. I’m afraid you have just picked us a fight.”
Martin calls to the Ogre by name, tying to draw his attention. “Apologies mighty one! I had not meant to shoot you!”
Martin will try to trick the thing into thinking had shot it and lead it away from the group.
GM: CL 2 CHA check for Martin, need 20. Roll '18'+1 (level) = 19,
fail, just. Bad luck.
IC: The ogre looks at Martin and growls, hefting a heavy, nail-studded
wooden club...
> Katalyna--new:
> Katalyna moved next to Martin and bowed before the Ogre.
> "I fear it was from my teasing this misfortunate circumstance
> happened. I had been teasing my beau that he could not hit that
> yonder window ledge. Please, do not be angry with him. He was just a
> victim of my foolish proddings."
The ogre looks down at Kat with a lascivious gleam in its eye.
CHA check CC 21, roll 14 + 9 = 23, pass.
Gothmog lowers his raised club.
"He hurt me! You pretty..."
> "Hey there big fella, let us buy you a barrel of ale to ease your
> hurts!" Garth attempts to conceal his loosening of the sword in its
> scabbard. From past experience with nasty drunks who've been
> interuppted in their fun, this could turn ugly REAL quick...
The ogre looks at the Skandik.
CHA check DC 18 roll 19+1 = 20! Pass!
The ogre nods, looking placated.
"Ale... barrel... good."
At this point, the naked girl the ogre is carrying resumes her shrieking:
"Help! Help! He's abducting me!"
> Arnora:
> Stepping casually in front of Iris to conceal her, Arnora chats with
> Saren as if unaware anything had happened at all. She lowers her voice
> as she asks the tall Amazon, "I take it Gothmag has a bit of a
> reputation here in the city?"
Saren joins Arnora in shielding Iris. She shrugs (failed Int check):
"I don't know him... ogres are brutal and violent, even when sober."
OOC: A failed check generally makes later checks harder, a success
makes later checks easier - Martin's failed CHA check raised DC for
Kat +1, her success lowered DC for Garth by -3. Generally speaking
you probably want a skilled charmer like Kat or Iris doing most of the
negotiating, depending on circumstance - Iris is best with courts,
aristocrats and respectable types, Kat with low-lifes and ogres - but
there may be cases where a warrior can relate better.
> Kata curtsies and dips her head.
> "Why thank you Lord Gothmog. That is high praise coming from one was
> well known about the City State as yourself."
The ogre grins dopily.
> Katalyna:
> Katalyna tries to catch the girl's eye, then whispers in Martin's ear.
> "Maybe we should get him into a pub. I will distract him with song,
> while one of you find out who she is and what is happening. Maybe if
> he gets drunk enough, he will pass out and we can rescue her..if she
> is indeed being abducted."
GM: Looking around, you see you are standing between two taverns - the
Cut-Throat Inn to your left (#144) and the Werelord Tavern to your
right (#208) - doubtless both fine establishments...
Kat's not familiar with either place (failed INT rolls).
OOC: Better make the right choice, guys. >:)
> Martin (new)
> "Good idea." Martin gestures for her to take the lead. "He's your
boyfriend now," Martin winks at her.
The ogre's bleary gaze swings back to Martin. It growls, raising its
club again. Martin gets the impression he'd be well advised to make
himself scarce...
Speaking to Garth and Martin, also Saren and Iris, the shield maiden
says, "I am convinced it would not be wise to leave the City alone on
foot without arranging to accompany a caravan. If we are delayed this
afternoon," She glances at the amorous inebriated Ogre, "And cannot
make arrangements to leave at dawn tomorrow, then we are going to need
to stay over an additional day. Perhaps Martin and I at least should go
ahead and make the arrangements?"
Arnora catches Kat's eye and silently indicates her opinion by pointing
toward the Werelord Tavern, since any establishment by the name of "Cut
Throat" seemed rather risky. Like Martin, Arnora decides this is a
situation she had better not involve in, unless it turns violent.
Arnora casts about, looking for a city guardsman.
GM: No guardsmen in sight - they have a real talent for making
themselves scarce when there are drunken ogres about armed with clubs
that can crush a poor underpaid guardsman's ribcage with one blow...
> Garth merrily strides towards the ogre, a cheesy grin splashed across
> his face. "Allow me to make amends for my companions foolishness!"
> "Now matey. In order to have a barrel of ale in each hand, I think
> you'd have to lose the lady up there..." Garth nods at the young
> woman. He hefts his meagre coin bag, and hopes he has enough for two
> barrels of ale. Shouldnt be too dear in a place like this...
The ogre grins at Garth, but doesn't show any inclination to drop the
naked wench (failed CHA check by 2).
While Martin lurks around the corner, Kat and Garth lead Gothmag the
Ogre into the boisterous, noisy Werelord Tavern, bedecked with
paintings of shapeshifters.
The tavern is full of patrons drinking, arguing, rolling dice.
Nearly all of them are dwarves.
Dead silence falls.
Thirty bearded, heavily armed dwarves in leathers or metal armour turn
as one to regard the Ogre, the ancestral enemy of their Race.
Kat gets the feeling she might have made a mistake...
Katalyna visibly pales and glances at Garth. Then stepping in front
of the ogre, she makes a long, sweeping bow.
"Good evening gentle dwarves. It would seem my companions and I have
lost our way. I do hope you don't mind if we rest our weary feet
here. I am more than happy to entertain all with song and dance for
the privilege, if that will not be a great bother for all."
Entering discretely, as if she isn't a part of any of this, Arnora
swiftly apprises the situation by the darkling dwarvish looks.
Hardly giving any glance at all to the Ogre or Kat and Garth, instead
she joins the dwarves. A look of scandalized outrage on her fair
countenance, she waves back in the direction of the door:
"I took ONE STEP in that tavern across the street, the "CUT THROAT,"
and knew that was no good place to put my feet up! Those bastards
were making some VERY RUDE COMMENTS about DWARVES, by the way..
Thought you should know what is going on over there! COWARDS they
said! Said Dwarves' manparts were the size of blades-- blades of
GRASS, and just as limp." Arnora appeared outraged. "What a relief to
find a decent tavern.. I believe I'll be right at home here."
GM to Kat: Nice try...
CC 22, roll 1d20+9: 8. Total: 17 - fail.
The dwarves look at Kat, then heft their axes...
GM to Arnora:
CC 22, roll d20+1 8. Total: 9 - fail.
The dwarves ignore the crazy Skandik as they get to their feet -
although it can be hard to tell. The ogre snarls and finally throws
off the naked wench, who twists in the air and lands nimbly in Garth's
arms, her own arms encircling his neck.
The ogre hefts his club and swings clumsily as the first dwarf comes
barreling at him. The club goes over its head as it ducks, swinging
its axe into Gothmag's shin. The ogre howls. Then Garth, wench,
Arnora and Kat are knocked aside as a horde of thirty irate dwarves
smashes into the ogre like a hairy spiky wave of death. Gothmag goes
down beneath the swarm of hacking, stabbing, smashing dwarves...
GM: Arnora & Garth level to 2nd, with 17 hp. Well done. :)
"I think it is time we make our exit," Katalyna said rising to her
feet, "Without bows."
Helping Arnora to her, she looks over at Garth, "I know you have your
arms full, but do you think you can get outside before things get a
bit out of hand."
With that said, Katalyna hurries out of the Werelord as quickly as she can.
As the dwarf horde vs drunk ogre 'battle' rages nearby, the naked dark-
haired girl Garth is holding smiles up at him, batting her eyelashes.
She's quite pretty, though marred by the cheap garish make-up plastered
on her young face.
"I'm Eilae the Dancer. Thank you for rescuing me! What's your name?"
GM: Kat hustles Arnora, Garth & girl out of the Werelord before the
dwarves can turn their attention to the humans who brought a drunken
ogre into their fine establishment. Outside on the street they rejoin
Martin, Iris, Sgt Saren and the six Tharbrian slave girls. Jana looks
relieved to see Garth safe and well, and casts a cutting look at the
naked wench hanging off him.
Saren points to a shop just down the street from the Werelord, opposite
Dead-Broke Street (marked as number 2 on the CSIO map).
"That's the supply store I was thinking of."
Saren leads the way into the store as guardsmen start to arrive at the
Werelord now the danger is safely past; the Werelord's owner will
likely receive a fine for 'fighting on the premises'.
The general store is spacious, well stocked and unremarkable - you can
buy all general supplies here at standard prices.
OOC: Use the C&C PHB lists or ask me what you want & I'll let you
know) - rem you can create your own PC sheet as a Text file in the
Files area to track your equipment, gps etc the way Bob did for Greenie.
> Arnora:
> As the others peruse the supplies and decide on purchases, Arnora
> approached the counter and the merchant, "Good afternoon! Maybe you
> can help us. Do you know of any merchant caravans bound for the
> Tharbrian Coast?"
The grey-haired merchant shrugs.
"You're best off asking over on the west side of town, on Twilight or
Bywater. There's usually a few caravans mustering on the open grounds
west of the Grand Gate. Most head on up Rorystone to Thunderhold, but
you might get one heading west out to the Tharbrian lands. Or there
are mountain passes on from Thunderhold, I guess."
> Garth looks at his feet and shuffles from side to side, somewhat
> to have managed to catch the naked girl. What is it with life, first
> you cant get ONE girl and then naked girls aplenty fall into your
> lap!
GM OOC: It wasn't Garth who caught Eilae, it was Eilae who caught
Garth. :)
> He removes his cloak and drapes it around the shoulders of the
> dancer. "Get yourself home and stay well clear of drunken Ogres!"
Eilae nods.
> with a playful slap on the behind, Garth continues into the store,
> taking no more notice of his accidental acquisition.
Eilae seems happy to have acquired a cloak from her adventure, and goes
scurrying off down Slash Street.
> Garth takes, Jana's hand and leads her in "Anything you need in here,
> or think you might need?" Garth buys himself a new cloak - black -
> some nice black bracers to suit.
A simple black wool cloak and leather bracers set Garth back 1 gp total.
Jana smiles at Garth.
"Nice bracers! Well, some underwear might be nice - I should let
Arnora have hers back. And maybe an underslip, this hessian is a
little itchy..."
> Iris figures Jana ad Carol have their bedmates, so she purchases 3
bedrolls for the slave girls and 5 pairs of heavy boots, to make the
traveling easier. She will attempt to trade in the soft shoes they
currently have for some kind of value against the purchase price.
GM: You can get half new value on trade-ins since they're still in
good condition.
> She will also purchase 2 weeks worth of rations, and hope that the
guys can hunt along the way to help augment the food for the trip.
Thus far spending 11gp 3 sp. Minus whatever she can get for the
girls' old shoes.<
GM: OK, take it off her pouch of 200 sp (ie 20 gp) if you would track
it for me on the sheet you've uploaded (you might want to make it
a .txt file for easier editing).
> She will also purchase a torch, some hemp rope, a dagger to replace
the one she gave Jana. She will obtain a sling for herself and each
of the girls, instructing them not to let them be seen unless they
are going to actually use them, and not at all until they are well
out of the city.
GM: Iris makes her purchases, then Kat successfully leads the group
back to the Green Branch an hour or so before sunset, the heavily
armed presence of Garth, Arnora, Saren and Martin deterring the local
gangs of ruffians on the Street of Shadows. They find Greenie
waiting for them in the Branch.
> GM: Iris makes her purchases, then Kat successfully leads the group
> back to the Green Branch an hour or so before sunset, the heavily
> armed presence of Garth, Arnora, Saren and Martin deterring the local
> gangs of ruffians on the Street of Shadows. They find Greenie
> waiting for them in the Branch.
Arnora turns to her Skandik kinsman Garth, though really she is also
consulting Greenie and Martin also..
"It seems we have burned our daylight, and will need to wait until
tomorrow morning to arrange passage with a caravan. If we leave the
Green Branch just prior to dawn, perhaps we could still depart the city
and make use of the most daylight for travel. It concerns me to leave
too late in the morning. Does this seem like a sound plan? Greenie,
we have been told that we will be best off asking around for merchant
caravans over on the west side of town, on Twilight or Bywater, west of
the Grand Gate. Will you be accompanying us?"
Iris listens to Arnora's qustions and waits for the replies, then interjects once more to voice her conerns and see what the other shave to say, particularly interested in what Saren might think, "Are you all certain that traveling with a merchant caravan wont make us more of a target rather than less of one? Would it not make more sense to travel about a half mile to amile behind one, and let them draw any fire that might happen along the way?"
Garth sits and ponders tomorrows actions.
"I think we should sign up with a caravan, if thats possible. We gain
nothing by lagging behind. For all we know the denizens along our
route could wait for exactly those sorts of hangers on, and pick them
off. And the caravan masters would be under NO obligation or moral
ground to help us. We'd just keep the Orcs busy while they got their
goods to safety. If we are with a caravan, at least we'd have the
protection of travelling in the group."
Garth dips into his meagre and rapidly dwindling funds and buys a round
of drinks for whoever wants one. He IS of course limiting the drinks
to those of his own company and NOT the entire inn.
Saren nods.
"No thanks."
"Hm. A strong force of raiders might attack a caravan, and following
along behind, we might be alerted, and be able to evade. But a weaker
force of raiders might allow a strong caravan past, then attack the
smaller group following behind... Your plan I think might make fighting
more likely, but perhaps less likely we would face overwhelming odds."
Martin to Iris:
"Aye, good idea milady. However to sleep at night inside the ring
of a caravan's guard is more pleasant." Martin takes a place next
to Greenie as the others join the man. The Green Branch already
feeling like a second home to Martin. It, perhaps falsely,
suggested safety from the busy and dangerous streets.
"If the caravan is big enough, the trouble may wait for a softer
target, us." He shrugs, "Either way has it's positives and
negatives. Don't forget those mean looking monks. They might have
given us a hard time but not a caravan."
> Greenie smiles. "Thanks, Garth. Yes, I think I'll be coming along.
I've been outfitting a bit, like I see all of you have been." He brings
up his old shoulder pack. "Carol, would you like to have this to carry
things in?" He signals whichever wench is closest to refill his mug.<
Carol nods and smiles.
"Thanks, Greenie."
Iris listened to everyone's opinions on teh matte rof joining a caravan, and noted that they all had equally goos points. "Well Garth, this trip is really your side quest, so if you think joining a caravan is teh way to go, then that's what we shall do." she said with a decisive nod and a soft smile.
When drinks are offered, she'll accept a small goblet of wine.
> He hands it over, with a little wink. He'd secreted a little sweet
goodie in there, in a little box. Sort of a brownie type thing. He
motioned her closer, and whispered to her, "Take a look inside when you
have a chance." He patted the chair beside him, hoping she'd sit there.
Carol sits besides Greenie and wastes no time opening the pack and
looking inside! She opens the box...
> She finds a brown confection,
with nuts in it. "I hope it's to your taste, Carol." He was blushing a
Carol nods.
"Thank you, Greenie."
She eats it.
"Yum, delicious."
GM OOC: It's up to you guys if you ever want to split the party, and I
am happy to GM separate threads (but I am limiting this game to 6
players/PCs so I can focus on each PC individually). In general I
recommend that if you do split, you do so in groups of at least 2 PCs
each, otherwise survival often becomes extremely difficult. By and
large, the more PCs together, the better your survival chances -
encounters don't become magically easier or harder to suit the number
of PCs in the group! :)
![]() |
Katalyna |
> began to play. Her voice lifted in song.
> It's comin' yet for a' that,
> That man to man, the world o'er,
> Shall brithers be for a' that.
As Kat ends her song there's a round of applause, and she collects a
small pile of copper coins.
Following Kat's beautiful song, Arnora takes her leave with a smile, "I
too will leave final decision regarding traveling with a merchant
caravan with Garth. I bid you all a good evening.. and shall return
downstairs here for a final meal prior to departure tomorrow morning
just before dawn. Good rest to all, and may our journey to the
Tharbrian Coast be swift, and safe."
The shield maiden ascended the stairs to their room, slipped out of her
heavy gear and into the soft furs.. almost asleep before her lips
finished moving to her silent devotions to Wotan.
Iris rose with Arnora, nodding to Saren, "The room is fairly full, but your welcoem to stretch out your bedroll on the floor and take your rest with us." she offered.
She made her way to her room,a nd spent 15 minutes studying, 15 minutes in silent prayer, and was soon asleep, dreaming of twin staffs and angry ogres.
Garth goes to speak to the innkeeper. "Good sir, would you rouse us
all early in the morning, as we must sign on to accompany a merchant
Garth signals to Jana, and they retire. Garth ponders on what the day
may bring, and how best to look after the charges which have fallen
into his and his friends hands. He had always thought Uncle Lars and
Papa Ulrich, as well as Eric his own father, had just made war for
fun. But he is now realising that behind HIS desire for war and
adventure is the need to protect people like Jana, and Carol, and all
those other people who would fall to the Orcs of the world. Garth
sharpens his sword and cleans his shield and armour before finally
settling down for the night.
> Garth goes to speak to the innkeeper. "Good sir, would you rouse us
> all early in the morning, as we must sign on to accompany a merchant
> caravan."
He nods.
"Aye. We'll wake you an hour before dawn."
GM: That's 4.30 am. >:)
> About a half hour before midnight, Greenie will slip quietly out
of the inn, and make his way to the Guildhouse, hoping he'll be able
to get back before the group leaves in the morning. He will go
cautiously, fully expecting to be watched, and perhaps tested even on
his way there, so he does his best to go secretly and stealthily.<
GM: Slipping through the darkened streets, Greenie reaches the mighty
mansion-fortress of the Thieves' Guild, where he is swiftly accosted,
hooded, and taken with several others - no telling how many - into an
underground crypt. Greenie senses nervousness, not just from his
fellow joinees, but from the veteran Thieves. In a long ceremony,
blood-curdling oaths are sworn, of undying allegiance to the Guild,
of hideous vengeance should that allegiance be betrayed, of
fellowship between Guild Thieves and enmity to those outside the
Guild. There is particular mention of enmity to the Assassins and
Langwellan's Amazon Guard, both of whom the Overlord has charged with
rooting the Thieves Guild from the city sewers.
A man who Greenie suspects is Krevos the Successor, the Guild's 2iC,
concludes the ceremony.
"...So say we all."
The novice thieves intone with all conviction:
"So say we all!"
Finally, the hoods are removed and the five new thieves - three human
males (including Greenie), a muscular bald half-orc wearing spiked
bracers, and a slim raven-haired half-elf female in skimpy black
leather, are welcomed into the Guild.
Krevos, a lean, powerfully built man, grins at the new members.
"Now, remember, as 1st Circle thieves, 50% of your earnings within
the City are to be delivered straight to us! Don't try to Antil us
(cheat us), or you'll be pushing up mushrooms in the midden pits!
Upon reaching the 3rd Circle your dues fall by 10% each Circle, to a
minimum 10%. Any questions?"
> Greenie is trying to keep his eyes off the elf girl as he
listens. "How do we get assignments? Are there scheduled meetings? If
so, what do you do if you're out of town at that time? We pay you a
percentage, what do we get in return? What's the upside of being in
the Guild? Are there any organizations we are on good terms with?
What about the Litigation Tricksters? Do other cities have Guilds,
and if so, are they considered comrades or competitors?" He was
ticking these off on his fingers as we went, having thought about all
of these before hand, and hoping he'd have the chance to ask them. <
Krevos looks irritated by the torrent of questions from the young
thief. He chuckles, but in ill humour.
"Scheduled meetings?! What do you think this is, the Bureaucracy?!
If we need you, you'll be contacted. If you're out of town, you're
of no concern to us either way - what you do outside the City, stays
outside the City. The upside of being in the guild..."
Here Krevos pulls out a dagger, tests the point.
"...Is that you don't wake up with your throat slit, matey! What
*about* the Litigation Tricksters?!"
He spits.
"Thieves stick with Thieves, not Merchants or Litigators! They're
marks, not allies! Other cities? What the crap do I care about
other cities?! Sure, there are Guild agents all over, but I ain't
telling *you* who they are! Now get the frack outta here!"
Greenie is rapidly ejected from the Guild building by two very large
goons, along with the bald half-orc and the half-elf girl. He
notices that the two new human Thieves are instead ushered in to an
adjoining office by Krevos, though, both looking rather smug at their
favoured treatment.
Standing on the street outside the Guild building, the half-elf girl
She looks to Greenie and smiles. Her eyes are bright green. Very
like Greenie's, actually.
"I thought those were very good questions! I wish I'd been brave
enough to ask them..."
The half-orc grunts somewhat derisively.
![]() |
Isabella the Guild Thief |
> Greenie blushes a bit at her attention. "Thanks...they made sense
to me..." Still, he made sure his money was secure. He looked closely
at her a moment, her eyes in particular. " may be forward of
me...but, um...would you tell me about your family?" It was obvious
to him that the other two had some kind of connections. He chose to
not dwell on it. "By the way, I'm 'Greenie'. He held out his hand.<
The girl looks a bit uncertain, but takes his hand.
"Hi, I'm Isabella... "
She looks to the half-orc as it stomps off.
"Bye now, Irog. Catch you later."
The half-orc Irog nods and grunts as he walks away. Isabella turns
back to Greenie.
"My mother's Sheva the Slender, she works at Naughty Nannie's..."
GM: The most famous brothel in all the City.
"...She said they were my father's eyes."
at her a moment, her eyes in particular. " may be forward of
me...but, um...would you tell me about your family?" It was obvious
to him that the other two had some kind of connections. He chose to
not dwell on it. "By the way, I'm 'Greenie'. He held out his hand.<
The girl looks a bit uncertain, but takes his hand.
"Hi, I'm Isabella... "
She looks to the half-orc as it stomps off.
"Bye now, Irog. Catch you later."
The half-orc Irog nods and grunts as he walks away. Isabella turns
back to Greenie.
"My mother's Sheva the Slender, she works at Naughty Nannie's..."
GM: The most famous brothel in all the City.
"...She said they were my father's eyes."
> Greenie nodded. "I see." He sighed a bit. "Ok. Thanks. Um. I
could use a bite. Join me?" He blushed a bit again, trying not to
look too much at her body. He coudn't take too long, he had to get
back to the inn and get some sleep. Besides he was sure to see her
around...but he just had to ask.
Isabella nods and smiles.
"Sure. Let's see..."
She glances over at a rough-looking inn across an alley from the
Thieves' Guild.
"That's the Red Axe - more a Ranger place. The Pig & Whistle is
good, it's just past the Gargoyle Temple..."
Heading down street past Thieves' Guild to left and massive, statue-
encrusted Temple of the Gargoyle to right, they reach a rowdy, smoky
inn-tavern, the Pig & Whistle, packed even at this hour with a mix of
merchant, pilgrim and brigand types. Three beautiful curvaceous
women performers are on the stage, nearing the climax of their 'dance
of the flying axes' where they cleverly cut off each others' clothing
to assorted hoots and yells of encouragement.
The squeals of pigs issue from the pig-wrestling pit in the back
room, where rough men throng the pit placing bets, or play dice at
side tables.
Greenie buys a bottle of cider (5 cp) and he finds a free table to
sit with Isabella.
"So, how about your family, Greenie?"
> Greenie barely managed to look more at her than the showgirls. He
sighed though at her question. "No idea, Isabella. Never knew who
they were, just grew up on the street. Survived however I could." He
wasn't about to show her his ring, he'd showed it to nobody so far.
But those eyes of hers did give him a tiny tickle of possibility that
she might lead to a clue or two. He sipped his cider, and when a
wench came by ordered himself a plate of food.
A tired-looking serving wench brings bowls of steaming mutton broth,
more of a stew, really.
Isabella nods sympathetically.
"That must have been hard, I know. Naughty Nannie's sure beats the
streets, but I didn't want to follow my mother into the business...
And growing up there I learned a few tricks... I mean, things that
helped me get accepted into the Guild."
She blushes slightly, looking a bit embarrassed.
could use a bite. Join me?" He blushed a bit again, trying not to
look too much at her body. He coudn't take too long, he had to get
back to the inn and get some sleep. Besides he was sure to see her
around...but he just had to ask.
Isabella nods and smiles.
"Sure. Let's see..."
She glances over at a rough-looking inn across an alley from the
Thieves' Guild.
"That's the Red Axe - more a Ranger place. The Pig & Whistle is
good, it's just past the Gargoyle Temple..."
Heading down street past Thieves' Guild to left and massive, statue-
encrusted Temple of the Gargoyle to right, they reach a rowdy, smoky
inn-tavern, the Pig & Whistle, packed even at this hour with a mix of
merchant, pilgrim and brigand types. Three beautiful curvaceous
women performers are on the stage, nearing the climax of their 'dance
of the flying axes' where they cleverly cut off each others' clothing
to assorted hoots and yells of encouragement.
The squeals of pigs issue from the pig-wrestling pit in the back
room, where rough men throng the pit placing bets, or play dice at
side tables.
Greenie buys a bottle of cider (5 cp) and he finds a free table to
sit with Isabella.
"So, how about your family, Greenie?"
> Greenie barely managed to look more at her than the showgirls. He
sighed though at her question. "No idea, Isabella. Never knew who
they were, just grew up on the street. Survived however I could." He
wasn't about to show her his ring, he'd showed it to nobody so far.
But those eyes of hers did give him a tiny tickle of possibility that
she might lead to a clue or two. He sipped his cider, and when a
wench came by ordered himself a plate of food.
A tired-looking serving wench brings bowls of steaming mutton broth,
more of a stew, really.
Isabella nods sympathetically.
"That must have been hard, I know. Naughty Nannie's sure beats the
streets, but I didn't want to follow my mother into the business...
And growing up there I learned a few tricks... I mean, things that
helped me get accepted into the Guild."
She blushes slightly, looking a bit embarrassed.
> He tasted the stew, not terribly impressed with it. Not up to the
Green Branch's food, anyway. "Tricks? What do you....oh. OH!" He
blushed too. "Well, you're certainly pretty enough." He thought her
ears were cute. "So, um, " Suddenly he lost his train of thought, so he
covered with another spoonful of stew.
Isabella just nods, eyes averted and face crimson.
Greenie and Isabella eat in silence awhile. It occurs to Greenie that
the others will likely be getting up soon, and apart from a few winks
yesterday evening he's had no sleep.
> Suddenly, he yawns hugely. "Damn. Sorry, Bella, but I need to be
going. I've got a really full day tomorrow..I mean today, and I
should try to get at least a bit of sleep." Ok, yes, the yawn was a
bit theatrical, but it seemed the best excuse to make on spur of the
moment. He stood, paid for the food and drinks, and in a moment of
spontenaiety, he took Isabella's hand and kissed it. <
Isabella smiles, looking a bit surprised.
>"Until next time..." He turned and rushed out before she could say
much, and made his best time back to the Green Branch, slipping back
into the room as quietly as possible. Maybe if he got a half hour of
sleep at least he could manage...<
Greenie returns to his room to find Carol and the others fast
About fifteen minutes of blessed sleep later, he's woken by the
Innkeeper's wife:
"Breakfast! Rise and shine, sleepyheads!"
It took the shield maiden a little longer to slip into her armor and
get her gear together than it did Iris.. Thankfully Iris was always
patient in the mornings, though Arnora knew her friend was likely up at
least a couple hours in advance, absorbed in her studies. She followed
her downstairs now, and nodded greetings to her companions as she
joined them, eating well since she was not certain what to expect in
the way of provision upon the road.
"Mm. I am excited to explore the northern countryside," Arnora smiled
amicably at Greenie. "We will make the best use of the daylight as we
can, a long, invigorating hike today, and hopefully a safe one, aye?"
She drank only water with her meal this morning. "Twilight or Bywater,
the merchant said, to check for caravans."
> Greenie rolled over, groggily, and hastily assembled his gear. He
hurried downstairs, thinking that perhaps an excess of caffein would
help him function during the next several hours. He began devouring
porridge and bread and ham and whatnot like only a teenager can,
chasing it all down with cup after cup of tea. (Unless they have
something akin to coffee, and I forget if they do or not)<
GM: Eh, why would they have tea, either?! >:)
I'd say tea comes from far Karak, coffee from the Desert Lands, and of
the two, tea is rarer and more expensive, prized as a delicacy. So
you're drinking coffee. :)
The group gather downstairs, eating porridge and drinking milk or
Sgt Saren:
"Gaehill I think is the last settlement in fairly safe territory. We
could head for there - a good chance we'll find a caravan on the road.
If not, we can wait there until one comes past?"
West of Gaehill are the Howling Hills.
Iris nods, "Sounds like a wise plan." She sips her coffee with lots of milk and finishes the last bite of porridge.
> Greenie just shrugs, having no familiarity with the area in
GM: Guess I'll go on, then...
IC: The party pay up and depart the Green Branch, Greenie leads
Skandiks, slave girls and hangers-on through the mostly quiet pre-
dawn streets, reaching the Grand Gate just as it opens for the day's
traffic. A show of humility gets them through the gate without
difficulty, and they stroll out onto the open fields west of the
city. Several merchant caravans are indeed pitched here on the
mustering grounds, all but a few merchant guardsmen on watch are
still fast asleep or just beginning to bestir themselves. The
cobbled Rorystone Road runs west from the Grand Gate through the
mustering grounds and heavily tilled alluvial farmland, skirting the
southern edge of the Troll Fens to the right. Numerous peasant and
latifundia (slave estate) wagons clutter the Rorystone road, bringing
provender from the farms into the City for the daily markets.
Glancing to Martin, Arnora smiles, knowing the Dunael woodsman must be
relieved to be back out of the city. All in all, the shield maiden was
fairly pleased with last night's discussion and Garth's decision. As
she walked, she kept an eye out on the peasantry and wagons, cautious
even this close to the City State. Arnora fell back a few paces to walk
beside her friend Iris again.
Sgt Saren glances to Iris.
"So, we're just walking west? We should be at Darkfield before dusk."
GM: Let me know if you're heading west along the Rorystone road,
checking the merchant caravans, or whatever. You probably do move
faster alone than with a caravan, and this area is fairly safe.
Iris nodded, but watched Garth. "I think so, unless Garth changes our mind. This journey is really his and we're just along by Wotan's leading." She smiled a special knowing smile to Arnora.
"But if this section of the road is safe enough, I don't see any reason to waste time here."
“What of it, Garth?” Martin’s keen green eyes studied the man expectantly. While the caravan was safer Martin was hoping the man would suggest they strikeout on their own, not wanting the slow caravan to limit his own ranging across the land. While only being in the great city for a short time and making at least one good friend, Martin glanced to Kata, he was eager to roam boldly as was his habit in the wood.
Though the air was rank of oxen and horse here near the gathered travelers of the road, there was also the fresh scent of clean air blowing in from the bush. The inner stink of the city having been left behind. He looked to the islanders wondering how they felt so far from their place of comfort. Did they miss the smell and spray of the sea? He was sure they did and felt sorrow for them tugging at his heart. They were brave travelers, with kind hearts and Martin found himself drawn to their disposition and quest. He had already seen so much more in their company than he feared he would have having not met them. He smiled and nodded pleasantly to them when they looked. What other things might be seen or done in their companionship? They already draw the attention of great wizards.
Even someday they might take him to sea as well, to see their home land. Now that would be something!
Mar 23, 2007
Greenie stood by, waiting for decisions to be made. He was again out of his element, he had little idea what lay very far outside the City State.
Katalyna walked next to Martin, her hood tossed back from her robe
and looking about with wonder. She had not be outside the walls of
the city since being brought there years ago. She was enjoying the
openess and freedom of the countryside. Pulling her fife from her
belt, she begins to play a tune that seemed to blend with the steps
of the party while they walked.
Garth walks back into the main body of the group, from his self-imposed
exile at the lead. He's desperately trying not to be the surly
irrational teenager that he feels. It works sometimes.
"I think we should get as far as we can without any caravan, and if we
need to, join up with one when we get near to the dangerous areas.
They should have plenty of people wanting to do the same I expect.
Perhaps you can use your charm to win us a place in such a caravan?"
Garth bows to Iris, and rising from his bow, nods towards Martin.
"Me? My sword thirst for blood, and the valkyries circle me, waiting.
Lead on fair lady."
"Well, now who's being ther charmer?" Iris teased him. "Very well, lets get going and put some distance behind us."
Suggested marching order:
Garth and Greenie
Seran and Jana
Iris and Arnora
other slave girls
Martin and Kata
The group walk west, past fields and farms, the dreary expanse of the
Troll Fens visible in the distance to the right of the Road.
Occasionally they must cluster to the verge to allow Equithrong
patrols, merchant wagons and nobles' carriages to pass, but the day
passes peacefully and they reach the market town of Darkfield that
evening, spending a quiet night at a travellers' inn.
Day 6
Up early again next morning, the party follows the road on out of
Darkfield. To the north of the road a mile or so from Darkfield
stands a new castle, still under construction - the Conclave of
Twilight Anvil, a new wizards' conclave. The castle's central tower
looks out north over the fens.
Now the road leaves the fertile downland plains and wends up into the
hills. They take lunch at a village tavern, then press on. That
evening they reach Haghill, again overnighting at a travellers' inn.
Day 7
The road winds downhill from Haghill, heading north. Four hours'
hike brings the travellers to the village of Southfork, where they
take an early lunch, then leave the paved Rorystone Road, heading
west along a muddy and less travelled gravelled road. A further
eight hours' travel, and about 8pm that evening they reach the lead-
mining township of Gaehill. The gate is shut, but the guards open it
to Iris' entreaties, and Iris is able to secure rooms at Gaehill's
somewhat rowdy inn-tavern, where rough mining men enjoy the
attentions of the local floozies.
Iris' purse is now somewhat flacid, she counts 92 remaining silver
pieces, enough for only three more nights.
The group take a seat by a table occupied by six dwarven miners playing
cards, and a large bowl of stew is brought by a fat, plain-featured
serving-wench, along with wooden plates and spoons.
"There y'go, dearies."
She smiles, revealing several missing teeth.
After several days of travel, Iris is feeling caked down with dirt and mud, and would have loved a bath, but she can tell by the wieght of her purse, a bath is a luxury she'll have to forgo. Perhaps she will luck into a stream or a pond and can at least take a moment to wade.
"Jana," she asked, "How much farther do you reckon it is?"
Jana looks unsure.
"I'm not certain, Lady Iris. I know the road goes west from here over
the Howling Hills to the plains, and Council Lake. But I don't know
exactly how far."
One of the dwarves at the next table, a grizzled fellow with red beard
streaked grey, is sounding off to his younger companions:
"Why, ye whippersnappers never heard the tale of Koretina the
Sorceress? How she haunts these hills for all eternity, until she can
find a 'worthy partner'? They say she was the most beautiful woman in
all Creation, but she met her doom the night she summoned a demon tae
ask him foolish questions aboot love! That's what love'll get ye -
He slams his beer mug loudly on the table for emphasis.
Katalyna's sharp ears picked up bits of the dwarves' conversation.
Intrigued and seeing the possibility for a tale to weave for an
audience, she rose from where she was sitting with Martin and
approached the table of dwarves. Bowing low, she says pleasantly, "I
cannot help but overhear parts of your tale. I would be interested in
hearing more. For you see I am a bard and I am always in search of a
tale to add to my collection in order to entertain and educate. Do
you mind if I sit and listen to this tale of the Sorceress?"
The dwarf nods happily at Kat.
"Aye, lassie! Come lissen tae me tale! A dwarf's tale is like no
other! For 'tis both longer, and broader, than any ye've had, I mean
heard, before!"
The dwarves all laugh uproariously at that, thumping their tankards on
the table.
Katalyna takes a seat next to the dwarf, her eyes wide with genuine interest.
"Please tell me this tale thing Master Dwarf. A dwarf's tale is what
I need then to entertain those who come to me."
Greenie was happy to sit and rest his feet. Noticing Iris looking a bit concerned, he decides it's time to be a bit generous on his part. He also suddenly gets a strange thought. He's seen that Iris is both a woman of higher station than most he's known, and also a woman of principle. He decides to take a risk, and softy clears his throat. "Lady Iris, might I speak with you confidentially?" Perhaps she could tell him about...his ring. The one he'd had always. The one that might hold a clue about his family.
"Of course Greenie," she says, "and thank you for this wonderful meal." Shall we stroll outside while we chat?" she asked him, "Or is here ok?"
He smiles. "Stroll if you don't mind, ma'am, and you're all very welcome." He glances around, hoping he wasn't drawing too terribly much attention as he goes out to walk with her. Once outside, he waited until they were a bit away from the hearing of the inn. "Lady Iris, I have a question that I hoped perhaps you might be able to answer." He pulled a small bag from round his neck, it had been tucked under his tunic. From the bag he produced a signet ring. "I'd appreciate if you didn't talk to anyone about this. By chance do you recognise this?"
Iris nods agreement, and pushes gracefully from the trestle bench she was sitting on. She nods to Arnora and Saren, "we'll just be outside, round the building." she said, letting them know she'd not be farther away than a scream could carry, and still honoring Greenie's request for privacy.
She followed Greenie outside and listened when they stopped to speak. She took the ring from his hand and examined it closely. "It's a very nice quality, a good grade of gold," she said, as she looked at the crest, trying to remember if she'd ever seen one like it."
Martin remains at his table but lets the dwarfs and Kata draw his attention, he seams more relaxed now that the big city has been left behind. Though other are busily chatting he stays content sipping at his wine and munching at a small wedge of cheese.
Iris continued to examine the ring for a bit, then handed it back to the lad, "It appears to be Viridian workmanship, but I'm afraid I don't recognize the crest at all." She laid a gentle hand on his as she handed it back to him, drawing his eyes with hers, "I'm sorry Greenie. I wish I could be of more help."
The lad looked down again, after seeing her eyes. "That's ok. Maybe someday. Thanks, Lady Iris, and please, just keep this between us?" Taking a long breath, and letting it out, he smiled, after putting the ring away. "Well, on to other things. I can lend you a few gold if you need it."
The shield maiden was also captivated by the Dwarf's tale. Fable or
truth, the story was bound to be a good one. Reminding her of the
skaldic sagas related in her father's lodge, Arnora's Skandik blood
was stirred by a good tale. She too went to sit with the dwarves,
alongside Katalyna. Arnora remained silent however, only smiling
faintly or giving a nod of encouragement here and there.
The dwarf begins:
"Long, long ago, in the time of the Orichalan Dragon Kings, there lived
a sorceress most fair..."
It soon becomes clear that this is indeed going to be a very long tale.
Garth gives the dwarfs half an ear only. The wanderlust is still on
him, after so many days of travelling. Gathering his cloak about him,
and picking up his shield he goes outside, and wanders off towards the
planned route of tomorrow's march, for a mile or so, before finding
someplace quiet to sit and contemplate.
GM: Since Gaehill is a palisaded town and the gates are shut, Garth
doesn't get too far!
The group spend the next three days at Gaehill, Iris spends her last 92
sp and 16 sp of Greenie's money, covering rooms and breakfast to
morning Day 11.
The evening of Day 10, a large merchant caravan arrives in Gaehill from
the City State, bound for Council Lake and the spring gathering of the
Tharbrian clans. At the head of the wagons rides the richly garbed
Master Merchant and the commander of the mercenary guards, a
moustachioed Antillian Condottiere resplendent in gold-guilded
platemail armour that shines brilliantly in the light of the setting
sun. The townsfolk come to look as they pitch the wagons in the main
town square.
Katalyna: spends her time at Gaehill entertaining who wishes to pay
for a song, dance or tale.
The shield maiden spent her time attempting to learn the finer points
of dance from Kat...and though her skills may have improved somewhat,
the Valkyrie came nowhere near the elegant grace the lithe young bard
exhibited. Still, Arnora reveled in the opportunity to cast aside her
heavy armor for a time, to wear a simple peasant's gown which she
borrowed from the inkeeper's wife, and to lay aside for a short while
the responsibility of battle and warfare to which she consecrated
herself as devoutly as any of Wotan's holiest priests. She was simply
a woman. The tenth day she again donned her armor, and upon the
arrival of the Antillian caravan she went and stood outside the inn, to
await Iris, Kat, Garth, Martin, and Greenie, to go speak with the
Condottiere. She herself did not possess any sort of speaking ability,
but she guessed Kat might have most influence. Arnora's clear azure
gaze was captivated by the Antillian's brilliant golden armour, though
she wondered if such a display of finery might also attract an
unscrupulous caste. Still, the merchants had doubtless made this
journey many times, and knew their business. Arnora folded her arms
and waited to follow her companions.
GM: Kat would know that Antillians have no respect for women, viewing
them as chattels, so it would probably be better if Garth Greenie or
Martin spoke with the mercenary commander.
> OOC: ah..question..Katalyna is Antillian..would she recognize this
> Merchant? or he her?
GM: INT check 11 - fail - should have taken INT as a Prime. :)
Actually Roxy, since I make Bardic Knowledge mostly INT rather than
CHA based (CHA to gather information, but INT to remember it!) if you
want to change one of your Primes over to INT that would be ok.
I've added 12 sp to your sheet, but if you want to let Iris have it
since she's been paying your way the last week, that'd be fine.
NB I have everyone's Silver Piece total on the Database (at far
right), removed from your PC sheets, but gold and copper, where
listed, are still on your PC sheets. I thought this was the easiest
way to track expenditure. Note that Arnora & Iris are now flat broke
unless someone gives them some cash! :)
NB There are dangerous monster and (sometimes) treasure filled ruins
all over the Wilderlands, if you want to go treasure hunting Kat can
probably gather local rumours/legends pretty easily. Hopefully
returning the Tharbrian girls will get you an easier pay-off,
> yes..please change my prime to Int...Cha & Dex (drop Con as a Prime)
GM: Done...
IC: Kat recognises the bearded Master Merchant as Ast, a well known
merchant prince of the CSIO. The moustachioed Antillian condottiere
commanding the guards is Captain Helveti.
You count a total of 9 merchants on horseback & 9 wagon-drivers, 9
wagons, and 72 mercenary guards - four on horses (Helveti & 3 Serjeants
in banded mail), 68 on foot - 54 in studded leather or ring mail, 14 in
Katalyan quickly pulls her hood over her head to shield her face from
the Merchant and the Antillian conottiere. She moves behind Martin
and whispers, "It would be best if one of you men talk to them. The
condottiere is from my homeland and views women as chattel. They will
not show Lady Iris the respect she deserves."
Iris stands just behind Kata, listening and frowning. "Then I've no desire to travel with them. How do we know they won't decide to enslave us themselves? I'd rather not have to protect ourselves from our own escorts." she whispers to the group, with a frown. Besides, look at his armour, you don't think such ostentation will draw unwanted attention? I still think we should follow them, by about a half mile, we would hear any battle. EIther way, we can't afford to stay here any longer, we must move out (on the morrow)."
Martin looks surprised and a little embarrassed. What they must think of me! Immediately he was intent to draw Iris aside and give her coin. The young ranger had for some reason thought this noble born woman had more coin than she did.
He interjects, “I doubt he would have that intent my lady. Perhaps I could inquire with him so you would not even have to look at the man. But if you still wish to travel separately perhaps we could venture ahead of the caravan. If we are set on, we would only have to hold out till the caravan came up to assist.” He thought for a moment, “If they held that kindness to distraught travelers.”
Martin looks at the others to see their reactions to his suggestion.
Once the decision is made, “Milady, could I have a quite word with you alone.”
ooc: Martin will give her 10 gold and let her know she could ask for his silver at any time if needed. He will explain that she most likely has a more likely chance to exchange the gold than he.
Iris thanks Martin, and takes the offered gold. She has mixed feelings about taking money from her new friends, on the one hand, she feels she should be providing her own way, but on the other, she did spend hers on them. She tried not to dwell on it, currency is a necessity and if she has to scour the woods and caves for treasure, she risks all their lives.
"The room is paid for for tonight, so we should rest while we're able. Gath, Greenie, why don't you guys go speak to the men of the caravan, get a sense of them, and we'll do whatever you decide, if you think it's still wiser to go with them rather than behind them - then so be it. I certainly don't want to go in front of them." She smiled kindly at Martin, but emphatically disagrees with his suggestion. "Let the gold of that one's armour attract all the attention it can before we pass meekly on by. Besides, there' s no reason to beleive they would risk their merchandise by stopping to help us if we were in trouble.
On the other hand, however they feel about women, we have 3 men capable of lifting a sword here, and 2 extremely well trained fighting women, if they are willing to pay you as guards, then we'll move with them.
If there is a place in this little village to exchange the gold for silvers, Iris will do that now, if not she will tuck the gold away for whenever she has the chance.
Greenie will nod. "I think Garth should take the lead, but I'll go too. He's a bit more, um...impressive than I am.."
Martin nods cordially to Iris as she makes her decision, not taking her lack of interest in his idea poorly.
As the others go off to their tasks the green eyed ranger wanders the field to see what he can of the caravan. He takes his time to study faces and listens to their conversations closely, but not in-so-much as to seem rude. One never knew when one might run into a man here down the road, a face or rumour could save your life.
Breathing in deeply as he catches the deep scent of the wood, sun brushing his face with its strength. His scale armor sang softly as he walked, his hand resting lightly on the pommel of his nondescript sword. Short bow slung across his backpack, along with quiver and arrows. Martin was ready to move today or on the morrow if need be.
1234The Caravan, Day 11, morning
Garth rises, and dons his armour and weapons. Taking Jana by the
hand he leads her to the rest of the group.
"With your leave miladay" Garth looks to the noblewoman for her
affirmation "I'll take Greenie and Martin and see if we can barter
our assistance to the caravan in return for them letting us travel
with them."
Still standing with her arms folded, waiting to follow, the shield
maiden is smiling.. "The decision is your own, Garth.. You must
boldly lead in this, since you gave your pledge to these Tharbrian
girls that you would see them safely home. I cannot speak for the
others, but I will follow your decisions and leadership in this
During the entire time that the caravan was there, Katalyna made
herself inconspicious. When asked for a song or tale, pleaded
weariness. She stayed close to Martin and her hood was covering her
face all the time.
Garth strides out towards the gloriously armoured leader of the
caravan. He puffs out his chest and tries to appear as confident as
Uncle Lars was. "Hail and well met sir! I was hoping you might be
able to take our group with you as you journey towards the west. We
are a small party travelling to the villages in that region, and are
able to look after ourselves. We will cause you no trouble, and will
assist in guarding your caravan and its wares whilst we journey with
you? What say you?"
> OOC that would be cool too ;) (your last post was great)
LOL thanks - I can only say that I am sooooo far out of practice with
this! I refuse to say how often and for how long I gamed with Simon
back in The Day, and can only invoke the time I critically
backstabbed the tarasque during a free class period in school when we
were....17? 18? On a calculator. Lots of gaming after that for a
LOT of years, and then none for about 6 years til now! I endeavour
to match the eloquence of all your postings, and always have at the
back of my mind the sheer...well...mercilessness of Simon as GM! May
he GM forever in the halls of Valhalla, and when he does I bet Odin
casts his sole eye over him and regrets admitting Simon cos he keeps
killing off Odin's first level characters!!!
OOC: so very true...and he says he is learning some things from me...i know i have learned a lot from him about how to run a PBeM game.
OOC wow that is a whole lot of game experience! (backstabbed a tarasque
on a that's great) i'm the greenest player here, and
am very honored to get the chance to play and learn from you all..
especially on tactics and initiative and such, very new. Currently
enjoying barbarian-girl BBQ (a la Black Dragon) in that other game of
his over there *gestures in a sort of virtual northwesterly
direction* lol
GM OOC: Yes... >:)
Seriously, you should indeed keep this in mind. You know the Howling
Hills are said to be exceptionally dangerous. You know the GM is cruel
and merciless. I'd say caution was called for. :)
GM: INT check 19 - pass - Martin recognises one of the foot soldiers
in leather as Durbin Crazholt, a fellow Dunael from Martin's home
village. He's staking out a tent on the green, but looks up as
Martin approaches, starts in surprise, then grins.
"Coski! By the nine gods! What you doing out here, old friend?"
Martin (new):
With a huge smile, Martin takes the man’s hand, “Crazholt you dog! I could ask the same of you.” Martin gestures at the Caravan, “An honest living is it. That’s a far cry better than I expected for a scoundrel like you.”
Martin takes Kata by the hand, and pulls her to the forefront. “Kata, this is a Dunael man like myself. Durbin Crazholt.”
Crazholt grins and shakes Martin's hand vigorously.
"Aye! See the world, make some cash. Hardly any fighting!"
> Martin takes Kata by the hand, and pulls her to the
forefront. "Kata, this is a Dunael man like myself. Durbin
GM: Durbin is a tallish man of Martin's age; with the lean, tanned
look of most Dunael.
He nods to Kat.
"A pleasure, ma'am."
He turns to Martin:
"Looks like you're not doin' too bad for yourself either, Coski. You
bound for the Council Lake Gathering, also?"
GM: Garth approaches Captain Helveti, leader of the caravan's
mercenary guards.
> He puffs out his chest and tries to appear as confident as
> Uncle Lars was. "Hail and well met sir! I was hoping you might be
> able to take our group with you as you journey towards the west.
> are a small party travelling to the villages in that region, and
> able to look after ourselves. We will cause you no trouble, and
> assist in guarding your caravan and its wares whilst we journey
> you? What say you?"
Helveti looks down at Garth from atop his high horse.
"Ho there, Skandik. Who are your group, all Skandiks? Are they all
as pretty as your slave? They can fight well, you say?"
Jana reddens slightly.
>OOC- Greenie was along too, just letting Garth take the lead. Didn't
want him to interrupt..)
GM: Helveti ignores the little guttersnipe. >:)
Martin (new):
“Aye, that direction. I was running point on the road to the City State , a noble Lady from Croy, and her company. Now I’m just a hanger on to see the world as you say. They seem decent enough people. “
Martin looks to Kata with a little confusion, and a little frustration, she didn’t offer her name and remained with her hood up. He would have loved for Durbin to have a good long look at her pretty face. Martin slipped an arm around her slim waist, letting Durbin see he was doing very well indeed.
“Actually Durbin, they are looking into joining this caravan for added protection. What do you think, will they have luck with your caravan master? Anything you might do for us. Kata here is a talented bard and could offer the master comforting music on the road; and as you know I’m a fine hand with bow and sword.”
Katalyna cringed when Martin mentioned her "occupation". Her eyes darted quickly over to the caravan master, as her mind raced on how to refuse Martin's offer for her services.
> "Aye, that direction. I was running point on the road to the City
State, a noble Lady from Croy, and her company. Now I'm just a
hanger on to see the world as you say. They seem decent enough
people. "
Durbin nods.
"Skandiks, eh? Plenty of fighting I expect, then!"
> Martin looks to Kata with a little confusion, and a little
frustration, she didn't offer her name and remained with her hood
up. He would have loved for Durbin to have a good long look at her
pretty face. Martin slipped an arm around her slim waist, letting
Durbin see he was doing very well indeed.
> "Actually Durbin, they are looking into joining this caravan for
added protection. What do think, will they have luck with your
caravan master? Anything you might do for us. Kata here is a
talented bard and could offer the master comforting music on the
road; and as you know I'm a fine hand with bow and sword."<
Durbin shrugs.
"Not my decision, but I wouldn't expect a problem. I can vouch for
He glances over to Captain Helveti, talking with Garth.
“That would be most helpful.”
Martin has Durbin show them the way to the Captain.
Kata tried to pull her hand free of Martin's hand as he led her towards the Captain. Her eyes were full of terror. With her free hand, she pulled her hood farther over her head to hide her face in its shadows.
Feeling and the tug, Martin releases her. “Huh, Kata maybe you should let lady Iris know that I’ll becoming along shortly. After I see if Durbin here might help us out.” He didn’t know why but was starting to pick up on Kata’s discomfort.
GM: Durbin vouches for Martin with Captain Helveti and Master Ath, the
merchant leading the caravan, and they agree to allow the group to
accompany the caravan. Kat hangs back and stays out of the way. Most
of the guards are armed with swords and light crossbows, an effective
missile weapon.
The group rest overnight Day 10.
Day 11
The next morning the merchant caravan leaves Gaehill, the group tagging
along. The road winds up into the bleak Howling Hills. About 11am an
Equithrong cavalry patrol 27 men strong passes by on the road, looking
tense. That afternoon a battered looking party of 17 Tharbrian traders
pass by, leading 28 pack horses. Many are wounded. Master Ath talks
to them and establishes that they were attacked the previous night by
gnoll raiders, losing six men. That evening, a pack of gnolls is
spotted watching the caravan from the crags high up to the left of the
trail. They don't attack - looks like a dozen or so gnolls, too few to
tangle with a caravan now over a hundred strong, but Helveti orders his
guards on full alert as the caravan camps for the night a mile or so
beyond the gnoll crags.
OOC: If you'd tagged half a mile behind the caravan you'd have been a
juicy target for the gnoll pack and would probably be pushing up
daisies at this point.
During the trip Katalyna remained unusually quiet. She made sure to
keep her face hidden in her hood and stayed close to Martin. Upon
making camp, she didn't pull out her fife or mandolin. Staying in the
shadows as much as possible, she huddled close to Martin and prayed
silently to whatever God would listen to her that the Caravan Master
and his Captain would be too concerned about gnoll attacks, than her
ability to entertain.
That evening at the campfire, Iris quietly studied her spellbook for a while, then pulled out her quill and began to journal.
Day 11:
The morning greeted us fair and blue, and we joined with the Antillian merchant caravan bound for the summer lakes. I had grave misgivings about joining with such an un-enlightened group, especially since the Master merchant Ath and the Condottiere Helveti are richly garbed. Captain Helveti in gleaming gold tipped armor even, something that seems like it would draw every thief for miles. However, along the road today, we saw evidence of gnoll attacks on other caravans, and even saw the gnolls up on the ridge eyeing us. The sheer numbers of our caravan, I'm sure are what discouraged them, though they may raid even this night. Saren has proved good company, strong and unobtrusive, thus far, she has done well at making me forget she's judging my every move.
I miss home. I miss Uncle, and the King and the practice sessions. It may be some time before my feet again feel the soil of Croy. This journey could take several years and no one knows what the future holds. I may never return. I'm uncertain what, if anything, my actions thus far say about my nature and alignment. I hope that I am living true to my word, and thus, give my word sparingly. It weighs heavily on my mind that my quest has pulled my dear friend Arnora from her home as well. Though I confess, I doubt I could do this without her constant companionship. She is more like a sister than a friend.
Katalyna has been acting strange since the caravan pulled into Gaehill. She seems unusually withdrawn, and constantly keeps her hood down over her face. The girl is hiding, but I've no idea why, and can find no safe opportunity to get her alone and ask her. I dare not drag her away from the safety of the fire. Whatever her problem is, I pray it does not put us in danger.
May Wotan keep his watchful eye upon us all as we journey forth.
"You have been distracted Kata. You hide yourself and do not wish to perform."
Martin moves closer, draping his blanket around her shoulder then softly says, "Bed with me and none would bother us."
Katalyna stiffened beneath Martin's embrace and trembled. Putting her lips close to his ear, she whispers, "We need to talk..away from everyone before I lay with you...I..I have secret that only one other mustn't tell anyone."
Becoming aroused he smiles wolfishly and takes her to a quite place. “Tell me, I will not a utter a word, though I imagine it has to do with breaking the law.” He winks at her, “I too have been known to avoid the law here and there.”
Katalyna smiled wanely, but the smile did not meet her eyes.
" is more than breaking the law. If .. if you decide not to want me around, I'll understand," she stammered slightly. Taking a deep breath, she finally said, "I'm a slave..well an escaped one. My father sold me years ago. A common enough custom among my people. My Master recently died and his son, a very cruel man, became my Master. However, I managed to escape and I have been hiding from him since, with the help of Greenie of course. My father is a prominent Merchant back home and often had business dealings with Master Merchant Ast and Captain Helveti. They would surely recognize me should I be revealed and take me captive, only to return me to my Master's son or sell me again."
Becoming aroused he smiles wolfishly and takes her to a quite place. “Tell me, I will not a utter a word, though I imagine it has to do with breaking the law.” He winks at her, “I too have been known to avoid the law here and there.”
Katalyna smiled wanely, but the smile did not meet her eyes.
" is more than breaking the law. If .. if you decide not to want me around, I'll understand," she stammered slightly. Taking a deep breath, she finally said, "I'm a slave..well an escaped one. My father sold me years ago. A common enough custom among my people. My Master recently died and his son, a very cruel man, became my Master. However, I managed to escape and I have been hiding from him since, with the help of Greenie of course. My father is a prominent Merchant back home and often had business dealings with Master Merchant Ast and Captain Helveti. They would surely recognize me should I be revealed and take me captive, only to return me to my Master's son or sell me again."
Martin (new):
Martin studies her face for a time as if weighing the matter, her courage in telling him was commendable. “How horrible for you Kata. Perhaps someday you will have the chance to put your father to the sword or better yet, lock a collar around his own neck. Well, we will be sure to keep you and Captain Helveti as apart as we can.”
Martin grins at her and takes her hand, wondering what pleasures she had been taught and if she would be willing to please him as she surely knew how to do. “Come Kata. Let us look at the stars before we retire for the night.”
Greenie tags along quietly, not making waves. He will try to keep Carol company, holding her hand, and chatting.
Garth ties his watchkeeping in with that of the party, if we are
setting up a seperate watch schedule other than that of the guards.
When he finally gets back to his blanket and rock-pillow, he casts his
mind over the days travel. Arms draped around Jana, and listening to
her deep breathing, Garth ginally drifts to sleep, to be plagued by
dreams of enormous Dog Headed men chasing him along a gorge, which is
getting ever more narrow. Finally Garth reaches the end of the gorge,
and turns, at bay. The dog headed men catch up, and as they muster for
the attack, they all shapeshift into....GARTH!!!
Garth sits bolt uprigh, and listens. Did he hear something...?
Arnora Fairhair Mar 30, 2007
Laying near a fire, Arnora's focus passes through the flames, to those
in the party who have somehow found their hearts binding together,
during the journey. Firelight reflects her eyes, which appear shades of
midnight at the moment, rather than hues of the calving glaciers and
the cerulean waters of Croy. She longs for the intimacy which she
cannot have, at least right now... she longs for peace and simplicity,
which wars with the battle-fire in her blood, generations of warriors
before her, and the ever present unwavering heart-pull to Wotan. Her
focus shifts to the flames themselves, the figures of her companions
fading to vague silhouette in the dark fringes.
Like Garth, the skjaldmeyjar too is restless in her sleep, in between
watch shifts, one hand clasping Wotan's likeness suspended about her
slender throat, one hand upon the hilt of her sword.
Greenie, out on the open trail, is feeling a bit lost and vulnerable. No walls to put his back to. No alleys to duck down. No roof to get under. No doors to shut between you and others when you need to be alone. He had felt all this before, when he and Garth had first met as caravan guards. It was exciting, but it was also unnerving. He took his turn on watch, of course. But it was still hard to sleep out here. He lay awake, hearing the strange sounds of the outdoors, one hand on his dagger. Eventually he did sleep, but not well.
Currently in hex 2020 west of Gaehill.
Currently in hex 2020 west of Gaehill.
> Garth sits bolt uprigh, and listens. Did he hear something...?
All is silence...
Then, somewhere a wolf howls. A big wolf, not far off. It's answered
by more howls.
> OOC: Whereabouts in the caravan is the group travelling along the
> road? Do we have plenty of guards ahead/behind to soak up an attack?
GM: Captain Helveti lets you tag along at the back of the caravan, or
at the front if you prefer (and want to help the guards deal with any
threats on the road), but not in the middle.
A couple of hours before dawn, a pack of huge dire wolves are spotted,
nosing around the camp. The caravan guards come on full alert, but
the pack don't attack the hundred-strong caravan (GM: again, this
would have got real messy if you were travelling alone...) and
eventually they fade back into the darkness to seek easier prey.
Day 12
You awaken next day to a cold, biting wind and scattered rain, whipped
across the barren crags of the Howling Hills. It reminds the Skandiks
a little of the north winds that often blast Croy, come down from the
icy glaciers of far-off Valon.
After breakfast the caravan breaks camp and continues its slow
westward progress across the brow of the Howling Hills.
GM: Let me know if you wish to go front or rear of the caravan.
Martin always tends to the front of the Caravan.
Greenie woke cold and damp, muttering under his breath as he tried to find someplace vaguely private to relieve himself, and change clothes.
SimonMar 30, 2007> Garth sits bolt uprigh, and listens. Did he hear something...?
All is silence...
Then, somewhere a wolf howls. A big wolf, not far off. It's answered
by more howls.
> OOC: Whereabouts in the caravan is the group travelling along the
> road? Do we have plenty of guards ahead/behind to soak up an attack?
GM: Captain Helveti lets you tag along at the back of the caravan, or
at the front if you prefer (and want to help the guards deal with any
threats on the road), but not in the middle.
A couple of hours before dawn, a pack of huge dire wolves are spotted,
nosing around the camp. The caravan guards come on full alert, but
the pack don't attack the hundred-strong caravan (GM: again, this
would have got real messy if you were travelling alone...) and
eventually they fade back into the darkness to seek easier prey.
Day 12
You awaken next day to a cold, biting wind and scattered rain, whipped
across the barren crags of the Howling Hills. It reminds the Skandiks
a little of the north winds that often blast Croy, come down from the
icy glaciers of far-off Valon.
After breakfast the caravan breaks camp and continues its slow
westward progress across the brow of the Howling Hills.
GM: Let me know if you wish to go front or rear of the caravan.
Martin always tends to the front of the Caravan.
Greenie woke cold and damp, muttering under his breath as he tried to find someplace vaguely private to relieve himself, and change clothes.
GM: Awarding XP now, Greenie has enough for 3rd (that's one productive
urination for the little chap!). >:)
I'll be kind & provisionally level him straight to 3rd in recognition
of his joining the Thieves' Guild. He should train when he gets the
Also, Iris levels to 2nd. She will need to locate a spell book or
trainer to get an additional known spell, but she is able to memorise
a spell in her new slot (cue wisecracks from Garth...) - Meranda let
me know which of your spells you want to memorise twice. Magic
Missile might be handy.
"Ahhh just like home!" Arnora smiled at Iris, her cheeks rouged from
the chill air and rain. She drew her wolfskin cloak about herself,
throwing the corner of it up over her right shoulder. "It brings all
the senses alive!"
Though her blood-pulse pounded like the beat of wardrums in her ears,
feeling the desire to travel with the warriors at the front of the
caravan, the young skjaldmeyjar felt it was wisest and safest for her
friend Iris and the Tharbrians to walk toward the rear of the caravan..
Arnora preferred to travel alongside Iris, for good company, and to be
certain she was safe. She inhaled deeply, the damp air, and now and
then cast a wary glance behind.
Arnora and Martin decide that the group should stick to the rear of
the caravan. Onwards they head, through wooded vales and over
treeless slopes.
That afternoon, the road is winding through a lightly wooded valley
when there's a commotion at the front of the caravan.
Helveti's voice can be heard, yelling:
"Crossbowmen! Fire!"
"Stand down!"
After a delay the caravan winds on again, past several days-old,
partially scavenger-eaten human corpses on the roadside, the wagons
detouring around the ten-foot-long, 8'-horned corpse of an enormous
giant stag beetle, now riddled with the crossbow bolts of Helveti's
mercenaries. It looks like the scavenger was feasting on the bodies
of an unfortunate group of travellers when disturbed by the caravan,
only to be struck down.
The rest of the day passes peacefully, and that evening the caravan
camps in the lee of a large crag.
Day 13
Shortly before dawn a large brown bear comes sniffing round the camp,
clearly looking for food. A couple of guards throw it scraps, which
it wolfs down. One of the serjeants yells at them not to encourage
it. Eventually it wanders off.
The road is now winding down out of the western edge of the hills,
into scattered woodland.
That afternoon, there's a sudden barking from the several guard-dogs
accompanying the caravan. The cry goes up from the front:
"Weres! Ready the silver bolts!"
Guards rush forward, cross-bows ready. There's firing, and screams
of pain.
After a moment:
"All clear! One of the buggers got away!"
Once more the caravan resumes its onward progress, and the party at
the rear pass by several guardsmen pulling out their silvered
crossbow quarrels from the corpses of five raggedy-dressed, feral
looking men and women.
It looks like accompanying a caravan does indeed make things go a lot
That evening, the caravan emerges out onto open plains, dotted with
scattered copses of trees, and here and there signs of ancient
habitation, ruins now fallen and overgrown with trees and vines. As
the sun sets, the caravan makes camp near a small stream that runs
west towards Council Lake.
Jana comments to Garth:
"This must be the Swarthlad Plain. According to our legends, a great
civilisation once ruled here, the Empire of Kelnore. But it fell
ages ago, now just those ruins are left..."
Meanwhile, Durbin Crazholt the guardsman comments to Martin Coski:
"Should be at Bulwark town around noon tomorrow. It'll be good to
get my feet under a tavern table again! And the halflings there grow
some fine pipe-weed, dirt cheap there, too!"
Martin spent many hours in his friend's company reestablished an old friendship and making new friends with Durbin's own fellows. He did his utmost to participate with the defense of the caravan and puling his own weight. When setting camp these nights he also inserted himself into the guards sparing matches and bow practice a much as he could, trying to retain the skills he had and add to those skills that were lacking.
"Pipe-weed, you say. It has been a time. I think I will allow myself to drops some coin for a new pipe and some of this fine weed." Martin stops adjusting his arrows in their quiver and slings it across his back, looking to the great expanse before them, "It is beautiful Craz. I've never been this far and I'm indeed grateful for the protection of the caravan. I knew the way was dangerous but our small party would have fallen before getting this far."
When they make camp, Iris studies her spellbook,a nd memorizes two slots of magic missile. Then, as is her routine, she journals for a bit, prays and gets her sleep.
Greenie will make sure his sling is always handy. As they walk along he will occasionally juggle small items (substitute for practicing manual dexterity related thiefly skills, if you'll allow it). When they are stopped for one reason or another, he will sometimes find a tree to climb, and look around from up high for a few minutes. (Climbing, hiding, listening). If some of the others will allow, he will occasionally spar with them, becoming more familiar and adept with his rapier, or with a dagger. He will also find time to practice with sling and hurled dagger, using a tree or other suitable item as a target. If Carol or any of the slave girls want he will try to teach them the basics of sling use, or dagger use. (trying to find as many ways as possible to practice skills for his new level)
Wotan would be pleased, Arnora believes, in an individual's wise
preparation for arms and battle. Seeing Greenie sparring with the air
one day, she offered her services as sparring partner whenever the
young thief needed practice.
Katalyna keeps to the fringes of all activity, keeping herself as "invisible" as possible in a caravan. She only speaks in soft whispers to the party, but never talks or socializes with any of the caravan members. At night she removes her ink and parchment, writing down the days events..thinking it would make quite a tale for entertainment.
As Martin heads over to talk to his friend, Katalyna moves back a bit from the fire in order to conceal her face more. She would welcome the day they could separate from the caravan and the constant dread that gripped her heart.
During the rest breaks, Garth volunteers to be a practice dummy,
standing in a variety of poses, with his purse secreted in a variety of
places, so that Greenie can practise trying to lift the purse from him
without him knowing.
Ways and means....
Garth remains alert whilst they are moving to ensure that largely, the
little group to which he belongs is safe, whilst not being so attached
to the fate of the caravan. The guards can well afford to take the
heat, with the sums they are collecting and the number of them
OOC: I notice everyone is getting increasingly paranoid, waiting for
the something which we all suspect is about to happen, to actually
happen! I could tell you SOOO many stories about the classic game of
Paranoia with Simon as GM, it would make your hair turn grey...
After a night on the plains, the caravan rolls on.
Day 14
After a few hours the mighty stones of Bulwark Castle become visible
in the distance a few miles off, as the road heads through rolling
fields of Pipe-weed tended by industrious hobbits.
Shortly after noon the caravan draws up on a green in the centre of
Bulwark town, a mostly Halfling settlement of some 1200 souls with
the castle just to the north of town. Most of the settlements are
round-doored Halfling burrows built into the sides of hillocks, but
there are also a good number of human-style buildings in the centre
of town, including a large inn. As the caravan pitches camp the
halflings are already clustering round, offering pipeweed for sale to
the caravan merchants and guards.
Bulwark Inn
The Inn turns out to be roomy and pleasant. The group book rooms for
the night and more rations for the rest of the trip (48 sp total,
I'll divide evenly amongst the PCs with money). The Inn is busy,
with all the caravan members in town, but the locals seem somewhat
That evening, the party are gathered round a large trestle table with
Durbin Crazholt and a few of the other guards. Durbin comments to
Martin Coski over a foaming mug of good ale:
"Hmm, the hobbits ain't as lively as I remember last time we were
through. Dunno what's wrong with the wee blighters... Maybe a bad
batch of pipeweed, heh."
Meanwhile, Garth's girl Jana has slipped out of the ale hall to use
the outhouse at the rear of the Inn.
Suddenly, Greenie's keen ears pick up a faint sound, carried on the
night air. Sounds like a woman's scream, from the rear of the Inn -
(tag PCs. Yeah Irv, you were right as usual...) >:)
OOC: I just know this is going to be Captain Helvetti or somesuch high
ranking member of the caravan, and will by association either get the
entire caravan on our case OR get us thrown out of same, just in time
to find out that the entire Halfling settlement has been taken over by
some 2000 year old blood sucking, mind controlling, zombie vampire god,
who orders the entire settlement against our party just after the
caravan leaves. Or maybe they've got a tarrasque in a cave or
something. You get the drift. Sorry fellow PCs!
OOC: was about to post an IC comment here, and realised it was Greenie
who heard the scream - and ergo not Garth, which means he cant randomly
pull his shield and sword and run out the rear of the inn, just in case
something is going on...? Damn still not used to PBEM rules...I know
its happened but my PC doesnt...DAMMIT!
GM OOC: Yeah - Greenie has Hear Noise as a special Rogue ability,
otherwise no one would have heard the scream.
Apr 1, 2007
Greenie's head snaps up, his eyes big. He looks toward the back door, the direction Jana had gone. He quickly hops up from the bench, hand on his sword. "Heard a scream..." He heads that way, hoping to be of aid to Jana, or whoever...
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