Epicaste of King Agamemnos’ Golden Falcons, Weaponmaster
of Lady Vex
Ftr-5 (Champion) PB+3 CR 3
AC 20 (16 armour +2 DEX +2 shield)
Init +3
HD 5 (d10+3) HP 47
ST 14 (+2) DE 17 (+3) CO 16 (+3) IN 14 (+2) WI 10 (+0) CH 13 (+1)
E: +1 Thracian bronze half-plate, bronze shortsword (finesse), shield, bronze dagger
Ftr-5 (Champion) PB+3 CR 3
AC 20 (16 armour +2 DEX +2 shield)
Init +3
HD 5 (d10+3) HP 47
ST 14 (+2) DE 17 (+3) CO 16 (+3) IN 14 (+2) WI 10 (+0) CH 13 (+1)
E: +1 Thracian bronze half-plate, bronze shortsword (finesse), shield, bronze dagger
Duelist +2 damage 1hw, crit
19-20. Action Surge 1/SR. Second Wind d10+5 1/SR
2 attacks per attack action - either sword or disarm at +5 or trip (athletics) at +4
Short sword ATT +5 dam 1d6+5 x2
2 attacks per attack action - either sword or disarm at +5 or trip (athletics) at +4
Short sword ATT +5 dam 1d6+5 x2
Vuthrik, the Last Deathwalker, warrior of Lady Vex
Ftr-5 (Champion) PB +3 CR 2
AC 19 (15 half plate, +2 DEX +2 shield)
Init +2
HD 5 (d10) HP 34
ST16 (+3) DE 15 (+2) CO 10 (+0) IN 12 (+1) WI 6 (-2) CH 8 (-1)
E: Warspear or Sword, Lizardman spiked shield
Ftr-5 (Champion) PB +3 CR 2
AC 19 (15 half plate, +2 DEX +2 shield)
Init +2
HD 5 (d10) HP 34
ST16 (+3) DE 15 (+2) CO 10 (+0) IN 12 (+1) WI 6 (-2) CH 8 (-1)
E: Warspear or Sword, Lizardman spiked shield
Duelist +2 damage 1hw, Crit
19-20. Action Surge 1/SR. Second Wind d10+5 1/SR
2 attacks per attack action
War Spear or Sword, ATT +6 dam 1d8+5 x2
2 attacks per attack action
War Spear or Sword, ATT +6 dam 1d8+5 x2
Ghinoran Elite Warrior
This stat block represents typical members of a Ghinoran nobles' warband, and similar professional warriors. They are well-equipped and highly trained.
This stat block represents typical members of a Ghinoran nobles' warband, and similar professional warriors. They are well-equipped and highly trained.
PB+2 CR 1/2
AC 17 (breastplate, shield)
Hit Points 18 (HD d10+1)
Speed 30 ft.
STR 14 (+2) DEX 12 (+1) CON 13 (+1) INT 9 (-1) WIS 10 (+0) CHA 11 (+0)
Skills Perception +2
Senses passive Perception 12
Duelist: +2 damage one-handed weapon. Action Surge 1/SR. Second Wind d10+2 1/SR
AC 17 (breastplate, shield)
Hit Points 18 (HD d10+1)
Speed 30 ft.
STR 14 (+2) DEX 12 (+1) CON 13 (+1) INT 9 (-1) WIS 10 (+0) CHA 11 (+0)
Skills Perception +2
Senses passive Perception 12
Duelist: +2 damage one-handed weapon. Action Surge 1/SR. Second Wind d10+2 1/SR
Spear (1-h reach 10') or Sword (reach 5'). Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to
hit, reach 10 ft or 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.
Smon: The woman is very shapely and beautiful beneath her helm.
Smon: Hakeem pulls the bodies into the hall while the others watch curiously.
Smon: The man lies unmoving.
chris107: "Ajax, do you have some minor magic that can heat the air? Not one of your fireballs!"
Smon: Suddenly the woman coughs, blinks!
Smon: "eww... uh..." she says.
chris107: "Are you okay?"
chris107: "My name is Hakeem, these are my friends."
Smon: Ajax: "Just wall of fire and fireball..."
Smon: "Danaus?" she says.
chris107: He offers her a flask of water.
chris107: "This fellow?" he gestures
Smon: "Thanks friend!" She raises her helm, revealing glossy black hair, and eagerly takes the water.
Smon: OOC she's the spitting image of Wonder Woman.
Smon: "Yes..."
chris107: hehe
chris107: Linda carter?
Smon: Danaus isn't moving. His eyes are open. The woman reaches over and checks him.
Smon: "Dead..." she sighs.
chris107: "I am sorry. Your husband?"
Smon: hm, url too long
chris107: H quickly explains the situation.
Smon: Yeah Linda Carter is good.
chris107: "By your equipment you have been here some time."
Smon: https://www.flickeringmyth.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/lynda-carter-wonder-woman.jpg
chris107: "What were you doing here in Thracia?"
Smon: "Time? I am Epicaste of the Golden Falcons. He is - was - Danaus, my comrade in many adventures."
Smon: "Did King Agamemnos send you?"
Smon: Her speech is very archaic Ghinarian.
chris107: "I have never heard of this King. Doctor P?
Smon: Piercemuller shivers slightly in the cold air coming through the archway.
Smon: "Sounds Ghinarian - an ancient Thracian king, perhaps? Records are sparse from that era."
chris107: He offers her the wolf furs that covered poor dead Danaus.
chris107: "Do you know what is through that archway Epicaste?"
Smon: Epicaste gets stiffly to her feet, hand on sword hilt. "I don't like the sound of this... We were sent down to investigate rumours of a Beastman uprising - through the trapdoor... into that chamber. But there was a door, red eyes, it froze us...."
chris107: "It is gone now."
Smon: "Yes, the corridor ends with a trapdoor above, we rapelled down."
DESTROYERBILL: https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&ved=0ahUKEwj81eKiltbUAhUFvxQKHZeND0cQjRwIBw&url=https://www.intothejungle.org/how-do-you-get-rid-of-a-dead-body-after-a-catastrophe/&psig=AFQjCNFC3tWCBWIFHabDlB71wes5sNMJPg&ust=1498383104239771
chris107: Won't link Bill
Smon: OOC the notes for Epicaste say that her magical armour is unsuitable for males due to the large D-cups.
chris107: hehe
chris107: (So through the arch is a corridor with a trap door above?)
Smon: (yes)
Smon: D is a bra size Bill
chris107: "Let's get out of the cold and rest. Does your comrade have any equipment that may pove helpful?"
Smon: She checks Danaus - his sword is still frozen in its scabbard.
chris107: "We can lay him to rest properly once our quest is over."
Smon: She shakes her head. "I have the same gear - plus my enchanted armour..." she smiles slightly.
Smon: The armour does show a lot of cleavage.
chris107: "Would you care to join us or seek saftey above?"
Smon: "It is enchanted to protect better than bronze, but is light as cloth."
Smon: "What's the situation? The Beastmen?"
Smon: She looks you all over.
chris107: "Most deead, though some remain. There is a greater threat..."
Smon: "You're a Dragonborn?"
Smon: She nods. "Our ancestors fought alongside yours against the Orichalan Dragon Lords - the Doomfire Empire..."
Smon: She looks Hakeem over. "You look like the statue of Bondor at Nippuri!"
chris107: "It is against one of these Lords that we battle now..."
Smon: "But Bondor died a thousand years ago..."
chris107: "Thanks."
chris107: "Bondorr lives."
Smon: Rosa: "Epicaste, your city - Thracia - fell a thousand years ago. More. The Nerath Empire rose and fell while you slept."
Smon: OOC need to finish off soon.
chris107: OOC, sure, a good session
Smon: Epicaste looks stunned, trying to process this.
Smon: "We - we... I thought I found a secret door in there, right before we collapsed..." She gestures into the frozen room.
Smon: "...King Agamemnos is gone?"
Smon: Rosa: "Well, I expect so." she shrugs and smiles.
chris107: "Then let us warm up, rest then investigate it?"
chris107: (Rest back in skele room?)
Smon: Epicaste nods. "As you will. I do need time to warm up..."
Smon: Rosa: "Welcome to the gang, Epicaste!"
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